It wasn't so long ago that Capcom released Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
as one of their earliest efforts for the then-fledgling Nintendo Switch, and yet the arrival of Street
Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection barely a year later is likely to leave Nintendo fans
asking, "Ultra Street Fighter what now?"
That's because 30th Anniversary Collection almost completely invalidates Ultra Street
Fighter II just by its mere existence.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo — which Ultra Street Fighter II was based on and modified
from — represents just one of the 12 games included in 30th Anniversary Collection's
generous lineup.
And with full online play supported for four of the most popular games in the collection
as well as a wealth of well-considered supplementary content for the game's exhaustive Museum
mode, it's hard to argue with everything on offer here.
If it already sounds like I don't have much of anything negative to say about Street Fighter
30th Anniversary Collection, well, that's because I don't.
Now, hardcore Street Fighter players will likely point to a few perfectly valid grievances,
such as the fan-favorite Street Fighter Alpha 2 being one of the offline-only titles or
Training Mode only being available for the four online-enabled games.
But for casual World Warriors like myself and, I suspect, all but the fussiest of pro
players, 30th Anniversary Collection represents Capcom's most exhaustive and exciting compilation
of playable Street Fighter history yet.
Included in this 30th anniversary celebration are the original Street Fighter, five different
iterations of Street Fighter II, the entire Street Fighter Alpha trilogy, and all three
versions of Street Fighter III — for a grand total of 12 Street Fighter games that are
playable offline, either solo or against a friend via good ol' head-to-head versus
play on a single console.
And even if Capcom had simply left it at that, it would be hard to argue against such an
exhaustive lineup of games.
But Capcom instead went the extra mile, making four of the most popular games in this collection
— Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha
3, and Street Fighter III: Third Strike — fully playable online and over local wireless.
Now, like I said earlier, while it's certainly a shame that specific fan-favorite games like
Street Fighter Alpha 2 aren't also playable online, I feel like the four games Capcom
did choose to update with online play are well positioned to please the widest possible
swath of fans and are well representative of each distinct " era" of Street Fighter's
And here's the really good news: based on my pre-release tests at least, Capcom has
not treated the online portion of 30th Anniversary Collection as an afterthought.
While it's true that online matches were hard to come by in the days leading up to
this review and I still haven't managed to find anyone playing Street Fighter II Hyper
Fighting online, I'm pretty confident that has more to do with the limited pool of people
playing 30th Anniversary Collection prior to release and I don't expect to have matchmaking
issues once the game is publicly available.
Why am I not all that concerned?
Well, because the online matches I did get into — whether by searching for a casual
or ranked match, joining an existing lobby, or having the game find me a challenger while
I played Online Arcade mode — were pretty smooth and enjoyable across the board.
Now, that's not to say I didn't encounter any lag or input delay, particularly during
a couple of Third Strike matches, but the majority of my online brawls in Third Strike,
Street Fighter Alpha 3, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo were stable and lag-free, if not
always perfect.
Of course, an online match is only as good as the Internet connections of its participants,
and indeed, any connection problems I encountered while playing online during the review period
seemed to occur on a player-by-player basis.
But I will be further testing 30th Anniversary Collection's once the game's public release
has introduced the requisite load on the game's servers, and if the online play doesn't
pass muster under real-world circumstances like it has during the review period, I will
be sure to post an addendum to my review saying so.
As far as the experience of actually playing the collection's 12 included games is concerned,
these ports all look and feel to be as arcade-perfect as one could possibly want from a collection
such as this.
That said, it is important to note that these are arcade ports, so those of you who grew
up with the console versions of these games may be in for a bit of a surprise.
Still, the fact that Capcom has wisely seen fit to issue a day-one patch in response to
fan feedback that adds a local versus mode for all 12 games — as well as a fully-featured
training mode for the four online-enabled titles — means that while 30th Anniversary
Collection remains firmly focused on recreating each game's arcade experience, it still
delivers some of the console-focused modes and conveniences that players at home have
come to expect.
30th Anniversary Collection includes the usual smattering of display size options, allowing
you to play any of the 12 games at their original aspect ratio, with the image stretched to
fit just the vertical edges of the screen, or with the image stretched to fit the entire
screen itself.
You can also turn on image filters approximating the appearance of a CRT TV or old-school arcade
cabinet if you so desire, and the included border art for each Street Fighter series
represented here look especially nice on the Switch's screen.
While it goes without saying that the Switch's various control options are ill-suited to
the precise directional inputs Street Fighter games require, all but the most serious players
will likely find that the Pro Controller and Joy-Con are good enough for casual play in
TV and handheld mode, respectively.
Fortunately, fight sticks are available on the Switch for hardcore fans who require them,
allowing players of all stripes to interact with 30th Anniversary Collection's games
in the manner that suits them most.
So we've established that 30th Anniversary Collection generally delivers on its promises
when playing one of its 12 included games on- or offline, but how does it fare when
browsing all of the bonus content tying it all together?
Well, Derrick has been taking the PS4 version of this collection for a spin while I've
been playing the Switch version for this review, and we both agree: 30th Anniversary Collection's
Museum mode delivers and then some.
In addition to a super-detailed interactive Street Fighter timeline recounting the series'
entire 30-year history from 1987 up to the present day, the Museum also offers a wide
range of detailed character profiles for nearly every fighter appearing in the games represented
here, a music player collecting the songs for all 12 games, and a "Making of" section
featuring genuinely cool curiosities such as the original Street Fighter's pitch document.
It's all really great stuff, and serves as a fantastic complement to the games included
here, filling out 30th Anniversary Collection's supplementary content in an exciting, meaningful
One especially cool aspect of the Museum that I feel deserves particular mention is the
sprite viewer, which is baked into each character's profile and offers up a selection of that
character's in-game sprites to browse through at your leisure.
Even better is the fact that characters appearing in multiple generations of Street Fighter
games have each of their incarnations represented in the sprite viewer as well, so for example,
the sprite viewer for Chun-Li includes not only some of her animations from Street Fighter
II, but Super Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha, and Street Fighter III as well.
Considering how the Street Fighter series is well-known for producing some of the finest,
most iconic sprite art and animation of all time, this particular aspect of the Museum
feels especially well-considered and is a huge plus.
The Switch version of 30th Anniversary Collection has one exclusive feature in a special Tournament
Mode that can be used when playing Super Street Fighter II locally, but it requires four Switches
to use so naturally, I wasn't able to test this out myself.
Obviously the appeal of this mode will be very limited given the hardware required to
use it, but the fact that it's included at all is a nice bonus for Switch owners who
play with other Switch-owning friends regularly.
Despite everything Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection does so right, there is one area
in which I have found it to be seriously lacking, and that's in the design of the menus and
other user interface elements tying all of the collection's content together.
Now, granted, this is an arguably minor point compared to the representation of the games
themselves, the quality of the online play, or the breadth of the Museum's complementary
bonus content.
But when you consider the inspired, franchise-appropriate designs of the UIs and menus in other recent
Digital Eclipse offerings like Mega Man Legacy Collection and The Disney Afternoon Collection,
it's hard not to wonder what went wrong here.
The menus and overall UI in 30th Anniversary Collection are perfectly functional, of course,
but that's about all they are — functional.
They otherwise look and feel completely devoid of any personality or branding that would
make one feel like they're playing a collection celebrating 30 years of gaming's most important
fighting game franchise.
This extends to the music used for the various menus as well, which unfortunately consists
of the emptiest, most forgettable, zero-excitement rearrangements of classic Street Fighter tunes
I think I've ever heard.
Now again, none of this is a particularly big deal in light of 30th Anniversary Collection
really sticking the landing in all the ways that matter most, but it's worth mentioning
I also encountered a single bug in the form of some major stuttering that began as I started
up Street Fighter I, but that only happened once; backing out to the Home menu and relaunching
the game quickly fixed it, and it hasn't happened again since.
Hopefully this can be fixed in a future patch, but it's a very minor issue all things considered
and it certainly hasn't negatively impacted my experience with the game in any meaningful
And really, that's a perfectly apt summation of my time with Street Fighter 30th Anniversary
Collection in general.
There's a staggering amount of content on offer here, and the promise of 12 arcade-perfect
ports spanning Street Fighter's 30-year history is largely delivered on.
Sure, playing with the Switch Pro Controller or Joy-Cons makes for an intrinsically flawed
control experience, but that's not a fault of the collection itself and I otherwise love
what Capcom and Digital Eclipse have put together here.
All early signs point to the online play being solid even if it needs further testing, and
the utterly exhaustive, well-curated Museum content is sure to be a treat for Street Fighter
Other than a strangely bland, completely forgettable user interface that doesn't exactly feel
celebratory, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection is an excellent birthday present
for fans of the 2D fighting series that started it all.
Hey, thanks so much for watching!
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follow us on social media using the links in the video description below.
Otherwise, keep it on GameXplain for more on Street Fighter, the Nintendo Switch, and
all things gaming.
For more infomation >> Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) - Duration: 9:23.-------------------------------------------
"Sahi bolo!" | #BeThere from anywhere, with Duo - Duration: 0:21.
Are you trying to fleece him?, You see a kid and try to quote any price you want. Give me a good, right price
Okay, fine, anything else?
No, that's it
Thanks Mommy
Come on Gullu, it's about time you learned this
With the highest quality video calling, Be there whenever on Google Duo
1968 European Cup Final Win; Manchester United 4-1 Benfica - Duration: 4:11.
Trendy Whole Bridal Makeup-Best Wedding Hairstyle And Saree Draping-Latest Biyer Saje Kone Bou - Duration: 34:04.
Face Primer - Glam21
Foundation - Coloressence
Concealer - NYN - 3
Contour - NYN - 4
Loose Powder - Coloressence
Eye shadow - Qiaoyan - 01
Black Eyeliner - Blue Heaven
White Eyeliner - nk
Black Mascara -Blue Heaven
Black Eye brow pencil - ADS
Matte Me - ADS-PRO - 411 - Orange
Highlighter - Colors Queen - 01
Make up setting spray - Colorbar
రామాయణ సప్తాహం | Ramayana Sapthaham | Manalo Ramudu | Lord Sri Rama Importance | Lord Sri Rama Story - Duration: 25:49.
What is Local SEO vs SEO? - Duration: 1:55.
Hi everyone! Marc Charette here from I've just been wanting
to answer some questions with regards to something that's come up on a number of
occasions that's having to do with the definition of local SEO as opposed to
regular SEO. This is something that comes up quite often because people get
confused. There's the terminology of a local SEO sounds similar but there is
a very important difference. SEO stands for search engine optimization which is
primarily designed to help search engines find a business, and most of that
is typically directed when we speak of SEO to a website. But local SEO is about
optimizing a search engines ability to find your location, hence the term local
SEO. what that means is that you should be focusing on geographical information
about your business and that would obviously mean your address where you're
located along with other key ways of being contacted which would be your
business name of course and your phone number and then finally now because of
the internet your website so local SEO is about name address phone number along
with your website being found in directories and locations where your
your presence is easily found by search engines such as Google or Bing and those
are the primary two obviously Google taking the vast majority of that or,
well over 80 to 90 percent of that of that search. So keep in mind that local SEO
and SEO both have their place. They do matter. It's about knowing what's more
important for you initially as you're developing your strategy from being
found online. I hope this helps you understand a little bit more about local
SEO and if you have more questions about that, feel free to contact me at
Thanks. Bye for now.
కృత్తిక నక్షత్రం-మేడి చెట్టు | Krittika Nakshatra Medi Chettu | Medi Chettu Importance | Kruttika - Duration: 25:31.
Quách Dũng mời đại ca Dũng Trọc và Hiệp Đen lấy lại Danh Dự |tin tức giang hồ| tv bodoi - Duration: 9:02.
House Keys, House Cleaners & Security Codes - Duration: 10:44.
House keys.
Should I give my house keys to my cleaning lady?
That's an excellent question and we're going to talk about that today.
Hi there. I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today's show is brought to us by,
which is a resource hub for all things cleaning.
You'll find all kinds of products, best products, best recommended products.
You'll find company uniforms.
You'll find everything from different reading, topics, blogs, tips,
helpful hints, recommended books.
There's all kinds of stuff at
Now, on to today's show, which is from a variety of house cleaners that wrote in.
We get this question one or two times a week, and it is a compilation of everybody's question.
Here's the question.
Number one.
It comes from homeowners who want to know,
"Should I give my house cleaning lady a house key
because I'm very uncomfortable doing that."
And then the next question is from the house cleaner who says, "What happens if the homeowner
does not give me a key?
And if they do give me a key, where do I keep it and what happens if I lose it?"
Okay. So that's a variety of questions and today we're going to talk about house keys.
All right, so the very first question is this.
Let's talk about it from the homeowner's perspective because the homeowner is hiring you and you
are a perfect stranger coming into their home.
This is their most valuable asset, all of their prized possessions live here,
and you're a perfect stranger, and they kind of don't want to give you a house key.
I totally get that.
Now, as a small business owner, you have to overcome that as an objection because when
a customer is going to hire you, they're already putting some faith and trust in you, but they're
not ready to give you the keys to the kingdom.
And so you shouldn't expect it.
Be okay with not having a key to their house.
So, for the first few months while you're in this weird phase of proving yourself,
you have to make sure that whatever they want to do is fine.
If they don't want to give you a key, that's fine.
If they want to give you an alarm code, that's fine.
If they want to hide it under a rock in front of their house, that's fine.
If they want to give it to a neighbor to give to you, that's fine.
It's completely okay whatever the customer wants to do, as long as the customer is comfortable.
As you prove yourself as a house cleaning company, the customer will gain more confidence in
you, and then they will feel more comfortable giving you a key if that works for them.
There are customers we've had that never gave us a key and that's okay.
Whatever they are most comfortable with, that's what works.
Now, the next part of the question is what happens if you are the house cleaner and you
do not have access to the house?
That's problem because you have a certain amount of time that you're scheduled to work.
If you show up to a customer's house and you do not have access to their house, you cannot
do your job.
It becomes important and crucial that you've made arrangements with the homeowner to have
access to their house during the time scheduled.
As a house cleaner, here's the first way that you're going to prove yourself and you're
going to prove yourself that you are worthy of earning a key.
Number one. You're going to show up on time.
If you say you're going to be there at 9 o'clock in the morning, oh my goodness, be there at
9 o'clock in the morning.
Don't show up at 11 because they've stayed at home to let you in because they're not
comfortable giving you a key.
Now you' ve screwed up their morning because you lied and you were two hours late
for whatever reason.
So, show up when you say you're going to be there because that builds trust.
When you do what you say you're going to do, that builds trust.
All right.
Having said that, let's say that you get locked out.
You get to a customer's house, you do not have access, they did not leave you a key,
there you are stranded.
You need to have policies and procedures in place that say if you do not give me a key,
here is the penalty or here is what happens next.
Some people charge a lockout fee.
Like, hey, we got locked out of your house.
That's going to cost you $25.
That either inspires the person to be there, but here's the catch, if you're not there
on time, it's not fair for you to charge them a lockout fee if you showed up at a random
different time than what you promised and they were there waiting for you at the promised time.
See? That's kind of a catch-22.
You have to do what you say you're going to do in order for them to do what they say they're
going to do.
It's faith in each other.
All right.
Next thing.
If they do give you a key, you need to have a system in place.
Now, at our office, we had a lock box.
The lock box has coded key colors.
There's not a number and there's not a name on any of the keys.
In the event that a key gets lost, and this answers the question what happens if a key
gets lost, it's a weird random key out in the ether without no identifying information.
We don't know if it goes to any of the thousands of homes in this neighborhood or thousands
of homes in a different neighborhood.
Nobody knows where it goes.
It's just a key.
But when it comes back to your office and it goes on a particular color-coded nob, what
happens is that matches up with something that's inside Keeper.
We use Keeper because it's a secure online system that has a whole bunch of passwords.
It's where you can keep computer passwords or you can keep your bank account information
or whatever the private information is that you store.
We've used Keeper for years.
It's proved very success for us and very secure.
What we do in there is we keep the customer's address and their alarm code if they give
us an alarm code for the garage door or for the home.
Now, as a house cleaner, here's what you have to know.
If you have a key to a customer's house, they still have an alarm code.
Though you might be able to get in, if they're not expecting you, you could set off the alarm
and that could trigger the police.
Now, a lot of fear that homeowners have is that their house cleaner is going to come
when they are not at home and wipe them out and steal all their goods.
I don't know why, but unfortunately there are a lot of people who have had bad experiences
over the years, and they take to online forums and then lots of people from around the globe
that have had different kinds of similar experiences will jump in and rehash their bad scenarios
with house cleaners stealing their stuff.
The reality is, house cleaners, for the most part, don't steal stuff.
There are a few bad eggs out there that have ruined the reputations for many.
But for the most part, people that come into your home are people that are coming in to
bless your life.
They're coming in to clean up your space.
They're coming in to make your world a better place.
They're not here to rip you off and steal your stuff.
They're here to make a paycheck and if they steal your stuff, you're not going to keep
them employed and they're not going to get any more money out of you.
It's kind of a catch-22.
That doesn't work long-term as a plan.
If they steal your stuff, they have whatever they stole for that moment, but they lost
you as a customer, and they've burned their reputation.
There's nothing you own as a homeowner that is worth the reputation of a company.
Because once that reputation is ruined, you've ruined it for how long?
It takes years to rebuild the trust of customers.
It's not worth it to steal stuff from anybody's house ever.
It's just not worth it.
As a homeowner, you need to be comfortable in the people that you hire.
My suggestion is that you double check their references.
Make sure these people are bonded and insured.
Now, I get told this on a daily basis.
There are homeowners who will tell me, "I prefer to hire a big company, like a franchise,
because the independents, I don't know where they're coming from.
I don't know who they are.
I don't know their friends and relatives and who they're going to bring with them on the job.
A regular, reputable company is going to have a lock box, and they're going to be insured,
and they're going to have all these other things that I feel secure giving my information
to a company."
So, if you're only a small business operator, you have to instill this kind of trust in
your homeowners.
That's going to take some time to build that trust.
Now, one thing that I will tell for both sides, this is the house cleaners and the homeowners,
is that with the current modern day alarm systems, they have what's called a
cleaner's code, and it is designed for house cleaners, and pet sitters, and people that come to your
home and access your home while you're away.
Everybody is allowed their own private code.
You can ask your house cleaner what is your code
and they can give you a four or five digit code.
That four or five digit code lets you in their house and it sets off an alarm or it sets
off the cameras or whatever it is to let them know, okay, my house cleaner just entered
my house.
Now, they can watch you on the security cameras, they can watch you work, whatever.
When you leave the house, that also is a lock up code, okay?
So, you lock up when you leave and now they know that you're gone.
That is the only window as a house cleaner you are authorized to be
inside that person's house.
If you come in at any other time, the code doesn't work.
It's only allowed, it's programmed like from Tuesday from 12 until 4.
If you come in Thursday from 12 until 4 without having made arrangements, you could set off
the alarm that calls the police.
For all parties concerned, we need to have trust in each other.
We need to earn the trust.
We need to earn the respect.
We need to have rules in place that says a homeowner will grant us access
to the home during a certain time.
Then as the house cleaner, you need to guard that key with your life.
If you have employees, let them check that out at the beginning of the shift, they bring
it back at the end of the day.
We don't want any loose customer keys floating around in anyone's purses or pockets, or going
through washing machines, or getting dropped below the seats of people's cars.
We don't want that.
We are responsible for our customers' keys and they go in a lock box at the end of the day.
If there's an alarm code or a security code, that goes inside a Keeper.
That is not on any scraps of paper.
It's not on post-it notes.
It's nowhere visible where anybody who could break in will ever see it, including friends
and family members and anybody who may swing by and pick you up from work.
It is completely 100% secure to protect your privacy of your customer.
That's how that needs to work.
All right.
That's my two cents for today.
House keys.
It's a really big part of our job because if you don't have a house key, you can't access
a house, you can't do your job.
All right. That's my two cents for today.
Until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
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