On this episode of China Uncensored,
China launches Missiles for Peace.
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Hi, back welcome to China Uncensored,
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
Ah, the South China Sea.
Home to warm, turquoise waters,
delicious sea life,
and a bunch of anti-ship cruise missiles
and surface-to-air missile
that were recently installed by the Chinese Communist Party.
According to US Navy Admiral Philip Davidson,
"China is now capable of controlling the South China Sea
in all scenarios short of war with the United States."
Now wait a minute,
I remember back in 2015 when Chinese leader Xi Jinping
met with then President Barack Obama.
At the time, Xi Jinping swore,
"We are committed to maintaining peace and stability
in the South China Sea...
and addressing disputes through negotiation,
consultation, and peaceful manner."
Could it be that his incredibly high pants are on fire?
Of course not.
You see, it's very easy to make people
cooperate with you in a peaceful manner
when you have a missile pointed at them.
Or in this case,
missiles plural.
This is the South China Sea.
These five countries have territorial claims.
But China claims the whole thing.
Now as China's Foreign Ministry recently said,
China has the right to peaceful activities
in the South China Sea.
Peaceful activities,
which apparently include taking submerged reefs
and building islands on them
and then building 10,000-foot runways on them.
Plus hangars for fighter planes.
Plus ammunition bunkers.
And, sometime in the past month or so,
putting missile systems on them.
This is the Fiery Cross Reef.
It's one of three fortified outposts China has built,
including Subi Reef and Mischief Reef.
They're part of the Spratly Islands.
As you can see from this map,
clearly much closer to China
than any other countries.
CNBC broke this story
after talking to unnamed sources
with access to US intelligence reports.
And according to their report,
the Chinese regime has put some serious hardware
on these islands.
You know, for peace.
It was that same drive for peace that lead
the Chinese Communist Party to put
jamming equipment on two of those same reefs.
Maybe this is all a simple misunderstanding.
Maybe it's all part of the Chinese Communist Party's new Missiles for Peace foundation.
After all, nothing says an end to violent conflict
and promotion of stable security
like a few of these bad boys.
Ok, let's be honest.
Maybe Missles for Peace isn't such a good idea.
Well, at least it's better than Jazz for Peace.
But would the Chinese Communist Party
really lie about their peaceful activities
in the South China Sea?
Sure, they seized a shoal claimed by the Philippines,
using a gunboat.
And sure, since 2012, they've reclaimed
more than 3,000 acres of land to make artificial islands,
despite this 2002 agreement they signed
not to change any geographic features in the South China Sea.
I mean, they probably forgot what they promised
at that 2015 meeting with Obama
when they said they wouldn't militarize
those made-made islands.
And of course they completely ignored
the 2016 ruling by the Hague,
telling the Chinese regime to stop building.
But as Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman
Hua Chunying recently said,
"Those who do not intend to be aggressive
have no need to be worried or scared."
The current commander of the US Pacific fleet,
Admiral Harry Harris agrees.
"Ladies and gentlemen,
China's intent is crystal clear.
We ignore it at our peril."
China's intent is very clear
and it would be perilous to ignore
how peaceful all these missile systems are.
I mean, even that CNBC article was very careful to say
these were "defensive weapons."
Yes, surely we can all trust the Chinese Communist Party
has no further ambitions
with these rapidly expanding military installations.
Though some think the Party may actually be
lying about its peaceful defensive weapons.
Ashley Townshend,
defense expert at the United States Studies Centre
at the University of Sydney, tweeted,
"Calling missiles 'defensive' that are deployed
on illegally seized features in international waters...
strains the definition of the word.
This is power projection."
Yes, it's Power Projection.
Which is also the name of my fantasy hair metal band
featuring Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping, and Donald Trump.
No wonder they built those jamming stations!
But the United States has repeatedly challenged
China's military ambitions in the South China Sea
by conducting Freedom of Navigation Operations,
There's been at least six in the past 10 months.
At the end of April,
the US Air Force conducted training
over the South China Sea.
Before that, it was three US warships.
And while the Communist Party hates that,
Major General Jin Yinan of China's National Defense University
might have said it best
when he spoke to state-run China National Radio.
"Even if all three carriers came to the South China Sea,
what about it?...
What else can you do apart from a show of strength?
Can you attack me?
Do you dare to open fire?"
Which brings us back to what Admiral Davidson said.
"China is now capable of controlling the South China Sea
in all scenarios short of war with the United States."
And just when it looked like we avoided war with North Korea.
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No reason they shouldn't also live in terror.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.
Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,
see you next time.
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For more infomation >> Trung Quốc Lắp Đặt Hệ Thống Tên Lửa Hòa Bình Trên Biển Đông | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 6:32.-------------------------------------------
What Do You Do When You're Feeling Low? - Duration: 6:45.
Hey, this is the Daily Overpass, my name is Eric and I make apps!
Now today let's ask the question - what do you do when you're feeling low?
Ok, so if you watched the live-stream last Friday, you will know that my biggest app
called Ear Agent on Android, which generated most of my passive income, was suspended by
Google Play!
In fact, it was just a week before that someone mentioned in the comments that they'd had
a similar spy-themed app which had a million downloads which was suspended.
And I said as a response "this is something that I've feared for quite a while that that
might happen to me!
Even though I try to follow all the guidelines and comply with everything, it's just the
general creepiness of the app has always been there.
For the last five and a half years, my dread was that i would get this "your app has been
suspended" email, and I got it last Wednesday.
In fact, I got it just after I did the video on what we were doing for GDPR that day.
So, after 5 years I had this big fear that if I ever got that, it's gonna be a huge blow
to the company, it's gonna be a huge blow all over.
But it was always there in the shadows, like, that could happen.
And then I got it, I got that email.
So, how did I respond?
I wish I could tell you that I responded like "well, we saw this coming, we've been preparing,
we're just gonna have to work a little bit harder and push forward!!" but I didn't.
I'm ashamed to say that my first response was to sulk.
So, I went home, I said I'm not coming back into the office today, I need to do some thinking,
I need to think about the strategy going forward and everything like that, and I just went
for a drive.
I just went missing for the day.
And, you know what I do when I'm really low?
Like, last Wednesday, or if we have a really bad day with a client or something like that,
or just things are financially turbulent for the month for whatever reason, late payments,
whatever - I look at the job pages.
i look at jobsurf, which is a website I used to use when I was looking for contracts back
in the day.
And there's probably better ones now, I don't even know.
So I started looking for jobs, right?!
"Oh, javascript developer in London, 400-500 a day, West London", it's like, you know what,
I could do that!
It's like if you've ever been in a relationship and you get mad at one little thing and you
think "that's it, I'm leaving!" and you start playing through it in your head, all the ramifications,
like, no, that's not gonna work.
That's ridiculous.
Once you start walking through it, the impulse.
So my impulse is like "I should just go find a job".
And I have to bring myself back, because Is tarted thinking about it through it all saying
"hang on a second, we have this team that took so long to build!
We have Overpass, we have the branding, we have everything that we've been working on,
and we still have all these other applications out there!
We have all these clients, we have all these things that we've been building", and one
little hit and i just completely like "oh man, let's go find a job, whatever, this guaranteed
income that comes in.
So I started thinking about it.
I started playing it through my head.
First of all, the team that I'm in love with.
They click, they gel together, it took a long time to put them together.
What are they gonna do?
Just go and disband and just go join other companies?
No way, over my dead body!
Second, our clients need us.
I'm not gonna call up our clients and say "hey, I'm sorry, I decided to take on this
job, I'm not gonna be available anymore".
Because there's a reason they continue to work with us, it's because I can imagine them
going to another company and going to another developer and somebody saying "ooh, I don't
know, that's gonna be very difficult Dave", or whatever.
I'm not gonna let that happen.
and second, the idea of just going into an office, taking on a contract, going in there
every day, getting on the train, going into London, going in on the first day and them
saying "hey, thanks for joining us, it's Eric isn't it?"
"Yes" "So here's your desk over here.
I'm afraid the chairs a little bit broken because the last guy had some back problems
and when he left everyone took his chair and everything like that.
And the computers really slow, but just try to carry on with the code.
We'll have a meeting today at 10 o clock.
If you have a lunch, try not to take longer than 45 minutes because, you know, it just
looks bad.
If you leave before 6, please let us know".
I definitely don't wanna go back to that life again!
So I started thinking about there's loads of benefits, loads of things going for us,
it's just in those moments where you get hit with something, or you just feel low.
I look at the job pages.
I don't know what you guys do, but it's nice to know that it's still there.
That's a life that I'd never plan on going back to, but if I had to, I would.
Like I said, I would sweep elephant cages for my family if I had to, but by no means
do we have to.
The fact is that for the last couple of years we've been building up our client base, we
do more client work, we're building up our apps too, so the non-ear agent app revenue
is still significant, although it's not great, it's not enough to live off of but we're still
working on the portfolio and all that kind of stuff.
And I wish I could say that I stood my ground but sometimes i get low.
So, my question to you is - what do you do when you've had a bad day?
What do you look at?
Do you look at - ah I'm just gonna get out of I.T. altogether, oh by the way, I was also
thinking "I'm just gonna leave the app store.
We're just gonna do PWA's from now on.
That's what we're gonna do!
Progressive web apps.
Screw the app stores".
Really, we're still getting revenue from them and that's still the way to go.
I still think PWA's, while they're definitely a lot more attractive to me now, given the
problems we've had with both Apple app store and Google Play over the past three weeks,
I'm starting to look more into the PWA side, even though there's still problems with monetisation,
still problems with Safari, although those are getting better because they're bringing
web workers and all that kind of stuff.
So I'm starting to look into that a lot more, and of course we've got all the client stuff,
so we've gotta make sure that we give them the best service that we can, which we do!
So anyway, that's it for today, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!
Mr. Widemouth | Creepypasta Reading | Scary Stories - Duration: 10:34.
During my childhood my family was like a drop of water in a vast river, never remaining
in one location for long.
We settled in Rhode Island when I was eight, and there we remained until I went to college
in Colorado Springs.
Most of my memories are rooted in Rhode Island, but there are fragments in the attic of my
brain which belong to the various homes we had lived in when I was much younger.
Most of these memories are unclear and pointless – chasing after another boy in the back
yard of a house in North Carolina, trying to build a raft to float on the creek behind
the apartment we rented in Pennsylvania, and so on.
But there is one set of memories which remains as clear as glass, as though they were just
made yesterday.
I often wonder whether these memories are simply lucid dreams produced by the long sickness
I experienced that Spring, but in my heart, I know they are real.
We were living in a house just outside the bustling metropolis of New Vineyard, Maine,
population 643.
It was a large structure, especially for a family of three.
There were a number of rooms that I didn't see in the five months we resided there.
In some ways it was a waste of space, but it was the only house on the market at the
time, at least within an hour's commute to my father's place of work.
The day after my fifth birthday (attended by my parents alone), I came down with a fever.
The doctor said I had mononucleosis, which meant no rough play and more fever for at
least another three weeks.
It was horrible timing to be bed-ridden– we were in the process of packing our things
to move to Pennsylvania, and most of my things were already packed away in boxes, leaving
my room barren.
My mother brought me ginger ale and books several times a day, and these served the
function of being my primary form of entertainment for the next few weeks.
Boredom always loomed just around the corner, waiting to rear its ugly head and compound
my misery.
I don't exactly recall how I met Mr. Widemouth.
I think it was about a week after I was diagnosed with mono.
My first memory of the small creature was asking him if he had a name.
He told me to call him Mr. Widemouth, because his mouth was large.
In fact, everything about him was large in comparison to his body– his head, his eyes,
his crooked ears– but his mouth was by far the largest.
Creepy Furby by awright60 "You look kind of like a Furby," I said
as he flipped through one of my books.
Mr. Widemouth stopped and gave me a puzzled look.
What's a Furby?" he asked.
I shrugged.
"You know… the toy.
The little robot with the big ears.
You can pet and feed them, almost like a real pet."
Mr. Widemouth resumed his activity.
"You don't need one of those.
They aren't the same as having a real friend."
I remember Mr. Widemouth disappearing every time my mother stopped by to check in on me.
"I lay under your bed," he later explained.
"I don't want your parents to see me because I'm afraid they won't let us play anymore."
We didn't do much during those first few days.
Mr. Widemouth just looked at my books, fascinated by the stories and pictures they contained.
The third or fourth morning after I met him, he greeted me with a large smile on his face.
"I have a new game we can play," he said.
"We have to wait until after your mother comes to check on you, because she can't
see us play it.
It's a secret game."
After my mother delivered more books and soda at the usual time, Mr. Widemouth slipped out
from under the bed and tugged my hand.
"We have to go the the room at the end of this hallway," he said.
I objected at first, as my parents had forbidden me to leave my bed without their permission,
but Mr. Widemouth persisted until I gave in.
Mr Widemouth The room in question had no furniture or wallpaper.
Its only distinguishing feature was a window opposite the doorway.
Mr. Widemouth darted across the room and gave the window a firm push, flinging it open.
He then beckoned me to look out at the ground below.
We were on the second story of the house, but it was on a hill, and from this angle
the drop was farther than two stories due to the incline.
"I like to play pretend up here," Mr. Widemouth explained.
"I pretend that there is a big, soft trampoline below this window, and I jump.
If you pretend hard enough you bounce back up like a feather.
I want you to try."
I was a five-year-old with a fever, so only a hint of skepticism darted through my thoughts
as I looked down and considered the possibility.
"It's a long drop," I said.
"But that's all a part of the fun.
It wouldn't be fun if it was only a short drop.
If it were that way you may as well just bounce on a real trampoline."
I toyed with the idea, picturing myself falling through thin air only to bounce back to the
window on something unseen by human eyes.
But the realist in me prevailed.
"Maybe some other time," I said.
"I don't know if I have enough imagination.
I could get hurt."
Mr. Widemouth's face contorted into a snarl, but only for a moment.
Anger gave way to disappointment.
"If you say so," he said.
He spent the rest of the day under my bed, quiet as a mouse.
The following morning Mr. Widemouth arrived holding a small box.
"I want to teach you how to juggle," he said.
"Here are some things you can use to practice, before I start giving you lessons."
I looked in the box.
It was full of knives.
"My parents will kill me!"
I shouted, horrified that Mr. Widemouth had brought knives into my room– objects that
my parents would never allow me to touch.
"I'll be spanked and grounded for a year!"
Mr. Widemouth frowned.
"It's fun to juggle with these.
I want you to try it."
I pushed the box away.
"I can't.
I'll get in trouble.
Knives aren't safe to just throw in the air."
Mr. Widemouth's frown deepened into a scowl.
He took the box of knives and slid under my bed, remaining there the rest of the day.
I began to wonder how often he was under me.
I started having trouble sleeping after that.
Mr. Widemouth often woke me up at night, saying he put a real trampoline under the window,
a big one, one that I couldn't see in the dark.
I always declined and tried to go back to sleep, but Mr. Widemouth persisted.
Sometimes he stayed by my side until early in the morning, encouraging me to jump.
He wasn't so fun to play with anymore.
My mother came to me one morning and told me I had her permission to walk around outside.
She thought the fresh air would be good for me, especially after being confined to my
room for so long.
Ecstatic, I put on my sneakers and trotted out to the back porch, yearning for the feeling
of sun on my face.
Mr. Widemouth was waiting for me.
"I have something I want you to see," he said.
I must have given him a weird look, because he then said, "It's safe, I promise."
I followed him to the beginning of a deer trail which ran through the woods behind the
"This is an important path," he explained.
"I've had a lot of friends about your age.
When they were ready, I took them down this path, to a special place.
You aren't ready yet, but one day, I hope to take you there."
I returned to the house, wondering what kind of place lay beyond that trail.
Two weeks after I met Mr. Widemouth, the last load of our things had been packed into a
moving truck.
I would be in the cab of that truck, sitting next to my father for the long drive to Pennsylvania.
I considered telling Mr. Widemouth that I would be leaving, but even at five years old,
I was beginning to suspect that perhaps the creature's intentions were not to my benefit,
despite what he said otherwise.
For this reason, I decided to keep my departure a secret.
My father and I were in the truck at 4 a.m.
He was hoping to make it to Pennsylvania by lunch time tomorrow with the help of an endless
supply of coffee and a six-pack of energy drinks.
He seemed more like a man who was about to run a marathon rather than one who was about
to spend two days sitting still.
"Early enough for you," my father asked with a hint of sympathy?
I nodded and placed my head against the window, hoping for some sleep before the sun came
I felt my father's hand on my shoulder.
"This is the last move, son, I promise.
I know it's hard for you, as sick as you've been.
Once daddy gets promoted we can settle down and you can make friends."
I opened my eyes as we backed out of the driveway.
I saw Mr. Widemouth's silhouette in my bedroom window.
He stood motionless until the truck was about to turn onto the main road.
He gave a pitiful little wave good-bye, steak knife in hand.
I didn't wave back.
Years later, I returned to New Vineyard.
The piece of land our house stood upon was empty except for the foundation, as the house
burned down a few years after my family left.
Out of curiosity, I followed the deer trail that Mr. Widemouth had shown me.
Part of me expected him to jump out from behind a tree and scare the living bejeesus out of
me, but I felt that Mr. Widemouth was gone, somehow tied to the house that no longer existed.
The trail ended at the New Vineyard Memorial Cemetery.
I noticed that many of the tombstones belonged to children.
9-Year-Old Alabama Boy Sees License Plate Of Car At Chick-fil-A… Makes Shocking Move - Duration: 4:17.
9-Year-Old Alabama Boy Sees License Plate Of Car At Chick-fil-A…
Makes Shocking Move.
With everything that is going on in the world negatively, it is always nice to hear good
stories of good people who go out of their way to help their fellow Americans.
Especially in times of need.
Which is exactly why this story will warm your heart.
Tea Party Org reported,
"Landon Routzong of Troy, Alabama, has a big heart for the age of 9, and he proved
just how big over the weekend at a Chick-fil-A drive-thru.
While he and his mother were waiting in line to pick up their lunch, Landon Routzong noticed
the Florida license plate on the back of the car in front of theirs.
So, he told his mom he wanted to pay for that car's meal.
"I didn't want them to waste their money on food because they're trying to escape
the hurricane," Landon Routzong told ABC News.
"I felt like I should help out."
But in order to pay for the meal, he had to get to the drive-thru window before the Florida
car did.
As a result, his mother, Tara Parker Routzong, gave him her debit card and told him to run.
The man in the Florida car agreed to let Landon Routzong pay for his meal.
Later, the man pulled over to meet the family, telling the mother and her son he was from
Miami and was fleeing Hurricane Irma.
He said was on his way to Birmingham to stay with relatives.
"Landon and I both had tears in our eyes from how appreciative he was," Tara Parker
Routzong wrote on Facebook in a Friday post detailing the encounter.
Routzong's post has since been shared over 700 times has over 1,800 likes."
Tara Parker Routzong told Inside Edition she and her husband always try to help out.
She was proud to see her son do the same thing.
"A 9-year-old could be focused on so many other things, but whenever a situation presents
itself, Landon is always thinking of how we can help," she said.
Routzong said the encounter gave her hope that she is doing a good job as a mother.
"I often feel like I'm failing because I can't do it all, all the time and then
things like this happen and remind me that I don't have to," she said in her Facebook
"My most important job is going just fine."
Hurricane Irma was downgraded to a tropical storm after it made landfall along the coast
of Florida over the weekend.
But the storm's overall damage has been severe, with more still to come.
Irma still had sustained winds of up to 70 mph as of Monday afternoon, while over 6.2
million Floridians have experienced power outages.
Irma is considered to be one of the worst hurricanes ever formed in the Atlantic Ocean."
The Facebook post read the following,
"Went to Chick Fil A for lunch today because yum.
Landon saw the car in front of us was from Florida (we have been talking about Irma today)
and he declared we were paying for their meal and I agreed.
But how do you pay for the car in front of you??
You run toward their window with a debit card in hand and scare the mess out of them lol
The man has left his home in Miami and was passing through to go stay with family in
I told him we hoped he returned to his house untouched and that we'd keep him in our
Landon and I both had tears in our eyes from how appreciative he was.
I often feel like I'm failing because I can't do it all, all the time and then things
like this happen and remind me that I don't have to.
My most important job is going just fine.
All of the hurricanes that hit Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and Carribean Islands to
name a few devastated the communities that it touched and left nothing but wreckage in
its path.
Now they are finally getting cleaned up but it has been a process and so many more are
still struggling to recoup what they lost.
Knowing that young men and women like this are out there doing good deeds brings such
a positive light to these tragedies.
Next time you see someone struggling, or escaping hardship go out of your way like this young
man to make their day a positive one.
We could all learn a good lesson from him.
Even though he is so young.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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