Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily Jul 4 2018

Hello ancient geeks! welcome to my channel, welcome to today's video in which

I'm going to show you something that makes time that I do not bring you to the channel as

you know from time to time I bring consoles modified by a Spanish artist who

He's called makomod who is a friend of the channel hello makomod greetings !

I've brought some of his works very, very cool, like the nintendo

switch with zelda style and a mini snes

in the metroid style and that

today I'm going to show you a project that is not maded only by makomod, it's a

fusion that we have made among our powers :

makomod artistic power and my technological power then this project has come out

a videogame console with a raspberry pi inside, it's made of wood with metal

a Zelda style engraving is worth all the aesthetics of the console is that style

Zelda is worth it and inside it has an RAspberry pi, so apart we have put it on top

a triforce that with a Dark and arcane spells levitates

above the console is worth the video you will see in more detail

Then in the whole pack comes with two 8bitdo bluettoh control pads

also modified, covered in wood aged also in the same style as

our console, I think the final result of this project

is super spectacular, very nice, it's worth I really like it so much

if you came to see me my booth in retrobarcelona last year

You can see it in the first person, I was exhibiting there and we have

decided very much to our regret

sell it on ebay so in the description of the video

I'll put a ebay link for who might be interested

I hope you enjoy a lot with this video and with this Magic Berry.

I present the joint work that We have makomod and tuberviejuner

we've called it Magic Berry it's about a mini wooden game console with a

raspberry pi inside and decorated then zelda style, with the pack comes in two

matching controls and a magic triforce levitating thanks to his hidden power and

the result is amazing :)

very cool What do you think? the pads are covered with pine wood

aged and it's about some controls Bluetooth of the 8bitdo brand is the

model nes 30, these pads of very good and compatible with raspberry pc and

more systems as you can see in the modification has not diminished its usefulness

they are perfectly usable to play both the crosshead and the buttons are

perfectly functional, the buttons and the crosshead have a

tonality different from everything else, makomod has applied some ornaments

on the pads in the form of cuts to give the feeling that they are tanned in

1000 old battleswar, the most spectacular part of this mod

In my opinion, it is the furniture of the videogame with the triforce levitating this mythical

symbol is made of methacrylate and it perches on top of a piece

circular which is what the magic necessary for this mythical

symbol can rise above the furniture as you can see, it's not

a camera trick it levitates, on top of the piece of furniture the front of the piece of furniture

It is lined with pine wood from the Hyrule forests aged by the

makomod' spells, in the front has thus some engravings of

with zelda motifs, the corners have been coated with chiseled brass

and in some areas they have left openings to be able to use the

raspberry pi 3, the usb ports and put the micro sd also to be able

take it out as you like, in the part of back we have more openings that leave

between seeing the brain of the beast, ventilation holes that we have

placed separately as an extra fan to cool both the raspberry and

in the arcane magic that leads to produce the room of the way

we also have the power connectors

for both the raspberry and what which makes the triforce levitates

top of the console we can see that it has been covered with leatherette

with Zelda drawns engraved thanks to those symbols the spell is kept

levitator until ... let's say :) ... we turn off the power to the device

arcane and good no longer levitates so much in the leatherette it gives a very

interesting to the set, the pack consists in a small cabinet with the controls the triforce

the current feeders for the raspberry and the levitating magic

and good also in the part of the raspberry that is inside is an RPI3

carries a micro sd of 64 gigabytes that will be delivered with a system of

recalbox emulation already installed, without games of course, so as not to upset the

gods of the great N, inside the machine put a raspberry pi 3 like

I already told you it's not the latest version of raspberry, it is not 3b +

given that when the mod was made, it was not there was this version was months before

as you already know in the fretted with raspberry is perfectly

able to move a lot of games in multiple retro platforms so

it is not a problem when carrying ventilation on the insert is not working

will be affected by being inside the Zeldera box, the controls give a very

good result The 8bitdo brand makes products that

It's a pleasure to enjoy them at be lined with wood, well, the

touch is very peculiar vouchers is different that as they come from origin

how always in the work of makomod, it fully maintains the functionality of the

console, it's perfectly playable though a job like this I consider that

has more value as a piece of collector for a lover of

Zelda universe is worth not for a battle machine to be

continuously playing to her, I know that is not an official product of

Nintendo and some collectors, I They will say that for them it does not have the same

value but from my point of view the level of artistic work of this

console is above those things It is clear that to see, all are opinions

or tastes worth and sure that somebody of you do not think like me

this work of makomod is inspired by the one he already made in his

moment with this chest that contained a nintendo nes which when you opened

chest was the magic of the triforce levitating as it happens in this

consolita that we have made, also made a decorative base a while ago

using the same techniques and good the truth is that as time goes by,

evolving as a makomod artist motivated mastering more techniques for me

his masterpiece was this nintendo switch to show you the channel a while ago

it was an authentic last effect visual to combine the way of the

aged with metal and poly skin of his bikes transports me to another era

viejuna is like playing with a gadget that you can find inside

of Zelda himself. The truth is I do not know If you plan to remove the consoles from

this style time will tell you a moment what What I can tell you is that this

unit is unique I have not made another like so those who are interested are

consolita Zelda style we have put it to the sale on ebay I leave the link in

the description of the video so you can Go now to look at it and if you fall in love with

she can buy it, Well nothing if you liked the video

give the one you have to subscribe to the channel and do not forget to give the bell of youtube

of youtube to be aware of the new arcane spells that I make in the

channel we see the next video see your later alligator!!

For more infomation >> Raspberry pi Zelda mod: Magic Berry by Makomod & Tuberviejuner enjoy the magic levitating triforce - Duration: 7:37.


How to: Rust look with Chalk paint - Duration: 10:16.

Good morning! Good morning, good morning good morning!

Here I am, again

Today ...

... you can not judge me ...

Because I'm going to do something that I've

never done before

This technique is

It's a girl named Marina who has been telling me about how to do...

She is crazy talented at rusty imitations

So I just had to, because I never did anything like this before myself,

so I had to ask her how she use to do

And then she answered

with a little step by step over messenger

on how to do, and ehm ...

I would like to tell you about her

because she is responsible for adoption at

It is an organization that helps homeless dogs

And this organization

is constantly in need of help

Veterinary costs and such are quite expensive

So it's great to give a little gift

to them

It is completely voluntary of course

It definitely does not have to be any huge gift in any way

Every little helps!

Then you can feel that you've done some good today too!

As I said, I have never done this before, but I have asked this friend then

about how to do ...

And she explained a little briefly about Messenger

on how she usually does

and because she does it so good

I thought that

well, yes, then I will give it a try myself too!

So I'll just

make my own little variant, i'll see,

I'll will probably

Find out some adjustments, over time, today



Oh hello!

Well, I'm not 20 anymore!

Wouldn't this be gorgeous if

It turned out to be in metal

and moreover rusty ?!

I think so!

So, I'll go on and make my imitation on this little can!

And then...

A whole bunch of different colors!

I have

a very red, a black color,

I have a firefly, or orange if you want to

I have a brown color

and I have one

olive green, khaki ...

...kind of...

Those colors are what I need for this project

and i need a ...

sponge! To paint with

I'm going to use

just a dutt method

Then, at the end, I'll have a black furniture wax

And if you use a color that you do not use wax together with

then you can use

black paint, instead, simply

Simple, so!

Let's do this!

Now I have poured a small click of each color here

and because I've never done this before

I do not know how much of each color I will need

I only know that it is these colors and that you should apply with a sponge

But I will notice almost immediately

Because I'm not color blind, I see how the colors are and I know about how rust looks

So I'll just 'dutt' around in these colors, a little random, and see

well, what I'm coming to, simply

and then I will use the 'dust' technique then

Then I will like a little redder, and a little more orange in some places, just as rust looks

So, let's go!


Now I will let this dry and then I will continue to work on this

It doesn't matter (that's just good) if these colors that I have poured up here

dries, because then it will be just make even more, bubbly surface

A 'Dutt' surface.

Uneven surface.

Spacious surface.

No smooth surface.


This was my first attempt to paint rust imitation and

I can actually say I became quite happy with myself!

It was not that difficult

Of course, it is possible to fine-tune this technique

... and now I'm throwing around

this one when the wax is not dry yet

But, that's me!

This one will leave to dry

And then of course it will be photographed

This is some information about how you can be a part of helping homeless and dogs in need through the organisation See more about this in the description of the video down below.

For more infomation >> How to: Rust look with Chalk paint - Duration: 10:16.


救農民還分藍綠?王定宇質疑藍軍是假農民 被嗆「Google資料要更新」 - Duration: 9:25.

For more infomation >> 救農民還分藍綠?王定宇質疑藍軍是假農民 被嗆「Google資料要更新」 - Duration: 9:25.


ИСТОРИИ ЗАРАБОТКА НА РУКОДЕЛИИ| валяние , вязание, украшения ручной работы - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> ИСТОРИИ ЗАРАБОТКА НА РУКОДЕЛИИ| валяние , вязание, украшения ручной работы - Duration: 5:06.


Houkai 3rd Impact - Befall OST - Duration: 3:13.

Arrangement: 郑宇界JODODO

Producer: 蔡近翰Zoe

Mixing: 宫奇Gon

Record: 江浩廷

Subtitle editor: max20091

Raging wind while your visage fades away

Where the world lies in pieces at my feet

Fire and the storm and the snow and mist

Struggle inside, help me gain insight

Hail my proud queen, on and on, on and on

That wax and wane showed its ebb and flow

Selah, selah, are chanting evermore

Hear, oh hear all the voices trapped in thee

See myself in your eyes that's colorless

Visions pass and emotions run through me

Struggle inside, helped me gain insight

Hail my proud queen, on and on, on and on

That wax and wane showed its ebb and flow

Selah, selah, are chanting evermore

Hear, oh hear all the voices trapped in thee

Fair moonlight, will you fill my void eyes?

Hail my proud queen, on and on...

Hail my proud queen, on and on...

Selah, selah, are chanting evermore

Hear, oh hear all the voices trapped in thee

For more infomation >> Houkai 3rd Impact - Befall OST - Duration: 3:13.


«Nägeli mit Chöpf»: Richtig packen fürs Openair Frauenfeld | Festivalsommer - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> «Nägeli mit Chöpf»: Richtig packen fürs Openair Frauenfeld | Festivalsommer - Duration: 1:05.


Bad House Cleaner? 5 Ways to Tell Before You Hire Them - Duration: 7:05.

Five ways to tell if you have a bad house cleaner.

Yes, we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask A House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, today's show is brought to us by which is an employee benefits program for

small business owners and their employees.

So, if you're a house cleaner this applies to you.

Now, one of the perks and one of the benefits that they offer is at hair salons and also

beauty supply stores.

So whether you have your hair done or you do it yourself, there are savings available to you.

Now, I went to the beauty supply store the other day and I was going to buy some

special conditioner for my hair.

You know how I like to gel my hair back on the sides, I buy this special gel that doesn't

damage my hair.

Anyway, I'm a member of this particular chain and when I went in, I get a 15% discount for

being a member.

The Savvy Perks also gives me a 15% discount.

So, I went in thinking, "Ah, they're not going to give me the other 15% from Savvy Perks,

because I'm already a member."

But when I went inside, the lady says, "No, No, No.

You're membership doesn't count as the discount.

The Savvy Perks is an extra discount that you get in addition to your membership.

So I got 30% off my special hair care.

So, I'll be wearing my hair like this for a very long time.


Thanks Savvy Perks.


Okay, onto today's show which is from a homeowner who writes into the show and she wants to

know how can I tell if I have a bad house cleaner?

So, there are about 16 or 17 ways to tell if you have a bad house cleaner, but today

we're going to talk about five.

So the very first one is that if you have a house cleaner and you have them come over

to do an initial walk through of your house, one of the very first questions I would ask

them is, "Do you have proof of insurance?"

If they say they're bonded and insured, they will know the company of the name that they

have their insurance through, right.

They are paying a service every month for this insurance, so they're going to know the

name of the company and they should have a policy number.

If you want to call and verify, that's up to you.

But if they don't have that basic information, they're probably not insured and I would send

them on their way, because they're not protected and your home is not protected.

All right, another way that you know you have a bad house cleaner is if you take them on

a walk through your house and they can't identify basic stains, or mold, or soap scum, or a

problem, a problem area like a backed up bathtub.

If they look at that and they have no idea why or how it happened, I would move them

on their way because they're not qualified to clean your house because they obviously

haven't had the proper training.

All right, another way that you can tell if you have a bad house cleaner is if you do

have pink soap scum inside your sink, or your bathtub, or something like that and you ask

them, "Hey, what is this and what would you recommend getting rid of?"

If they don't know what it is, number one, that's a problem.

But, number two if they don't know how to clean it, that's problem number three.

So if you ask them, "What do you use on hardwood floors?"

And they have no idea, they haven't had proper training either.

So we don't want a person that has no idea what different chemicals and solutions to

use on the surfaces and fixtures in your house.

That's a problem waiting to happen.

So, we want to move them along on their way.

Another way that you know if you have a bad house cleaner is if they don't take ownership.

If you hire them and you have a problem and you call them up and say, "Hey, I noticed

that this, this, and this wasn't done."

And they say, "Oh, well I did that."

Uh, okay but you are the customer and they have a satisfaction guarantee and if they

did not meet your satisfaction, they should guarantee their work, right?

If they won't take ownership for that, I would send them on their way.

That's a sign that you have a problematic house cleaner.

It's not going to get any better over time, because people that don't think they have

problems don't take ownership and they don't make it right when you do have a problem.

Those that say, "Oh, my goodness.

That's horrible, let me come right over and clarify that."

And then you can set new boundaries and figure out how much the house cleaner is going to

be able to clean while they're there.

Because maybe they cleaned everything to their expectation, but they weren't able to get

to everything because of time.

So maybe you need to readjust your time, or your pricing, or something like that.

But if they won't take ownership and they won't acknowledge there's a problem, time

to move them on their way.

Another thing that will tell you if you have a bad house cleaner is if they just can't

answer basic cleaning questions.

For example, you might ask them "Hey, do you clean out litter boxes?"

If they don't have a policy and they don't know my company does or doesn't do that, that's

a basic cleaning question.

They're company might say, "Well, we don't do any litter boxes or we don't clean up dog poo."

Or whatever.

They're going to have some kind of a policy in place.

If they don't, I would ask them, "Suppose that you come to my house and there's kitty

litter strewn all over the floor."

If they can't answer that question, I would send them on their way.

They might say very quickly, "Oh, well we would clean it up.

Then we would vacuum.

We would sanitize the area and we're done."

So, in their minds they're already working through that problem.

If they don't have that basic skill set, I would send them on their way.

So if they are afraid of dirt, grime, and mice poo, or dog poo, or cat litter, or whatever

it is, again, I would send them on their way.

Now, some people will very quickly shout at you and say, "Well, that's a hazmat problem

and we don't do that because our insurance doesn't allow."

Guess what, the insurance does allow.

The insurance allows for you to clean up dog poo, and mice poo, and kitty litter.

That is part of regular basic cleaning.

It's not ideal if you have mice poo and dog poo all over your house, but it is part of regular cleaning.

A hazmat situation is where you're going into something that is really heavy duty toxic.

So it might be something like a bed bug infestation

or it might be something like you have a cockroach infestation.

Or maybe there's a crime scene clean up.

There's something that's toxic in the home that's going to need like a full body suit

and a face mask and all these other things.

That in fact does require a different kind of insurance and it's a different kind of cleaning.

They come in for crime scene clean up and they clean everything three, four, five times

to make sure that everything is completely sanitized.

But cleaning up some mice poo, you're going to wipe it up, you're going to sanitize the area.

Boom. You're done.

That's not extra insurance.

That's not hazmat.

So if your house cleaner doesn't know the difference, it's time to send them on their way.

All right, so that is five signs that you might have a bad house cleaner.

And so now you know what to look for.

All righty, that's my two cents for today and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Bad House Cleaner? 5 Ways to Tell Before You Hire Them - Duration: 7:05.


The cover up: Malaysian officials reveal just how much 1MDB probe was obstructed - Duration: 7:04.

The cover-up: Malaysian officials revealed just how

much 1mdb probe was obstructed the government the former Malaysian Prime

Minister Najib Razak spent years systematically obstructing probes into

the alleged looting of state fund 1mdb while also ruthlessly muzzling critics

according to current and former government officials they said the

meddling in the investigation by the Malaysian anti-corruption Commission

MACC effectively shut down local inquiries into the scandal at one

Malaysia Development Ferg had 1mdb even as five other countries including the

United States Switzerland and Singapore carried out their own probes any

suppression of the probe in Malaysia and abruptly in May when mujeeb lost power

in an election on Tuesday Najib was arrested by the Malaysian authorities in

relation to a probe into SRC International a former 1mdb unit

according to an investigating taskforce sources close to the matter said he may

face several charges Najib who lost power in an election last

month has consistently denied any wrongdoing in relation to 1mdb and SRC a

current Najib a declined to respond to allegations there was meddling and a

cover-up interviews by Reuters with a dozen current and former government

officials show that the obstruction of investigators occurred on multiple

levels one senior Mac investigators said he was convinced there was tampering

with key witnesses the official who declined to be identified because he is

still involved in the 1mdb probe said he felt that by the time Mac got to talk to

the witnesses they had been coached on what to say or were too frightened to

talk because they had been threatened other witnesses couldn't be found

there were some witnesses who disappeared ran abroad and some are

clearly told by officials from other government agencies to do so said the

Mac official he didn't name these witnesses because Sullivan and Marsh

still being sought Najib's office also sought to tightly control any public

comment on 1mdb Mac is supposed to be an independent government agency that works

without government interference but three former Mac communications officers

told Reuters that many of the press releases on the 1mdb probe issued by Mac

were written by the prime minister's office and it wasn't just at the

anti-corruption agency that the heat was intense new finance minister Lim Guan

Eng told Reuters there was an extensive cover-up at the Ministry of Finance mo

PAP almost perfect case Malaysia's new Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad told

Reuters to be before last that he holds Najib fully responsible for the 1mdb

scandal and that Malaysian authorities have an almost perfect case against him

as a result of an anti cryptography probe the US Department of Justice has

alleged more than 4.5 billion dollars was misappropriated from 1mdb

and that about 700 million dollars of the funds money ended up in the Jeebs

personal bank accounts Najib told Reuters in an interview last month he

shouldn't be blamed for any of the problems at the fund and declared he

knew nothing about why hundreds of millions of dollars from 1mdb allegedly

appeared in his bank account some of the ways in which those looking into the

1mdb scandal had been sidelined have been known for sometime

for example in July 2015 Najib removed the then Attorney General Abdul Gani

Patel for health reasons at a time when the official was preparing to charge

Najib he also removed Deputy Prime Minister Mui had been using the same

month after he had criticized Najib over his

handling of the scandal but the intensity of the pressure that Mack

faced from other arms of government is only now becoming clear in May about two

weeks after Najib's ousting the newly appointed head of the Mack Monde shukri

Abdullah recalled how his investigation into what

MDB had been blocked in 2015 shukran who had been Deputy Commissioner

at Mack until he retired two years ago recalled how he had faced threats to his

job and worse a bullet was sent to his home in 2015 he sought and received u.s.

police protection during a visit to Washington and New York because he felt

he was being followed by Malaysian government agents we didn't know who

were the main people who were putting the pressure on Mack but there were many

of them another Mack officials said it was coming from all sides the senior

Mack official also said police interfered in Mack's

investigations as they closed in on a probe on how about ten point six million

dollars from SRC went into an acheives bank account he said some witnesses in

that probe could not be found because they were being held at police

headquarters Malaysian police did not respond to an email request for comment

Khalid Abu Bakar who was Malaysia's police chief from 2012 to 2017 has been

barred from leaving Malaysia since the election Mahathir has said call it would

be investigated for his role in the 1mdb probe kala did not respond to a request

for comment when asked about the sacking and transfer of officials involved in

the probe the Najib aide said the actions were to suppress a political

coup he denied there had been intimidation auditors in the dark a

senior government source said civil servants at the moth which was awestruck

by Najib were instructed to cover up the 1mdb affair decisions were made at P

Oh prime minister's office and moff had to find a way to hide it and figure out

a way to pay for it this person said checks and balances were ignored for

example a member of the Auditor General's team who looked at 1md B's

finances in 2015 said the fund was highly secretive and did not release all

its documents and hard disks to the auditors Najib acknowledged and the

Reuters interview that there were certain short term payments that needed

to be done in relation to what MDB after the fund had become so politicized that

it couldn't act on its own its own

For more infomation >> The cover up: Malaysian officials reveal just how much 1MDB probe was obstructed - Duration: 7:04.


Barbara d'Urso commenta il bagno di Aida Nizar nella fontana di Piazza Navona | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso commenta il bagno di Aida Nizar nella fontana di Piazza Navona | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:19.


Uomini e Donne, Luigi sul trono? L'indizio insospettisce | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Luigi sul trono? L'indizio insospettisce | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.


Ezio Greggio e l'ex velina Thais Souza Wiggers coppia a sorpresa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Ezio Greggio e l'ex velina Thais Souza Wiggers coppia a sorpresa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:21.


[뉴스] || 블랙핑크, 20일째 차트 1위…신드롬급 인기 ? - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> [뉴스] || 블랙핑크, 20일째 차트 1위…신드롬급 인기 ? - Duration: 3:40.


THAT FOR SWEETS #12 TALKING TOM and ANGELA run OVER to the CANDY cartoon game for kids - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> THAT FOR SWEETS #12 TALKING TOM and ANGELA run OVER to the CANDY cartoon game for kids - Duration: 10:21.


[뉴스] || 유병재 "고등학생 때 왔다 갔다 하면서 전교 1등 했다" ? - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> [뉴스] || 유병재 "고등학생 때 왔다 갔다 하면서 전교 1등 했다" ? - Duration: 2:11.


[뉴스] || 스윙스, 끝없는 임보라 자랑…"#임보라가대세 #올해는우리꺼" ? - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> [뉴스] || 스윙스, 끝없는 임보라 자랑…"#임보라가대세 #올해는우리꺼" ? - Duration: 6:30.


Bianca Atzei bacia uno sconosciuto: chi è l'uomo del mistero? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Bianca Atzei bacia uno sconosciuto: chi è l'uomo del mistero? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:07.


Kinh Tương Ưng Bộ - Tập 4 THIÊN SÁU XỨ- Chương 1- Tương Ưng Sáu Xứ.10 Phẩm Từ Bỏ - Duration: 32:36.

For more infomation >> Kinh Tương Ưng Bộ - Tập 4 THIÊN SÁU XỨ- Chương 1- Tương Ưng Sáu Xứ.10 Phẩm Từ Bỏ - Duration: 32:36.


☆【BGM素材影片試做】Victor 鄭逸祥 - 每一個明天 | วิคเตอร์ - พรุ่งนี้ทุกวัน | 水男孩主題片頭曲 (NightCore) [中英泰文拼音動態歌詞] - Duration: 3:46.

This video uses embedded subtitles No need to open the CC subtitles function! :D

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