Let's jump.
Cover me.
I got you.
Come on!
They lack strength, Charles.
Come here.
Stay here.
They can't stop him.
Help me!
It's over, Charles. You're finished.
You're mine now.
You will never win.
And why is that?
Because you are alone.
And I am not!
For more infomation >> X-Men vs Apocalypse - Fight Scene | X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) IMAX Movie CLIP HD 4K - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
جواهر مجانية _ Free Fire _ PUBG _ ROS _ شرح WHAFF - Duration: 3:55.
Miền Trung Ơi Sao Mà thương - Mai Đình Phương (Đêm Nhạc Lê Đình Phương) - Duration: 6:18.
Mark Wahlberg & Lauren Cohan on 'Mile 22' | CinemaCon | MTV News - Duration: 2:45.
(upbeat, rock music)
- [Josh] Let's talk about you and Mr. Berg.
You guys have gone to some extreme lengths.
Where does this one stack up in the
intensity meter of Berg/Wahlberg collaborations?
- [Mark] I'd say it's probably the most intense
movie that we've made, but it's also
the most liberating, creative experience
that we've had because we didn't have
the pressure of telling a true story.
With Lone Survivor, Deep Water Horizon,
and Patriot's Day, I mean, just a daunting
task everyday, and we welcomed that.
So with this, we had a little license
to be creative, and crazy, and try things.
What we also wanted to accomplish was making...
Everybody keeps talking about Bourne
or John Wick, I always thought
about Tommy Lee Jones in the Fugitive.
I wanted a very vocal, unapologetic character.
Who was not afraid to speak.
I like the brooding, anti-hero.
- I've noticed that.
- Somebody who's a little vocal.
Because originally, this guy, was the bad guy in the movie.
There were many different versions of this story.
And Jimmy Silva, in the beginning,
was three weeks of work, and you know,
he was the guy who was kind of driving
the story, but he was the bad guy.
And now, we said, no.
Let's make the bad guy...
The great guy. - Yeah.
- And let's go and have some fun.
- [Lauren] We're all these, sort of,
slightly unhinged, multi-lingual,
people with anger issues and fight skills.
So, that's nice.
- That's a recipe for a happy scenario, right?
You said it very well, because you think
of these kind of scale of movies.
- Let me clarify, characters.
- Right, yeah, whatever.
- Really?
- But, you know, you think of this kind
of scale of action, and you know,
Pete is such a fluid director.
He's somebody that really wants
that spontaneity, and you know,
bring a naturalness to that scale of action.
And that's something that very
few people, even have the ability to do.
- Yeah, especially with the action.
And that's such a good point.
You know, even learning fight sequences
and choreographing things, there's always
this edge of character you've got to bring
to things, that made me just forget that
I was in an action movie, it just
felt like another expression of...
Which I think is what a good action movie is.
But, I haven't done that many, so this was
just like, you know, it's very hard to go
and do something else, that's an action movie
after experiencing this, because this
was very, very real, very visceral.
(upbeat, pop music)
*NEW* PROMOCODE GIVES 1M+ FREE ROBUX 2018!! [IOS/PC] - Duration: 3:02.
Pastebin Link in description!
Social Media Marketing Tips 5 Reasons Why Social Media Marketing Is Important For Your Business - Duration: 4:19.
five reasons your online business needs social media
marketing online continues to evolve and grow
and these days social media takes a front seat in most online
marketing strategies as it supports the growth of business
hi Jason from warrior marketers here and in this video you're going to learn
five great reasons why your online business needs social media
look I know how difficult online
marketing can be if not done right I've been there
social media is undoubtedly
powerful tool and the reasons to use social platforms to engage and reach
customers are plentiful but here are five of the main ones
okay without further ado let's talk about five reasons your online business needs
social media
reason number one Reach
why do social media managers spend
countless hours planning posting testing and perfecting their social presence online
well did you know that there are 3 billion active Internet users
and 2.1 billion of them have social media accounts
YouTube has more than 1 billion users
each and every day when visitors view hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube
that generate millions of views
Facebook has nearly 1.4 billion users
that's forty-seven percent of all Internet users
936 million Facebook users log in at least once daily
twitter has 316 million monthly active users and
that's 500 million tweets each day
Google+ has 363 million users that hit
the +1 button 5 billion times a day
and Pinterest has 100 million users
eighty-five percent of which are women and 47 percent of Pinterest users
purchase a product based on pins
impressed yet these stats are just one
reason to use social media to market your business that really illustrate the
reach that social media can have on your business
reason number two building relationships
social media allows you to reach people at a more personal level
many social media marketing experts will
explain that social media is about relationship building
when you connect with people and they connect with you they are more likely to follow your
brand and all that it has to offer
reason number three show off your best content
social media allows you to show off your best content and highlight all your brand has to offer
tailoring your campaign through social media
allows you to meet many objectives including building brand reputation
customer engagement and sharing valuable information to build trust
reason number four steady and reliable traffic
who isn't sick of fighting for organic traffic
when Google keeps changing their algorithms
social media can bring a steady long-term reliable and ongoing stream of traffic to your sites and blogs
without haven't worried that some entity will come along and wipe you out
and finally reason number five control
one of the greatest benefits of social media
is that you have full control of what is presented about your company brand and website to your target audience
you can tailor your marketing plan to meet some specific goals and not leave anything to chance
and like anything to do with marketing track the numbers
bottom line there is no better time than now to take advantage of all social media has to offer
if you have an online business and you do not have a social media presence
then you are doing your business at disservice it's as simple as that
okay I hope you found this video useful
please like and leave a comment about which reason is your favorite and how
you use social media in your business and don't forget to subscribe to my
channel for more videos helping you to grow your online business and wherever
you are in the world have a great day
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undercut buzzed nape women - Barbershop Women - Duration: 9:13.
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Hope you have a great time
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Independence business owner frustrated by flooding intersection no one wants to fix - Duration: 1:33.
Independence business owner frustrated by flooding intersection no one wants to fix
-- FOX4 got an inside look at the damage Friday morning's heavy rains caused one Independence
Fairmount Liquors was flooded at Highway 24 and Northern Boulevard, along with a car wash
and cars in the parking lot of Best Buy Car Co.
The car dealership is in Sugar Creek.
The businesses across Highway 24 are in Independence.
But neither city says the flooding that has plagued the intersection the past few years
is their issue, nor does MoDOT.
All blame a broken culvert at the car dealership.
Attorneys for that business contest those claims.
Fairmount Liquor Store owner Thelma Jordan said the flooding keeps getting worse.
The front of her store was a muddy mess with soggy cigarettes and filthy liquor bottles
all over the floor.
And the back room, which sits a little lower, was still covered in several feet of water
with what she estimates as $200,000 worth of ruined merchandise.
"The insurance has never covered it.
It's a total loss to me.
The sad thing about it is it doesn't have to be.
I've been here 20 some years, never had a problem until the culvert broke," Jordan
VÌ BẠN XỨNG ĐÁNG ➤ Quyền Linh, Ca sĩ Nhã Thanh (Thần tượng Bolero 2018) - Duration: 40:55.
Uomini e donne,la scelta di Sara: il bacio dell'addio finale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.
مقالب صينية مضحكة حتى الموت 2018 - ضحك بلا حدود اقوى المقالب والمواقف المضحكة P4 - Duration: 11:07.
Making of: Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 5:23.
《結愛》賀蘭求婚了,一個場景證明他愛上的不是慧顏,而是關皮皮 - Duration: 4:45.
Grande Fratello 2018, la confessione a luci rosse: ecco cos'è successo di notte | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.
Видео для детей с игрушками Щенячий патруль. Фиксики – Быть строителем. Новые мультики 2018 - Duration: 5:14.
Grande Fratello 15, perdite economiche, addii e polemiche contro la D'Urso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:53.
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5 Qeemti Batain Or Naseetain Par khubsurat Bayan
Lorenzo D'Angelo, pugile boxe Voghera morto in un incidente stradale nella notte tra venerdì e sabat - Duration: 1:25.
ALESSANDRIA – Lorenzo D'Angelo, 28 anni, di Tortona (Alessandria), pugile dilettante della Boxe Voghera, è morto all'alba di sabato 26 maggio in un incidente stradale [blitz clicca qui – Oggi, App on Google Play] avvenuto sulla provinciale 99, schiantandosi contro un palo della luce
D'Angelo proveniva da Rivanazzano e viaggiava in direzione Tortona quando la sua auto, dopo una curva, è uscita di strada finendo contro il palo in cemento, abbattendolo, e finendo nel campo adiacente
Sul posto dell'incidente, in territorio comunale di Castellar Guidobono, tra Casalnoceto e Viguzzolo, sono intervenuti polizia stradale, carabinieri e agenti della polizia locale dell'Unione Basso Grue Curone
Nulla da fare per D'Angelo. Il 28enne tortonese era molto noto in zona per la sua passione per i motori e per la sua attività sportiva agonistica: praticava kick boxing e boxe e proprio nel pugilato, tre settimane fa, ha sostenuto il suo ultimo match con la canotta della Boxe Voghera
Lorenzo D'Angelo lascia i genitori e una sorella più piccola.
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