Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily Jul 3 2018

This video will show you how to record and export data using Google's Science Journal


Note that in order for the export feature to be available, the user who installed the

app must be over 13 years of age.

To record data, open an experiment and open the sensor you need.

We'll use the light sensor as an example, and the other videos in this series will go

over how all the sensors work in more detail.

You can press the snapshot button in the lower left to take a single reading at one point

in time.

You can press the record button to start recording data, do your experiment, and then press the

record button again to stop recording.

Swipe down on the gray bar to open your recorded data full screen in the top half of the app.

Your snapshot and your recording will appear automatically, and you can tap either one

to open it and view it in more detail.

Here, you can rename the recording by clicking the pencil icon at the top, view individual

data points by dragging the slider on the x axis of the graph, and add notes to your


You can crop the data by selecting the three dot menu in the upper right, and then selecting


Drag the sliders to the part of the data you want to keep, and then select the check mark.

You can export data by selecting the three dot menu in the upper right and then tapping


Check the relative time checkbox to make the time column in your data start at zero.

If you don't check it, the time will be in Unix time, which starts on January 1st, 1970.

Then, tap share, and you can share a comma-separated variable, or CSV, file using a method of your


This file can be opened in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for

graphing and data analysis.

The first column will be time in milliseconds and the second column will be the sensor reading.

The units of the second column will depend on which sensor you were using.

To learn more about Google's Science Journal app, and see a list of fun experiments you

can do with the app, click the link at the end of this video.

To learn more about the other sensors, view the other videos in this playlist.

For more infomation >> How to Record and Export Data with Google's Science Journal App - Duration: 2:12.


Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works / Brave Shine (Nika Lenina Russian Version) - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works / Brave Shine (Nika Lenina Russian Version) - Duration: 4:19.


Dutch Prime Minister Smacks Down Idiotic Trump During White House Meeting - Duration: 2:42.

On Monday, Donald Trump welcomed Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands to the White

House where things actually got off to a very good start.

We actually saw media outlets tweeting things out, mostly right-wing media outlets and media

outlets from the U.K., tweeting out the fact that, oh, look, the liberals are wrong.

There's no tension between the United States and the European Union.

Look at this.

He's meeting with Prime Minister Rutte.

Everything is going great and then everything suddenly started not going great, as pretty

much everyone could have expected, because Donald Trump during this meeting, during the

time when they're both sitting in their chairs and you have the media all around them, taking

the pictures and asking questions, Trump starts to talk about tariffs, right?

He's put billions upon billions of dollars worth of tariffs on goods coming from the

EU into the United States.

He started to talk about why this is a good thing.

"Tariffs are good," he said.

Immediately upon saying that for his tariffs are actually a positive, Prime Minister Rutte,

and my apologies if I'm pronouncing his name incorrectly.

But anyway, Prime Minister Rutte shouted, "No!"

He interrupted Donald Trump's horrible little diatribe by shouting, "No!"

He then said, "Tariffs are not good," to which Donald Trump replied, "Just think about those

cars that pour in here."

Rutte again interrupted and said, "It's not positive.

We have to work something out."

See, Donald Trump doesn't understand what he's doing with these trade wars.

He doesn't understand the impact that tariffs actually have, both on other countries and

here in the United States.

So, it was refreshing for him to actually talk to a fellow world leader who does understand

that and who wasn't willing to sit quietly by as Donald Trump spread these lies.

But, what's going to happen now?

Because, we know how fragile Donald Trump's ego is.

We know how vindictive and petty and spiteful this man is, and now that we've had the prime

minister of the Netherlands yell, "No," to him, I can only imagine what kind of horrible

retaliatory actions Trump is going to take against the European Union now.

We're going to see more tariffs, not just because of this interaction, but because Donald

Trump is a moron.

We're going to see more jobs lost here in the United States.

We're going to see more people suffering, and we're going to see more world leaders

looking at Donald Trump like the idiot that he is, because they know how to govern.

Donald Trump does not.

For more infomation >> Dutch Prime Minister Smacks Down Idiotic Trump During White House Meeting - Duration: 2:42.


Laura Eisenhower: My Family, Valiant Thor, & Your Innate Abilities for Mastering Yourself -CITD 2018 - Duration: 15:52.

- [Announcer] The Edge of Wonder presents

Contact In The Desert 2018.

(electronic music)

Special guest featuring Laura Eisenhower.

- Hey, guys, this is Rob and Ben here

at Contact In The Desert 2018,

and we are sitting with Laura Eisenhower

and we're gonna have a quick interview with her.

It's great that she's giving us her time.

- So, Laura, this is super exciting.

I mean, we did the Skype interview with you

and it's just amazing to have you in person now,

like talking to you.

So before we get started with anything, you know,

I thought one thing I didn't ask you that I really regret

was you talking a little bit more about your family life,

like what it was like you growing up

in the Eisenhower family

and then kind of what happened to you

and then coming to the point now

and how your family looks at

everything that you're doing right now.

So I would just like you to talk a little bit about that.

- Okay.

Yeah, I was definitely like a multidimensionally aware child

and all sorts of thing would go on

and I would try and share it with, you know, my mom

and sisters and it was a little bit over their head.

Things in the beginning were a little tumultuous.

Parents split up

and so we kinda moved around

and lived in different places.

I was born in England, moved from there as a young child.

And so then we got resettled and regrounded

and my mom got remarried,

and I just really kept my ears out

because Eisenhower was, like, showing up to me as a child.

And I was starting to really get downloaded my mission

and I was seeing things and I'm having intuitive hits

beyond, sort of like, my years.

It's sort of like, what, just trying to, like, play

and be on the swing, what's going on here?

And I was, like, incredibly overwhelmed

and any time I tried to share it,

because it went over everybody's head,

it began to become, should we worry about her?

And I realized, okay, I gotta kinda shut this down

and just do it.

So over the years, you know, I'd really observe.

Like we'd go to Thanksgiving every year to my grandfather

which is Eisenhower's son, John S. D. Eisenhower,

and we'd have these family gatherings,

you know Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower,

you know, everybody.

And even went to a gathering where Nixon was there,

and I'm just like what is this?

How did I end up in this family?

And so I was massively an observer.

I'd look through the family albums

and just, you know, get an idea of,

like, the wartime history

'cause my grandfather and great grandfather

you know, did a lot of traveling together.

And, you know, observing all the books on the bookshelf

and just really tuning in more to my mission

and really putting the dots together, like okay,

because I have this deeper soul journey,

how does it fit into this storyline?

How does it fit into this calling I have

in regards to Eisenhower who keeps showing up?

So I kept it pretty low key

and then later on in life,

when I was able to sort of ground it a little bit more

and put some things into place,

also after seeing a newspaper article

about Eisenhower and E.T.s meeting,

but it was a joke newspaper,

you know, I really wanted to start asking questions

and I didn't get very far

and what I've decided or what,

I think, the family energy has decided

is when we get together, let's just make it about family.

Let's make it about love.

Let's not try and get into all this

because it's just uncomfortable topics.

Back when Eisenhower was in office,

what got signed into law by the NSA

was all about the secrecy

and nobody could do anything about it

and they kind of were raised in that era,

and they're like, okay, you're gonna blow this lid off.

We're gonna, like, hold space for you.

We're gonna have your back,

but it's a little bit too much to talk about.

Just do it, right.

Now it's just like, yeah.

Lots of family support and we're just really tight.

My mom helps me with my kids, yeah.

My grandfather, you know, started to teach me

how to fly a plane.

And yeah, I just, we just find times

where I would try and slip in different things

to try and get information.

I'd bring up, like, 9/11 or I'd bring up Valiant Thor.

I would talk about, like, the Mars stuff

and, you know, and these are at different gatherings,

and again, I had to kind of like bring it back in

because I wasn't gonna get anywhere,

and it wasn't like I was being shut down,

or like, don't do it.

It was more like, the subject would easily get changed

and it just, you know, was difficult.

So obviously, family members have noticed

that now I'm a public person,

and a lot of the stuff that they were worried about

they're not so worried about anymore.

They're like, okay, well people are taking you seriously.

You know, there's some kind of intelligent energy coming in,

it's not delusional and,

but I did have to live a double life

and now I feel a lot more grounded and integrated

because they have my back

and I'm not being, like, shunned or branded

for being, you know, like, having the family name

and doing it with, they're like,

thank God somebody's doing it.

- That's really really amazing.

For our viewers, could you explain who Valiant Thor is?

- So Valiant Thor supposedly met with Eisenhower and Nixon

I believe right at the beginning of 1960s

and he presented a mission and goal

to assist the human race and to start to shut down, like,

the darker aspects of the government.

And they felt like really a strong affinity

with Eisenhower and Nixon, so,

and Eisenhower did as well.

And supposedly, he put him on VIP status

for three years at the Pentagon

to try and assist him in changing this whole game.

And it just got shut down and shut down

and they all kind of decided that, you know,

we're not gonna accept the help of these beings from Venus

which was Valiant Thor.

There was a ship called Victor One.

And about maybe three or four other main characters with him

that were really wanting to help humanity to awaken

and to change, like, the whole game.

So they shut that down.

And that was kind of devastating for Eisenhower

because, you know, he was dealing with these other treaties

and this other stuff, and it's like,

ooh, finally, you know, here's some real benevolent help.

And that's when he really started to realize, like,

I have no power, you know.

What is the warning about the military industrial complex?

It's really like there's this

whole other power structure here

and even though I'm put into this position of power,

there's nothing I can do to help these goals.

So supposedly Valiant Thor just stayed

and stationed motherships all over the earth,

one near Lake Mead, and you can feel

the vibrational energy of it, but it's invisible.

Like, you can just tell there's, like,

something that's cloaked.

And he's still interacting and they're working together,

and a lot of channelers bring their information

through Eisenhower and Valiant Thor as a team.

- Wow, that's amazing.

- So Valiant Thor is still active?

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh, wow, that's really interesting,

and he's still active.

- [Laura] Yes.

- [Rob] I didn't realize that.

- A friend of mine who's here, Valiant Thor

was a spirit guide of hers all throughout her life

and Valiant told her to come

to this particular event I was at.

It was Kathleen McGowan's event in Montauk, New York no less

and she's like Valiant told me to come.

He's like, you know.

She was, like, bringing in, you know, all this information

about the two of them, you know, working together

in these, still interacting, and yeah, she's here now

but all sorts of stuff comes through

and they're really right here with us,

doing what they can from the other side.

- So, like, huge loss for the government

especially since the dude named himself Valiant Thor.

You can't get a cooler name than that.

- Isn't that the coolest name, right?

- It actually is.

- But, yeah.

- Cooler than Thor is Valiant Thor.

- Right?

Oh my gosh, yeah, so I mean it's unfortunate,

it's just, you know, it would change the economy.

They wouldn't be able to feed on the human race.

To liberate the human race is not

what our governments want for us.

- When you mean governments, you mean the, like,

kind of evil global elite government, right?

- Yeah, I mean, it's mostly the shadow government

and how they work the pawns,

how they limit the well-intentioned people

that actually do want to make a difference to the planet.

How that structure and how it connects

to the secret space program, and off world influences.

When the liberation can come in

that should make us all happy, they're like no, no.

We're part of something else.

We're trying to enslave you.

We're trying to still feed on you.

We're not gonna go for it.

And in that, this is where we can really wake up

because when it comes down to it,

the real message from both of them

is that we have to win the war ourselves

within our own consciousness,

and so they act sort of as guides,

even though it got shut down,

just the very fact that we see that it got shut down

helps us to see the contrast between the good guys

and, like, what is being prevented.

- Well, really quick question off of that one

which is not that important,

but if we were to go to Lake Mead,

where should we go to feel that?

- I'm not quite sure.

I just heard, you know, from people that have gone there

that are aware that that ship is there,

I think it's just real close to the lake.

I can get you that information.

I've always wanted to go on a road trip there.

It's like, okay, let's check this out.

And kind of get an update on it, yeah.

But I think it's just like right there at the lake

and, you know, if you watch, like, birds flying around it,

they kind of, like, they don't go, like.

They're like, yeah.

And people kind of throw stuff and it kinda bounces off

like, this, like, shield.

- That'd be awesome to go to.

- Put Lake Mead on the list.

- For sure.

- So there's a book called Stranger at the Pentagon

by Frank Stranges, that talks about all this.

My friend Craig Campobasso, who's a producer, made a movie

and it's one of the only kind of E.T. type movies

that says based on a true story.

(epic music)

(police siren wailing)

(whirring noise)

- I feel something horrible's gonna happen to you.

- This proposal is quite extraordinary.

- Capitol City's President is considering

signing an agreement with them for their technology.

Earth is in great danger.

(man screaming)

- I kinda have a question.

Something you were talking about yesterday

when you were speaking, you kept using the term guardians.

And I was wondering, you were, like, saying, like,

they're kind of looking over, protecting us,

giving us messages and stuff.

And I was just really wondering, like,

who are these guardians and what do they do?

- Well, a lot of us are embodied guardians.

Like, hello, guardians, friends.

We carry this 12 strand and beyond potential.

We were seeded this way so that we could win the war

if we eventually wake up, we do hold the override frequency,

and it's connected to the guardian founder races.

A lot of them are on earth.

They're activating through just, you know,

being present, speaking truth,

it holds a frequency that helps to wake others up

because everybody has a potential,

but the larger sort of guardian energy

that's not manifested in the physical

is sort of like, you know, it comes in different forms.

I mean, the one race that had probably the most physicality

was the Aquafarians,

and they got extinct in the electrical wars.

They weren't able to inhabit this earth density anymore

but they're coming back.

Even the Mother Earth wasn't able

to be grounded into the physical planet

and we are in all these dark reversals.

But the guardians really are about the Mother Earth

and about us as multi-dimensional beings,

they are the original founder races

and, you know, seeded, you know, life in this matrix.

And so they have a particular, you know, goal for us

but, you know, they can't do it for us

and so we can have a lot of discernment

knowing that, you know, some kind of presence is there

to help us to activate our DNA, get real, you know,

close into nature.

And so when these other, you know, offers come along

like we need to save you, we'll do this for you,

and, like, you need to align with us,

we gotta really be careful because, you know,

the Nordics were a part of the Draco Alliance.

There's a lot of, like, high vibrational, like,

oh my gosh, it looks like a benevolent being

that, you know, we just have to have the discernment

and the more we allow these activations,

the more we feel empowered that we can do it ourselves,

the more we can know if we're gonna accept help

is really here to support us helping ourselves

rather than steer us into a timeline or an agenda

that would limit our ability to be sovereign.

- This is actually what I really like about

what you're lecturing and what you're saying,

is it's really all about you inside

working these things out within yourself

and actually really just being a good person

and compassionate to other people,

and through those things, like so much can be accomplished.

- Right.

And we wake up to our multi-dimensional energy,

we recognize that we're connected

to all these different groups and races.

But if we start to lose ourselves,

an aspect of us can, you know,

try and limit us and control us

just like our own negative ego,

you know, that suppresses our better, higher consciousness.

So there's beings and things that are gonna

come in the forms of aspects of our self,

but we need to say, hey, you know,

I'm holding it all, I'm whole.

But now let's work together instead of being yanked around

and being sort of invalidated that we don't have it in us

to do it ourselves.

We absolutely do.

We hold that DNA,

and that's why they're more afraid of us

than we should be of them.

They're just trying to trick us out of ourselves.

- So one of the questions probably

the viewers have right now is, like,

how do we connect with ourselves

to get more in tune with our selves

and our environment and our awareness?

- I just think, you know, integration,

integration of polarity.

Recognizing the dualities

and kind of bringing them more together,

like light and dark.

It's like light is, like, seeds.

Dark is, like, soil.

And you know, higher consciousness thoughts can be planted

in that soil, and that's within us.

The masculine and feminine balance.

You know, really knowing that

we don't need to externalize things.

We can begin to know that we're the greatest discovery.

We can, you know, space travel within our own aura

and, like, get in touch with, like,

all these different star systems.

Our DNA holds all these different harmonic universes.

And the way to upgrade it is to recognize

that it's a love story.

If we can divorce all the things that have taken from us,

robbed us, that cheat us out of ourselves,

that want to poison us, and we just say,

I am breaking those agreements.

I'm not gonna be a victim to it

and I'm not going to serve it on any level,

and you begin to change your life

and you live by the truth or integrity

or spiritual values that are important to you

and it becomes your way of life,

then you are in the love story of true love,

you're starting to find the true essence

of the Christ consciousness.

You're finding the mother energy,

the nurturing energy of the goddess

within your own being, and nothing else can come in.

So it's just saying, like, if we simplify it,

I want true love and I don't need that jerky partner anymore

and, like, he kicked to the curb.

You know, and then trusting the abundance of the universe,

trusting the abundance of the earth, we'll meet our needs.

When we step into our missions,

there's a natural magic and divine energy and presence

that comes with it that allows us to come together

in the way that we are at this event.

And that heals our inner elements.

We're made of earth, air, fire, water.

And the whole deal, like, you know, with the ether coming in

and the spirit energy coming it, it can purify our waters,

purify the way we handle the fire, the rage, the anger,

and help us to see what we're really passionate about

'cause that's a fire element.

You know, heal the earth body.

When we heal our own body,

we contribute to the healing of the planetary body

and recognizing that we are a living example

of what's outside of us.

So if we can take care of what's here,

the earth will respond.

And if enough of us do it, it's just gonna,

you know, purify.

And it's 'cause we're moving into a higher earth energy

based on the DNA we're switching back on,

but we have to kind of be willing to purge and clear.

The most important thing is that you stay true to yourself.

And we gotta just, like, be light

and see the joy and humor in it all

and not judge ourselves so much, which I tend to do.

It's like what are you doing, Laur?

- All of us.

- Really, yeah.

- You know, it's good to have that humility

so I have to remind myself, well, you know

at least you're not, like, you know,

thinking like you have it all figured out.

Yeah, so when we're really centered in ourselves,

when we honor the wounds, when we honor the inner child,

when we're willing to look at it and be transparent enough

to give it the love and nurturing it needs,

and we can hold that space for each other,

we're gonna recognize, we're family.

We are one another.

- That's an awesome message!

Yeah - For sure, for sure.

(spacey music)

- [Announcer] Thank you for joining us

for another edition of The Edge of Wonder.

Be sure to hit like and subscribe.

And click that notification bell,

so you don't miss a single episode from The Edge of Wonder.

For more infomation >> Laura Eisenhower: My Family, Valiant Thor, & Your Innate Abilities for Mastering Yourself -CITD 2018 - Duration: 15:52.


Why Cristiano Ronaldo to leave Real Madrid - Duration: 1:13.

Cristiano Ronaldo - Libre al Madrid who will accept 100 million euros offer from you Ventus

ray al Madrid will accept juventus's

100 million euros offer for Cristiano Ronaldo who will join the Italian club this summer earning 30 million euros per year

According to a report from the sector's Giuseppe da roll

It seems to be set in stone after three years of false alarms

Ronaldo is about to leave Real Madrid after the talks to extend his contract and raise his salary stalled late in the season

The Portuguese star suggested that he was going to leave the club and this time it seems to be true

Ronaldo is at least the second best player in Real Madrid's history

And while he is not in his prime Los Blancos will need to find a replacement

If they are going to get 100 million euros for the transfer a potential move for may Mar seems more likely although Madrid denied

televisión española report of an offer for the Brazilian attacker last night

By the way, if Ronaldo ends up leaving Madrid

It's clear that he deserves a testimonial sooner rather than later no matter how much bad blood he has with president Florentino Perez right now

For more infomation >> Why Cristiano Ronaldo to leave Real Madrid - Duration: 1:13.


Navigating Music Copyright for Artists - Duration: 3:36.

Navigating music copyright for artists

Copyright protects original works of art

and plays a big role in determining who's allowed to use what music.

It also affects monetization, both on YouTube and elsewhere.

YouTube can't give you legal advice

but a basic understanding of copyright can still be helpful

so we'd like to share a few key concepts.

If you're interested in learning more

we suggest you check out the YouTube Copyright Center

do further research on your own and consult with a lawyer.

In music, there are two main types of copyright.

The sound recording refers to the actual audio

whether you recorded it on your phone, in a garage or in a studio.

This copyright is usually held by the performer, producer or engineer.

The music copyright refers to the creative work behind the music and lyrics.

This copyright usually belongs to the songwriters and composers.

When artists sign with a record label or publisher

the copyright ownership may be slightly different.

Copyright laws vary by country

so talk to a legal representative if you want to learn more about the specifics.

Of course, not everybody writes and records their own music.

That brings us to licensing.

Licensing comes into play when using music that isn't exclusively your own.

Like recording a song you didn't write

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There are many types of licenses and they can vary by country.

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the best course of action is to seek professional legal advice.

It's also best to be careful when using sound recordings

or compositions under the principle of "Fair use".

Since this defense is pretty limited.

If you're unsure, talk to a legal professional as well.

Tracking down licenses can be tricky.

If you're just looking for something simple, like background music or sound effects

try browsing the YouTube Audio Library.

It contains a suite of royalty-free music and sound effects in one convenient place.

Let's talk about covers.

Covers of well-known songs are fun, and a great way to get discovered.

Lots of talented artists got their start

by recording cover songs before releasing their own music.

If you are planning to cover a song

it's important to remember most songs are owned under a composition copyright.

But we created a YouTube Music Policies page

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It may even be possible to enable revenue sharing on a video of an eligible cover song.

After all, if your covers take off and help you accumulate a large fanbase

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Sometimes after posting a cover, you may find your video flagged by Content ID.

But don't stress!

"Wait" you might be asking. What's Content ID?

Content ID is an automated system that scans videos for music rights

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A Content ID claim doesn't necessarily mean you have to take down the video.

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You'll know if your video has been claimed

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Sometimes claims can be made in error

so YouTube gives you the option to dispute a claim if you believe it to be invalid.

And if you work with a distributor or label

they may be able to submit your own tracks for inclusion in the Content ID database.

Again, YouTube can't give you legal advice

but a basic understanding of copyright

can be incredibly helpful when navigating the larger creative community.

Thanks for watching.

And don't forget to subscribe.

For more infomation >> Navigating Music Copyright for Artists - Duration: 3:36.


Yakuza Kiwami 2: Interview with Scott Strichart, Part 1 | Backlog Battle - Duration: 26:51.

Alex: What's up everyone?

Alex and Daniel here!

Right now, we're joined by Yakuza localization producer Scott Strichart and we'll be talking

to him about his experience with localization leading up to him working on Yakuza Kiwami


How's it going Scott?

Scott: Great!

Good to be here!

Alex: I'm so happy you gave us an opportunity for this!

Yakuza is one of my favorite series, and Daniel's as well, right man?

Daniel: Yes!


I love the Yakuza series!

It's been with me for… pretty long, now that I think about it!

Scott: That's awesome!

And we all go back, it's fine!

Alex: (laughs) Totally fine, totally fine!

Daniel: I just want to say thank you very much for doing this interview.

It's very kind of you!

Scott: No problem.

It's not like it's taking away from any of my work!

Daniel: I think the best way to start this interview is to ask this question: Prior to

Yakuza, can you name some games that we'd probably find your name in?

Scott: So I've been doing this for 10 years and that list of games is probably 60 or 70

games deep at this point.

A few years ago, I was working at Square Enix and you'll find my name in a lot of the

Final Fantasy titles during my time as a Brand Manager there.

Prior to that, I was at Level-5 working on basically anything they localized including

the 3DS Guild series, which is a bunch of pretty cool games by famous creators from


And prior that, I was at Atlus, where I worked primarily on our Japanese titles including

Catherine, Persona 4, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Shiren The Wanderer, and the list goes on

and on and on.

Daniel: You've certainly run the gamut!

Scott: Definitely!

Alex: What I was looking for Scott is Izuna.

I didn't hear Izuna in any of the things that you mentioned so…

Scott: You're right!

And there are people who would be really upset that I did not mention Izuna 2: The Return

of the Unemployed Ninja!

Alex: (laughs) I actually got that game a long time ago.

That was hard, man!

Scott: It is a hard game!

I was both the Editor and QA Lead for that game and I love it to pieces, to this day!

Alex: "To this day!"

You guys heard that right there, okay?

He wasn't not mentioning it on purpose so cool your jets, alright?

(everyone laughs)

Scott: Everyone's like, "What game are they talking about?"

Alex: Exactly!

(everyone laughs louder)

Alex: I'm kinda curious because you do have a storied history with localization, how did

you wind up finding yourself in the Yakuza series or being part of it?

Scott: I credit that to Director of Production over here Sam Mullen.

He and I go back to what we call "our first deployment" here at Atlus, and when they

were onboarding Yakuza over here, he wasn't going to be able to handle that himself.

But then he's like, "I know a guy!" and then called me!

So he's like, "Hey man?

How do you want work on a pretty big franchise we've got going?

He didn't say the name, but I kinda had a hunch.

At the time, I wasn't all that enthused because "Yakuza was a Japanese GTA game"

and that's how it used to be marketed.

It was nonetheless a really cool opportunity and I took it, all to discover that Yakuza

is anything but Japanese GTA, which has been an incredible journey to both teach myself

and the rest of the world that fact!

Daniel: So your first experience with the series proper was working on it?

Scott: Basically!

I had not played it prior to being told that it was going to be my jam!

Alex: So this begs the question: How much knowledge did you have to ingest in order

to be prepared for your first Yakuza project?

What preparation did you have to do?

Scott: My first day, Sam handed me a stack of 4 games and a digital code for Yakuza 5

and he said, "Go!

You have a month!" (laughs)

Alex: (laughs) You have a month?!

Scott: More or less!

I was hired in October and I had until end of year…

I guess more like 2 months... to get through the entirety of the Yakuza series and that's

exactly what I set about doing, which is fine if you're playing it six to eight hours

a day.

I was starting to get pre-production done on Yakuza 0 at the same time, so it's not

like sitting at work playing video games.

But becoming a walking wiki of the Yakuza universe was first order of business for me.

Alex: I bet that was daunting, to have to articulate a series pretty much after playing

five games and be able to be just that authority, right?

Scott: Yeah, but at the same time we viewed Yakuza 0 very much as a series reboot.

We weren't going to be beholden by anything that had come before.

That's not to say that any decision made prior was a bad one, but there are certain

decisions that we're like, "Ok this is how they did that, this is how I want to do

this," and, "This is how they did that, and that's great!

Let's keep it!"

We went and broke the game out and said, "This is how we're going to approach this for

the coming future."

We were more or less looking beyond Zero to Kiwami and 6, which were pretty nebulous at

the time, but we wanted to make sure that there's consistency in the series and deciding

what to localize and how to localize, what fonts to use.

It was a nice benefit to come in at what was technically the beginning of the series, timeline-wise,

with Yakuza 0.

It allowed us to do that reboot.

Alex: Was Yakuza 0 your first project in the Yakuza franchise?

Scott: Yes!

Alex: How were the games previously handled?

Were the localizations done internally or were they outsourced?

Scott: Sega used to work with these cool group of guys called InBound.

They are a great translation agency and we worked with them as well on Yakuza 0 in the

handing off of the titles to moving it internally, for me and my team.

I can't speak highly enough of them!

They knocked it out of the park previously and one of the reasons Yakuza 0's localization

was so great is because it literally got two full editing passes.

They went and did their pass and we went in and added that "Atlus magic" on top of



Alex: (laughs) That's very interesting that you mention that the localization process

over there as having that "Atlus magic."

Not a lot of people still know that Sega and Atlus are two combined entities these days.

It's kinda interesting to think about!

Scott: It is!

It's a really cool thing to think about!

I think Atlus has always brought a lot of expertise to Japanese localization and that's

what we're able to bring to the Yakuza series!

It's really cool!

Daniel: I always felt that with Atlus' localizations they always tended to try to bring out the

spirit and the soul of the source material.

I always felt like Persona 4, for example, it was kind of unabashed in the questions

(in the Quizzes) that was being asked.

Even if a native English speaking player would probably have no idea what some of the answers

to the questions are, the questions were steeped more in a Japanese methodology, and it would

still be in there.

That's kind of how I feel about it, with regards to its authenticity.

I would say that with Atlus, in particular, I always felt that there was something very

authentic about the way that they translated games.

Would you agree with that?

Scott: Yea, definitely!

There's a certain sense of…

I guess, you're right!

Authenticity, is a really good word for that, because Atlus does bring that to the table,

especially with these titles that are set in Japan like Persona, like Yakuza.

We're bringing players to the source a little bit, kind of expecting them to bridge the

gap for themselves, to be like, "I'm playing a game that's not really set in the country

of my origin for me, but that's what's cool about it!"

You get to really experience another culture through these games and that's an important

part of carrying that over in our localizations, because we don't water that down or try

to make that too, "Oh, they might not know this.

Let's make it friendlier!"

That's a constant conversation we have to have.

Daniel: In that sense, I would say that Persona games and the way the Yakuza games are handled

kinda goes hand in hand.

Scott: Exactly!

And I think working on Persona and another game called Attack of the Friday Monsters,

then coming to Yakuza, really gave me a lot of the experience I needed to really kinda

own this, which is really cool!

Alex: That's really cool!

So, what were the challenges of taking over the series given that there's been a lot

of established conventions in the previous games?

Scott: I think what challenged me the most is Goro Majima! (laughs)

Alex: (laughs) Oh, ok!

Scott: That's partly because as I've gone through the localization wringer, I wanted

that kind of challenge!

I really do seek characters that challenge me to write in styles that are not necessarily

my own or to bring out accents and that kinda thing.

Because I feel that's a level of localization that you see in some of the higher caliber

localizations out there, to be quite frank!

And knowing that he had this Osakan accent and seeing how it was rendered prior to this,

I felt like my own interpretation of that and the way that I rendered that in 0, Kiwami,

and 6... to some degree...

Kiwami 2 more so… is a little bit different and I hope people like it!

Ultimately, people do really still seem to latch onto Majima, but I don't take credit

for that.

He's an amazing character and the devs know exactly what they're doing with him and

hopefully I'm just doing him justice!

Alex: That's great actually!

We're going to go into a little bit of the localization process here in just a minute.

But first, you mentioned in previous interviews that you're currently managing a team of

people who work on localizing these games.

Can you talk to us a little bit about why you've decided to go this particular route

versus other methodologies that other companies use?

Scott: We use translators and editors, and I think a lot of companies rely solely on

translators to kinda convey the message, and then the editors do more of a light grammar

and fixing pass.

The target language is what the editors really bring out here.

That's partially what's the "Atlus style" is all about!

We want to make it as approachable as we can without crossing that line to changing it.

It's a constant balance and, I use this term often, between clarity and authenticity.

Make sure it's absolutely clear but we absolutely want to keep it authentic, like what Daniel

was talking about.

Daniel: It does sound like a difficult balancing act of trying to bring out the life in something

without compromise.

Scott: It IS compromise.

Every line is a compromise, to some extent.

Because we will hammer it out and we'll think the line is too stilted… so we have

to bring it in.

Or we'll bring it further out, make it sound better.

And then we think, "Oh it's gone too far from Japanese!

Bring it back in!"

Sometimes that back and forth on an individual line can happen multiple times and, at the

end of the day, you have to finally find that right spot for it.

Daniel: I guess what I meant by compromise in that instance would be compromising the

spirit of the material.

Scott: Yea, I mean no language translates directly into another language perfectly.

At the end of the day, that's what it is.

There's this great quote that went semi-viral in localization circles not that long ago

about how a piano can play a piece built for a violin and still carry the way that it's

supposed to sound, but it obviously has to make accommodations for the fact that it's

a piano.

That's very much what localization is to me, which is translating one instrument to

another while still maintaining the way that the piece is supposed to sound.

Alex: What's the most memorable story you have with regards to localization and consulting

your team and trying to figure out the best possible way to achieve a specific localization.

Can you tell me a little bit about that?

Scott: There's so many!

It's hard to pick one!

I guess one of the more recent things we've worked on the team was Y6 and one of the things

that people really gravitate towards is the live chat!

Alex: Ah yes!

Scott: I didn't handle that personally.

That was all done by one of my editors, John Riesenbach.

Great guy!

Knows his stuff!

He was more than willing to take that task at the beginning and it was him who really

lobbied for making it really chatty, to make it sound like a real amalgamation of a chat


We got the developers to implement the lenny face.

I literally had to put in a request to the developers and say like, "Hey, there's

this icon that happens in the West and we want to put this in the game.

Can you even do this?"

(everyone laughs)

Scott: And they're like, "Yea, we can do that.

Let's take a look at it!"

And, I swear, we must've spent back and forth on that icon for a month just trying

to get it to render correctly in the text, and I can't believe how many hours wasted

to getting the lenny face to work in that chat!

But it did!

Daniel: Wow!

Scott: At the end of the day, there was a lenny face in the chat.

And I told John to use it liberally because of all the work that went into getting it.

Daniel: I remember seeing it and it gave me a good chuckle, so that work was not wasted!

Scott: Excellent!

That's what I want to hear! (laughs)

Alex: Definitely!

Another thing that I kinda noticed, especially with Yakuza 0 moving forward since that was

a PS4 game, is that these games when they arrive in the West they're not blocked from

streaming or recording video… of course, until you get to more spoilery sections towards

the end.

But we know that in Japan, these are all completely blocked.

What changed over here that, all of a sudden, they're not blocked anymore?

Scott: First I should say to clarify that there's a very distinct culture difference

between Japan and in the West with regard to the blocking of content.

When content is blocked in Japan it's usually because there's actually a cultural thing

around it that's like, "Why would I want someone to be able to spoil it for me before

I buy the game?"

There's just very concerned about spoilers over there!

"It's not fair to watch something that I haven't gotten to yet!

If I see that, I'm going to write to Sega and say, "Sega!

How dare you not block this content!

I got spoiled, man!

It's all your fault!" kind of deal.

And in the West, as you know, that's really not the way we think about it.

Yes, we're also very conscious of spoilers of course, but we want the freedom to be able

to look at them if we so desire.

And knowing that, that there would be backlash if we kept it blocked, we approached Japan

very gingerly, mind you, that, "Hey, in the West, we'd like to have content shareable

and we do understand that this is kinda spoiler heavy.

But to be fair, you guys have had these games out for a year and anyone who wants to be

spoiled has already gotten that spoiled for them, so can we do this?"

And they're like, "You know what?

It's your territory, you decide."

Alex: Ahh!

Scott: So we're like, "Great!

That's an awesome attitude!" and from then on, that's kinda how we've handled

it, only blocking the ending because the ending is the part that we do want to protect.

It's the end, right?

Daniel: That makes sense, and I'm really glad that was able to happen because it was

moments like bowling for a turkey and getting a chicken…

Scott: (laughs)

Daniel: ...moments like that, someone being able to capture that easily and then throw

it up on Twitter…

I think it's fair to say that it was things like that that allowed the game to thrive

the way it did!

Scott: Absolutely!

We owe a lot to that damn chicken!

(everyone laughs)

Daniel: Nugget!

Alex: Nugget, you will always be remembered! (laughs)

Scott: We had no idea!

It was just something that happened!

You can't control the internet, no matter much a marketing team would believe that,

"We need this to go viral.

Make it go viral!"

That's not something you can control.

Whatever happens, happens.

The content, you don't know what the fans are going to latch onto!

But there it is!

There is what they latched onto which is incredible!

Daniel: It didn't quite go viral, but I did post a tweet of Kiryu punching the shark

in Yakuza 6, and that got some attention!

Scott: Yea!

I love that whole sequence!

It's actually my background on PS4 right now!

(everyone laughs)

Daniel: I'm sure I sold at least one or two copies just by posting that tweet!

(everyone laughs)

Scott: Thank you!

Alex Ok Scott, I gotta ask you a NJPW question, because we have a lot...

Scott: Oh no!

Alex: … oh yes, "Oh no!"

Because we actually have a good number of fans who actually watch NJPW and they were

pleasantly surprised to learn that Yakuza 6 featured some of the more high profile wrestlers


Now, this is just a personal curiosity of mine because I don't think anybody else

would think this way, but did you and your team have to watch some of their promos to

make sure you got their characters right?

I think Naito's was really spot on!

Scott: We didn't have time to really dig into their characters because, at the end

of the day, they were themselves playing a role in Yakuza.

So it was more important to us to make sure that the role they were playing in Yakuza

was something we got right over their wrestler roles.

But man, it was really tough to make sure that we caught all the references and the

inside stuff!

To this day, I'm not 100% sure we did.

I credit one of our QA testers, Ian, who is a huge NJPW fan who's like, "Yo.

I'm gonna look through all of this stuff!"

Alex: (laughs)

Scott: You're gonna have to change some things.

I leaned on his expertise for sure, because it was awesome to have someone who knew it

like the back of their hand.

We didn't have time to familiarize ourselves with... an entire lore, essentially… for

a mini-game for Yakuza 6!

And Naito, to this day, I'm not sure…

We played up that Spanish aspect.

We're in Southern California, everyone almost speaks Spanish by default here, you know?


Alex: (laughs)

Scott: We brought out a little bit more of those random Spanish words that I think are

prevalent even in English now, so hopefully that did his character right.

At the end of the day, all I can hope to do is make sure to do them a solid!

Daniel: Since Yakuza Kiwami 2 uses the same engine as Yakuza 6, what improvements can

we expect this time around?

Scott: There's a ton of stuff that's new to Kiwami 2!

I think a lot of people felt that the battle system was a little slow.

As a result, for Kiwami 2, the combat definitely got some speed added to it.

You'll definitely feel like it's a bit snappier.

There's charged attacks now that you can weave into your combos.

There's a lot of areas in Kamurocho that were restored, like the Champion district…

Daniel: I was about to say The Champion District!

Scott: Yea, that's all back!

A lot of the mini-games, the gambling is all back, a bunch of new stuff that's been added

to flesh out the Yakuza 2 story like… the Cabaret Club from Zero is back, the Clan Creator

stuff from 6 is back and completely different… it's a beast of a game, quite frankly!

And you're just going to see little improvements throughout the whole thing and it's really

awesome to see how much that engine has matured in the course of…

I mean, to us it's gonna be like 4 months, but it was about a year in between.

Daniel: Wow!

Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a remake of the original Yakuza 2 on PS2.

With that in mind, and knowing that it was handled by a different localization team,

how much of Yakuza Kiwami 2's localization has changed from the original PS2 release?

Scott: Quite a bit!

We have more space, first of all, the windows are bigger in Kiwami 2, and so we were really

able to dig deeper into the characterizations at times.

There's a NPC early on in the game called Kurakawa.

He's my go-to guy for pointing out some of the localization differences.

It's kinda hard to describe to someone who hasn't played the game in a while, because

you're, "I don't know remember some NPC named Kurakawa!"

But if you look him up at the original Yakuza 2 translation, then you read the Kiwami 2

text, it's almost totally different!

And that's partially because we're bringing back things that were written around in Yakuza


Where people were like, "Well, people won't understand this.

Let's just write around it."

We straight up do it!

Like Kurokawa actually explains what his name means in the (original) text.

So that's now back.

"My name means black river!"

In the original English text, he's like, "It's a pretty name, right?"

(everyone laughs)

Scott: And little things like that!

And it's not to say that the original localization was wrong or bad!

We actually kept a lot of it, because it was like, "Oh, this is right" or, "Wow,

this is a really clever way to say that!

Thank God they thought of that!"

Daniel: Please, please tell me you left in, "Peacocked your mom!"

Scott: I wasn't allowed to change that!

(everyone laughs)

Alex: Oh really?


Scott: There'd be a riot!

I did that and you'll see what I did after that scene because it's so out of character

with the way we write Kiryu for him to say, "I peacocked your mom," but there's

a little joke in there that follows that now!

Alex: I see!

Daniel: I know that looking back, especially after so many games that, "Yeah, it is out

of character," but I don't know!

It's such a good line!

Scott: It's such a good line!

You can't not "peacock the mom!"

(everyone laughs)

Alex: You heard it here guys!

Scott: You have the other option to pick, "My bad," but no one's going to pick

that! (laugh)

Daniel: People who are dedicated in making sure Kiryu's on the straight and narrow

are still going to pick it!

Scott: Yea, you can't not!

Daniel: With that in mind, regarding the differences between the two versions, what kinds of surprises

can fans who have played the original release expect from Yakuza Kiwami 2?

Scott: I think overall we've been able to make more sense.

That's a lot of things that Kiryu does that doesn't get explained, that don't have

a lot of logic behind it.

Like we've got these objectives where we write Kiryu's literal inner thoughts and

now there's a clear way that you'll see Kiryu's logic for doing certain things that

he does in that game.

He's still very early Kiryu, so there's a certain sense of aloof "badass-ocity"

to him that I think fans hopefully won't be surprised by because, at the end of the

day, that's what's expected of Kiryu at that stage of his life.

There's just all kinds of new stuff to Kiwami 2!

It's gonna surprise a lot of people!

And we've also been able to integrate it more into 0, which hadn't been written at

the time.

There's things about when Kiryu first arrives in Sotenbori, instead of saying, "Gosh,

I'm seeing Sotenbori for the first time!" he says, "Wow.

I haven't been here in ages!"

Zero has now become canon, it has reverberating effects in Sotenbori and is really, really


Daniel: I also wanted to ask real quick, because you'd mentioned Kiryu's inner thoughts…

are those translated from the Japanese version or is that something that you guys added?

Scott: That's actually us, with Japanese dev team's permission, of course!

In the Japanese version the objective repeats itself in a different way, it'll be like,

"Go to The Grand" versus "Go see what's happening at The Grand."

And when we put that in English, it sounds super redundant, so we asked if we could use

the second bullet point to help explain the objective a little bit better, to go inside

Kiryu's head.

The dev team was very gracious in allowing us to write that and they check them, and

the whole thing of it is that we know Kiryu well enough at this point to just be able

to bridge why he's doing something and I really appreciate their trust in allowing

us to do that.

Alex: I actually find it interesting that a lot of what you guys do, even though you

guys have more space, now you guys are running into more of a UI issue and a "text filling"

issue than anything else!

Just trying to make much of what is given in a small space!

Back in the day, especially during the PS2 days I'd imagine, you had to really be creative

and do things like, "Peacocked your mom" because you really barely had any space to

work with!

Scott: You're absolutely right!

We have a huge dialog window for this!

I worked on a game called Knights in the Nightmare where you had 2 lines of 22 characters and

that would turn a beautiful sentence into a rote, routine sad sentence.

"I walked among the forest and it echoed in my mind."

That line would become, "The forest sure had… an echo."

(everyone laughs)

Scott: That's kind of the sadness of it!

But with the amount of space we have to work with on this game, there's never a reason

why we couldn't fully express what we need to express and that's awesome!

Alex: I think being able to reuse the objectives to explore Kiryu's inner thoughts was actually

a brilliant idea and, man, you guys really hit it off the park on that one I think!

Scott: Oh!

Well thank you!

Daniel: Absolutely!

Alex: But now, let's talk about the future and don't worry Scott, I'll only ask you

one question about this.

Scott: Oh boy...

Alex: Yea.

Be ready!

Can you offer us a small hint as to what's coming next after Yakuza Kiwami 2 that you're

working on?

Scott: What are you trying to do Alex?

You trying to jinx this whole interview?

You're trying to get me to spill beans that I'm not supposed to spill?

(everyone laughs)

Scott: No, I can't say too much!

I am excited about it and I'm hoping that everyone else will be too!

Alex: So basically our takeaway is "Please be excited"?

Scott: I love that line!

Yes, "Please be excited!"

Alex: (laughs) You should just coopt that for Yakuza!

Scott: Ah, Hashimoto-san, you're the best!

Alex: Yes!


Alex: And that concludes Part 1 of our interview with Scott Strichart!

In Part 2 of our interview, we'll be asking him all of the questions you sent in via Reddit,

Discord, and Twitter, so make sure you Subscribe to the channel and hit that Bell icon so you

won't miss that video!

Also, I just want to give thanks to Jacob over at SEGA for helping make this happen.

Thank you for watching and have a wonderful gaming week!

For more infomation >> Yakuza Kiwami 2: Interview with Scott Strichart, Part 1 | Backlog Battle - Duration: 26:51.


NBC's Andrea Mitchell Caught Red-Handed Making, Broadcasting Fake News to Public - Duration: 4:16.

The establishment media in this country has always leaned to the left, but there was a

time when they reported the facts, no matter how begrudgingly or with how much spin.

That's changed in recent years, with old-school reporters wondering whether to stick with

the old model of bias or the brave new world of outright prevarication.

Some — PBS' Judy Woodruff and CNN's Wolf Blitzer spring to mind — have maintained

some semblance of the semblance of objectivity they had.

A semblance of a semblance isn't exactly something to tweet home about, but it's

certainly preferable to old media names like Dan Rather and Brian Ross who've enthusiastically

jumped into the world of fake news and fake outrage as if they would have done it from

day one.

If you've ever wondered where Andrea Mitchell, a venerable name at NBC News, fell in this

new order, she left little doubt with one preposterous tweet Monday that pushed news

faker than a $20 Chanel handbag from Canal Street.

The whole thing began after the White House issued several tweets criticizing two senators

who have called for changes to or the outright abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

"@SenKamalaHarris, why are you supporting the animals of MS-13?

You must not know what ICE really does," a tweet to California's junior senator,

who has said that "there's no question that we've got to critically re-examine

ICE and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing."

As for Elizabeth Warren, who supports just abolishing the whole thing altogether, the

White House decided to ask her "why are you supporting criminals moving weapons, drugs,

and victims across our nation's borders?"

That this angered Mitchell is hardly any surprise; one hardly suspects the veteran broadcaster

of covert membership in the Proud Boys' women's auxiliary.

However, barring simply reporting the facts — which Mitchell wasn't going to do — there

were two possible options Mitchell could have taken regarding the story.

The first was to express her outrage and let everyone know where she stood, which would

have destroyed the illusion of objectivity.

The second would be to simply make stuff up, which would have destroyed the illusion of


There was a third option I hadn't considered, however: she could always just choose both.

They broke the law via Twitter!

That's how perfidious this White House is: they managed to use "money appropriated

by any enactment of Congress" to influence members of Congress on a free social media


This is actually more ridiculous than it looks at first glance.

Speaking of destroying the illusion of credibility, Mike Cernovich has certainly managed to do

that with alarming rapidity thanks to dabbling in conspiracy theories most rational people

wouldn't buy.

Still, the independent right-wing journalist has managed to break a number of stories the

liberal media either couldn't or didn't want to.

That's right: The law she cited has everything to do with lobbyists and nothing to do with

the White House Twitter account.

You don't have to be a lawyer to realize there's absolutely no application to tweeting

at senators who are attacking ICE.

By this point, however, thousands of people had shared Mitchell's tweet, and she certainly

wasn't going to issue a retraction.

Oh, and as for Mitchell's outrage over the White House "FALSELY accusing" the senators

of supporting gangs, what, pray tell, does she think the result of the abolition or curtailing

of the main enforcement arm dealing with criminal illegal immigrants will achieve?

Does Mitchell truly believe that there would be absolutely no fallout from abolishing the


But I digress.

The point is that these are the same people wondering why the White House is calling them

fake news, all while they embrace the new fake news mindset.

Have fun trying to get White House officials charged over a tweet with a regulation meant

for lobbyists, Andrea.

I'm sure that'll work out superbly.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> NBC's Andrea Mitchell Caught Red-Handed Making, Broadcasting Fake News to Public - Duration: 4:16.


Why You Should Maintain Your Dryer - Duration: 4:51.

Hi my name is Bill and I'm going to be showing you today why it's important to keep up on

maintenance with your dryer WARNING before doing any repairs please disconnect your power

source first thing you want to do is make sure you turn your gas off so as you can see

here this is what a dryer that has no maintenance done with it looks like this is from so many

who knows maybe years maybe a couple months but this person had a lot of animals and stuff

as you can see from the fur and all of that that is caught in the lint but they just

weren't taking care of there appliance and you just want to make sure that this doesn't

happen to you so you have a lot of dust or something like that blowing around you want

to make sure that you have your seals all in working order and that they're not damaged

so this is really important if you do notice that there is a bunch of extra dust or something

blowing out of your machine and in to your laundry room or for example if you go and

you notice that there is a lot of dust which is actually blowing out from the outlet vent

and outside you want to check on your seals because this right here is a huge fire hazard

and the worst thing that could happen is that you leave this unattended and you just go

about doing your laundry and a fire starts so make sure that you keep your dryer nice

and clean and well maintained

so this right here is all a bunch of dust and lint you can

see it's all black inside of here so these wires right here if you can see them if not

I'll just explain but they go back in there and they're all coiled up and that's basically

where your heat comes from that's your heat source so this person had all of this stuff

in there and they have no idea how close they were to probably having they're house burn

down so as you can see here now I've taken that top cover off again this is our coil where

we get heat from and this back here much more lint and dust I found burned up so you can

see that's really really burned I mean that's crispy that would have gone up into here and

that goes up through a little pipe into here this blows hot air on to your clothes so potentially

there could have been a giant fire ball coming in lighting up your clothes and then setting

that on fire and causing a chain reaction to what ever is near by and setting that on

fire too so that's why it's important to maintain your dryer and if you notice something wrong

with it do something about it right away because if you don't do something about it you're

going to be asking for trouble later on so you can see from this garbage bag almost full

already and I'm still not quite done yet I have all the big stuff out and now I'm still

going to go through and clean it up with a damp paper towel and make sure I get as much

as I can but just all of this from one dryer so you can see here now our dryer is a lot cleaner

and hopefully when we go out back out into the world it'll stay clean like this for a

long time to come now we can turn our gas back on

Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance

If you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an OEM replacement

part on our website

Thanks for watching and please don't forget

to like, comment and share our video also don't forget to subscribe to our channel your

support helps us make more videos just like these for you to watch for free

For more infomation >> Why You Should Maintain Your Dryer - Duration: 4:51.


GC2000 - Replacing Your Whirlpool Garbage Disposal - AP3121409, PS395793 - Duration: 20:17.

Hi, my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace or install a

garbage disposal. The reason why you might have to do this is because your old garbage

disposal is no longer working or because you don't have one in the first place and you

want to put one in. For this repair, we will be using a Flathead screwdriver, a Phillip's

head screwdriver, a putty knife, a hammer, a couple of wire nuts, and a serrated knife

or a hacksaw. You also may need to use some plumber's putty. The first thing we need to

do is find the circuit that goes to the disposal and turn that off. So, after we've verified

that there's no more electricity running to our unit, we're going to start to unhook the

old one. So right here we have a drain line to our dishwasher into the disposal, that

we have to disconnect. We also have a main pipe from the disposal and out, and then we've

got our electric wires right here. So, I'm going to start at the top and work my way

down. And once that's loose, pull it right off. And now we'll just get that out of the

way. So the next thing I'm going to do is remove this pipe here. The easiest way to

do that is going to be to get the screws out here. And now that those screws are out, just

move this down, and it'll pull out, and then you can twist it out of the way. So, for the

disposal unit here, this is kind of a better shot, since you won't be able to see it under

the sink. What we've got here is this locking mechanism. So, to get this off from the flange

up top, you're going to want to twist the metal piece right here, and that'l come off.

And then, you'll be able to remove your disposal. When you're putting it back on, same thing,

you're going to line up this little knob right here, put it on the pole, and then turn it,

and you want to turn it as much as you can. And once you've got it locked into place,

you should be good to go. And, now you're going to want to twist the old disposal off.

If you're having a hard time, like I was, you can just start by pounding it a little

bit with a hammer, but once you got it loose, it'll come right off. So, now that we've got

that down, you've got to get that screw out to get into that panel here. Now, we're just

gong to pull these out, I'll show you. So, you can see right here, the way that these

are connected, they've got a couple wire nuts on it. So, you're just going to unscrew your

wire nut on both of these, and you're going to untwist the wires, and separate them. So

these ones are the ones that go into our old disposal and these ones are going to our outlet.

So, we're going to have to get these out now. So, the next thing that we're going to do

is loosen up this screw here, and once that's loose enough, it'll just pull right out. Move

these, wires here, they're a bit rigid, so we just have to kind of bend them, until they're

straight, and then we can pull them out. And now, we can get rid of our old disposal. Now,

we have to take the old sink flange out and to do that, we're going to loosen the screws.

And now that this is nice and loose, we can kind of just twist that and get all that old

seal out of there. Now that we've twisted it a bit, it's kind of loosened up. This top

piece here, we just got to pull down on it, and you can just kind of twist it, there's

some putty and stuff from the old one. I'll hold it in place, with a couple twists, to

get all that old stuff out of there. And now, I got a retaining ring, and I'm just using

a Flathead screwdriver and I'm going to pry that off. And, I'm going to hold onto this

stuff, so it doesn't fall down on me. Now, you should be able to push up the old sink

flange. And the next thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to use a wet paper towel

and just get the rest of this old plumber's putty out of here. Clean it all off, so I

can make room for the new stuff. Do the best that you can to get it all off, want to make

sure that we've got a nice, watertight seal. Now I'm just going to use a dry paper towel

and make sure we dry our sink out, right where we are going to be putting our new flange.

So, this is going to be our replacement disposal, it's a GC2000, by Whirlpool. If you don't

have one already, you can buy one on our online store. This model comes with the disposal

unit here, the piece that connects your sink to the disposal here, and the accessories

needed to connect it to your drain pipe. So, for our purposes, we were using a disposal

that was hardwired into a switch. However, this one has its own plug. Now, you could

always take the bottom off, take the plug part, and hard wire this one in as well, it's

always an option. But, it is a little difficult, they don't make it easy to reach your fingers

in here, to pull any of this stuff out. So, you can cap off the old one, if you're hardwired

in, or just make sure you're getting one that you're going to have to hard wire in. But,

we're not really going to show you how to cap off the old electrical system, as that

should be done by a professional, and it's not something that we want you to doing at

home by yourself. So, if you don't the disposal already hooked up to your sink, you can skip

the other steps where we are removing the other disposal, but you'll still need to put

on the flange and everything else to be able to hook this one up to the bottom of your

sink. Then, we'll be able to plug this into the outlet. However, you do need to make sure

that the outlet has an on/off switch, otherwise when you plug it in, it's just going to turn

on, automatically, and you don't want that. So, I can plug it in and show you exactly

what happen, for example, if you plug it into a wall outlet. So now, I'm going to show you

what exactly happens if you plug it in with an outlet that doesn't have an on/off switch,

which you don't want to do. I'm just doing this for demonstration purposes, so that you

can see for yourself, and you won't have to risk anything. So, I've made sure that everything

is out of the disposal, and nothing is going to come flying up, if I turn it on. And, I'm

just going to hold it, so that it doesn't go flying anywhere when it goes on. So, you

can see here, plugged in, turned itself on automatically, that's why you need to make

sure that whatever outlet this goes into, has a switch, for on/off, so you can turn

this on or off whenever you need to use it. And then, this metal piece comes off, now

we are going to unscrew the plastic piece here, set that off to the side. Now, we got

a couple of gaskets. This gasket is going to come up underneath. and I'll show you that.

And then this rubber gasket, if you look at the instructions, say for stainless steel

sinks, we don't have a stainless steel sink here, so that's why we're using the plumber's

putty. But if you do have a stainless steel sink, instead of using the plumber's putty,

you would use this rubber gasket, as it says in the instructions. So now, we're going to

put the flange in, the way to do that; you can set it down, and then just push down to

get a nice seal on there. And, before we cut this putty so we're not doing it twice, we're

just going to go underneath, and put our other gaskets and flanges on, tighten it up, and

that'll expose some of the putty when it gets tighter and we'll cut it all off. So, from

the bottom here, you can see some of the putty came out through here as well, so we'll remove

that excess putty real quick, or you can kind of just push it up in there, either way is

fine. But, we just have to get it out of the way of our threads. Now, we're going to put

on our first gasket here, that'll go all the way up to the top, putty will help it stick

to the top there. And now, we got this flange here, and the way that you can tell which

way it's supposed to go is there's an arrow facing up on it, so you make sure that's pointing

up, and we screw that on. And we'll screw that on nice and tight. So, once you can't

screw it on anymore, you can take a look at the top, and see all the extra putty that's

squished out, and we'll clean that up. As you can see here, we've got a nice tight seal

now, that's squished out all the putty. So, this is actually pretty easy, I can take it

out by hand, just get all that extra putty out. And what you can do is you can kind of

squish it all together and use it to get anything else that you might've missed. Or, if you're

having a hard time, like with this stuff right here, you get a putty knife, or another tool

with a blade, and just scrape the rest out. Now, we're putting this back up here. You

want to make sure you put it on the right way. You'll know it's the right way because

the bottom here has this part that would connect onto your disposal. So, you just put it right

up in there, and then we'll get our rubber gasket and you're going to make sure you put

it on the same way you took it off. This piece face us, with the widest part at the bottom.

It might be a little bit difficult, you'll just have to kind of work it around as best

as you can but, it will snap in place just like that, and now, you've got everything

ready to put the disposal on. So now what we're going to do is take out this old pipe

here, you can take a look at it, if the pipe is good enough you can keep it, in that way

it'll save you a little bit of work, not having to cut a new one, but we'll get that one off,

that old piece right there, I don't really want to use that on our brand new disposal.

With this piece, all we really have to do is wash it off. Like I said again though,

you can use this also as a template to cut your new one, so if this is pretty worn out,

or pretty beat up, you can grab your new one, measure it with that, draw a line or something,

and then cut it where you need to. Now, we need to cut our pipe to length. So, what we're

going to do, is we're going to kind of compare both of these here, and this one is about

right there, but I'm going to do a little bit more though, just because you can always

cut off again, if we need to. So, we'll cut it off right about here. Now, it's best to

have the proper tools when you do something like this. I've got a serrated knife, instead

of say, a hacksaw, because, not everyone has a hacksaw at home, most people have these

serrated knives, though. It's going to dull your knife, I'm not going to lie, you 're

probably not going to be able to use the knife anymore but, it work in a pinch. So, we'll

just cut around the pipe here, and try to do your best, to cut a straight line all the

way around. Notice I'm also wearing my gloves, especially doing something like this, want

to make sure you stay safe. Now, you can't really tell but, I'm through on this side,

cutting around. Alright, and now let's break it off, it's a little rough around the edges,

definitely not by best work, but it'll do. Now, before we climb under the sink again,

what I'm going to do with our new disposal is I'm going to get rid of this orange sticker

here. Now what this is, is it's for the dishwasher drainage. So, if you don''t have a dishwasher

drainage already hooked up, you don't need to worry about this part. However, for our

example, we do have a dishwasher hooked up, so we take this sticker off, and then what

we need to do is get a screwdriver or something else to poke in here and just kind of give

it a couple taps and there;s a piece of plastic, it's a plastic plug, that you're going to

have to try to knock out. So, if you can't, the other thing is if you can't knock it out,

if it's really in there, you get a hammer and tap on the end of that screwdriver. There

we go. So, here's the plastic plug we knocked out, it's in a few pieces, so I'm just going

to make sure I clean out the disposal, get the rest of those little chunks out. Unscrew

the bottom panel of the disposal. I'll be pulling out the wires through the round hole

here, and we're going to connect the white wires together, and once the wires are connected,

we'll use a wire nut to secure them. Now, we'll do the same thing with the black wires,

we're going to twist the wires together, and once they're twisted together, use a wire

nut to secure them. And, push the wires in one at a time, so they fit through the hole,

there we go. And now we can put the plate back on, and screw it down. So now, what you're

going to want to do is make sure the disposal's facing the right way, so you've got you're

connections here, then you can bring it up, and line up these little pieces here that

connect onto the sink, and once you've got that lined up, just twist it into place. And

then, adjust it as needed, like so. Now, what we're going to do is put our rubber gasket

on first, put that all the way up and it goes around the corner, and there. Now, put this

metal piece on, and we can put the pipe into the other pipe there. Now, we just have to

connect the pipe in here, so we just have to adjust it a little bit. Put this piece

into its place, and then make sure you screw this nice and tight into place, so we don't

get any leaks. And, there we go. And now, we can connect the dishwasher. So, line up

the hose right there, with the clamp, move forward into place, and tighten it down. Now,

you can go back to your circuit breaker, and turn it back on. Now, we can put the splash

guard in, and we'll just make sure, that goes in there, it sits nice and tight. Just push

it down, around the edges, until it gets to the bottom. And then, we got this part as

well, so we can put the stopper in there whenever you want to plug up your sink, but we'll just

leave it out for now. You're going to run some water, just to test it and make sure

there's no leaks. And, we'll turn it on make sure everything is working properly, so it

sounds like we don't have any problems, and your repair is complete. If you need to replace

any parts for your appliances, you can find any OEM replacement part at our website:

Thanks for watching, and please don't forget to like, comment, and share our video. Also,

don't forget to subscribe to our channel. Your support helps us make more videos just

like these for you to watch for free.

For more infomation >> GC2000 - Replacing Your Whirlpool Garbage Disposal - AP3121409, PS395793 - Duration: 20:17.


Hành Trình Vượt Thoát Nỗi Lo _Sư Minh Niệm - Duration: 40:00.

For more infomation >> Hành Trình Vượt Thoát Nỗi Lo _Sư Minh Niệm - Duration: 40:00.


Why will it take so long to rescue the trapped Thai soccer team | thailand cave rescue - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Why will it take so long to rescue the trapped Thai soccer team | thailand cave rescue - Duration: 2:26.


WPW10288126 - Replacing Your Maytag Dryer's Door Assembly Screw AP6018767 PS117752070 - Duration: 2:18.

Hi my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the screw for

your door assembly in your dryer the reason why you might have to do this is because the

screw is lost or damaged For this repair we'll be using a screwdriver with a T25 torx bit

WARNING before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source

so this is the dryer we'll be using it's a Maytag Maxima X

keep in mind that yours might be a little bit different

than what we have here but the same technique should still apply so what we'll do here is

just open up our door and as you can see here there are these kind of screws that we're

going to be talking about it's a T25 torx that we're going to need to remove them now

these screws are all over the door assembly and you can see here on the door strike we're

actually missing a screw so at this point you're going to want to grab your new OEM

replacement screw and if you don't have one already you can find one on our online store

so as you can see here this door strike is a bit loose and now we'll put our screw in

there tighten it up and now you can see it doesn't move at all

so now you can close your door and your repair is complete

Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance

If you need to replace parts for your appliances you can find an OEM replacement

part on our website

Thanks for watching and please don't forget

to like comment and share our video also don't forget to subscribe to our channel your support

helps us make more videos just like these for you to watch for free

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