During a recent meeting with the Orange County Association of Realtors, 15-term GOP congressman
Dana Rohrabacher said that homeowners should be able to discriminate against people they
want to sell their homes to, specifically the LGBTQ community.
He believes that if you don't agree with the LGBTQ lifestyle, you should be allowed to
discriminate and not sell your home to those people because you don't like them.
See, Rohrabacher thought that this statement was going to play well amongst the Realtors
Association in a very wealthy, conservative area, but as it turns out, it immediately
backfired on him.
This man got instant karma for his hateful talking points.
He lost the endorsement of the Realtors Association, he's going to lose all their campaign money,
and now he finds himself, for the first time in 30 years, in a position where he may actually
lose the primary and not even be his party's candidate this coming November, all because
he decided to go out there and put his hatred on full display, because he thought that in
today's atmosphere, under a guy like Donald Trump, that that was going to play well in
Yeah, I don't know if you've been paying attention to what's happening in this country, but yeah,
there are some people who get drummed up by the hate, but there's more people who get
energized to go out and fight the hate than there are people to go out there and spread
the hate.
Perhaps Rohrabacher needs to turn on some news outlet that's not Fox and understand
what's really happening in this country.
But to his credit, though, shortly after making that comment, while still giving his little
speech, he insisted that he's not anti-gay.
He loves the LGBTQ community; he just doesn't want them to have any kind of equal protection
under the law, and believes they're lesser citizens, but other than that, they're totally
great people.
Rohrabacher actually has a history of being a hate-filled and anti-science individual.
Here are some of the things.
He's opposed the Violence Against Women Act, so I guess he thinks it's cool for men to
go beat the hell out of women.
He opposed the banning of anti-gay discrimination in the workplace, so he's cool with employers
discriminating against gay employees.
He's repeatedly voted to make same-sex marriage illegal, and he supports a constitutional
amendment banning marriage equality, and he is also, of course, a climate change denier.
You know, you take any one of those little pieces of this Rohrabacher story, and it shows
that this man is unfit to serve in Congress in the year 2018.
But you put them all together, and you're looking at the kind of person that easily
could have won elections, say, in the 1850s, but we're in 2018, right?
We're more modern, we're more tolerant, we're more advanced.
But not people like Rohrabacher.
People like him are holding this country back, and until we get rid of them, get them out
of the public spotlight, get them out of office, and don't let them ever touch the laws in
this country again, then we can see progress.
But until then, we're going to be left with the same hate-filled individuals serving in
Congress who prevent any kind of progress on equal rights in this country.
For more infomation >> Republican Congressman Says We Shouldn't Sell Homes To Gay People - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Travis Scott Tells Santa Fe High School Students They're the Strongest People on Earth - Duration: 1:44.
For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch
Before the Houston Rockets defeated the Golden State Warriors 98-94 in Game 5 of the 2018
Western Conference Finals, Houston native and frequent courtside attendee Travis Scott
delivered a powerful message to the full house at the Toyota Center.
The Rockets organization held a special ceremony to honor all of the students and faculty who
lost their lives in the tragic mass shooting at Santa Fe High School.
Many graced the court wearing "Santa Fe Strong" T-shirts donning the school's colors of green
and yellow.
The high school's choir sang the national anthem and there was even a section of Santa
Fe students in the crowd as well.
To conclude the ceremony, Scott took the mic.
After asking for the spotlight to be placed on the Santa Fe seniors in the crowd, Scott
QUOTE: "We love you.
Y'all the strongest people on this Earth.
Thank you for being heroes to all of us."
He also showed love to the first responders and school faculty present as well.
Of course, La Flame finished his sentiment in more traditional fashion by hyping up the
Thursday night's Game 6 at the Toyota Center was the first at the arena since last week's
school shooting at Santa Fe High School—the 22nd such occurrence in the U.S. in 2018.
The shooting left ten dead and many more injured.
The shooter, 17-year old Dimitros Pagourtzis has since been charged with capital murder
and aggravated assault of a police officer
To further show support, the Rockets wore special patches on their jerseys during Game
5 to honor Santa Fe High School as well.
That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube for Complex News, I'm
Hanuman Welch
Nightcore - Faded (Where are you now) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:58.
This video includes lyrics on the screen
Trump Just Made Urgent Unexpected Prayer Request, That Brought The Entire Room To Their Knees - Duration: 3:05.
Trump Just Made Urgent Unexpected Prayer Request, That Brought The Entire Room To Their Knees.
Back in 2016, before the election, the media was doing it's best to smear the soon to
be president.
Obviously, nearly two years later that narrative hasn't changed and has likely gotten worse.
One part of President Trump's life the media won't talk about or publicize is his faith
in God.
President Trump and Vice President Pence have made their faith a center point of the Presidency.
During Trump's campaign, he often met with Evangelical pastors who would pray for him,
asking God for wisdom in how Trump would lead the nation.
In one interview, the President and his wife Melania were asked a question and their response
put the room full of media on the heels.
Western Journal reported:
Donald Trump sat down for an interview with CBN News in which he discussed political strategies,
the United States Supreme Court and prayer, just before the 2016 election.
Trump said he would appreciate prayer for guidance, when Chief Political Correspondent
David Brody asked him what he needed prayer for.
"I would say I would like them to pray for guidance and to pray for our country, because
we need prayer now almost more than we've ever needed it before," Trump responded.
Trump's wife, Melania, added that she would ask for prayers for health because it takes
good health to keep fighting.
It takes a certain amount of humility to make such a prayer request.
Trump admitted that he doesn't have all the answers and, by doing so, destroyed the
media's narrative that he is a know-it-all.
Don't look for this story to appear in mainstream news outlets, because it doesn't cast Trump
in an unfavorable light.
That's unfortunate, because during this interview Trump also pointed out one very
important reason, why Americans should vote for him the United States Supreme Court.
He said whether people like him or not, they should remember that he will appoint pro-life
and pro-Second Amendment justices to the high court, and that's a good reason, if not
the best reason, to get out and vote Republican next week.
Trump is right when he said our country needs prayer, because we are at an important crossroads.
Should Clinton win the election, prayer itself might even become a bigger target than it
already is, and that is a risk we simply cannot take.
Those moments are pivotal in who the president is and how he leads our nation.
Those are not the talking points of main-stream media, they like to point out the man's
flaws and leave out all of the positive points.
We all have made mistakes in life but focusing on the great qualities of a person, only makes
them stronger.
President Trump has chosen to use prayer, as a vital resource in leading our nation
a quality that hasn't been in the White House for a long time.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
Judicial Watch Explains Why Publix Made a FATAL ERROR by Caving to 'Hogg Mob' - Duration: 2:00.
Judicial Watch Explains Why Publix Made a FATAL ERROR by Caving to 'Hogg Mob'.
When will companies learn that in order to truly survive they MUST stop caving to radical
liberal bullies…
especially teenagers with no clue, and far too much power.
While liberals relish the idea of teens running their lives, the rest of us prefer to leave
the adults in charge, and that's why David Hogg, the radical anti-NRA/anti-Trump teenie-bopper
activist is so unpopular.
However, stupid companies like "Publix" grocery chain still cave to his every whim.
And this time, they made a FATAL error in doing so, and Judicial Watch President Tom
Fitton explains why.
From Bizpacreview
A day after David Hogg and his gang of bullies coerced Publix into suspending its contributions
to an NRA-supporting gubernatorial candidate in Florida, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch dropped
a truth bomb on them.
"Those kids that were out there this week, skipping school, protesting, being used by
these leftist politicians to promote irrelevant gun measures — those kids aren't going
to be more safe by the policies that left is using them to promote," he bluntly said
in a video posted Saturday to Twitter.
Led by Hogg, a teen activist rising from the Parkland mass shooting in February, the kids
held die-in protests at Publix's stores in the hopes of forcing it to rescind its
endorsement of Adam Putnam, a proud NRA member running for governor in Florida.
Their belief is that the NRA and its members are responsible for gun violence.
Because the NRA has the audacity to defend the American people's Second Amendment rights.
What do you think about this?
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Prabhas Anushka Shetty Romentic Unseen Photos & videos | Prabhas Anushka - Duration: 2:41.
Prabhas Anushka Shetty Romentic Unseen Photos & videos | Prabhas Anushka
Transfer Photos and Videos from iPhone to Mac [3 Methods!] - 2018 - Duration: 4:07.
Hello Friends!
Welcome back to AppleFrendly.
Today I'm gonna show you how to transfer photos and videos from your iPhone to Mac.
This is video is not for Windows users, but soon I shall be releasing a tutorial
for Windows users as well.
So, stay tuned for that.
And with that being said, let's get started!
I'm gonna to discuss, 3 different ways to transfer photos and videos from iPhone to Mac.
The first one is using Image Capture App on your Mac.
So, launch this app on your Mac.
Now, connect iPhone to your Mac using lightning connector.
You should immediately see your iPhone under DEVICES section.
And you should find all of your Photos and Videos on the right side here.
Now you need to know that JPG format is for Photos.
MP4 is for Videos. PNG is again for Photos.
Now before saving the Photos and Videos to your Mac, you need select the destination here.
You can also select OTHER
Create custom folder
But for the purpose of this, I'm gonna save it to PICTURES folder.
Now you have to select the Photos and Videos you want to save
and tap on this IMPORT button on the bottom right corner.
You can also tap on this IMPORT ALL button to save all the Photos and Videos all at once.
But demo purpose, I'm going to select single video
And hit IMPORT
Now, when you launch the FINDER
You should find you Photos and Videos under PICTURES folder.
That's all!
Now let us look at the second method.
In this method, we would be using the PHOTOS app on Mac.
So, launch the Photos App.
And when you connect your iPhone to your Mac using lightning connector,
you should find it under DEVICES section.
And all your Photos and Videos on the right side here.
Now, before saving the Photos and Videos to your Mac,
you can tap here and create a NEW ALBUM if you want to.
I'll keep LIBRARY as my default option for the purpose of this video.
Now you need to select Photos and Videos you want to save
and tap on IMPORT to save selected items to your Mac.
You can also tap on this IMPORT ALL NEW ITEMS button to save all the Photos and Videos all at once.
I'll save only selected media for the demo purpose.
So, let's tap on IMPORT button.
And here are your Photos and Videos under IMPORTS section
OR PHOTOS section
That's all!
Now let us look at the third method.
In this method, you don't need lightning connector.
We will be using the AIRDROP feature on iPhone & Mac and the transfer would be wireless.
So, on your Mac, under AIRDROP section, make sure that AIRDROP visibility is set to EVERYONE.
And on your iPhone, launch PHOTOS App.
Select the Photos and Videos you want to transfer.
Tap on SHARE SHEET button on the bottom left corner
Now your iPhone will start looking for nearby devices.
Select your Mac on your iPhone.
And hit ACCEPT on your Mac.
And once the transfer is finished, you can go to your DOWNLOADS folder in FINDER
and find all of your Photos and Videos.
That's all!
So, these are the 3 methods that I thought would be helpful to transfer Photos and Videos
from iPhone to Mac easily.
And this brings me to the end of the video.
Let me know your favorite method down in the comments below.
And let's start the discussion.
And well, if you liked this video, share it with your friends and loved ones.
I shall soon be back with the new video.
Till then take good care of yourself.
This is Vikas, signing off,
Thank you so much for watching!
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"How to complete Level 649 on Homescapes"
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Balus Bikerbrille -- Balus Bikergoggles - Duration: 6:18.
Hello girls and boys, this is Balu I am Eddie and I wish you a warm
welcome to a new video.
Here you can see Balu with his new ones
Biker goggles and theme of the video. All from the dog groupe wanted to see Balu
with his biker glasses and of course when he drives with me.
The opportunity was favorable, we were at the medieval festival in the Bohemian Prater
in Vienna and because of such a
Event there are hardly any parking spaces, we are using the scooter
to drive, then afterwards we go on a trip to the park,
you'll see that afterwards. Unfortunately, the microphone was not
completely plugged in and the sound was not recorded
therefore an audio dubbing. Here I put him the glasses on again
so that they fit well and he sees everything and yes you can not
hear the great Middle Ages music with the drums and the other instruments,
but this weekend is medieval festival and was or is really great.
Yes and on such a hot day, it is Of course an advantage with the scooter
to drive through the city and right after that you see
How Balu sits on the scooter with a pair of glasses.
Yes and here you can already see him. Balu is mostly on the running board and
drive well with me, here we drive very slowly
and of course there are no wind noises now
but I had the helmet open and also
The chin guard on the helmet is not up and the wind would then be very loud to hear.
We drive here from the Bohemian Prater
away in the park to the Liesing, where Balu can then bathe in the water.
Of course, I do not drive fast here, just over 30 km/h,
because this is actually a 30s zone, but we drive a bit further ahead
faster and as you can see so beautiful
With the glasses he can keep his head in the wind and he gets no
watery eyes. You should not be surprised
Of course he is leashed on and I have not fixed it at the helmet lock ie. with
Leash turned on, but I take the leash and sit on the leash.
Thus, he can not get away, because the leash is really well fixed and he
would not jump, unless I would tell him.
The only thing you always see is, of course he always keeps his head
the apron sideways over and looks what is happening in the traffic and
is on the whole a really great, great rider, very good.
And yes, as I said the glasses we have
bought at the Doggerie, www.doggerie.at. (Link in the Description)
Thanks for the great advice we did
not buy it online but we were there and they tried it on right away and
There are various models and the price is also affordable and they
really fit excellently, yes that's our way of driving in Vienna in the hot summer
so we do not have to get into the hot car and we
enjoy it. So, I have only one thing left to say, as always,
thanks for watching and
And you see, Balu has fun!
At the Liesing.
Cool down on such a hot day. *Hahaha*
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