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VideoCast #17: How to Resist Demonic Spirits - Duration: 31:09.
This is Deliverance .Ministry.FM Videocast, episode 17,
again everyone and welcome to this brand new episode of Deliverance Ministry.FM where we
give you proven insights about the demonic realm and deliverance ministry and even in
the realm of Christian counseling so you can wage spiritual warfare more effectively. This
Dr Don Ibbitson and I'm very happy again to be here with my cohost, Dr Phyllis Tarbox.
And um, today phyllis, we're going to look at a part of a series that we've been doing
here about spiritual warfare and it's on this whole biblical directive to resist demonic
spirits. What does it mean and how do you do it? So how are you doing? How are you doing
today? I'm good. I'm good. I'm just sitting here, gets tore up by some red ants on the
weekends, my arms a little bit sore, but where we're pressing ahead with that, we're going
to do these podcasts. Nobody can see us. That's right. So, but yeah, we're. This is a, like
I say, it's part of a, I think a very important topic and we've, I hope we've got some good
things to share with you is about what we've seen, how we teach people on the realm of
resisting spirits
and before we get into it and I just want to spend a couple of minutes just to reiterate
some things. If you even listen to these podcasts that you've probably heard them before. Um,
we do have these on itunes. We appreciate your feedback and comments and suggestions.
In fact, even some of the topics we'll be doing coming up in the weeks ahead or are
based on the feedback phyllis, that we get from our listener so people have come back
with some suggestions is and as we have enough material and good material will be doing them.
So please keep those. Um, please hold comments and suggestions coming in. We'll talk briefly
at the end about an opportunity where you can get a free downloadable copy of our deliverance
ministry. Plain and simple. It's a manual that we have at the store that a, you have
the ministry, our approach to deliver in some different deliverance topics and we'll give,
we'd like to present those to you, those of you who leave us some feedback and I wanted
to mention a brand new program that we're rolling out here eminently I want to say,
and that is that our a and b academy.com website, new that the educational side of we're going
to have a brand new.
I'm a free members only access to basically all of our resources. I mean we do floor.
Yeah, it's exciting saying we have a gentleman that pushing social who does a lot of work
for us and uh, of course we at our store, we have a counseling degree, programs and
deliverance ministry training. But you know, even these podcasts, we've a lot of articles
and blogs and podcasts on slide share. So we're going to centralize those warm place,
make it easier for people to get to. You'll give us your email address, you'd be added
to our email subscription list, but you'll have free copy, hopefully catalog, easy to
find the videos and all the handler of resources for he is good. We're going to continue to
build that up. So, um, that, that's, that'll be our academy.website and certainly shouldn't
be able to get to it from the counseling website as well.
So with that, let's start to move into the topic and we have been doing this series,
as I mentioned at the outset on a certain elements of spiritual warfare we talked about
and one of them, the discerning of spirits and that wasn't covered in episode 13 and
once again on our website or you can look and I choose to see the whole grouping of
episodes we've turned up, but we talked about that one in some depth in episode 13. In episode
eight, we talked about the Matthew Sixteen, 19 scripture about binding and Lucy, that's
one of the directors. It's combined experience. And of course the driving out of spirits is,
um, that's deliverance ministry obviously. And we've spent some topics in a fair bit
on that. That's one of the signs to follow believers. Clearly that was in mark 16, 17
on. So we've been doing episodes on that. And even episode four, we back, uh, we turned
out and basically in July of Twenty 15 we, we talked about deliverance ministry one on
one, some basics about deliverance ministry. So we're continuing that theme. And in the
realm of, of, of, you know, various aspects of spiritual warfare. Today we're going to
talk about deliverance ministry. I'm sorry. We're going to talk about how to resist spirit.
So before we get into that, so it was what does it mean to resist spirits and where do
we see that in scripture?
I think our foundational scripture for that, don is in James Four seven, and that of course
says, submit to God, resist the devil,
and he will flee. It does. It's a two prong thing. Submit to God. Resist the devil. We,
we expand that. And I know it says in there that we use the term devils because obviously
if you listening to this for awhile, we understand that people have the mindset where we're battling
Satan and we see Satan, or Lucifer is kind of the, um, the leader of the overseer of
the demonic realm. But he's, he, he oversees many. And I'm like, God, of course, scenes,
not everywhere, not omniscient, not I'm going to present finite angel. Angel Angels by definition
are finding and so's Lucifer, but there is a demonic kingdom. So we expand that to say,
well, you know, it's not a stretch to say, yes, we want to submit to God, but we want
to use the power and authority that God has given us over the devil and the demonic realm.
So it commands us to say we need to resist the devil. So that's what we're going to focus
on me. But before, I mean, if you just think about it in order to resist demons, um, what
is it you've got to do first?
Well, I know, I know. Yeah. You made a good point in here too, that it says not. It's
not yelling and screaming either, let's get that out there because you know, if I have
a lot of people that have come in that think resisting is saying in the name of Jesus Christ,
resisting them is really not coming into agreement with a lot of that and not letting your flesh
walk with those sort of things. Um, but you've got to understand what you're fighting to
because you can't fight what you can't see. And I think that's some of the strategy that
we want to roll out here today and getting mad and they're going on a tirade
against the demonic. It might make people feel better for a season, but it's really
not effective. And I think the whole idea of if we need to resist spirits before you
cannot fight what you cannot see.
I think we probably used this analogy maybe certainly in other articles but, and probably
in some of these podcasts at different times, but we use the analogy of a blind box. I mean,
yeah, I think it is. And nowadays courses just mixed martial arts and these different
things. It's different things and just boxing. But the idea is you on the day, you could
take the best boxer in the world and you put them in a ring against somebody and he's Weinfeld,
he's going to get his lights punched out because he can't see. And so that's important. And
it's the same with talking about these demonic realm. You need to be able to discern the
spirits. So that leads us into, once again, something we've talked about, discerning the
spirits about that really starts in the mind that we take thoughts cap and that of course
we get from Second Corinthians 10, five with just casting down arguments and every high
thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing those thoughts into captivity
to the obedience of Christ.
Daily life. We're bombarded with a lot of distractions and it's sometimes it makes it
difficult to focus on those godly thoughts. So, you know, we always say we'll probably
take authority over it and start thinking about what you're thinking about that. It's
such a powerful. Yeah, because you just got to sit back and really, you know, pay attention
to how your thoughts are traveling. I'm a deep thinker so I can get a thought and then
all of a sudden my mind will start going and thinking and deep thinking it and then I can
travel up and that may not be a good thing and I'll just give you an example about something
that happened to me with that. So one day I was going to go home and I was going to
listen to the listen to the radio play. The game game was scheduled for 1:00 on the radio.
So I turned on in our part of the town and country and western station. And guess what?
They had changed when the bucs game was going to play. It wasn't until 4:00 that night.
So here I am listening to Garth Brooks. I've got friends in low places. Wow. Listen to
that. But I gotta say it was one of the big battle cries and back in the day when I was
probably in those places. OK. So all of a sudden I start to think about, wow, I remember
when that song was popular and I remember what I would look like and I remember what
I was doing. Oh, I was younger, I was thinner, I was prettier. Then all of a sudden I start
going on this long, deep thought and now I'm older and I don't look like that. And I started
to get kind of sad and then I realized, oh no, nope.
I have to take these thoughts captive. I am not coming into agree with old stuff, old
person, and allowing the enemy to start taking me down the wrong place. So I had to stop
immediately. I recognized it and once it got a little too far and I just covered my mind
with the blood of Jesus Christ and I take those thoughts captive. Now lots of times
I'll speak that out loud, just as an authoritative stance to the devils because we're dealing
with Satan. He's the prince of the power the airwaves. And so are all of his devils. Right?
So I did speak it out loud and then I shifted my thoughts and and focused on something different
and that is really the best way I can describe it is how to take those thoughts captive is
not to come into agreement.
How long did it take you to do that? Only a few seconds. So I got to say because some
people, I mean I can go for days I'm, or even an hour or sometimes it seems like our people
can go a long time, right? If we don't take those thoughts captive, our brains rattler
things rattle around there and we can, we can really get caught up in that. Well thankfully
for me that moment was pretty definitive. You know, I wasn't going to be like depressed
because I was old. I've made a stance on that. Sixty is going to be.
Well, let's. Yeah, I mean I think the whole thing like what it was, if you look at that
and it happens that what you listened to was a song, OK, you're just driving on it stimulated
and the devil's can work that that's the thing to keep in mind. You know, there's no, everything's
random. Yesterday, you know, songs will come on. You notice the demons work to bring that
song on the radio. You would hear it. I don't think so. I don't think they're that good
thoughts can come from a lot of places and see things that we treasure, that we trigger
memories and the key is taking those thoughts capital, but we have a lot of memories that
we have in our mind.
I mean, you know, there's a lot of things that will trigger things that we're very.
We're very sight, smell, touch, feel, things that we've heard. Anything can trigger an
old memory and I think honestly that the enemy will capitalize on that. If he can get you
to focus on it and meditate on it, you know what you meditate on becomes a part of you.
So that's why that thinking about it and really halting it and shifting it to something godly
is really important. So take those thoughts captive. Don't let the enemy play you with
those thoughts and white, but he can. He can eventually warm away in. Like if I have sat
around feeling sorry for myself for a long period of time, I got sad and then we would
have had a little bit more to deal with, but that you take it forward.
Sometimes we are sitting by ourselves, there's nobody around and these thoughts do come on.
Monochrome is able to do that. It's not always something. It gets tricky sometimes. It just
happened. So. So the first thing is it's starts with taking those thoughts captive. One second
to think about what you're thinking about in a proactive thing that we need to do. So
the second part of it, don't having to take those thoughts captive or do we need to. Do
we need to,
we need to replace them with better thoughts. I mean, you know, in the, in the Bible there's
a, there's a scripture and I'm are right now, but it just, it, it really describes how we
think and you know, it comes in with a thought or a desire or a meditation that actually
leads to an action. And some of these things are behavioral responses of this is what I
think, this is what I want and this is what I do. And you know, when I first woke up and
realized that a lot of my behavior or responses were not good ones, I started to be really,
really silenced and I would come home and I would ask the Lord, you know, what is it
that you want to show me? Like I could've really responded this way. This is the way
I would have loved to rolled with that.
Whatever that person said, this has been my immediate response. And I would sit there
and I would ask the Lord how to, how to change those responses, how to really take those
thoughts captive and come up with a better, better, better response. Because what I would
think about would be at the end of the day, what would be the consequences of my actions
had I done what my flesh wanted to do? Usually there's pretty good consequence with some
of that stuff, right? So I, I re, I replaced it. Now, one of the things I talk about all
the time is I'm in counseling, is that, you know, I've had some certain things where I've
had to replace those thoughts with godly thoughts and that's that Philippians four, a scripture
where you want to think about things that are good praiseworthy. Excellent, right? Well,
sometimes it takes a lot to shift like that.
And when I, when I think about a certain incidents where I actually got to press, you know, I
had a relationship, a ministry relationship that was broken and it stayed broken for a
while and I went into depression. Of course, the first thing I recognized back then, so
a while ago was I needed to go through deliverance. So I did. I had somebody pray for me, but
then after deliverance prayer, those thoughts of that person would come back that had a
big card file about that person, you know, but was very, very important relationship
to me, lots of memories. And so I asked the Lord, how am I going to do this? How am I
going to replace what I've been thinking about with sadness? And shift it to be something
good, I need help. I need a different perspective. And so what the Lord was faithful with me.
Then actually he really came and said, I want you to picture the most beautiful box you've
ever seen in your entire life. And I thought, oh, OK. And they said, collect all of your
memories, all of the good memories that you have of this person and put them in the box.
Well, I remember one of the memories about this person, we'd be sitting in a Bible study
and then for one random reason or another she would just fall out laughing on the floor
and pointing at me and you know, and, and, and everybody would laugh and you know, it
was a funny thought. And then another time we went to a tea room where I was drinking
tea and there was tapioca balls in the bottom of it, which I didn't know what they were.
I just, I really kinda threw me and also startled.
She fell out laughing. And so I just, I took all of these funny memories of her and put
them in this beautiful box. At the Holy Spirit had asked me to focus on and then the Lord
said to me, I'm going to hold this box on the shelf of my heart, and every time you
think of her, I want you to focus on the good memories. Things that are good, excellent
praise will you know. Lovely. So for 30 days, what I did was every time I thought about
her and I felt like the sadness would come, I would shift my thoughts and replace them
with godly thoughts that were good, that were fun. And honestly the word is true because
the word says you can be. You can renew your mind. You are not stuck with old thoughts
that are wired into your head. Because at the end of 30 days when I thought about her,
I started to laugh. I had joy. So your, you basically, when you think about this stuff,
you have to shift that. You have to think up positive. You know, you can continue to
think low. You can, can you think down those things in your mind are going to get bigger.
You can change what you're thinking about and it actually does rewire your mind. It
renews your mind to think and joyful, positive things, but to have to have, you know, a different
perspective. You have to really shift to the garden
perspective. Yes. Sometimes people want God to take away the thoughts of like, well, he's
not going to do that thoughts. You can't stop us from coming in. And it's like, OK, what
am I going to proactively choose to think about? And something, you know, you mentioned
very specific stories sometimes the way that I know that sometimes the demonic realm will
work with me is, is put these thoughts in or focusing on things in the past where they
don't have or what may lie her head or what's happening and the. That whole attitude of
thankfulness. I'll just sit down and say, well, what am I thankful for in this situation,
but where I am now? And having that list written down so you can just reflect on that. Get
your mind turned around and thinks about the positive things and some remind you of what
God has done in your life and the things that you're thankful for. So however you got to
get there, I think the bottom line is we've got to replace those ungodly thoughts, captured
them, and replace them with godly thoughts. Like I says in Philippians, true noble, right?
Pure, lovely, or admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these
and I have one more story to tell the stories on this sort of thing. So back in the day,
I took one of my friends through deliverance. OK? This is just a typical story about how
to shift, how to sift your thoughts and see, you know, she's a little pollyanna. She's
beautiful little petite thing that always got dressed up and look like a little doll,
but she could swear like a truck driver. OK? No, no negativity about truck drivers, but
you know, she could swear pretty hardcore like a sailor. OK? Anyway, when she opened
her mouth, we were all just like, we back up. We prayed for her for deliverance. You
know, that spirit of profanity left, but a few days after her deliverance, we were driving
down the road and somebody cut her off in traffic, which was a usual thing, and automatically
that older response that she had to being cut off in traffic just came Bolton forward
because it hadn't been changed.
Right. And she came forward and she started screaming at her window and then she pulled
off to the side of the road and she actually looked at me and she said, well, I guess you
didn't do your job. Good. Freak deliverance for. And I said, well, no, it laughed. I said,
I think I laughed. I said, she said, well, what was that? That was a habit that was a
behavioral response to something that happens to you that you just do. And she cleared out,
looked at me, and she said, well, what's the difference? And I said, you've never noticed
it before. So repentance at this point is going to be really key. So I just say that
to say that when you notice a certain response, that's a good thing when you, when you can
really recognize what you doing. So I would say pray that God shows you things that you
were doing right that are not not good, and then when you do, when you do recognize it
and you repent, then over a period of time you're going to really begin to take God's
thoughts instead and you'll be able to replace them.
So repentance is a very powerful thing. She would not swear now for any love or money
in the world because it became something that she could see, she could recognize, and then
she was able to break those. A lot of those thoughts.
I think it's a good point to remind everyone of how we view repentance. You know, people
have different views of your pants. What does that mean? Does that mean crying and blubbering
and asking God to forgive? And if you go and we're not Greek scholars here, we don't go
down this road too far. When I've looked at it enough, but basically the in the, in the,
in the Greek, the word repentance is basically turning in a direction towards God, repentance
or turning towards or turning back. So just acknowledging I don't want to do that work
helped me do that. Helped me take those thoughts captive. I come back and you might and you
need to do that for a season. You know, it's part of our teaching teacher believed that
it can take up to six weeks to develop new habits. People can be free from spirits, but
some of the things you just used to joke or forgive me, thank you for what we do better
next time and there's that element of just, you know, we caught walking out but habits.
But really that's, that's a, that's a good progression and saying is at some point the
same thing happens and you're not going to be cursing that person out. So
definitely would not do that today. It's a recognition of your actions I think is a big
thing. So pray, but you can see some of that and then and then ask God for his perspective
to start taking up new responses because you know your old habits are pretty much fired
into a part of your brain called the Basal Ganglia. That is your action center or when
this happens, this is what I do, and those are behaviors that have to be changed. It's
not always demons. A lot of it is just habit
and carrying on about doing some things in the natural. I mean, part of resisting teams
is once you discern and see the spirit, you know the memories are there and if there's
this spirit at work in and resisting that spirit, you know, telling him whatever. If
it's fear or depression or anger, trying to come back upon me to be able to resist that.
And some of the things we need to do also is to do some things in the natural. In other
words, Gosh, if there's some of the behaviors, things you need to change, it could be hard.
Things like avoiding old friends are staying away from certain places and we've got to
make wise choices. We can have a heart for God and I want to do the things of God, but
we, you know, got to put feet to our faith and that involves making some tough choices
to, and we've seen people, we, I know we both have people who cannot stay free who get free,
but they won't change their behavior, so stay away from places they won't stay away from
people. They don't know how. I won't set proper boundaries, any number of things. Once we
have the discernment, one of the ways to resist the demonic realm is we got to just walk it
out in the natural. And so, you know, I touched on it earlier, but I think had come, we want
to add that to the mix here, this whole realm about what do we do, what we believe in terms
of speaking out to demons or talking to humans in terms of resistance.
No, I think that's pretty powerfully written in the word. It said it. You know, Jesus turned
around and said to the devil when he was standing up on top of the mountain, it is written.
He turned right around and he pointed and he said, it is written, so he did speak to
Satan. It is written and so I know that we can speak out loud to these things. Scripture.
They don't like that. One of the. Oh yeah, because he can't read her mind or the airwaves,
so he's. Yeah. When you can pray quietly to the Holy Spirit, he's omnipotent, but like
we said earlier, Satan has a finite angel and the his demonic kingdom that it has power
in the airwaves, not authority. You have authority, but it has power. So when you speak out, oftentimes
I think one of the, one of the things that we were taught early in the day was Philippians
[inaudible] to eight to 10, excuse me, is one of the ones that works the best because
it says, it is written that the at the name of Jesus Christ, every knee should bow and
those in heaven and those on earth and those under the earth, and that every tongue should
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father.
While if you say that to a demon, every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ
is Lord, or you go in Jesus's name for it is written in Philippians two, 10. They're
not going to do that. They don't want, they're not going to confess, they're not going to
bow underneath him unless they absolutely, you know, absolutely are forced to. And so
they'll though they'll go because, and that there's power in authority in that word. Um,
one of the people that I sat under back in the day was Francis mcnutt when we were young,
and he would say, that's the scripture you want to use because that's the power. That's
the one that's got the really power they're going to go. They're never going to bow or
confess his name. Powerful scripture in Philippians two, eight. So absolutely speak out loud.
It is written. And then whatever scripture you have, it's going to help
Jesus. He was tempted three different times, desert after his baptism, but each time he
resisted Satan. Scriptures didn't quote the same scripture three times. He had the correct
scripture to turning stones into bread. And he talked about, um, you know, he was going
to jump off the Temple Mount because it said that her state misquoted scripture to him,
but Jesus quoted the scripture back to him in that account about, you know, not tempting
the Lord your God, so having the word inside of you that's important. So having some measure
and making that a diligent part of your growth in the Lord and getting the word inside of
you so you can speak it out, the word useful for lots of things, teaching, correcting course,
training in righteousness, but when it comes to spiritual warfare, we got to speak it out
as we speak in the delta, we can resist those devils. And so as you say, made me not a case
of occasions where you can sometimes you can't speak it out, but many times you can, you
know, whether it's fear or have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and
a sound, and you shoot those spirits away. You resist them. The, the, the, the description
that you have that can speak and minister to you that will resist these devils. Those
are the ones you want to come up with.
Now I know and you know, and devils can speak through people too. I just want to say that,
you know, they pay people to get used to torment you in different situations. I remember one
time I was, I was sitting in a place and I was eating a salad and there was someone in
the other room and they were harassing. They were. They actually were harassing me about
who Jesus was. They were picking on me for my faith and I and I was just ignoring it
and just eating and eating and then all of the sudden it just clicking to me. I just
took my finger and I pointed at that person and I said, it is written the only way to
the father is through the son. And literally that person arms went back behind their head,
like they were arrested or they had been shackled and chained and they sat there like hooked
to that chair just like that.
And then I went back to eating and I went, OK God, I know you're showing me the authority
and the power and the written word, but what do I do now with that person back there? How
do you, how do you let them go? And I, I felt like I could just say we wasted in the name
of Jesus. And I looked up a few minutes later, that person was still back, like change the
back like that. And then they just, when I released them, they just slumped down. Now
I'm going to say that has only happened to me one time, but I believe at the very onset
of my walk, the Lord really wanted me to know the power of the written word. So I never
forgot that because it was rather startling. But when you speak, it is written out into
the airwaves, whatever it is, you're going to see that
things shift. And I think you said that was initiated by the Lord. Yes. But some people,
yeah, I mean we've seen it where people will quote scripture grew up in somebody's face
antagonizes the demons in them, especially if they need deliverance. It cannot, you know,
confronting somebody and speak badly. So yeah, I mean the discernment there is a qualifier
there. Yes, absolutely. Exactly. In some. But having the word in you that you can speak
it out, that's important. And so those three things, discerning of spirits, taking the
thoughts captive, replacing, I haven't got any thoughts with golly thoughts and then
proper response, that's really important so that it starts. I mean, I guess I will say,
well how do I do it? Well, you just start to walk in and talk about before about believing
you have the gift of ask the Lord to show you in the spirit realm what's going on and
after that gift to function in your life and just, and just start walking it out.
Think about what you're thinking about. Capture the thoughts, take them captive. And you can
do that is it takes some discipline. It takes some training and it's easier to do. Certainly
if you not. If you don't need deliverance now, probably in the realm of excessive torments,
somebody you know, having you know excessive tournament before and you can resist the spirits,
you need to get them outright deliverance, first, mentors that are on in the inside of
you and they're harassing you from the inside out and you're not getting that victory and
you'll know it because you're going a couple of steps forward and then you're just falling
backwards and you know you're not making that progressive movement with the Lord from Glory
to glory and you're not moving in the direction that you want to move in and you're still
stuck in that place of a Rut.
I call it the Rut road. Like you just keep circling around that thought with those urate
thoughts. Well, that's the place where you know you're going to have to come. You know,
you probably need to find a deliverance ministry to get that, to break that cycle and to and
to break that stronghold of the pattern of your thinking. As you begin to think about
things like this, it's almost as if you know there's a whole army that just starts to swoop
in on your head and you feel like you're, you know, you can sense the bondage because
it's the same torment that comes in with those thoughts and that's when you know you really
need help. So deliverance is for today after you've delivered the might have the same thoughts
when the spirit going back to the tournament and then it's a matter of resisting them and
right doors closed, and that's a different battles experience when they're on the outside
is much different than trying to win the spiritual warfare battles when they're inside.
A distinction I think for my part is in terms of wanting to emphasize what you get out of
this today, you just take a step back and Aphasia is our struggle is not against flesh
and blood. We have the spiritual battle against these demonic spirits. And so knowing that,
understanding that, being able to discern that and knowing what to do in resisting these
spirits and it is extremely important. So it's a mindset thing. Say Lauren, I want to
see things through your mind and want to have the mind of Christ. Let me discern what's
going on in the spirit realm here and as you do and knowing the power and authority that
God has given us, then we can be effective in reducing these demonic spirits. What one
or two things you really want to emphasize here, Phillis, don't done. The good news is
that you're not hardwired with your old behavioral responses.
You know you can change them and you can resist the enemy so you can you complete from him,
and think of it this way. You have the number one lawyer and an unlimited bank account on
your side, God and the Treasury of Heaven is right there with you, so you have real
resources and you have authority to outwit and outwait the enemy. Every time on the other
side of the coin, the demonic kingdom is clearly on a budget. If they are not getting the usual
tournament that they get must get. They've got to move on. So you have. You've got the
big guns on your side, right? And you are destined to win. This war, that's good. Well,
I think, um, that's pretty much concludes what we wanted to get out in terms of topic
on, on being able to resist them on experience. We hope you found it helpful and beneficial.
As always, we'd love to hear from you. Our website and counseling.com forward slash deliverance
ministry. F M is, is Kinda the, the resting page if you like, for all of these podcast
or on Itunes, the ministry or the station is deliverance ministry dot FM. You can subscribe
there [inaudible] well, we hope you'll leave a review for us on itunes because quite frankly,
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so there is instructions on our website on how to leave a review for us and if you'll
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you can sign up for and you'll get access to those, of course are or a periodic emails
that we send out. You can sign up for those as well. So once again, in conclusion, thank
you for listening to this. We hope you found it helpful and beneficial and stay tuned for
Most MYSTERIOUS Discoveries In The Sahara Desert! - Duration: 10:36.
From megalithic monuments older than Stonehenge, to strange natural formations, here are 7
secrets of the Sahara Desert!
Desert Cones The thing about secrets is that once they're
uncovered, they're not a secret anymore.
But, near El Gouna, Egypt, in the sands that surround the area, there is a "secret" that
keeps getting rediscovered.
You see, in 2014, people used Google Maps to look at the Sahara Desert and its surrounding
areas and noticed some odd cone shaped markings in the sand.
As they zoomed out, they noticed a massive pattern that was too precise to be random.
The "cones" were actually forming a spiral pattern.
But what was even more surprising was the size, it was 100 feet in diameter in the center,
and the area that contained the spiral was a million square feet.
So what was it??
Of course everyone was speculating it was the remains of a newly discovered civilization
or ancient aliens.
Well, ironically, it was a human who did this.
You see, this pattern was actually an art piece done in 1997.
It's called "Desert Breath", and was made under the watchful eye of Danae Stratou.
It apparently took years to make, which given the desert setting I can believe.
Ironically though, people keep forgetting about it, which is why when it was "rediscovered"
in 2014 it caused a stir.
Hopefully people will remember it this time, but if not, it's not the worst thing in the
The Nabta Stones When it comes to building things that are
theoretically impossible for the times, the Egyptians hold the record.
In southern Egypt there are ancient megalithic structures that are believed to be a type
of calendar circle.
The stone structures of Nabta Playa are considered by archaeologists to be the oldest known astronomical
alignments of megaliths in the world.
What's more, the people of Nabta Playa apparently dragged them over 1 kilometer to their final
resting place even though the stone blocks are over 9 feet tall.
Still not impressed?
Well, if you compare these to Stonehenge, this humongous stone complex was made thousands
of years before that.
Not only did it have a megalithic calendar marking the summer solstice and the constellations
in the night sky.
There were also stone circles, tombs, slabs of stones and other things archaeologists
are still uncovering.
There are so many questions when it comes to these stones.
Why did the Egyptians feel the need to build these?
How long did it take them?
What exactly did they do there?
Even though it dates back at least 7000 years, it was only rediscovered in 1972.
It's Not Exactly What You Think Let's start off with some interesting facts
about the Sahara Desert that you might not have known.
For example, even though it is considered the largest desert on Earth, that's technically
not true.
Antarctica is scientifically a desert too, a snow desert, but one nonetheless.
But still, if we're talking sand deserts, the Sahara is king.
By the way, "Sahara" means "desert" in Arabic.
Which means the name translated is literally "desert desert", which is why technically
you should just say "The Sahara" but no one is going to call you out on it, unless
they are super annoying.
In English you can say it.
Another fun fact, while the Sahara is known for its heat, as it should be, the nights
in the Sahara are the exact opposite at certain months of the year.
Between December and February, it can actually drop to below freezing temperature, sometimes
way below.
And there's even been cases of snow covering certain sand dunes.
Cool huh?
Also, despite the deserts reputation for harshness and death, it actually has a lot of fertile
lands in it.
You just have to know where to look.
Oasis aren't everywhere mind you, but it's enough to make you wonder how it happened.
Some of it is man-made, while other aspects of it are caused by underground rivers.
Because of this, over a thousand species of plants live in the Sahara.
Oh, and one last thing.
The Sahara?
Technically isn't made up of all sand.
About 30% of it is pure sand, and the rest is gravel.
The more you know, right?
The Magic Lake When you are dehydrated and have been wandering
around the desert for a while, you might start seeing things that are aren't there, like
a lake.
A mirage can be very deadly depending on how you react to it.
But, imagine people's surprise when an actual lake appeared near Tunisia in 2014, and not
only was it real, it was massive.
How massive?
Well, about 2.6 acres in size, and about 54 feet deep.
The appearance of this lake has baffled many since its arrival.
But for the locals, it's a godsend.
The temperature in the area where the lake is, which is 25 kilometers from Gafsa, Tunisia,
can easily get above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, so why roast when you can take a dip in a
massive lake?
And because of its size, it could fit a lot of people.
While investigations are still going on to find out how the lake was formed, one popular
theory suggests that it was because of an underwater spring that was unearthed because
of mining operations.
The problem here is that the area is known for Phosphate mines, so if the water came
up through those mines, it could be radioactive.
Another problem is that soon after the waters arrival, the color of it went from a pure
turquoise to a sludgy green.
Now, there's not real sludge in the water, it's actually algae, which is a sign that
the water itself is not getting replenished.
Because of this development, there have been warnings that disease could be gotten from
swimming in the water.
This hasn't been proven yet though, and the lake is still open for business by decree
of the Tunisian government.
Though they have sent warnings about swimming in it.
Desert Glass Glass is something you most likely see every
single day.
It's used to make windows, windshields, glasses, and so many more things.
But, you wouldn't expect to find it in certain places.
Like for example, in the worlds' biggest desert.
Yet, that's exactly what happened.
December 1932, a man named Patrick Clayton, who worked for the Egyptian Geological Survey,
was driving through the Sahara, and he heard something that didn't sound quite right.
Driving on sand is a relatively soft experience, right?
But, instead, he heard a crunching sound.
So, he stopped the car and looked under his tires to find there was glass underneath them.
And not ordinary glass, but pure glass.
Glass with a yellow-green tint, that apparently had iridium in it.
Sand can be turned into glass.
That's pure science.
However, to do so, you'd need to raise the temperature to 3300 degrees Fahrenheit, and
while the Sahara is certainly hot, it's not that hot.
In fact, you'd have to start digging to the Earth's core to find temperatures like that.
Naturally, once this glass was discovered, it launched an investigation as to what happened
to cause this, and the explanations given are both cosmic and terrifying.
One explanation is that this sand-to-glass event occurred via a meteorite impact.
The force and heat of the impact could have been enough to turn the sand to glass.
However, scientists debate whether this is true because there were other desert meteor
impact sites that don't have that same glass.
And some of these sites don't have the signs of a meteor strike.
The other explanation is really out there, but it does have some evidence.
Some believe that an ancient weapon caused an event that raised the temperature to the
degrees necessary to turn sand into glass.
Why do they say that?
Well, when the New Mexico atomic bomb tests were being done, glass was formed from the
An engineer saw these shards of glass, and noted they were similar to the ones in Africa,
which he had seen...50 years before.
Now, the problem with this theory is that the "event" that caused the Sahara Desert
glass to form would've had to have been much more intense than those nuclear bombs.
So, the question remains, how did the glass get formed?
I don't know, and many are still trying to find out the answer to that question.
Kingdoms Beneath The Sand One of the biggest things that the Sahara
Desert is known for is it's sand.
It's everywhere!
The sand has helped hide and preserve some interesting secrets.
Looking at it from above, we have found some very old secrets.
Satellite imagery has found some very interesting markings in the desert.
These marks are very direct and specific, and they look kind of like pyramids.
Very, very old pyramids.
Here's the problem, they aren't Egyptian pyramids, they appear to be much older.
So that begs the question, what exactly are we looking at here?
More questions arise when you see that there are more of these massive imprints in the
sands of the Sahara.
Some are triangular but others are circular, and the size of these imprints are massive.
Some are estimated to be 100 feet wide, and others are 300 feet wide.
A running theory is that these were once part of an ancient civilization, one that existed
long before the Egyptians or other native tribes that lived in the areas that now make
up the Sahara.
Getting even deeper into the lore, some people think that these structures are proof of the
Great Flood mentioned in the Bible and the story of Noah.
They see this as proof that all kingdoms were "washed away" during the flood, and that these
imprints are the remains of what used to be there.
You might be asking me right now, "Why hasn't this been researched yet?"
Expeditions were planned, but they just never got off the ground, and until one of them
is fully funded, this is hands down one of the biggest secrets and mysteries that the
Sahara holds.
The Eye Of The Sahara I definitely saved the best for last, because
this mystery is something that's been around for quite some time, but was only discovered
once we started taking pictures from space.
I give to you, the Eye of the Sahara.
Let's start off with size, this "eye" is massive, in fact, it's 25 miles across, which is why
it can be seen from space.
Why were astronauts looking for it in space?
In 1965, the Gemini IV team were told to look for potential impact craters from meteors,
as they could help tell the history of Earth in many ways.
So, when the "Eye of the Sahara" was found, they thought it was that.
But, once they started studying it, they realized that wasn't the case because there wasn't
enough melted rock in the area.
The current theory actually comes from Canada, where they believe that several geological
instances came together to form this natural beauty.
And make no mistake, this thing, whatever it is and regardless of how it was formed,
is beautiful.
That's what makes it so mysterious, only the desert knows how this thing was made.
The "eye" has become a landmark of sorts in the desert, and even the astronauts in space
came to love the eye because it broke up the monotony of looking at sand for such a long
Either way though, no matter how the Eye of the Sahara was formed, or what it is exactly,
it most definitely is a treasure to be appreciated.
Thanks for watching!
Be sure to subscribe and see you next time!!
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Baseball Stadium Issues Warning Against Singing National Anthem, What Fans Did Instead Made O....... - Duration: 8:37.
Baseball Stadium Issues Warning Against Singing National Anthem, What Fans Did Instead Made
Officials Regret It
This is enough to bring a tear to the eyes of the toughest Patriotic Americans among
And at the same time, it goes to show how we who are stuck here living in California
might elect evil people into office, but as American Citizens are still alright.
Last night at a baseball game Fresno California before Clovis High played Buchanan Friday
night for the Central Section softball championship, the announcer representing the section stated
there wouldn't be a national anthem prior to the game.
So the crowd did what all Americans should do when faced with such an asinine conundrum,
after a loud chorus of boos they rose to their feet and sang it anyway.
And no one could, or would even dare to try to stop them.
Breitbart News reported that as the people sang the players stopped their pregame warmups
to turn around and face the American flag that waved beyond the center-field wall.
When the song was over, the crowd burst into a round of applause and then the teams went
on to play ball.
After the game, the event coordinator Bob Kayajanian of the Central Section "almost"
apologized by making a statement that it was a mistake on his part.
"The national protocol is the first game of the session you have the national anthem,"
he said.
"The games after that are just played.
We got caught (off-guard).
Both the teams turned to face the field and they all started singing the national anthem.
They started to play some music and the people took that as the national anthem and they
all started singing, which I think is obviously a wonderful thing to show off their patriotism.
"We try to follow with what normally gets done.
It's all a learning experience for everyone and (going forward) we're playing the national
anthem at every game."
How is love of country a so-called "learning experience Mr. Kayajanian?
On a side note.
This makes me proud to be a lifelong Californian, and God knows I don't have many opportunities
to say that.
Although our land here is without a doubt one of the most majestic and fruitful of all
God's creations our politicians here are evil, and they carry disdain for all that
is good, wholesome and American.
But our people are just the same as anywhere else in the nation, we have love of country,
our family, and our creator.
And I know in my heart that someday our elected officials will reflect what we are, Patriot
At last count, nearly a dozen local governments in California have voted to oppose what is
known as the state's "sanctuary law" — Senate Bill 54 — escalating tensions
over the long-divisive issue of illegal immigration in the Golden State.
The law, passed last year, aims to protect some immigrants in the country illegally by
limiting cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities.
alifornia is believed to have the largest population of undocumented immigrants, and
the state is on the front lines of the resistance to the Trump administration.
But the recent wave of opposition to California's opposition to the administration is turning
some heads.
Much of it began in the small Orange County suburb of Los Alamitos, where the city council
passed a measure last month to opt out of the "sanctuary" law.
"I don't like the direction California is [going]," says Warren Kusumoto, mayor
pro tem of the city.
Orange County Supervisors Revolt Against California's Sanctuary Law
Kusumoto decided to draft the initiative because he said Los Alamitos is caught in the middle
of a national political fight and is being asked to work under conflicting laws.
The small city of 11,000 also has close economic ties to the federal government.
It is home to several companies with large federal contracts as well as a U.S. military
But there are also bigger symbolic reasons at play.
Kusumoto is frustrated more broadly with state policies on everything from taxes to immigration.
"As a state, we've squandered away what the Greatest Generation provided for us,"
he says.
Kusumoto is a Republican and Japanese-American — in his words, a product of immigrants.
"I believe my grandparents did it the right way, they were able to immigrate, become naturalized
eventually and citizens," he says.
"Why is that not the right way for anybody to come over here as immigrants?"
In some Southern California suburbs, and in many rural areas, there is mounting frustration
that views like Kusumoto's are being crowded out by liberal cities that have gone to battle
with President Trump.
"When you start to legislate that we cannot cooperate or communicate with another law
enforcement partner, that is problematic," says Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes.
Last week, the sheriff's office began posting the release dates of inmates online, using
an existing database, they say, to alert federal immigration authorities to potential issues.
That move was widely seen as an open defiance to the state government in Sacramento.
Sheriff officials had loudly opposed SB-54 when it was under consideration last year.
"We shouldn't be mixing public safety with politics," Barnes says.
"And there's a crossover that keeps happening that is becoming more politically driven [that
is] disregarding the public's safety."
Still, it is clear that at least the undercurrent of this recent backlash in Southern California
is also political.
"It's the dying gasp of Orange County's nasty brand of conservativism that's infected
the body politic of the United States for far too long," says Gustavo Arellano, a
longtime liberal columnist here.
One reason the wave of conservative opposition has turned some heads is that pundits had
been predicting that Orange County in particular was beginning to turn blue.
In the 2016 presidential race, for instance, the county voted Democratic for the first
time since 1936.
The demographics have changed dramatically since the 1990s.
Whites are now in the minority in the county.
But Arellano says more diversity doesn't necessarily mean it's more Democratic.
Many of the city councils — and the Orange County Board of Supervisors, which voted to
join the Trump administration's lawsuit against California — are still controlled
by Republicans.
And 2016 may have been an anomaly, he says.
"Ultimately, the Orange County dream is suburbia, and suburbia turns even the most
fresh-off-the-boat person from Mexico or whatever into a rock-ribbed Republican," Arellano
So the national political divide is just as sharp — and complicated — in Southern
California as it is anywhere else.
At heated public hearings, you can see a mix of local grass-roots activists from both sides
mingling with Trump supporters who travel from meeting to meeting, some from as far
away as Arizona.
"Put the lives of Americans and American safety first," said Jennifer Harrison, of
Phoenix, who testified this week at a hearing in Escondido.
"Americans have dreams too."
Earlier this week, Escondido became the latest city to pass a resolution condemning California's
sanctuary law, voting to file a legal brief in support of the Trump administration's
lawsuit against the state.
In Los Alamitos, where the recent backlash began, Warren Kusumoto says he was surprised
by all the attention that his council's "opt out" ordinance got.
He also resents that some on the left have cast his city as some sort of anti-immigrant
"I may be anti-illegal immigration, but I don't hate people," Kusumoto says.
Los Alamitos leaders aren't sure whether their decision will hold up if it's challenged
in court.
But, they say, it has started a much-needed debate."
what do you think about this?
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You built these weapons to destroy us.
Because you are afraid of our gifts.
Because we are different.
Humanity has always feared that which is different.
Well, I am here to tell you...
to tell the world...
you are right to fear us.
We are the future.
We are the ones who will inherit this earth.
And anyone who stands in our way...
will suffer the same fate as these men...
you see before you.
Today was meant to be a display of your power.
Instead I give you a glimpse...
of the devastation my race can unleash upon yours.
Let this be a warning to the world.
And to my mutant brothers and sisters out there...
I say this.
No more hiding.
No more suffering.
You have lived in the shadows...
in shame and fear for too long. Come out.
Join me.
Fight together in a brotherhood of our kind.
A new tomorrow...
that starts today.
All those years wasted...
fighting each other,Charles.
To have a precious few of them back...
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Origami Pac-Man Tutorial (Hyo Ahn) - Duration: 5:41.
Hyo Ahn's Origami
Origami Pac-Man Copyrighted by Hyo Ahn
Level: Beginner Base: 2x2 Matrix
Published on December 7, 2011 at www.origami-make.org
If you need text instructions, turn closed captions on!
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We start with a 4" x 4" (10cm x 10cm) square paper.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to apply a slanted valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a slanted valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to apply another slanted valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply another slanted valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Prepare to apply a slanted valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a slanted valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to apply another slanted valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply another slanted valley-fold and then unfold.
Open the paper.
Prepare to get dot stickers to make eyes for the Pac-Man.
Put two dot stickers to make eyes.
Prepare to make use of crease lines to build a Pac-Man.
Let's build a Pac-Man by utilizing existing crease lines.
Congratulation! You have completed making an Origami Pac-Man.
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A Malian migrant has been hailed as a national hero in France after he scaled four floors
of a building to rescue a dangling toddler , and even prompted President Emmanuel Macron
to invite him to the Elysee Palace. Mr Macron revealed that he has made the migrant
an honorary French citizen after their meeting this morning.
The French leader personally thanked Mr Gassama, gave him a medal for courage and
said he would also be made a fireman. In the shocking video, the 22-year-old spots
the child who is hanging from a balcony and begins to pull himself up balcony by balcony
to the loud cheers of the crowd below. After less than a minute, the Malian hero
grabs the four-year-old toddler while a neighbour tried to hold the child from an adjoining
flat. The incredible footage, which quickly went
viral around the world, shows the courageness act which unfolded in the 18th Parisian district,
north of the city, on Saturday evening. Mr Gassama told broadcasters after the rescue
that he had been walking on his way to watch a football came when he saw a crowd gathered
outside the building. He said that when he saw the child dangling
from the balcony: "I did not think, I saved him
"When I took him in my arms, I spoke with him and asked: 'Why did you do that?' But
he did not answer "I like children, I would have hated to see
him getting hurt in front of me "I ran and I looked for solutions to save
him and thank God I scaled the front of the building to the balcony
"By the time emergency services arrived at the scene, the child had already pulled the
child to safety. A spokesman for the Parisian fire crew praised
the "courage" of Mr Gassama. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo praised the 22-year-old's
heroism and said she had called him to thank him.
She referred to him as the "Spiderman of the 18th," adding: "Congratulations to Mamoudou
Gassama for his act of bravery that saved the life of a child
"He explained to me that he had arrived from Mali a few months ago dreaming of building
his life here "I replied that his heroic gesture was an
example for all citizens and that the City of Paris will obviously be keen to support
him in his efforts to settle in France "Video of the spectacular rescue has already
been viewed millions of times and won Mr Gassama a legion of fans.
Local authorities said the boy's parents were not at home at the time, and the mother was
not believed to be in Paris. The father of the toddler has been questioned
by police on suspicion of leaving his child unattended, according to Parisian judicial
sources. The child has been placed into care for the time being.
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