good morning new creation how you doing today it's awesome to be here and we
appreciate you guys for many of you probably that don't know a little bit
about who we are what we do or where we came from I'm always and forever
thankful to this church because like Katie say 18 years ago you guys sent her
to the mission field and provide me a wife so thank God for your obedience and
I'm gonna be forever in depth with you for just sending hurt and and bless me
and let's establish two things before we launch and after that we're gonna pray
and we're gonna get into what I believe the Lord want me to share this morning
number one I'm anacs order I'm not a pastor and if you notice that if you've
been a little bit around me and that very loving guy I'm pretty
straightforward I know and and it's not because I don't love people it's
actually because I love them but I think it's the gift within me that does that
and I don't mean wrong I just I just shoot straight and number two when I
teach and they're mad I'm just passionate okay
and I'm passionate because God saved me you see it was there's a God for men
it's a gap that we could never cross on our own and God make it possible for us
so walk around life considering where I'm already saved but the similar is
foolishness to not recognize the great miracle that God did in our life not
just making the way but accepting us in him way before we recognize his love and
His mercy so I'm passionate about God just because he saved me I mean most I
would not save myself hello many times I don't even like to be with myself are
you tired of your body hold on it's coming resurrection time is coming and
you will have a new body and new you a full you new version like Tony cooks a
2.0 and and you would be happy with it but but until then just
hold on there God have a great plan for you I mean so this morning we're gonna
talk about why serving is so important and if you have the application on the
YouVersion and you want to follow us through that good luck because I don't I
don't have a sermon I just put this the clock here just to make sure I finish in
time so we're gonna see how the whole is pretty later is that okay with you
Heavenly Father we come before you pressing we thank you for the
opportunity to share the Word of God father I trust you that your Holy Spirit
will teach us and instruct us correct us lead us to the place where you want to
take us this morning Lord and at the Son of my voice every ears they hear the
word of God father let them be touch impressed by your presence and your
spirit father in such a way that they will leave this place completely
different than how they came it's my desire and my full intention to
surrender all to you to submit under your leadership and to follow your
instruction help me to do that Lord and as we enter the presence of God together
father let your word be a light to our feet so we can fully accomplish what you
have set in place for this hour in Jesus name Amen
hey man what you can go with me to Ephesians chapter 4 I know we're going
to talk about why servant is so important why service is so important
and for most of you they don't know me or they haven't heard my testimony you
probably are gonna have next year a great opportunity to hear more about us
how we came to the ministry we're gonna be helping with the first year of the
Bible School so if you're interested in the Bible School and go through the
curriculum you can sign up with information outside and we're gonna be
helping with that when we don't have guest speakers were gonna be filling in
and and we're gonna have a good time teaching the Word of God now I'm not a
teacher I'm a preacher I had to hold myself to
teach that's why they give me a pulpit to remind me come back to the Bible and
read if now I work forever and the guys and the cameras are going crazy
so um so I'm gonna try to chill out for a second because I'm real excited but
the Bible say in the chapter four of the book of Ephesians verse
eleven and he came himself he's talking about Jesus gave some to be apostles
some prophets some evangelists some pastors and teachers for the equipping
of the same for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ
now passion Mario was talking about this and he was explaining that not everybody
this call to this capacity everybody is called but not everybody's depending
this capacity I mean uh and what it makes somebody's dependent this capacity
it's there if they're willing to pay the price you see there is a doctrine today
going around saying that everything is been paid and you know how to do
anything that's a lie Jesus say and my and Luke chapter nine verse verse
twenty-three it's like if you want to follow me deny yourself pick up your
cross daily and follow me he didn't say don't worry about it I'm gonna make you
could look cool because you already I already paid the price and you know how
to worry about anything no he didn't say that he said if you wanna follow me in
other ways if you wanna walk the steps that I'm working you better do one thing
before you even pick up the cross deny yourself hello I mean that's the hardest
challenge I believe when he was making that statement he kind of was thinking
for himself good luck on that I mean especially in this society when we are
so selfish hello come on am i preaching to the right church very quiet at this
Lutheran Church you see I'm not here to do a show we are interacting I want you
to embrace what I'm saying if you put your part and I put my part I
believe we can end up in a great place it's not about what the guys saying here
see Frankie he can impress me let's see if brother Pablo can bring something to
the table they can I think of my my my in size and and just make me feel good
now I don't wanna make you feel good I want you feel bad I want you to
challenge you I want you to start concerning about your salvation I want
you to start thinking am i walking with God am i following god am i obeying god
am i doing his will am i paying him such a way then reaching to others I
don't want you to feel good I love you but we live in a society is too
comfortable we come to church and we look at the pastor like well if he can't
Chuck if he can make me feel good I might do something forgotten no no no it
wasn't funny to follow God when Jesus was saying follow God it cost him
everything and he's saying listen after he went to heaven he gave to the church
he gave to the body of Christ he gave some to be apostles some prophets some
evangelists some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the same for the
work at minute of the ministry so which it tells me that these guys that we call
the fifl are the ones in charge of the one they have the responsibility to
train the local body anybody here part of the local body I
mean so you have you've been given to five different gift they are there to
train you and equip you so you can fully achieve the call of God in your life now
what is funny about this is and now that we are in decision of the gifts amen
anybody going crazy about that
indecision that we are today talking about the gift the worst thing that we
can do is criticize or underestimate what has been given to us
isn't that right but we do it all the time in church you see he's saying he
gave give to men but we come to church with the attitude I don't know if I like
that gift I don't know if I want to open it I don't even know if I'm gonna enjoy
it I don't know if it's for me can you can
you see what I'm going with this God have gave you a gift and it's your
responsibility not just to open it but to be thankful for it
to be thankful for it and in another style of church today in our society
today we come to church to criticize what has been preached from the pulpit
instead of embrace and I'm not saying take everything and call everything the
Word of God that's not what I'm saying it's your responsibility to read the
Bible go over the notes you know groans Iran let God show you more inside you
know and if you have a question there's no problem I believe nobody have a
problem answer question hey brother what you mean about this well pastor what you
mean about this that's fine but don't not reject the gift the God had placed
in your life now this gave Lord giving to the church and verse 13 - welcome to
the unity of the faith of the knowledge of the Son of God
- a perfect man - a measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ now
number one the gifts were given to us to bring us to unity to bring us to unity
that's the biggest challenge the biggest the biggest challenge that the church
have today breena's to unity you see we if we all have an opinion here we will
never have a service we will have an argument hello so what we're doing we
are looking a foundation we're looking in a standard where we can set our
belief and we can say from that point forward we can move together from that
point forward we can advance and we can move in the same direction
it's not about my opinion it's not about my desire it's about God's vision for
this house based on the Word of God so we can use that as a platform that
launches into the plan of God so number one we are not here to discuss
individual personal achievement we are here to discuss the vision of God for
the church so every time that we come together when the Word of God is frigid
we had to embrace it so we can move from that point and unity forward to what the
Lord had for us Church is way beyond a social experiment and actually in the
book of James when James is talking to the church he say my brethren take
account of rock for joy when you find him various temptation what the way that
he's addressing the church is actually a compact military unit not a social
experiment you see we come to church for all the wrong reasons we come to church
because my friend come we come to church because my dad come we come to church
because I like that person we come to church because it's close we're going to
church because it's cool we can to church because they got good music we
catch it we come to church because they had this mug we have this they cut that
listen you have to come to church because tall God told you and because
the anointing of God touched you every time you come to church you see the only
thing that really is gonna change your life is the anointing it's the anointing
and God is saying I left my anointing upon five different guys now this guys
are not more special than you they're just have a different responsibility I
gave my spirit to the church you see sometimes we make this we start
comparing people we start arguing about who's more important that when this sit
in or the one is talking you are as important as me because I'm
doing the talking today it doesn't mean I don't have a part to play hello
I'm just here in the different office today I'm giving you something that I
leave impact my life more than 14 years ago and I think this keeping me today a
focus because I believe God touched me in a supernatural way generally faith of
2003 I was about my own business and I have my Damascus encounter you remember
Paul chapter 9 of the book of Acts he was in his way to the mosque in a fever
he have an encounter with God and he asked two questions who are you lord and
the question number two he said what you want me to do do you see the touch of
the person of God is gonna give you two things he's gonna show you who God is
and it's gonna show you what to do I believe today in our churches today we
know have it touch from God so that's what we're constantly wondering who is
God and what we're supposed to be doing my intention today is that you get a
of God so you can know who you are in Christ and you can know what to do for
him Amen hallelujah verse 16 from whom the whole body whole
body Germany together for what every joint supplies according to the
effective working by which every part does it working by which every part does
it share costs to grow of the body for the edifying of itself in love now this
is a very interesting verse right there because they say every part doing it
shares of bringing its supply and it's way beyond money way beyond money you
see the Bible in especially in verse 7 he said but to each one the grace was
given to us according to the measure of Christ's gift and repeat the same
expression in Romans chapter 12 verse 13 when it's belt verse 3 when they say it
was given to us a measure of faith now the measure of faith they he's talking
about is not talking about the measure of faith that we got to be saved is the
measure of faith all that God's ability in our life to fully achieve what he
called us to do it's not talking about salvation it's talking about God's
ability and you to play your power in the body of Christ which he tells me
that from the moment that you got saved God's the release upon you his ability
according to his plan for your life for you and me to do something for him for
you and me to do something for him it's his ability and you the reason that he's
constantly expecting something of the church is not because the church is so
great is because what he deposit and the church is mighty as he say minority he
same essen can you see that he's not banking on your ability he's banking on
his ability he's not expecting anything off your own
f4 he's just acting you to call pray with him so you can develop what he gave
you what he gave you I have no idea 14 years ago that would
be a preacher I have no clue I just went I just went to return to a church like I
got slammed by the Holy Spirit and the next thing they knew I just had to get
ready I don't know what that means I don't know what ministry mean anything
everything that I knew it until that point about ministry it was my pastor
and I didn't want to become a passion I say Lord I'd do anything I don't care
what I need to do please don't make me a pastor
you should be thankful for my church will have just two people my two dollars
and they will come because I have candy
not even my wife will come do you know what may be a passion now I work as a
pastor I had the opportunity to serve my pastor for many years and I was it that
sociopath in New York for many years and and I learn a lot I'm thankful for that
but I just didn't know I will be in the ministry so I just start serving God in
any capacity that I could and my first job when I went to Bible School was
cleaning the men's bathroom and three months later the Lord find me faithful
and Gabe they promote me and they give me the lady bathroom promotion and that
was my beginning that was the beginning of our or what we call ministry you see
in any capacity you're working today do not underestimate more beginning I
remember 2005 I was sitting in that chair I was watching passion Mario
preacher it was my first trip to the United States I was looking this place
and the Holy Spirit told me say one day you will be there
and you will have a voice I'm gonna give you something - sure
what's 2005 many of the purpose they were today we shared and we preached
from the Lord the Lord show them to me when I was cleaning bathrooms when I was
just taking care of things when I was just going about my business
you see I start Bible school and I didn't know anything better so I just
put myself to work I didn't know where was this whole thing the call of God we
were Pentecostal but we never opened the Bible so we have no clue what the Bible
say but I knew I was called for this season I would knew I was called for
miracles because of where I came from my mom was a day clinically dead and the
last person they might say my dad saw to help him looking for help
was a witch doctor and said the only one that can do something for this lady is a
Pentecostal pastor full of the Holy Spirit so my dad find this short passer
and he went and he prayed for my mom and my mom wake up like she was just taking
a nap after eight days being clinically dead no pulse no temperature no sign of
life nothing in her was alive but the Holy Spirit touched her and she came
back to life and I'm the result of the miracle so I knew it was called for the
place of miracles I knew I was called for the season where supernatural things
will happen but I was need to go through the process to learn the ways of God and
you can learn those things unless you submit yourself to serve in the body you
see because there are no didn't touch you it doesn't mean you ready how many
of you remember chapter 19 of the book of 1st Kings where they say they Elijah
was walking and he finalized ax and the Bible said that he threw the mantle upon
Elijah and immediately immediately Elijah left everything behind and went
and serve him Elijah didn't say anything he didn't try to convince him with his
vision let's say come and help him because I'm a great guy I'm on a prophet
I just kill 850 guys and I came here from
heaven nothing like that happen he just released the anointing and in the moment
that they're not in touch him he answered I say I must follow God but
that wasn't the beginning of his ministry actually the Bible say he went
for a long time serving Elijah so just so we're I'm cold to the minister but
I'm not raised so I must find somebody I can serve and in 2006 the Lord call us
to come to the United States trust me I didn't want to come to United
States number one I could speak the language you think it's difficult for me
doing it now imagine when I came to this country it's the grace of God I mean
it's just the grace of God I know when people is not understanding me today
because they make that face like what you're going without I was so afraid of
coming to this country because the only thing they heard is some I was in the
Bible school cleaning one day and the Lord told me he said go to United States
connect with Rocky Ridge and do everything that he needs it what United
States connect with Rocky Ridge and do everything that he needs so when we
agree with my wife that it was time for us to move we came here I didn't know if
Rocky which was looking for an associate pastor I didn't know if he was looking
for help I didn't know if he was even interest to hire a guy I remember we get
here we got here and in February of 2006 we took a trip with the family to see
her brother-in-law in Seattle we came back and the next Sunday I was in
Brighton Colorado and I told my pastor I said listen the Lord called me to serve
you I don't know what that means but I'm here for the next five years we start
serving him just working with him but the Pearlman they have when I came to
serve my pastor is I couldn't communicate with him that's some small
problem you see by I have here my family is my father-in-law's down there in the
bag and he's looking at me so I had to be careful what I say
and I have my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law here and they know my
beginnings I mean they were horrible they were really bad you can say it's
okay I know the Lord called me to serve a guy that couldn't understand but I
knew he was the gift of God for my life you see when the gift is given to you
it's not the responsibility of the gift to open itself to you it's your
responsibility to open it it's not just your responsibility to receive it and be
thankful in it and the process of doing it but open it and start enjoying what
it comes and the gift did you notice there every gifts most of them
especially in this season they come completely wrapp I mean my wife is all
the way in about the wrapping I mean it's all about the wrapping it can be
stoned but she had to wrap it in such a way that I mean it breaks you hard to
open the rug the gift was so beautiful I said don't
drop it like this I don't want to break it it I feel horrible after that she
spent hours wrapping things I'm like it's gonna last five seconds
the one that received the gifts if they weren't in church of open it the one
that received the gift is this is the one in Church of discovering what it
carries but I came to the United States that couldn't communicate with him and I
was frustrated because my wife supposed to be the translator and she was took
off with his wife and left me in an office for hours with this guy like he
talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and
until this day I have no clue what he said couldn't understand the guy when I
got good at it every time that he laughs I laughed like two seconds later just to
make him feel good like have no idea what the joy was about and everything I
came back home traded and I asked God many times Lord
did I miss it because I couldn't connect with the guy
that he called me to serve I couldn't connect with the place where God called
me to be now it's very something very interesting about the place and you can
see this in the book of Psalm verse 2 133 the Bible say when you get there
just say Amen and we're going to be closing with this I know the Bible say
behold now that word is extremely important
you see we read the Bible sometimes not paying attention to the words but really
that word behold means lessons step for the second pay attention look at this
observe make sure that you're paying correct attention and everything this
happened behold how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell
in unity this is what we're doing today is pleasant and is good in the sight of
God you come into church it's not a religious activity even when a big baby
it could be a good habit it's not a bad habit it's not a religious habit it's an
act of God it's actually the desire of God that you and me come to a place
where we can be in unity why is so important keep reading they say it's
like the precious oil upon the head is like running down the beer the bureau of
errand running down to the edge of his garment it's like they do of Herman
descending upon the mountain of Zion for their look at that for there the Lord
have come and his blessing is something about the place that the Lord have
connect you with they assure you you can get it touch from God we come to church
sometimes under and under estimating the ability of God to touch us in such a way
that can change our life forever we come to church completely
disfranchise with what's happening when in reality
he's saying if you just get there and you decide to unify yourself with the
body I have command my blessing my anointing
to touch you so you can leave this place completely different than how you came
the church is the church perfect of course not it's full of us it's the
church the plan of God of course it is
you see one day we're gonna get a heaven and I'm gonna ask that
God why'd you choose the church I mean it was so many other ways to do this
just pray for me but unless he changed it we must follow in track instructions
unless he's willing to change it we must follow instructions and the Lord say hey
listen it is good for you to come and be in unity and unity is a decision that
you had to make to be able to embrace somebody else why we serve number one
because it's what God show us you see the Bible say in Luke chapter 14 chapter
4 verse 16 he said there was his custom to go to church and Matthew chapter 3 we
see the example of Jesus you know going to John and being baptized and in
Matthew chapter 20 verse 28 he said the son of man he didn't came to serve I too
didn't came to be served but to serve and give himself and ransom of many now
that were ransom is interesting war because it means to set loose to set
news what he was planning to do it will release us it will set us free it will
put us in a position where we are not buying by saying anymore
now when I find all these things it's crazy - when you start reading the Bible
is amazing what the Lorcan least to you you see I find out that it
was important for me to honor the place that he called me to be because there
was the blessing of God and when I got there I had to start working with the
Holy Spirit now I supernaturally started learning English it's a miracle like
today I can't even speak it but every time they came to to home frustrated
because I could understand my pastor and I asked God Lord if I miss it I go back
if I miss it I go back if I miss it I go back you see my desperation wasn't to be
able to preach my desperation was to be able to connect because I knew if I
connect correctly to the place that he called me to be I can receive from him
the blessing it wasn't about me just hanging out was my passion it's about me
receiving from him everything that he got from God
so whatever he got from God if he can transfer it to me I will be blessed you
see we can treat church just to say well I'm already saving I already know that I
will have seen of that every time the pastor over up on the by one say let's
go to mark 11:23 oh come on passion nothing else to
preach everything that we preach is about a let mark 11:23 think about the
disciples they even didn't even they don't even had a Bible and they were
having a massive move of God and we take this so lightly we take the Word of God
so lightly sometimes so my desire to pursue God and to pursue the heart of my
passion because I knew there was a blessing according to the Bible I find
the scripture in chapters six of the book of Acts a very
interesting place where the Bible start talking about servants or deacons now in
those days when the number of disciples was multiplying there arose a complaint
against the Hebrews and the hellenism now it's interesting to me when I read
the scriptures because the first thing that the Bible mentioned is they
complain let me tell you what step and move of God I complain you see we just
past Thanksgiving so it's too early for you still complaining but the disciples
heard the complain and immediately addressed the situation because they
were having a move of God and they knew the complain will cut the flow will cut
the flow amen you want to know sometimes why God is not moving in your life as
much as he used to do Pirellis your mouth is complaining too much if you can
say Amen say algebra don't leave that there it's gonna bother you it's
probably we're complaining too much we're complaining about the gift we're
not we're willing to open the gift we're not willing to enjoy the gift we're not
willing to discover what the gifts can do for you we don't like the gift we
don't like have a look at help we know like how I talk we know like how I move
we know like what it does I'm not happy with the game somebody should give me a
give there I want yeah but we want to be talked as mature people but we act like
kids very quiet here she went past Mario come back he's gonna have a revival just
bear with me okay he have a great sermon next week then the summon of the twelve
then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciple and say it's not
desirable that we should leave the Word of God answer table there for bread and
sick among you seven men of good reputation of the full of the holy
spirit and wisdom who we my appoint over this business verse four but we will
give ourselves continually to prayer and to the Ministry of the world now
this is the revelation that got and you can share it with me if you want to but
I just want to tell you what it blessed me I was looking to serve my pastor and
I couldn't because I couldn't communicate with him and I was in the
seeking of god this scripture jumped from the pages the reason that was
called to serve is because as alone as my pastor at the time to spend time with
God on his word everything that he got there according to Psalms 133 the body
will get it listen to me everything that the heads get according to Psalm 133 the
body gets so the reason that was so frustrated about not understanding my
pastor it wasn't because I want to hang out with him it was I couldn't serve him
I couldn't I couldn't take care of things
they will free him to follow God to seek God to receive from God and to receive
from his war the challenge for me wasn't for him to be with me it was to be with
God I knew if my pastor spend time with God
whenever he touched me he will share something from God to me so now you can
understand my frustration
I was trying to serve God through him and I couldn't and I knew it was missing
the blessing of God
that finger for the Holy Spirit in one of those moment of frustration he said
Paulo grab all your passion series and don't lessen anybody until I tell you
and from that day no matter where I was in the car in the house and the iPad
anywhere where I was I was lessening my passion behind say I couldn't
communicate with anybody so it didn't matter and one day in a roundtable with
other pastors I start hearing what they were saying and I start understanding
what they were saying and supernaturally God gave me the ability to not just
understand but eventually to speak it out what it makes me capable to
communicate wasn't my ability to learn it was my desire to serve gave me the
grace to enter a place of supernatural to learn something they haven't been
taught before
how we serve go with me to Philippians and then we're gonna close with this is
this blessing you if it's not come back next week but I believe if you have the
right attitude towards God God will have the variety to towards you I hear right
they did I mean he gave himself he doesn't have to prove anything
hey man in chapter 2 of the book of Philippians verse 5 say let this mind be
in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God did not
consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation taking
the form of bondservant and coming in the likeness likeness as a man of men
and being founded in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient
to the point of death even to the death of the cross look at the attitude the
God the son of that Jesus the Son of God had taught us to serve us let this mind
which it tells me the service is a way of thinking service is a way of thinking
let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus I mean we are called to
imitate Christ isn't it Paul say imitate me as I imitate Christ so Christ is the
standard Christ the master copy cries the main example so he's saying let this
mind be in you as it was in Christ Jesus so that means we need to wait change our
way of thinking then being the Son of God or being in the form of God didn't
consider robbery or unfair to be equal with God but but make himself of no
reputation taken a form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of man now
it's interesting that we're men because that were men is not what we know as men
it's not our condition of human being it's men before the fall you see if he
would have come in our condition he will not be able to gave himself as a
sacrifice because saying would L touch him but he came as a man before the fall
which means he came in the way the atom came that's why he's called the second
atom because the first island was supposed to give us his nature but
before he was able to transfer it he failed seen touch him so God had to
send an old Island which is Jesus and in the likeness of man which you mean a
perfect entity a perfect entity without sin came back and they started showing
us how to serve which in other ones mean God came and lowered himself not being
like God he decide to leave his divinity and become one of us one of us like we
were thought to be not like we are today but the way they God planned us to be in
the beginning you or me were planned for perfection we were planned for for
authority and to reign this this earth but I'll am miserable but that's not
reason that you Emil should leave bound to sin because God came and show us the
new man which is in Christ and in that way he gave himself for you for me he
gave and he served by law which is saying I love you so much I'm gonna make
the way for you to come like me so if you understand the concept of service
you can be the bridge for others to come and touch me too why service is so
important the church because Jesus did it so we should do it again we should do
it too
we sure embrace it - with passion Pablo where people ask me probably why you're
so mad when you preach on that matter I'm passionate you see I preach doctrine
I always say I preach doctrine with conviction
I preach experience with humbleness you know how to take what I experience but
the Word of God take it the Word of God taking I'm not saying that you had to
quit your job and go and serve somebody that's not probably not even for you so
don't worry about it what I'm saying is when it comes to the
local body you should have a part to play why because God deliver his
anointing upon you and he have give you a supply to give
and he came he made himself of no reputation ticking taking the form of
bone serving and coming in the likeness of men and being found in the appearance
as a man he humbled himself and became obedient listen unless humility takes
place is very difficult to be obedient hello unless humility takes place is
very difficult to become obedient a lot of people wants to obey but they don't
want to humble themselves the Bible in Isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 said if you're
willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land you know that you can
be obedient and not being will not be willing my daughter to start a couple of
months ago with this attitude and we had to correct a really quick and many of
you probably parents will understand this hey Gaby can you do this and she
used to do this and she was doing it but her attitude was incorrect let this mind
be in you let this mind be in you let this mind be in you let this mind be in
you which was also in Christ Jesus who being God didn't consider a robbery to
become like you or me and the greatest act of service he not just left his
throne but he lowered himself to us
what is so important is holding you back from what God had for you
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