Well ladies and gentlemen, it only took a little over a year and a half, but Jared Kushner
was finally able to submit a security clearance form and get approved for a full-time security
clearance for his position in the White House.
Now, in case you were wondering, Jared Kushner had to amend his, SF86 is the form you have
to fill out, I believe more than 50 times over the last year and a half, and he actually
submitted his first SF86 before Donald Trump was even sworn in as President.
This happened back in 2016, almost immediately after Trump won the election from the Electoral
So Jared Kushner's been trying basically since I guess November 2016 to submit a form that
was not riddled with errors.
And I guess he finally managed to do it because the White House said, "You know what, to hell
with it, give this guy a security clearance because God only knows how many more times
it's going to take for him to fill out a proper form."
Of the mistakes that he had made in the year and a half since he first filed, it included
omitting more than 100 foreign contacts on his SF86 form.
Those are things that, you know, the bureau that issues these security clearances, that's
something they want to know about.
Are you compromised?
Do you have contacts overseas that might be compromised with their own governments?
Are you a double-agent?
Are you somebody who's going to betray the United States through your contacts?
Yeah, they need to know those things, especially since we know that Robert Mueller is very
interested in all of the foreign contacts that you have, because most of them so far
that we've learned about, haven't exactly been friendly towards you.
Not only were you meeting with foreign governments who offered aid to the Trump campaign, but
you were also pulling some pretty shady real estate deals with them as well, specifically
with people from the UAE and Qatar.
I am shocked that they actually decided to go ahead and give him this full-time, all-access
pass, but I'm willing to bet that the White House played a major role in this because
they couldn't suffer any more embarrassment at the hands of Jared Kushner, who proved
more than 50 times that he can't fill out a simple form honestly.
Jared Kushner does not belong in the White House whatsoever, and the fact that this guy
is now going to have access to top secret information that only a few people in this
country have access to, should scare the hell out of all of us.
And again, it goes back to those foreign contacts.
Jared Kushner is the kind of stupid that makes him easily manipulable to overseas sources.
And considering all the times they've already tried to get to him, and the fact that they
even refer to him as "A dummy", shows that they know that now that Jared Kushner has
access to this info, he is the kind of moron who would willingly leak it to them.
For more infomation >> White House Says Screw It, Gives Jared Kushner Full Security Clearance - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
'1976 Pacer' 🚗 Official Throwback Clip | Pimp My Ride | MTV - Duration: 4:23.
- All right, when Jessica's car first came in here
it was all beaten and abused,
but the guys here at Westcoast Customs
put the fight back into the Pacer.
Now people are gonna be seeing stars
when they see this knockout rolling down the street.
All right, Jessica, I know you were embarrassed
by the condition of the car,
you know, via all the rat feces--
- Yes.
- And what not that was going on with it,
but what you didn't know is that
we actually found a real, live rat--
- [Jessica] No, you didn't.
- Yeah.
- For reals?
- [Xzibit] Yeah, definitely.
- Oh my God.
- [Xzibit] Yeah that's what we said,
but you no longer have a rolling mouse trap, all right girl?
So check out your brand new Pacer.
- Oh! Oh my God!
Look at the stars!
Oh wow!
- Yeah baby!
- Thank you so much.
- We did it again.
- All right.
- This is so cool.
♪ Whoa, hey ♪
(rock music playing)
- Now Jessica, this is Mad Mike.
He's gonna show you the ins and outs of your new car.
- [Mad Mike] Jessica, when we first got your car,
it was five different colors.
- [Jessica] Yeah.
- [Mad Mike] The homie, Buck, hooked you up.
He started with a sun fire yellow
and he faded it down to a cinnamon pearl.
- I love it.
- [Mad Mike] All right, Jessica, we have
a one of a kind Pacer custom bumper--
- (laughs)
- Right here in your car.
All the air, it goes up in there and in here,
make your care go like twice as fast.
- Ah (censored).
- Yeah!
- He's lying.
- This is a Pacer racer.
- That's okay, keep lying to me, I like it (laughs).
- Jessica, when we got your car in here,
the wheels, eh, wasn't nothing special.
- No.
- [Mad Mike] (mumbles) hooked you up with some
18-inch (mumbles) Hammer 5's.
18 on a Pacer.
- Pacer racer.
- Oh yeah.
- Alrighty then.
- (laughs)
- I guess you're wondering what this is.
- Yes.
- [Mad Mike] This is a customized wing
with it's own built-in solar panel.
This solar panel keeps your batteries charged
when you're out in the sun.
I gotta show you something else.
This is a Webasto electric ragtop.
Now you got the sun on your solar sail
and you got the sun in your car.
- This is so cool.
- [Mad Mike] What's the first thing
you noticed about your car?
- The carpet.
- This is shag, baby, on the roof, the floor,
the walls, everywhere.
- Oh, this is so cool. (laughs)
- Who killed Big Bird?
- [Mad Mike] Check the old 8-track out.
That's not actually an 8-track.
That's an MP3 player.
Now your 8-track plays thousands of tracks
and how it plays is through this,
Jensen touchscreen radio.
- Oh I love this!
- All right, Jessica.
Remember how your trunk used to open before?
- Yeah.
- You used to have to prop it up with a piece of wood.
X, help me out.
- (laughs)
This is too great.
- [Mad Mike] Automation, baby.
And that's not all, Jessica.
- (mumbles) check this out.
- You got your own juice bar in the back of your Pacer.
- (laughs)
- [Mad Mike] You got fruits, vegetables,
you got your crazy straws,
and you got wheat grass growing in your car.
- Because we know you like to eat healthy,
so you might as well take it with you.
- Uh-huh.
- Oh yeah.
Let me show you how it works.
- [Jessica] (laughs)
- [Xzibit] Mmm, scrumptrilescent.
- Whoo.
- It tastes like carrots.
- I know, (censored).
All right, I got one more thing for you, Jessica.
When I give this to you,
I think you're gonna understand why
I would think this is
an appropriate gift for you, all right?
Hold on one second.
Now that guys at the local animal shelter
hooked you up with your brand new little kitty
to help you with your rodents that you had in the car.
- My little rat catcher!
- (laughs) yeah.
So you gotta name him.
What's his name?
- Pacer.
- Why not?
- (laughs)
- You need two things to get out of here.
You need them keys
and you've officially been pimped,
you know what I'm talking about?
(cat meows)
He's a little pissed right now.
The pussy's pissed.
(cat meows)
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John David Washington on Working w/ Spike Lee on 'BlacKkKlansman' | MTV News - Duration: 1:29.
- You gonna sees, culture clash, you're gonna see history,
you're gonna see some names and personalities
that your kind of familiar with but you didn't have no idea.
And more in depth look of what these people,
these something certain figure heads, were about.
- I'd imagine you more than anybody knows
your way around a Spike Lee set.
(John laughs) You've probably got some tips
you heard from dear old dad a little bit about it.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah a lot of people,
my brother has worked on a Spike Lee film,
I've had friends that worked for Spike Lee before.
So yeah, I was prepared, I was ready to go.
- The reality, did the reality compare to the expectation?
What's Spike like on a set selling?
- Exceeded expectations, it was one of the best experiences
of any kind I've ever had as far as just one common goal.
The environment was set in such a way,
it was such a collaborative environment,
it was such a place of freedom to express,
and try and create he embraces truth
and he embraces, he really embraces,
the process of telling that truth.
No beats were skipped, no moments were false, if they were,
cut, cut, he's gonna cut, he's gonna shut it down.
And that's great, I love that and it helps,
and it gives you more confidence going forward.
I mean the kind of confidence I have as a performer,
because of him, I owe him everything for that so.
( slow beat)
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Kelly Clarkson The Voice Don't dream it's over - Duration: 1:25.
HEY TRIPPSTERS Kelly Clarkson oh my god okay
she sang live on the voice and holy crap oh my god this woman freaking nailed the
song okay if y'all have not seen this and you are a fan of Kelly Clarkson oh
my god you're gonna want to see this I will link to the video in the
description below yes it is right here on YouTube
but guys oh my god if you are a fan of Kelly Clarkson you are so gonna want to
see this holy crap she freakin nails this song
you have got to see it it is unbelievable
this woman with her talent it's just amazing and she never ceases to amaze me
oh my god what a powerful voice this woman has and oh my god I'm just I'm
blown away okay so guys to see Kelly perform live on the voice and if you're
a fan you're not gonna want to miss this the link is in the description below but
guys check it out and let me know what you think because I think she did
absolutely fantastic I just I'm blown away by it I really am
oh my god I love it and Dennis thank you so much sweetie for letting me know
about this oh my god thank you for the link but guys that is going to do it for
now this is Icepets Queen and I am - tripping out
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In this Photoshop Tutorial i will show
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Pumpkins Stuffed with Ground Beef - Duration: 2:21.
We put a deep pot in the fire. We add the water.
We add the pumpkins.
We cover the pot. Let cook 15 to 20 minutes. We remove from the fire. We drain and reserve.
We put a deep pot in the fire. We add oil and let it heat up.
We add the onion. We let it saute.
We add the ground meat.
We leave on fire for a period of 20 minutes.
We remove from the fire and reserve.
We take a pumpkin. We cut the edges.
We remove the filling from the pumpkins. With the help of a pelapapas.
Fill with ground meat.
We place a large container. We add the flour. We take a stuffed pumpkin. We went through the flour and booked.
We place a large container. We add the eggs.
We beat nougat and reserve.
We place a large pan on the fire.
We add enough oil and let it heat up.
We take a pumpkin. We went through the egg.
We take to the pan.
We let fry perfectly everywhere.
We remove from the fire. We place on absorbent paper. Ready! Bon Appetite.
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