Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
For more infomation >> Rooster Finger Family | Nursery Rhymes For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
Girl Power At Roots Premier League - Duration: 1:59.
Dungeons & Dragons Factions - Order of the Gauntlet and Cult of the Dragon - Duration: 5:47.
This episode of Forgotten Realms Explained is sponsored by Patron Blades.
Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.
Let's continue with our faction talk and dive into the next one, the Order of the Gauntlet.
I'll preface this video by saying I couldn't find a ton of information on the Order.
I believe it was created to flesh out the factions for D&D probably in 4th edition but it wasn't really
given a rich history.
I'll do my best though but this may be a shorter video!
The Order of the Gauntlet is a new organization.
Comprised mostly of clerics, paladins, and monks of the lawful good variety.
They have an agenda similar to that of the Harpers.
Wanting to squash evil wherever it can be found, and uphold the just laws of civilization.
Ending oppression and keeping the people free.
Similar to the Harpers in ideals their methods are vastly different.
Unlike the Harpers they don't hide in the shadows but work out in the open to stop evil.
Frequently seeking aid from law enforcement.
Members of this organization are faithful and vigilant seekers of justice.
They wish to protect others from evildoers and will exact swift retribution against those
who violate the law.
Many people who are in the Order of the Gauntlet worship a set of specific deities.
They are the deities you would expect, Tyr, Helm, Torm, and Hoar.
Gods of justice, law, protection and retribution.
Which I've made a deity video on all of those guys, so check it out if you're curious
for more.
Order of the Gauntlet is full of holy warriors, that tend to be proficient in Religion.
They respect the Harpers but I feel wanted to take a more lawful approach to evil which
is why the organization was formed.
The order will not act until evil has broken the law.
Which makes them different from the Harpers.
The Harpers see evil and will stop it, prevent it if you will.
But the Order of the Gauntlet must wait until you've committed an evil act or broken the
law to take action against you.
It's followers are faithful in their god, their friends, and their self.
Faith is considered their greatest weapon against evil.
Their symbol is a gauntlet grasping a sword by the blade.
It symbolizes the willingness to face danger head on and protect those that evil would
strike at.
It really feels more like the military version of the Harpers in a way.
They don't have a main headquarters or keep and operate primarily out of temples of Helm,
Torm, and Tyr.
And honesty that's all the information I could find about the Order.
I don't know when it was founded other than it was recent, which I'm assuming is in
the last 100 years of Forgotten Realms History.
So that's it for today, thanks for watching everyone and…..
Well I can't just end a video like it's just too early…
Let's talk about another organization, an evil organization if you will.
We can talk about one of the Order of the Gauntlet's main enemy in Faerun.
The Cult of the Dragon.
The Cult of the dragon, also known as the Keepers of the Secret Hoard, or the Wearers
of Purple is a semi-religious evil organization that sought to create and worship undead dragons
or dracoliches.
The cult was founded by a man named Sammaster, a powerful wizard.
Now Sammaster was a former chosen of mystra and is the one who discovered the process
to turn a dragon into a dracolich.
Born in 800 DR and by 851 DR become a chosen of Mystra.
However by 875 DR Sammaster was convinced to attack his former lover.
Sammaster was striped of his chosen powers and he fully embraced evil this point on.
By 902 DR Sammaster created his first dracolich and documented the process in a book entitled
Tome of the Dragon.
He then created a cult known as the Cult of the Dragon which started to spread across
Faerun acquiring many enemies such as the Harpers.
Sammaster truly believed that dead dragons would rule the world and thus began working
towards that goal.
It was around 1370 DR the cult had spread greatly with different leaders in separate
These leaders started having their own ideas of which direction the Cult of the Dragon
should go, which ultimately causes more problems for groups like the order of the gauntlet
and the Harpers.
This one cult now had multiple motivations and was acting on each of them.
The cult loves dragons, but more than that evil dragons, but even more than that dracoliches.
They gather intelligence for evil dragons in Faerun and contribute treasure to their
Aiding them in any way possible, they do this in hopes the dragon will return the favor
and aid them however it can.
This might be in battle, through magic, or leadership.
Sammaster eventually died, he became a lich but was destroyed battling an avatar of Lathander.
This was an epic fight, and you can read it in the Cult of the Dragon page 19.
But to summarize Lathander used his holy light that became brighter than the sun and destroyed
Sammaster turning him into a few pounds of fine ash.
However being a lich Sammaster's soul fled to his Phylactery where he returned some 300
years later.
There are active cult cells all over Faerun.
Wherever you find dragons, especially evil dragons you will most likely find some members
of the Cult of the Dragon.
They worship evil dragons, attempt to gain intelligence and magic items for them in hopes
to live with them in their lair.
And eventually convince them to become a Dracolich, which can only be created with the help of
wizards who have the Tome of the Dragon written by Sammaster.
The order of the gauntlet is a sworn enemy of the Cult of the Dragon.
But they have lots of enemies.
The Harpers also, as well as the Zhentarim, the Church of Tiamat, and the Red Wizards
of Thay.
I want to thank Patron Blades for sponsoring this video.
For those of us without dwarven beards you might need a razor.
Patron Blades is a subscription service, they ship shaving razors to your house.
Their motto is giving back, here's how it works: Patron Blades shares profits with online
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supports them.
Check 'em out with the link in the description.
And that's it for today, really
I'll keep going with the faction videos and hopefully find more information than I
did on the Order of the Gauntlet.
It felt like Wizards wanted to have some options for factions but didn't get a rich backstory
to some of them.
However the Cult of the Dragon has an interesting history and if you want to learn more there's
a great supplement called the Cult of the Dragon that has loads of information.
Thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you next week with another video from Forgotten
Realms Explained.
First Date Surprises - GEICO - Duration: 0:41.
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and now an official partner of Major League Baseball.
Most Adorable Babies Doing Funny Things Compilation 2018 | Try Not To Laugh - Duration: 5:33.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
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Saakaschwilis MH-17-Theorie: Passagierflugzeug auf persönlichen Befehl von Putin abgeschossen - Duration: 1:43.
Catalina Saison 2 Épisode 13 - Duration: 21:50.
Mad Slums Direction Metropolis GTA 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 4:32.
Mad Slums Direction Metropolis GTA New Android Game 2018
Dette skal du vide om Android One - Duration: 2:30.
Jennifer Garner on 'Peppermint' & the Challenges of Playing Her Character | CinemaCon | MTV News - Duration: 1:15.
- So, Peppermint. - Yes.
- I'm hearing things like, "badass"
from the footage that's being shown.
This is obviously a bitter return to form for you.
- It is.
- Does it feel like that?
- It does feel a little bit like that.
It felt like: "Oh, it's about time,
"I actually do wanna do this again, and
"I am ready for this, and this is the role to do again."
First, I would play action scenes like Sydney Bristow
from Alias, and I would have to be thinking...
I'd have to rework the way that I did things,
'cause it's a very different character, but
I just kinda clicked into Sydney mode, which was fun to do.
- Is the challenge of something like this the
physicality, or like, at the end of the day,
what's the ultimate challenge of a role like this?
- The challenge of it is, in order for the stakes
to be high enough for the action to make sense,
you have to really go there dramatically, and
you think: "Oh, I'm just doing an action movie.
"If I train, I'm fine."
But it's not that.
It really is about going there emotionally,
and so day after day after day, just getting
beat up emotionally, and then
also getting beat up physically.
- That's the baseline, to make sure
you're not physically hurt, but you
actually have to deliver a great
performance underneath it all, right?
- You hope so, yeah.
(slow synthetic drum music)
Batman, The Joker and Philosophy: Nihilism Revisited (Part #1) - Duration: 11:25.
Each portrayal of everyone's favorite Batman villain has its own feel but only a few of
them feature a backstory.
In many adaptations, it's been made explicitly clear that even The Joker himself isn't sure
of his own past.
Most recently, Jared Leto portrayed The Harlequin of Hate in 2016's (apparently Oscar worthy)
Suicide Squad.
Once again, his backstory remained a mystery.
Personally, I'd love to know how they managed to cross Jim Carey, a large tiger and Jared Letto.
THIS HANDSOME HUNKA, HUNKA! * Joker starts growling and purring *
Now, I've touched on all of this before, but today I want to revisit the channel's most
popular video.
I want to talk about The Joker's most consistent character trait.
Let's discuss his belief in the philosophical doctrine of nihilism (And hopefully do a better
job than Jay from the past was capable of).
This is Batman, The Joker and Philosophy: Nihilism Revisited.
Buckle up, this is a long one.
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy does a great job of summing up nihilism.
Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless
Unfortunately, the article then goes off the rails and displays some serious bias.
It claims that all true nihilists have no loyalties or purpose other than perhaps an
impulse to destroy.
That, simply put, is not the case.
In short, they muddy the waters between what it means to be a nihilist and how some people
cope with nihilism.
This is very common a problem.
Nihilism in the existentialist sense, in the eyes of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche,
does not entail any particular response.
The nihilist doesn't necessarily believe that life must be meaningless.
Rather, the nihilist rejects that life has any inherent meaning.
One possible response to this could be an impulse to create meaning rather than to destroy
(and we'll get into that in more detail in a moment).
First however, in order to set the The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy straight, let us
endeavor to indulge in the tired cliche of quoting the dictionary:
The rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless
Okay, so that seems to fit the Joker.
I would say that he strongly rejects all religious and moral principles.
The man has no rules.
His only goal, in most adaptations, is to simply prove his point of view to Batman and
the rest Gotham.
All Jokers are nihilists at heart because (again) even at his silliest, he still strongly
rejects all religious and moral principles.
Whether he's a prankster out to take over Gotham City with a flying saucer or a mobster,
driven mad, climbing to the top of the criminal underworld, he's always the nihilist.
And I know what you're thinking.
By that definition, lots of villains are technically niliihists.
Well, yeah, but being a nihilist and allowing your nihilism to drive your every action are
not the same thing.
Over time, adaptations of The Joker have become more and more nihilistic, thanks due in large
part to some extremely influential work by Allan Moore.
However, even before The Killing Joke, the more silly aspects of the Joker (and Batman)
we're mostly due to the Comics Code Authority.
It enforced strict guidelines during the Silver Age of comics.
DC Comics retconned most of these stories to have taken place on Earth-Two, one of many
alternate DC realities.
So let's explore The Joker's coping mechanism.
Do laughter and complete devotion to chaos help him deal with what he sees as the meaninglessness of life?
Did his nihilistic attitude originate from just one day day?
Joker: All it takes is one bad day. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
John Marmysz (author of Laughing at Nothing: Humor as a Response to Nihilism) describes
nihilism as a force every human must reckon with, which arises as people contemplate their
own mortality, the nature of human existence, and see the futility and lack of meaning in
their lives because of life's inevitable outcome: death.
In short, you are a speck of carbon stuck to the side of a rock flying through space
and nothing you do will affect the universe at large... and if you think about it that's
kind of funny.
Or as The Joker puts it:
You have to keep pretending that life makes sense, that there's some point to all
this struggling!...
Sill Goose! It's all a joke!
Everything anybody ever valued or struggled for... it's monstrous!
So why can't you see the funny side?
Why aren't you laughing?
People cope with existential questions in a few different ways.
Marmysz explained that people who dwell on the seeming futility of life can suffer from
malaise or "a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is
difficult to identify".
Do order, morality, and knowledge matter if life is truly meaningless?
Why not do whatever you want when we're all just going to die anyway?
Enter the Joker whose way of dealing with his own existential crisis was to devote himself
to chaos and laugh at the absurdity of life.
It's interesting to note that Batman and the Joker both deal with nihilism, but both
react in opposite ways.
Although more recent versions of the character get pretty existential, Bruce Wayne becomes
Batman because of a personal loss and not nihilism.
Sill, he's affected by (and must react to) The Joker's nihilism and his own existential
The Joker embraces the concept that life has no meaning and devotes himself to chaos, while
Batman becomes a vigilante on the side of justice to create meaning... and also more justice.
The juxtaposition of these two characters creates conflict, driving the stories forward
in interesting ways.
It's good writing.
Joker tries to convince Batman to let go of the meaningless conventions set up by society
and embrace chaos.
Batman tries to convince Joker to adhere to societal norms.
Or as Wisecrack once put it:
Batman and The Joker Have something in common. Both live their lives are responses to traumatic-world shattering events.
Events that represent an existential crisis that most people have to deal with, sooner or later.
How do you respond when life destroys your sense meaning? Choosing how to deal with this loss of meaning animates the entire Batman universe.
Batman decides to uphold some form of conventional morality as a vigilante.
The Joker chooses to abandon it entirely and the villain two-face splits the difference,
literally flipping a coin to decide whether he'll uphold conventional morality or rebel
against it. * bang *
Batman and The Joker arise as super-villain and superhero because of each other, being
tied together to various degrees depending on the adaption.
While most people find meaning in their daily lives and the things they do, the Joker feels
that their efforts are just meaningless attempts to maintain control, something they never
had in the first place.
Perhaps you've also heard someone say that The Joker is an Absurdist.
The first version of this video got a couple comments to this effect.
So let's take a moment to discuss exactly what that means.
An absurdist is someone who is intentionally ridiculous, surreal or bizarre.
"Mista J" certainly fits that description.
a person who holds the belief that we exist in a purposeless and chaotic universe.
Well, honestly that fits The Joker perfectly as well.
So, can both of these viewpoints be correct?
Let's take this opportunity to further define our terms.
I'm taking these directly from the essay "The Difference Between Existentialism,
Nihilism, and Absurdism" (link in the description below).
Existentialism is the belief that through a combination of awareness, free will, and
personal responsibility, one can construct their own meaning within a world that intrinsically
has none of its own.
Nihilism is the belief that not only is there no intrinsic meaning in the universe, but
that it's pointless to try to construct our own as a substitute.
Absurdism is the belief that a search for meaning is inherently in conflict with the
actual lack of meaning, but that one should both accept this and simultaneously rebel
against it by embracing what life has to offer.
To me, being an absurdist can be a reaction to nihilism.
So basically The Joker is an absurdist because he has reacted to his nihilistic views.
Now you may see this a different way and that's okay.
As writer Daniel Miiessler points out, people have written entire books on each of these
However, agree or disagree, let's explore the concept of Absurdism a little further.
In philosophy, the concept of the absurd, as defined by Albert Camus, refers to a conflict
between the human tendency to look for inherent value and meaning in the universe and the
complete lack of any such value or meaning.
Put simply, we want the universe to have meaning, order, and reason but the universe is chaos.
Walter White: The universe is random. It's not inevitable. It's simple chaos. It's sub-atomic particles in endless, aimless collision.
That's what science teaches us... but... What is this saying?
To Camus, an "Absurd Hero" is a person who can see and fully comprehend the lack of both
meaning and inherent value in the universe, accept it, and embrace the freedom that knowledge
They make their own meaning and they're happy with that.
In short, Camus suggests that acknowledging the truth, the eternity and futility of our
fate, is enough to render it less crushing.
His point was that we can accept and live in a world devoid of meaning or purpose.
So this video is far from over.
In fact, we're only halfway there.
Fortunately, it was all written and recorded at the same time.
So join me on Thursday and we'll continue our discussion of Batman, The Joker and Philosophy.
We're going to discuss The Myth of Sisyphus and how it relates to Camus' Absurd hero.Then
we'll explore the origin of The Clown Prince of crime, both in the comics and real life.
And finally, we'll tell the story of The Joker's one bad day and discuss what The
Joker really wants.
Thank you for watching.
Go my children, in the name of the like, the share and the holy subscribe button.
Get the channel some exposure.
I would really appreciate it.
This channel is totally fan-funded by our lovely patrons on Patreon. If you can, please support the channel at
Even $1 a month can make a big difference.
Until next time, be kind to each other, I'm Jay Parks.
Jail Break!|Roblox(Escape in the Jail,Surf on the Police Mobile,Arrested) - Duration: 14:50.
Prepara esto y rocíalo en tu cabello y el mismo día no tendrás ni una cana en tu cabello - Duration: 4:11.
Vivo X21 review: includes innovation that rewrites the fate of future smartphones - Duration: 11:02.
okay truth bomb time I honestly didn't think we would be the first smartphone
brand in the world to actually showcase a phone with an in display fingerprint
scanner that feat in itself deserves an applause of its own
now the we were x21 with all the you D suffix has launched in India finally and
I'm glad that mr. phone got an opportunity to actually test it out
before the launch so what are you waiting for I am ershad mr. from phone
and let's get down to my full review of the vivo x21
Hey stop it right there don't forget
subscribe to our Channel I think the by liking to get notified
for more such awesome tech videos before we start this review so since the in
display fingerprint sensor on the VEVO X 21 is the most important feature of the
phone let's talk about it a little bit first so how does this technology
actually work essentially a sensor just like your camera sensor sit 0.68
millimeters below the display substrate so the moment you press the designated
area and register your fingerprint the sensor captures reflections of your
fingerprints through the OLED pixels and that is how it can actually recognize
your fingerprints so thus we will make these in display fingerprint sensors no
actually the under display fingerprint sensors are made by this company called
synaptics it has a module called synaptics FS 9 5 double zero clear ID
which is used under the display the most important question that might be on your
mind is how long does it take to actually unlock the phone using an in
display fingerprint sensor well in my experience it takes a little bit about
0.7 to 0.8 seconds to unlock the phone which is definitely not as fast as you
know apples touch ID or any other physical fingerprint sensor for that
matter but hey this is first generation tech we're talking about you know touch
ID wasn't as fast as it is today as it was on the iPhone 5s
husak so can the entire display turn into a fingerprint sensor interestingly
yes you actually has a concept phone called the apex which uses the entire
bottom half of the phone to register your fingerprints in fact that phone is
actually going to be in commercial production soon and will launch as the
next later this year sometime but the thing that you have to note about using
the entire display as a fingerprint sensor is that that tech is not gonna be
cheap it's gonna be a little more expensive so does the industry
fingerprint sensor work underwater yes it can work under water but the V works
to anyone is not waterproof so don't try that at home does the ink
display fingerprint sensor work with the screen guard on yes it does work with
the screen guard on and in fact the viewer at 21 falls to the pre-applied
screen guard and I tested it out and it works just fine
can you use the fingerprint sensor to lock any app so as to protect your
privacy yes you can do that check this out
moving on setting up the fingerprint takes longer than physical sensors when
the setup process asks you to hold the edges of the finger and show that you
tried different angles also it is really vital that you keep your fingers
during the detection process follow these steps diligently and the scanner
will have a much lower fail rate I learned it the hard way
moreover you really need to press deeply for the sensor to identify your prints
thankfully the phone vibrates if the fingerprint is not registered and
therefore you don't have to second-guess also you get three different types of
fingerprint unlock animations that you can choose from if you do struggle with
the index play fingerprint sensor you can opt for face unlock instead and vivo
uses an infrared based sensor for unlocking the phone this is cool because
it unlocks really fast almost as fast as the one plus six and it feels secure too
moving on at the moment in the split fingerprint scanners play nicely only
with a male tech and I'm not really complaining because the six point two
eight inch 19's a 9 aspect ratio panel is actually bright colorful and crisp
for most scenarios it is a full HD panel in fact the blacks are so deep that the
always-on display looks as impressive as Samsung's flagship Galaxy S line don't
get me wrong though Samsung's displace are still the best in the business
no bleeding that moreover in bright light you can actually see the embedded
sensor very clearly when you crank up the brightness I don't necessary think
of it as a distraction but I hope that display tech improves in the future to
eliminate this issue all in all the display on the X 21 is where all the
action happens and the in display fingerprint sensor is actually magical
for nerds like me at least having said that it is not as fast and it leaves a
lot of refinement as well as far as the design of the Revo X 21 is concerned it
looks nearly identical to the vivo v9 however there are subtle changes that
make a whole world of difference but negatively and positively firstly the X
21 is actually made of glass and not plastic
therefore it adds a bit of heft making it easier to hold
despite the slimmer 7.4 millimetre profile the most annoying thing about
the design is the fact that we were is persisting with a microUSB port instead
of a type c1 actually the use of glass the phone is slippery but the Black
Radiance Center mr. phone was not as big of a smudge magnet as I expected it to
be that's a good thing vivo also burned is a really good looking case inside the
box one that needs no replacement the minimalistic rear of the phone sans the
fingerprint reader makes it pretty attractive also interestingly we go has
put the SIM card tray at the bottom edge this hybrid grey accepts two nano SIM
cards and you can swap out one SIM card for a micro SD card if you wish to solve
the design of the vio x21 it is a shinier
buckle your twin off the vo v9 and it is bound to get all the attention
like the v9 the x21 also runs fun touch OS 4.0 on top of android 8.1 yep it is
still a copy of iOS and I've spoken about it in length about what I like
what I don't like in my v9 review which should be up in a card somewhere over
here that said I have a very important gripe with the phone we were software
engineer still haven't found a way to solve how content will play on the
knotch with navigation gestures on so what
happens is when we decide to use navigation gestures a bar remains like a
sticky at the bottom and you cannot hide the knotch
how annoying is that therefore despite the presence of navigation gestures I
had to use the navigation keys instead please fix this own vevo also one
software feature that is different compared to the v9 is the always-on
display settings you can change the style of the clock to analog or digital
and it'll also showcase phone call or messages notification on your screen
here's an interesting thing though the vivo x21 is one of the very few phones
that supports Android P beta developer edition it's actually a part of Google's
partner program now I haven't tested this out on the vivo x21 yet we will do
that soon and let you know in a later video sometime the x31 comes with two
cameras on the rear one is a 12 megapixel primary sensor and the other
is a 5mp depth-sensing sensor also the new two Alamelu pixel sensor has a pixel
size of 1.4 4 microns this means that you can expect good details from the X
21 and you know what to some extent it actually delivers I managed to shoot
some good-looking shots and ideal lighting conditions you will see
extremely punchy colors that look good on any display
obviously the color accuracy is not ideal but a lot of folks will like this
look the problem with the camera is actually the focusing speed which is
weird because we mo actually claims faster focusing speeds but I had to stay
stable to get a shot without a blur most of the times that I thought I really
liked the new 12 megapixel camera on the rear because it takes good HD or short
suspend the portrait mode on the X 21 lets you adjust the focal length before
shooting and after shooting - according to me the sweet spot for getting a good
shot is F by 4 which is the default setting anyway the low-light shots are
not bad either but definitely not the best in class the software algorithm
works overtime to reduce the noise and as a result ends up smudging a lot of
the details but this is the case with a lot of mid-range phones and therefore
one not complain the camera can also capture
4k video but my test sample had a weird pink tint and since there is no II is
for fucking videos that was pretty shaky - on the contrary the quality of the
1080p video was pretty good with good details across the board you also get a
is out of the box for 1080p footage and that's definitely an advantage this get
interesting when you move to the front camera the front-facing camera also uses
the same 12 megapixel sensor as a real camera while it does take good selfies
the problem is that even without beauty mode on it makes my face look fairer
than usual a lot of folks might like this but I am NOT a fan oh and before I
forget you get AI based occurs on the phone which can be used to make some fun
selfies I lightly stickers they look as good as snapchat stickers the x20 one's
internal kit comprises of a solid combination of hardware which includes a
qualcomm snapdragon 616 so see 6 gigs of RAM and 128 GB of internal storage which
is further expandable up to 256 GB using a micro SD card while the 660 is a super
mid-range chip it is very powerful as we've learned from the nokia 7 plus
which we reviewed some time before in fact apart from the 616 the rest of the
specs are flagship grade in my time with the phone I didn't face a single
slowdown and the X 21 is an extremely responsive phone one weighed it as a
force performance prowess is to scroll through Facebook feed in the official
app no I'm not kidding the AM is so poorly coded that low-end chips actually
struggle to keep with the scrolling speed the experiment has no problems
whatsoever and as far as gaming is cleanser and I played guns of boom
shadows and legends and pop G all of which are graphically intensive games
all the games ran smoothly without any frame drops while family chooses the
medium graphics setting by default I push it too high and still then face any
problem the phone doesn't heat up while gaming either moving on to the audio
quality the x21 includes the high five - I really don't
know what model of hi-fi back but in my testing I found out that it could power
my one more triple driver with ease in fact the sound is pretty clean
without any artifacts as such however the single downward firing mono speaker
doesn't get very loud and the sound gets muffled easily when it is covered by a
pump as far as the coil quality is concerned I'm extremely impressed by the
ex 21 I got a stable until network with crystal clear calls even in high
congestion areas furthermore I didn't face any call drops either also the
phone app lets you record calls which could come in handy for a lot of folks
for those wondering the ex 21 has support for dual voltage a smell
powering all this is a 3200 mAh battery with support for fast charging we will
cause a dual engine quick charge and is it fast I can't believe that it is as
fast as 1 + s - charge additionally I got an average screen on time of around
5 hours and 20 minutes which is not bad but not great either basically you can
expect a day's worth of usage from the phone and charge it within an hour and a
half well miss the opportunity is that despite having a glass body the view
experiment doesn't come with wireless charging so for my final warning I am in
a different shirt that's primarily because I was actually at the event and
I'm coming to write for the event to show the verdict for you guys so should
you buy the we go X 21 well if you ask me the vo X 21 is definitely only made
for early adopters one who are really really keen on the in display
fingerprint scanner in fact when I asked my friends and
family about the in display fingerprint scanner they were mostly indifferent
primarily because they don't understand the technology but I have to tell you
this the fingerprint sensor inside the vivo X 21 is a very very big advancement
in the field of mobile technology but it's the vivo X 21 worth rupees 35 990 I
don't know I mean I cannot recommend this phone over the 1 plus 6 which is
currently the Best Buy in this price range that said the X 21 is a great
first attempt at showcasing a technology that no other brand has managed yet
kudos vivo so I hope you guys liked our review of the vivo X 21 if you did don't
forget to like share and subscribe to our channel if you want to see such
awesome tech content until next time this is ershad signing off Tata
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