Stay right here.
I hear some people. Come on!
This one's in bad shape. Come on, grab my hand. We got you.
Help him up. Help him up.
Attention, new arrivals:
Please proceed to the marked tables...
- for registration. - Let's make some room, please!
Mommy! Mommy!
Hi, baby.
Oh, baby.
For more infomation >> Ending Scene - Godzilla Roar Scene | Godzilla (2014) IMAX Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
iZombie | Inside: And He Shall Be a Good Man | The CW - Duration: 1:37.
Trump Administration Has LOST 1,475 Immigrant Children - Duration: 2:46.
In a report that came out last Friday, it was revealed that the Trump administration,
the Federal Government of the United States, has lost 1,475 migrant children that they
placed into custody after removing them from their parents.
Now, this story came out after the Trump administration announced their plans that once migrantS come
over into the United States, they were going to separate children from their parents.
And essentially right now, a lot of children are waiting in government warehouses for the
government to find out where to send them.
Now, these 1,475 missing children were actually separated from their parents in 2017 when
the Federal Government took about 7,000 or more children of migrants into custody.
1,475 children, human beings that the Federal Government was responsible for, the Trump
administration, and they've just lost them.
They don't know where they are.
They put them in custody.
They gave them to people and now they can't find them.
They don't know if they're still in the United States.
They don't know if they're still alive.
They just know that they separated them from their parents and now they're gone.
Here's what Republican Senator Rob Portman had to say about this issue of the almost
1,500 missing children in this country.
"It's just a system that has so many gaps, so many opportunities for these children to
fall between the cracks, that we just don't know what's going on."
That's very reassuring.
That's what you want to hear a senator tell you when you say, "Hey.
The government took about 1,500 and now they're gone.
Do you know where they are?"
"Oh, they fell through the cracks."
According to a documentary on PBS's front line, the government has actually been handing
over some of these children to known child sex traffickers.
So yeah, I think it's fairly important that we figure out where the hell these children
These children came over here with their parents.
The Federal Government separated them, which is also now the official policy, and then
they lost them.
They could have given them to dangerous, violent criminals.
They could have given them to sex traffickers as PBS says.
We don't know and neither do they.
And so far, it doesn't seem like anyone in the Federal Government is taking this issue
seriously or even trying to find out where these almost 1,500 missing migrant children
have gone to.
hello guys and welcome so I just want to do a quick announcement that I am
actually now an emissary to bless online so I'm gonna be doing coverage of bless
online I'm gonna be streaming it be doing guides and so on and first order
of business is that today in about an hour from now the game comes out and
thanks to neo Wiz I've got five founders packs to give away now I'm gonna be
giving the first three of them away today but in order to enter for that you
need to use the gleam link below so anyway guys hope to see you in the
stream and not as well that you are also have to be in the stream when the prize
is drawn otherwise I'll just reroll it to someone who is so anyway guys I hope
to see you at slash my free and let's try out bless let's see how
good it is let's see if they've improved it from previous versions of the game
and also as well as an emissary hopefully I can try and help them make
it better if there's any issues with it so thank you guys and if you like this
video remember to give a thumbs up if you want to see around the video click
there if you want to see the latest upload click down there and click down
here to subscribe thank you guys bye bye
Jurassic World Alive Hack - Get Jurassic World Alive Cheats [DOWNLOAD MOD APK] - Android/iOS - Duration: 3:01.
Hello guys.
Today I will show you the only working Hack to game Jurassic world alive.
First I will show you that I don't have a lot of Cash.
As you can see I have almost nothing, but keep watching and you will see the power of
this hack.
First you need to go to the website MOBILE-MODS.COM.
Then go to ALL POSTS and scroll down.
Here type name of the game.
Now go to the post.
In this place you can read about the game and about Jurassic world alive HACK.
You can see that this is not another fake online cheat.
It's real application you have to download and it really works.
Here you can see it's clean.
To download click this button.To prevent abusing by BOTS you need to complete human verification
but don't worry, it takes 5 minutes and it's really easy.
All you have to do is click on first application, install it and follow the instruction.
Then download second application and also follow the instruction.
After that Hack will be instantly downloaded.
I will do it now…
Ok I just completed verification and hack has just downloaded.
I will install it.
It don't need any special permissions so it's safe.
Ok installation completed, now let's open the application.
Here is security alert but I got this from so I don't need to worry.
First, you need to click this button and wait a second.
Ok game has been found.
Now let's do config, it's recommended to check all options and choose SQL Injection.
Now it's time to add some Cash.
You can generate as much as you want.
Click "Start Hack" and wait for the finish of hacking.
Ok now we can go back to game and check if amount of Cash got increased.
As you can see this Jurassic world alive HACK really works.
Now I can buy anything I want and don't need to pay anymore.
Thanks for watching and remember to download only from!
10 Famous People Mistakenly Cited as Experts - Duration: 15:28.
Crooked Hillary In Huge Trouble After Pres Trump Just EXPOSED What Will Finally Bring Her Down - Duration: 3:31.
Crooked Hillary In Huge Trouble After Pres Trump Just EXPOSED What Will Finally Bring
Her Down.
President Trump came out swinging Sunday morning, slamming former Obama officials, the '13
Angry Democrats' and Crooked Hillary Clinton in an explosive tweet.
The President knows the 'Art of the Deal,' furthermore, he knows how to trigger the media
and his haters without holding back.
President Trump isn't afraid to call it like he see's it, which is one of the reasons
many American's stood up and voted for him.
With that being said, it's been two years into the phony 'witch hunt' investigation
and while there is absolutely no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and
Russia, Mueller's investigation still lingers on.
Conveniently, what has been brought to light is the wrong doing's of the Obama administration,
Crooked Hillary, the FBI, CIA, and DOJ.
There was proven collusion, and now a SPY.
President Trump slammed Robert Mueller's 'witch hunt', referring to the "13 Angry
Democrats" on his phony probe declaring that they should have been working to investigate
Hillary Clinton controversies.
The President refers to the "13 angry Democrats" to the people on Mueller's probe who he
believes are biased and in the tank for Crooked Hillary.
Trump tweeted, "Why didn't the 13 Angry Democrats investigate the campaign of Crooked
Hillary Clinton, many crimes, much Collusion with Russia?
Why didn't the FBI take the Server from the DNC?
Rigged Investigation!
Additionally, the president sent out a series of three explosive tweets Saturday blasting
those members and shaming Mueller's witch hunt into the phony collusion.
He questioned why the FBI and DOJ did not inform him that there were FBI informantsin
his 2016 presidential campaign.
The President tweeted, "With Spies, or "Informants" as the Democrats like to call them because
it sounds less sinister (but it's not), all over my campaign, even from a very early
date, why didn't the crooked highest levels of the FBI or "Justice" contact me to
tell me of the phony Russia problem?"
President Trump also called the Russia investigation "rigged" and mentioned that there were
conflicts of interest between the FBI informants under the Obama administration and their role
in the Trump campaign.
"This whole Russia Probe is Rigged.
Just an excuse as to why the Dems and Crooked Hillary lost the Election and States that
haven't been lost in decades.
13 Angry Democrats, and all Dems if you include the people who worked for Obama for 8 years.
"When will the 13 Angry Democrats (& those who worked for President ), reveal their disqualifying
Conflicts of Interest?
It's been a long time now!
Will they be indelibly written into the Report along with the fact that the only Collusion
is with the Dems, Justice, FBI & Russia?"
President Trump has been angry over the news that there was an FBI spy snooping around
in his campaign during the 2016 presidential election cycle and has called it "SPYGATE."
And, rightfully so, he should be MAD.
Furthermore, it's time Crooked Hillary crimes are looked into without the cover-ups.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today.
Si sufres de insomnio… ¡Aquí te tenemos la solución! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:36.
Witches Photography, WATERMARKS and (proper) Levitation - Duration: 14:07.
witches photography, watermarks and levitations
today we're going to be discussing how this photo was made
how popular it got and the consequence of
going viral in the digital age, as a photographer
my original intention with this video was to make a simple tutorial on how to
actually accomplish this in post-processing but I slowly realized
that this was much more of an interesting story than just a simple
editing tutorial
the beginning started a lot earlier than I thought and after the
photo was featured, the ending it got a lot more complicated
so let's start at the very beginning
I only started shooting in 2013 and in my first year
just like all our first years
we're very creative we shoot everything until we
find out what we're good at but the only way to find out how is
through experience and lots of trial and error
I've always had a passion for witches and wizards
you know, being a magician, I had been familiar with a lot of the material in
old texts and images
I was really drawn to the classical interpretation of witches
you know before Hollywood took over and made them green and ugly
I wanted to recreate the original atmosphere from the old paintings
my true goal was to make this photo look like it was taken a hundred years ago
so within only a few months of starting photography I put out a casting call on
a site called model mayhem
I even mentioned flying naked witches to a few
the models on there so one by one all of the models flaked it required nudity and
no one else could see my vision so I just gave up on the idea
it was eerie
going through those old messages the vision was so clear it's almost as if my
current self went back in time to my old self and tried to describe the concept
of this photo to these other models but they had no idea what I was talking
about back then
fast forward a few years and I had built
up a decent reputation and portfolio
it wasn't until there was a shoot with
smoke grenades with Lady katastrophic, that the vision suddenly came back I've
always been obsessed with thick fog but it's impossible to predict natural fog
is quite elusive so it's hard to organize a shoot that requires it
not to mention finding five models willing to get naked in the woods
and get up at 5 in the morning
so after the initial richness of the purple fog the smoke started to dissipate
and then it became this hazy like atmosphere and I knew then
it was possible to create fog
I let her take care of the casting because previously I
had failed convincing five girls to get naked in the woods
I wonder why
the casting went great we attracted about a dozen models but my issue was a lot of
them were alternative models
the thing is modern witches tend to be more gothic
or alternative and that's fine for right now but back in the day you wouldn't see
any tattoos or piercings or colored hair
so as alluring as that "alt" look is that
it's it's just not what I wanted for this photo and the whole goal of this
photo was to make it look like it was taken a hundred years ago which would be
kind of impossible if everyone had tattoos
we had about six that fit the bill and when it came down to the day of the
shoot we were down to four Navi Kat Melissa and Jana and of course
we had our security which was a bodybuilder kori
I also had Photoshop on
my side so I knew I could clone anybody if I needed an extra body
now it came time to the actual photo shoot
the main focus of the shot was obviously the
floating witch in the middle or the floating virgin sacrifice in the middle
but first the problem with levitation photos
let me talk about this for a second
so how do we make sure that levitation doesn't look bad being a
magician certainly helped but there's a lot of levitation photos out there that
are just not not very good
the problem with a lot of levitation pictures out
there is that instead of a levitation picture it seems more like an invisible
chair picture all they do is they put their model on a chair or table and then
just remove it in Photoshop
it just looks bad it looks cheesy
and it just makes levitation photos in general and magic look bad and being a
magician it just irks me it's just it's just so easy to fix maybe we'll do a
separate video on how to do a levitation photo properly so there were only two
options to make sure she didn't look like she was just laying on an invisible
option one was to dangle the model from a harness to make sure that
her body would fall into place
instead of just being flat like it was on a table
so option two would be to hold the model between her armpit and her knee to
make sure her butt is free of any constraints and it's not flat at the
bottom which is the problem with a lot of levitation photos out there since the
trees were too high to dangle rope from and that just the logistics of it were
too dangerous we went with option two
once we got the floating shot we were
ready for the other girls and the smoke grenades
I was going to combine many pictures into one picture kind of like a double
exposure except time 5
in this video I won't go into the specifics of exactly
how to play with layers to combine multiple images into one so go watch
that video after this video make sure you watch this one first though
I only had two smoke grenades left so I knew the window of opportunity
was very low
we only had 90 seconds
so I had to simultaneously move the grenades
around and with the other hand take pictures with a remote app on my phone
multitasking just a little
I directed the models to sit-stand go in a circle
I needed many options and during this whole time Cory and I were circling the
girls as I was also triggering the camera to snap the photos
I was lucky
enough that the photos were in focus
but the smoke did get overwhelming in the
end and a lot of the photos at the end didn't make it
few of them did
so I had enough to work with for what I had in mind
I chose my
best images that work together and using layers in Photoshop I combined them into
a final image
once again see the multiplicity video to get the exact
details of how this was done
now here is something you never would have guessed
the smoke was not white look how colorful they are a totally different
mood no
photo was released on October 31st 2016
now I submitted it to a dark Beauty magazine soon after that but it didn't
get featured until way later
I like dark Beauty magazine because previously one
of my photos had gotten 10,000 likes and 500 fans overnight so I thought if that
photo did so well this photo should do really well
it finally got featured on
July 2017 Facebook Instagram website and even tumblr
it received 6666 shares and
it was so popular that it even became their cover photo
keep in mind dark Beauty magazine has over 1 million Facebook fans we were all
thrilled with the amount of attention and exposure this photo was getting
but then came the darkness of the digital age
every few days one of my
followers would find the floating witches photo online somewhere on a
featured account or a blog or web site
now sometimes they kept all the credits
from the dark Beauty they just reblogged it which was fine although they didn't
keep the actual tagging feature and other times they remove the credits
entirely or even worse
put a cringy color filter on top
now the smaller accounts are harmless and are bound to happen
but then the bigger accounts
started featuring them netting
ten thousand twenty thousand likes and
credits were removed
some were nice and cooperative and fixed their errors while
others just played dumb and just ignored the problem altogether or even at worst
blocked me so I couldn't complain about it
the worst part about seeing your
photo with twenty thousand likes and credits removed is the genuine interest
in the comments
who is this photographer? where can I buy a print?
and then after
me commenting having the photo completely removed losing access to
twenty thousand potential fans so even if one out of 1,000 actually bought
something that's money out of my own pocket
shit its a deer
so many missed opportunities all the fame without any of the benefits
after commenting fruitlessly on their comment section
I realized a lot of these big
accounts don't have time to check the comments don't have time to see every
message that gets sent to them
because there's so much spam so I started doing
something a little bit different
at the time Instagram stories was a new thing
so I would put up a story and tag them and then say something like forgot to
add credits
a lot of times they would just reply and be like oops sorry I
didn't see that you weren't tagged here let me fix that and other times it got a
lot worse
in one of these cases my Instagram story direct message method
actually worked
one of these accounts took a screenshot of my story all my
story said was it's a good time to be an artist and she took a screenshot of this
and posted it to her 250,000 fans trying to call me out for standing up for
so apparently in the comment section it went something like this
I found it
online so therefore it's in the public domain I am free to use it as I will
the commenters who were backing me up were sort of like
that's akin to saying that
people who got raped deserve to be because of the way they were dressed
just because you found something and you have access to it doesn't mean you're
entitled to it
and she was all like
it's all ....
(laughs) I can't do this
a few photographers in the industry had a lot of insightful things to say
and one photographer in
particular even bought a photo himself
after posting about it I ended up
getting 1,200 fans in one hour
reverse image set did not yield a photographer's
name so don't tell me to do that thanks mysterymanphoto
if you wanted to be credited why didn't you just put a watermark on it?
think of a time that you picked up a magazine National Geographic or or anything any
sort of publication that you remember seeing a giant watermark of the
that's right it doesn't happen because part of any publication
standard is that watermarks must be removed
this was very much the case in
this scenario as I submitted to dark beauty magazines and they asked for the
watermark to be removed
so once I brought up this issue to the would-be
offender here we just cleared it up we just realized it was a giant
misunderstanding on her part and
she apologized and we were friends right
after that
until she blocked me five minutes later
the gist of it was
to many living in the digital age they don't know the difference between what's
in the public domain and searchable by Google
they assume that because an image
is so easily searchable it's theirs
because they did the digging so now we
have all these feature accounts out there they're kind of like a mixtape a
collection of the best of a niche they're great for bringing exposure to
small artists if used properly
but luckily not everyone is a dick who's out
to get you there are honest misunderstandings sometimes and
sometimes all you need is just a conversation
artists and feature account
should be a perfect match
they bring the original content and they bring the
it's a mutual beneficial relationship
so is our online photo safe
out there in a world of accessibility and entitlement?
is a watermark even good enough?
how would you handled the situation?
do you watermark every single thing you do?
is there even a point?
leave a comment below and share your
watermarking stories
if you want to see more behind the scenes and the stories
behind certain photographs
comment below on which ones you'd like to see we'll do
more behind the photo stories like this if you guys like that kind of stuff
if you'd like to purchase your own copy of The Witches photo there will be a
link below as well as any other photo that might strike your fancy so don't
forget to subscribe like and share with your photographer friends
thanks mystery man photo
I don't know why she turned into
i hate you heman
In Memory of.. &.. a Miraculous Revival 24 hours later - Duration: 4:53.
HEY TRIPPSTERS okay the next two days in my life streams is going to be a
celebration or rather an in memory off kind of thing
starting today which is the 28th it is one month ago today that we had a
tragedy happen in the middle of a lobster and you guys may have seen the
video about this one month ago and this was the loss of a fan
one of my fans died in the middle of a livestream
so today's livestream hopefully will go well and it will be in memory of that
fan and tomorrow which will be the 29th will be the celebration of that fan
having come back to life because he died on the 28th and then came back to life
on the 29th so in memory of his passing and in honor of him being revived 24
hours later we are going to have a two-day celebration oh my god
guys I'm sorry I can't help it okay it was pointed out to me in last night's
late stream that it was actually today was actually going to be the one-month
anniversary since that happened and in case you don't know the story behind it
because the original video is no longer up one of my fans died or so we thought
in the middle of one of my live streams right while I was live streaming okay
well we found out around 24 hours later when he popped back up in the live
stream that he been resurrected so speak he faked his
death guys one of my fans faked his own death in the middle of one of my live
streams to get attention okay so I'm sorry
we were tore all to pieces that night that it happened because we thought that
the young man could actually passed away and he is supposed to be 14 years old so
it was huge and tragic for me obviously but also for everyone that was in the
stream with us that night because the guy had been in the stream with us
chatting and then all of a sudden I got a message from his mom saying that he
had just passed away well oh my god I lost it while on camera
I thought this was real and then I found out the next day and I mean almost 24
hours later that he had faked the whole thing and that it wasn't his mom that
had messaged me it was him he faked his death and then kept talking to me and
acting like he was his mom okay when people do things like YouTube and they
start to gather fans not all of the fans are quite right and I get that okay but
I can't help but make a joke out of it even though that night I was tore all
the pieces right now we have all dealt with that and we have made it the
biggest joke coming and going I mean we joke about it all the time
so when my fan one of my other fans pointed out to me that it was going to
be the one month anniversary of that guy's faking his death
I thought oh my god oh we have to have a celebration
basically we're not actually celebrating we're just gonna gather and talk like we
always do but guys if you'd like to check it out please feel free the link
to my livestream channel will be in the description below and it will pop up at
the end in the little circle so you can just click on that - but yes one month
ago today the young man sadly passed away within 24 hours later they revived
him after he had been dead for 24 hours so you know magic but seriously guys
check out the livestream and remember for the next two days it will be in
honor of his passing and in celebration of them bringing him back to life after
he had been dead for 24 hours but guys that is gonna do it for now this is Icepets
Queen and I am - Tripping out
정은숙 나한일 옥바라지 결혼 | News KR - Duration: 8:58.
Pryotechniques; A Junk Journal Orientation - Duration: 7:52.
Good Day everyone! It's Katie here today sharing my very first Junk Journal using
Traci's Up and Away Steampunk journaling kit. I have done up a matching bookcase
to go together with the journal as well which I have a separate video in how to
get this done up so if you are interested I have stated down the link
in the description box below and in this video I'm going to show you guys the
completed project instead. So here is the front of the bookcase as you can see as
I bring up close. There are two butterflies that I placed at the sides and
if you look closer I deliberately composed a face out of the various
elements that I used from the journal kit and this "Pryotechniques" as the title
of this whole journal is being called. And around the sides, I placed some laces
and gold trim to give it a little bit of dainty not really dainty but I just
wanted to add some laces over. And as you can see I actually have stained the
edges of the bookcase and did some stamping and stenciling around the
bookcase and this is the back where I use the bookends to compose the so
called the page over. And now I'm opening it up to show the interior. I lined the
sides with some dictionary papers and added some pattern papers as well. And as you could see
on the sides of the dictionary papers I actually stamped some coffee stains which I
actually have this stamp which I think I bought from Kaiser's Craft and I think that it's
a little too plain if I just leave it as it is. So that's the bookcase itself and
right now I'm going to go through the journal in details. And this is the front
cover. I added a little charm at the center and as you could see I deliberately made it
quite similar in such that it's like contrasting and complementary to each other.
So now I'm opening up the journal showing here the
various pages. As you can see here I actually line each
of the signature with a mixture of the vintage dictionary papers and
a mix of vellum and tea dyed papers. These pages are all individually cut and and
tea dyed before they are all stitched together. There's a lot of blank pages
around and I added random stamping and some graphics that I could find from the
journal kit to kind of like to make it not so plain at the same time
following the theme. And at the front and back of the signatures I actually
paste the various pages from the journal kit and as you can see here I have done
some sentiments stamping as well and in particular I actually like this couple from
one of the pages and I think that would be good to just cut them out and paste it
randomly on a page. These two butterflies are from
the watercolor vintage butterfly digital clipart. And more of the vintage
papers, tea dyed pages and vellums. And over here "don't forget to fly".
More of the inserts here and over here I created a corner; a corner to insert some
elements here and secure them using a paper clip. These paper clips are actually
from Tim Holtz and I think that there are tiny and good enough for a journal
size like this. And randomly I just feel like stamping some script over
certain pages. This ticket is from Tim Holtz as well and I added some tabs for
the first three signatures of the journal to segment them and here it's an
envelope from the journal kit as well where I fussy cut some of the elements
and store them inside this little cute envelope and created a side pocket
as well that you can keep more things. More of the journal pages. It's
particularly good that some of the journal pages that Traci designed had some
journaling aspect to it where you can also journal at the same time.
More stamping on random pages
and I just you know get as much details as possible
and I try to make the book a little more interesting.
And here is the last signature where I had these two pockets
both the front and the back where I insert these tags.
More random stamping around the various pages and
vintage dictionary papers as well.
So basically that's it! And showing you the walk through of this little
steampunk junk journal that I created for the very first time. I hope that this
have given you a good details in the entire look of the book. I will be
listing this journal together with the bookcase and selling it as a set on my
Etsy store and will place a link below so that if anyone of you are interested
you could actually know where to get it from. So that's about it for today and I
hope that you have enjoyed this video very much and don't forget to give me a
LIKE; a thumb up and remember to subscribe for more future videos and
I hope to see you again very soon.
¡Timbiriche conquista al público de los Estados Unidos! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:26.
Well, Well, Well! Look Who Brokered Obama's Lucrative Netflix Deal! WHO?? - Duration: 2:47.
Top 10 Bollywood Actors Childhood Who Grew Up To Be Unrecognizable | Before and After | Bollywood - Duration: 2:14.
Top 10 Bollywood Actors Childhood Who Grew Up To Be Unrecognizable | Before and After | Bollywood
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