Hi everybody,
Today I'll teach you how to make this braid, which wil enhance any hairstyle
For this design, we chose BERLINGO yarn, in Aurore colourway,
and COTON FIFTY yarn, in colour écarlate and gingembre
There are many colours to choose from with these yarns, feel free to create your own mix of colours
You'll need one ball of BERLINGO,
two balls of COTON FIFTY in different colours,
a tape measure,
a pair of scissors,
a tapestry needle
and a 5.0 mm crochet hook
Take the ball of BERLINGO
Measure 6 meters of yarn using the tape measure 14 00:01:21,000 -> 00:01:23,000 Cut yarn there
Repeat three times: you have a total of 4 strands of BERLINGO, each measuring 6 meters
Also cut 4 strands in each of the balls of COTON FIFTY, each measuring 6 meters
Take 4 strands of one colour
Now let's crochet chains with the 4 strands of each colour
Leave a free tail of several cm before making a slip knot
To make a slip knot, hold yarn in your left hand
With your right hand, wrap yarn around middle finger and index finger of your left hand,
to make a loop
Place left strand under the loop,
pull through and place loop on hook
Pull yarn slightly to adjust the loop on hook
Then wrap yarn over hook
Take the left strands and wrap them over hook from back to front
Slide hook to pull the yarn-over through loop
The yarn over is now a loop on the hook
Repeat those steps: yarn over,
pull through loop
and again, until you have used up the 4 strands of yarn
To end chain, cut yarn a few cm after chain,
and pull end through the loop on hook
Then make more chains with the two other colours
Once all three chains are finished, join them 5 cm in end
by wrapping and securing a strand of gingembre colour around the 3 chains
Then braid the chains together, leaving 5 cm free at the end
Join the 3 ends as previously using a strand of gingembre
Cut the ends of the chains, leaving a 1 cm tail
Make a second braid likewise with the 3 strands, repeating every step from the beginning
Now, let's start the last part of the braid: the tie 43 00:04:28,000 -> 00:04:30,000 Cut 2 strands in each colour of COTON FIFTY, each measuring 50 cm
Take those 4 strands together
Crochet a chain with the 4 strands held together,
leaving a 10 cm tail before the slip knot
The chain should measure 8 cm
When the chain is finished, cut yarn leaving a 10 cm tail
Join the chain in a circle with a knot, without cutting yarn ends
Narrow the circle at its center by tying strands together to create 2 circles
Cut yarn, leaving a 1 cm tail
Take both braids and thread each end through one hole of the tie
Your braid is finished 54 00:05:40,000 -> 00:05:43,000 Now you can adjust its size on your head by moving the tie
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Asus Zenfone Max Pro vs Realme 1 vs Redmi Note 5 Pro - Detailed Camera Comparison - Duration: 12:57.
hey Sreehari from mr. phone and a few days ago he posted a blindness of the
Asuza in full max through m1 versus the real me one versus the redmi note 5
throw and I promised you guys that I'll be putting up a DDL camera comparison
next day but I didn't that's how lazy I am but with all the
encouraging comments that you have been giving us and all the love that you've
shown us I finally decided to make that detailed camera comparison and here it
before jumping into the video like any other robot there don't forget to
subscribe to the channel if you have it already and all circling that bill again
so that you can notify for all the videos I people have now lets cater to
this video now before I open my lap down we all say together to analyze those
pictures let's quickly take a look at the specs of these phones here is a
shape you can take a look and all the camera specifications if you want to
pause the video you can and take a deeper look but I think I'll move on now
to the pictures and now that you have taken your long look at it let's get to
work so now we are back to the table and
let's take a look at all these images one by one and let's see which one does
the best so taking a look at the first image we have here I think the read me
the Suzanne phones the real me all of them have produced very good looking
images here I think taking a look at them one after the other you won't
really see a difference the relays are also very well preserved in all these
images although looking at them side-by-side I think you're Suzanne full
clearly has sharper details now that might also be a bit too over sharpened
for a lot of you for me personally it's fine the real me one has least details
when zoomed in and is an overall softer image and the redmi note 5 pro has an
overall balanced image I think the redmi note 5 pro also nails the color accuracy
and the temperature here so for the first set of images I think I will go
with the redmi note 5 pro just because of the true to life color reproduction
and balance details with the us who's actually following it and the real me
one coming in at last now this next image is a very busy image
and looking at them one by one I think you can realize that the real me one
does stand out being the brightest of the bunch and also the real me one has
managed to identify the subject well this is a difficult image because the
background has a very bright source which is why the other two images are a
bit on the darker side but the real will be one chose to blow out the background
a bit more in order to accommodate the subject in autofocus mode now assuming
and I think that I'd me note 5 pro takes the cake here it's a lot more detail and
the balance is really well done I think my winner is still the real me
one here that's because I'm looking at it more from a consumer point of view so
when you take these images a lot of you might not really want to edit it much or
want a true-to-life image you might prefer something that just looks good
and you can post it straight to Instagram or face
with those little filters and I think for that the real me one does a really
good job here then let me know if I Pro is no slouch and I think it has created
a better image in terms of true to life color and the balance but I think real
me one image looks brighter and is my choice for this set of images now taking
a look at the next image this was specifically chosen to take a look at
how HDR performs on these phones so the first image that you see here are non
HDR images I think we see a pattern here looking at them separately they all look
very similar but looking at them side-by-side there are a lot more things
to notice I think we can all agree that the real me one image looks the
brightest and also looks quite appealing from a distance the colors look good the
sky also look so well exposed and overall I think it looks great now
zooming into the dark corner at the bottom of this image I think we will all
see how differently these phones handle different situations so the redmi note 5
pro seems to have completely messed up the details while the Esso cellphone has
tried to preserve and bring a lot of Tyrael but at a cost of a lot of noise
the real me one image while it has softer details looks the best among the
three here it's difficult to pick a winner here and please make sure to go
back to what I've said earlier because then your preferences might differ from
mine and you can calibrate your choices depending on what I say but in this
image I still pick the real me one because of how overall that image looks
good from outside and I said earlier I would like to pick images that would
look good on Instagram or Facebook or say what general consumers would go for
and that is the image that I have picked with the real me one
now moving on to the HDR images this is where we finally start to see a lot of
differences so what a cell phone does here is quite straightforward with just
preserving the details in the highlights by bringing them down and boosting the
shadows up this way the image just looks a tad bit better but I will tell you
something here the HDR shot on the assumes in phone maxpro takes a lot of
time now that's not really that much because of the hardware because it's
really powerful but that is mainly because of an average performing camera
app that sits on the associate for max Pro m1 now looking at the real me one
image that has the most drastic HDR effect and I can't really say that I'm a
fan because apart from bringing down the highlights and basically bringing out
details in the shadows it also cranks up the saturation up a bit and I think you
can really see the difference in the greens that the over image has brought
so as I said earlier not a fan of this HDR effect now going to the redmi note 5
pro the redmi note siper is known to be subtle with the HDR effect and that's
what has happened here the highlights have been brought out and the contrast
seems to be a little up I generally prefer that at me note 5 pros HDR effect
and the story is no different here because while I do like shots a bit
saturated I don't like adding it this unnaturally as the oppo has done so I
think the redmi note 5 pro's HDR image is my favorite one here
now let's take a look at some portrait mode images so now I think this is the
first image where the associate phone max has impressed me somewhat the colors
look quite good even the greens and blues in the backgrounds look very
refreshing the real me one image looks a bit too washed out and while the colors
look good I don't think I like it that much now coming to the redmi note 5 pro
i think there is not much to say here the image looks the most valence and
well produced out of the bunch in terms of color reproduction and balance now I
think zooming in you can see that the red me know if I shine z' with better
details with a susan fall in the second spot and really one coming in at last
now let's talk about that other 50% off the portrait mode image which is that
bouquet bouquet is good on all of them and they've all handled it differently
the zenfone and the red may just go for it and start the shallow depth of field
from the exact place where the edge starts however real me one tries to play
it safe by starting out with a lighter blur and then moving on to a shallower
thing this way they do lessen the possibility of blurred out parts of the
subject but it also looks a little distasteful fun fact that the pixel do
also does pokey mode in such a fashion where they start out with a lighter blur
and then max out the blur in the background but they do it in a very
premium way
now take a look at selfies I think the ring we want really shines here the
colors the details everything is just port on the redmi note 5 pro did not
exactly focus well but has managed to produce a good looking image the zenfone
images really does looking here which actually makes me wonder how
inconsistent the post-processing is because generally the back camera images
from the zenfone are a lot saturated and look way too lively for me and the front
camera images look really does I think a su should really take a look at this and
maybe that they fix it in future software updates also zooming into these
selfies I think will realize that the Oppo has a really good detail on it all
those pores all those little details on the face are very well preserved on the
real me so the real me one is my winner here the redmi note 5 pro in the second
spot and the associate on there at the last spot now taking a look at portrait
mode selfies I think they've all done a good job and we see similar results that
we saw with the back camera portrait mode the redmi note 5 pro does the best
job of all with the real me one and the usos coming in behind it but i think
you'll be impressed with either of those fools the reduces little dull looking
images but I think the redmi note 5 point that will me one are really good
performance when it comes to selfies and selfie portraits so taking a look at
just the bouquet at the portrait mode I think the redmi note 5 Provins here with
the real me one coming in at second and Sue's coming in at third but taking a
look at selfies overall I think the real me one is my winner with the redmi note
5 pro in the second place and also some third place
now let's jump into some close-up delight shots let's take a look at them
one by one first and then go into how they look side by side now looking at
these daylight charts generally when you look at all these images one after the
other you don't really see a difference but we can all agree here that those
really shit the bed these are difficult colors for cameras to reproduce but
associate photo looks fairly poor here again the real me one has a brighter
image but I think the redmi note fibro really wins here colors and contrast
looking at them from a distance I think rightly note five Pro has got it right
the real me one image also looks very close to it albeit with a little less
contrast but as we zoom in is when we see the real story the real me one
shines here the retails are very good and the redmi note 5 pro scratched
details just look embarrassing in front of how good the real me ones image looks
when it comes to close-up images like this I think I always prefer details and
the real me wonder has really been my favorite one in this now taking a look
at this Indo short I think the US has the brightest image of the bunch in the
sense that all the images are very well exposed but it's a little too blue for
my liking a little too cool and there is a lot of noise to take a look at the
redmi note 5 pro image this is my favorite one here it has more detail
less noise very good color reproduction and I think the temperature also is
quite pleasing on the redmi note 5 promote the real me one straight-out
underexposed the whole image speaking my least favorite one in this so the redmi
note 5 row is my pick for this one the real me one is the softest of the
bunch and that is something that's expected from real me because of all the
earlier images that real me has been producing but it has also managed to
click the brightest image so if you look at it from a distance I think the real
me one really has the brightest image of all but the redmi note 5 throw is
clearly the winner here it has the most balanced image it has the details the
colors and noise control everything is just very well done and the redmi note 5
pro is clearly my pick for this one
now turning on the flash and looking at some low light flash portraits the redmi
note 5 pro wins this round for me the usos has the least appealing image
the colors are often the details are completely smudged now the real one and
the regular fibro are very close in these images and looking at it from a
distance I don't think there is any difference however zooming in I think we
can really see that the redmi note 5 throw has with lot more details and is
hence my winner for this with the real me following very closely
now in this last image that we are looking at today the esos and the redmi
note 5 both do a good job however the real me one has surprised me with this
image the colors are amazing and the noise levels are very well controlled
now that is also because real me generally softens the image a lot and
softens the details but in this loaded situation I think I prefer software
details thence much details or a lot of noise but in this loaded situation I
think I prefer the real me one image then the redmi note 5 pro or the SOC
informatics program now moving towards video I think the redmi note 5 row has
slight edge here already because of the electronic image stabilization and I
think the color reproduction is also spot on on the redmi note 5 pro the real
me one also does really well with color and a slightly over sharpened which is
very weird the also cellphones video has a lot of
details and I'm not really a fan of how to videos look I think you can clearly
see that the video from the redmi note 5 pro is really cropped and when compared
to the one from the Oppo or even the Oh Susan for max flow m1 and that's because
the redmi note 5 pro has electronic image stabilisation and for that what
the phone does is it crops in and it adjusts the frame so that you don't see
any black parts coming in so that's why the redmi note 5 pro's videos a little
bit to crop then if you're someone who edits their videos that they take out of
their phones i think you'll be pretty good with your source or even the opal
because you can achieve similar results to what the redmi note 5 pro is giving
with just taking those videos putting it on a video editing software like
Premiere Pro or anything and just applying a stabilizer on it what the
redmi note 5 pro does on the smartphone you can do it on a video editor but
clearly a lot of people don't do that and that's why the redmi note 5 pro is
my winner when it comes to video so the redmi note 5 pro clearly take the most
number of boxes bad if i'll be honest i expected more
the real mean one has really surprised me and given the redmi note 5 row a very
tight competition and the real me one starts at a much lower starting price of
8990 rupees and it's a steal at this price so that's it for this one thank
you so much for watching this is Sri Hari from mister phone and I'm gonna go
straight to sleep now see ya
《溫暖的弦》大結局:張翰與張鈞甯遺憾錯過?網友:期待第二部 - Duration: 3:51.
Uomini e donne: ecco cosa va in onda in estate | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.
Cracks are mysteriously appearing on the Apple iPhone X dual camera glass cover ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:23.
Since January, a thread on the Apple communities discussion forum has been growing.
It appears that the glass cover on the Apple iPhone X that protects the lens on both rear
cameras has started cracking on a number of units.
Now we know what you're thinking.
Sure, if you drop the phone on a hard surface some glass will crack.
And that would make sense except that the complaints came from iPhone X owners who insist
that they have never dropped their expensive handset.
Apple charges $99 for an AppleCare+ covered replacement,
and one poster on the aforementioned Apple communities forum said that the Apple Store
wanted to charge him $549 for a repair not covered by Apple's warranty.
So if the phone isn't dropped, what could cause the cracks to appear?
Some blame the temperature.
Apple states that the iPhone X needs to be in an ambient temperature range of 32°F to
95°F while in use, and -4°F to 113°F when at rest.
Some of the posts on the forum were from iPhone X users that operated the phone in colder
conditions than those specified by Apple, and found no damage whatsoever on their device.
Perhaps this is something that is not weather related.
One Apple community member says "This obviously is a design/material flaw!"
Whatever the reason for the cracks, Apple has been mum.
Considering the bad publicity it received last week when it was discovered that the
company knew in advance that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus would bend,
and that its decision not to use epoxy led to "Touch Disease" on the same models, Apple
needs to be completely transparent about this new issue.
Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo firmó un documento de "voluntad anticipada" y nos cuenta en Don Francisco Te I - Duration: 7:11.
溫暖的弦大結局,張翰張鈞甯甜炸了,演員笑的都出戲了 - Duration: 2:31.
Learn Colors with Sky Lanterns ! Baby Finger Family Nursery Rhymes ! Best 2018 ! #Toysforkidsvideos - Duration: 3:05:17.
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Dog Rocks Baby to Sleep Funny Dog and Baby Compilation 2018 - Duration: 12:48.
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Please comment the things you want to see, we will always create interesting video to you enjoy.
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'남자친구' 송혜교-박보검, 실제 나이 차이는? '띠동갑' - Duration: 2:29.
[화보]프리스틴V, 5인 5색 매력~ - Duration: 1:24.
Uomini e donne oggi 28 maggio: in onda la registrazione in villa di Sara? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:35.
윤상현♥메이비, 세 아이 부모된다…"12월 출산예정, 무척 기뻐" - Duration: 2:34.
Report: Three master majors applied by most Chinese overseas students - Duration: 1:54.
Report: Three master majors applied by most Chinese overseas students
The majority of Chinese students applying for master's degrees overseas in 2018 major
in engineering, management, and economics, according to a report.
Jointly released by New Oriental Vision Overseas and Kantar Millward Brown, the report focuses
on Chinese students' overseas study and is based on a survey of around 5,000 students
who plan to study abroad or were previously overseas students, their parents, and some
Conducted in February and March, the survey involved respondents from more than 40 cities
across China.
On the basis of the report results, 24 percent of applicants chose to major in engineering,
16 percent in management, and 15 percent in economics.
The figures are similar to those of 2017 – engineering (23 percent), management (14 percent) and
economics (15 percent).
The report also showed that male and female applicants, though sharing some similarities
in majors applied by the majority, had different preferences.
37 percent of male applicants of master's degree overseas would like to explore more
in engineering, 15 percent in economics, 12 in management and 9 percent in science.
Among female applicants, however, management enjoyed the highest popularity and was chosen
by 18 percent of students, followed by economics at 16 percent, engineering at 13 percent and
language at 9 percent.
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