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CashBack Maha Loot New Powerful CashBack Offer 2018 - Duration: 12:24.-------------------------------------------
Most AMAZING SCIFI Gadgets That Currently Exist! - Duration: 11:25.From billboards with facial recognition to paper thin phones, here are 10 Sci-Fi movie
gadgets that actually exist in real life!!
The Sigmo – Universal Translator
When humans travel to the furthest reaches of the Universe, where no-one has gone before,
one of the most important gadgets they need is the ability to communicate with any alien
species they encounter.
Instead of showing how long it would take to learn a brand new language, Sci Fi offers
up a Universal Translator that automatically converts any language into your own!
Once a flight of fancy, increasing computer power is actually making these devices a reality.
Of course we haven't yet discovered an alien race that we need to communicate with, so
it's hard to test it out for sure, but there are plenty of languages on earth.
The ability to instantly translate one language to another without needing a human translator,
would be incredibly useful right??
Unless you work as a translator doe the UN...Now, this year it became a reality!!
The "ili" is a self contained device that doesn't need to be connected to the internet,
(I know, right!!) and is able to translate in real time between English, Spanish, Japanese,
and Mandarin.
It's designed to help travellers easily communicate with people in countries they
visit, and from all accounts does the job really well.
It's not quite perfected yet, but soon enough we'll be able to talk in any language without
sounding like an idiot or having to quickly leaf through books and trying to remember
our 6th grade french.
Personalised Billboards
One of the potentially frightening ideas from Sci Fi movies of the past was the idea that
you could walk through a shopping center or down a street, and the advertising billboards
were actually able to recognise you and speak directly to you.
They would offer products that were specifically targeted to your demographic.
At the time, these ideas seemed intrusive and wildly futuristic, but they're becoming
all the more common now.
This started in simple ways, such as installing a smoke alarm at a bus shelter and, when it
detected smoke, putting an anti-smoking ad on the billboard nearby.
This has now developed further, with some places in the US getting fitted with facial
recognition technology to identify characteristics like your age and gender so you can be shown
ads specifically geared to you.
Of course, almost all of us carry smart devices with us wherever we go now, and it's possible
for companies to monitor our location.
As well as the government!
And, if they want to, send us messages or offers related to nearby stores.
It won't be long until most shop fronts and advertising spaces will be reacting to
who is looking at them, which could be hugely beneficial for all involved.
I don't know about you but I still think smart billboards are creepy.
Who knows who else is using them.
And now for number 8, but first, if you are new here be sure to subscribe and click the
notification bell so you don't miss out on the latest videos.
Drones, as we now know them, have been a part of Sci-Fi worlds from as far back as 1989
when a news drone was featured in Back to the Future Part 2.
Nowadays they are, of course, one of the most popular gadgets around the world and used
for all kinds of things from real estate to recording concerts.
Whether it be recreational, video production, or even warfare to reduce the risk to human
life, drones are arguably one of the most important and influential devices of this
Just imagine how they will develop into the next.
The idea had been around for a long time, but it was only in the past 20 years that
technology caught up and made them possible.
Sure, RV aircraft have been around for decades.
But the first mass produced drones available to the public that could operate for long
periods of time, and reliably hold camera equipment in place were recently launched
in 2010.
Since then, millions have been sold around the world.
Regulators are scrambling to ensure they are being used in the right ways and not for spying
on your neighbor, or top secret military bases!
Power Laces
Another futuristic gadget that was first featured in Back to the Future were the self-tying
shoe laces.
Ever since that movie, they have been the second most desired product, after the hoverboard
of course, but have just now started to become a reality.
Nike's HyperAdapt sneakers are the world's first power lacing footwear, and they're
currently in the process of being released for sale around the world.
They are designed to help save time by not needing to worry about tying simple knots,
and do it in style.
As soon as your foot is inside the sneaker, a pressure sensor detects it and automatically
tightens the laces.
Two buttons on the side allow you to tighten and loosen the laces, which ensures you get
a perfect fit.
With no sneaky loops hanging out.
This future look and functionality comes at a cost, though.
Nike aren't marketing them at sportswear customers- instead they are considered concept
At a price of 720 dollars they aren't really for everyone just yet, but as the technology
becomes tested and more prevalent, the price should hopefully drop.
Bionic Suits
Of course you need a bionic suit!!
What if you have to move something heavy, or fight a robot war, or end up on a planet
with much higher gravity than ours??
The the only way to be able to carry an object is by using a bionic suit to work together
with our muscles and skeletal structure to give extra strength and support.
Better yet, what if you could help people who couldn't walk??
Spurred on by the desire to help paralyzed patients and the elderly gain more independent
movement, various companies have begun to develop Bionic Suits as a solution.
McLaren, the Formula 1 car manufacturer, recently entered the field after being approached by
one of their billionaire customers to design something to give him more mobility.
He apparently had a weakened sternum and rib cage, and with half a million dollars on the
table, McLaren's Applied Technologies division came up with Project Invincible.
Made from carbon fibre and Dyneema, a material used in bulletproof vests, they made a breastplate
for him that provided all of the strength and support he needed to get back to the usual
day to day activities of a busy billionaire.
Self Driving Cars
Self driving vehicles are supposed to be the way of the future!
Plus they are usually electric!
You can just program wherever you want to go and travel to your destination while you
just relax, instead of having to concentrate on the road.
Due to the computational power required to make the calculations needed for a safe and
automated trip, the development of self driving systems has been driven by tech companies,
as opposed to traditional car manufacturers.
The development goes hand in hand with battery technology, and it's perhaps unsurprising
that the Ubers, Apple's, and Google's of the world have been pushing this sci-fi
The company pushing the limits the most, though, is undoubtedly Tesla, who has already put
self driving cars on the road at the same time as powering them with batteries.
Despite being a relatively recent entry in the car market, they are now on the verge
of being the highest valued car company in the world and, while they don't produce
as many vehicles as the others, they are leading the way in futuristic car tech.
True, they've had some snafoos, but we are almost there!!
Medical Scanner
When you're travelling to distant worlds to explore, it's crucial that you have advanced
medical technology to be able to diagnose any illnesses.
These have been imagined as hand held scanners or even smart hospital beds, and the underlying
tech behind them is now becoming a real possibility.
You know, like in the movie Passengers??
Scanadu broke Indiegogo records a couple of years ago with their device, the Scout.
Worn as a cuff, it would monitor the wearers vital signs like temperature, heart rate and
blood pressure, and send the details directly to your smartphone.
The California company has a number of ideas in the pipeline that will take the functions
far beyond what they are today, so the devices seen in Sci Fi are not too far off.
Unfortunately support for the Scout has ended because of FDA regulations, but it's only
a matter of time until something is developed that can pass the strict approval process.
In the meantime, smart watches are providing very similar capabilities, with users being
able to monitor their health in a way that's never been possible before.
Optical Camouflage
Both the Klingons and Predator have an amazing piece of technology that militaries have been
trying to get for a long time.
The ability to truly camouflage themselves so they become invisible.
They can bend light to project on the front what would be seen if the hidden object wasn't
After a number of unrealistic solutions, like a rig of cameras along one side of a car and
video screens on the other, the US military set their sights on a battlefield-ready solution
in 2015.
They sent out a request for companies that were developing stealth fabrics to get in
touch, with the purpose of developing an adaptive camouflage that could be used to conceal people
or vehicles and, ideally, without needing a massive power source.
At the time, a number of companies stepped forward and claimed that they already had
working prototypes that fulfilled the brief.
Companies like the Canadian Hyperstealth Technology, that also produces a wide range of traditional
camouflage uniforms, demonstrated a metamaterial camouflage solution to military scientists.
While no perfect optical camouflage has been demonstrated yet, it's something that is
thought to have been created, but has been kept confidential.
At the moment it just costs too much for full scale deployment.
Paper Thin Display (OLED)
Sci Fi shows invented tablet computers, and used them to control the ship and send information
between people on other planets.
You don't need me to tell you that tablets became a reality a while back.
Taking that a step further, another screen technology that has been featured a lot is
the idea of paper thin screens that can roll up, take up a tiny amount of space, but provide
perfect clarity and colour.
The race between mobile phone manufacturers has brought screen technology to new levels
in recent years.
OLED screens, for example, work without needing a back light like LED screens require, so
are much thinner.
It has been used in high profile products like the recent Iphone X, and the development
of these screens has only just gotten started.
The CES trade show is a great place to see emerging tech like this, and LG seems to be
leading the field with a truly revolutionary design- a completely flexible screen that
can be scrunched up, rolled, and retains a full HD image.
These types of screen will make tablets much more durable, and their use on a wide scale
is only just around the corner.
Contact Lens Displays
We have all seen the movies where soldiers have contact lenses that privately display
information to them, and also Mission Impossible.
But so far miniaturised viewing screens have merely been a pipedream in the real world.
Google made their own trial into the area with the Google Glass, but their cost, as
well as the style issues meant that they never took off.
The real desire of this type of technology is the discretion, and the Google Glass was
anything but!!
However, there are a number of companies who have developed contact lenses with screens
in them, and they are currently trying to bring them to market.
Emacula is one of these companies, and they have brought their know-how in AR and VR to
design a combination of contact lenses and glasses that are used to project a digital
It can only be seen by the user, and to anyone else it looks like they are just wearing sunglasses.
Of course, this is just at the early stages of the ultimate aim- lenses that can be used
on their own- but they are getting very close.
Would you get some of these??
Thanks for watching!!
Are you ready to get some of these sci-fi gadgets?
Let us know in the comments below!!
Be sure to subscribe and see you next time!
Shah Rukh Khan With His Lovely Family - Gauri Khan, Suhana Khan, Aryan Khan, AbRam Khan - Duration: 6:13.Shah Rukh Khan With His Lovely Family
Meghan Markle's father and estranged half-brother are reunited near the Mexican border - Duration: 7:36.-------------------------------------------
THE CACHE CRATE HELPED ME FIND BIGFOOT! (Geocaching) - Duration: 6:36.It's like Finding Bigfoot like from the movie Harry and the Hendersons ah what a
classic! (music) Summer is here (singing)"Summer lovin' having a blast" and flowers sometimes you just
got to smell the roses or there's no roses in here
hey guys this is Joshua The Geocaching Vlogger if you don't know who I am I have been
making geocaching YouTube videos here for seven and a half years sharing my
adventures my goal is to bring joy to the world 1 geocaching video at a time and
hopefully entertain you as well. Today it is time for the June Cache Crate if you
don't know the cache great is it is a monthly subscription box where every
single month do caching goodies show up at your door and what's special about my
unboxings is that after I open this stuff I go out into the field and I
actually use this stuff because geocache see stuff is meant to be used. Today I
have a knife let's open it oh the very first thing I always have to say it I'm
sorry paper! Celebration. First item what is this? oh yes this is something that I
need and this might be something you need as well
we've got screen cleaners dry nanoparticle cleaning formula removes
smudges fingerprints with ease alcohol and ammonia free this is so necessary
because most people geocache with their phones and when you geocache out in the
woods of your phone your phone gets all nasty with dirt and grime and bear poop.
okay I got my grimy grimy phone and look at this this just comes out looks like
this and there's a little pad right here and you just you just wash it there's
like cleaning solution on it. ( In Peewee Herman voice) scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub! HAHA! sorry just
had to go into pee-wee Herman mode there I'll clean you up oh my gosh I am so
glad I have another one of these look it do you know what this is? I open one of
these in hero crate this is a geocoin display
case and stand you put your geocoin inside of there and you can display it
for the world to see. Let's face it most of our geocoins that we collect are not
displayed properly they're just like in a box or something like that okay so
this coin does not come included with the Cache Crate but I just earned this by
doing the Oldenburg geotour. Ooh look how lovely it's displayed alright what's
next? Hidden creatures hidden creatures of geocaching patch this is perfect
because the hidden creatures promotion starts today where
you find geocaches and with geocache you get closer and closer to level up and
get brand new souvenirs that are like I don't know like Bigfoot unicorn Phoenix.
We'll go out after this and find a cache and get the Bigfoot souvenir that's a
great idea. oh my gosh this is just beautiful this
is a beautiful coin this is Alaska geocoin okay you got two cute little
otters or beavers or whatever they are on there on the other side horned
puffins. And I also get the add-on trackable and guys the add-on trackable
is another Alaska geocoin. Oh I realized they're not the same the add-on
trackable is a gold version of it so I have a silver and a gold version of the
Alaska geocoin. So another great amazing Cache Crate.
if you're interested in Cache Crate go to and subscribe there you
can cancel anytime and you too can get amazing geocaching goodies sent to your
door every single month.
So ever once while people put out into the wild geocaching trackables and some
of them actually make it my way. Today I'm driving about 20 miles to retrieve a
trackable that was sent to me by a geocacher by the name of Jesse. Okay I
just drove about 20 miles to get to this geocache because hopefully there's a
trackable in there for me and hopefully I find it so I can earn the Bigfoot
souvenir. Its like finding Bigfoot like from the movie "Harry and the Hendersons"
Ah what a classic! What a lovely sign the Oak Business Park home of tranks, lobos
and zipheads! Back in the Future 2 anybody anyone? Whoa that was like
two 80s movie references in one video that's 80s overload right there.
ah yes
(Singing) America, America! That is the most patriotic geocache I have ever found.
Ok moment of truth let's see if the trackable is still in there. yes oh
that's cool it's in there. That either means "rock on" but I actually think it's
sign language for I love you. I love you too trackable I love you too! It's the
little guy from Toy Story I think Toy Story 2. So I have a whole
load of trackables from Germany that wanted to come to the US so I'm gonna
trade one of the trackables in there for the one that I'm taking out. Alright
let's put that patch in there too because we need to celebrate because I just
earned the bigfoot badge for one geocache. So this is a pretty patriotic geocache
though I'll put a Britain patriotic coin in there and of course I'll also put in
the Hidden Creature patch as well. (Music)
Well it is always fun to have trackable sent your way especially trackables that
make their goal congratulations Jesse and congratulations to me for capturing
Bigfoot Harry from Harry and the Hendersons. Guys thanks so much for
watching again if you're just in the Cache Crate, get your
awesome geocaching goodies yourself.
Tony Stark - Making The Mark II Armor - First Test Scene - Iron Man (2008) HD - Duration: 3:58.- Jarvis, you up? - For you, sir, always.
I'd like to open a new project file, index as Mark II.
Shall I store this on the Stark Industries Central Database?
Actually, I don't know who to trust right now.
Till further notice, why don't we just keep everything on my private server?
Working on a secret project, are we, sir?
I don't want this winding up in the wrong hands.
Maybe in mine, it can actually do some good.
Next. Up.
Not in the boot, Dummy. Right here. You got me?
Stay put. Nice.
You're of no benefit at all. Move down to the toe. I got this.
Okay, I'm sorry, am I in your way?
Screw it. Don't even move.
You are a tragedy.
Okay, let's do this right.
Start mark, half a meter, and back and center.
Dummy, look alive. You're on standby for fire safety.
You, roll it.
Okay. Activate hand controls.
We're gonna start off nice and easy.
We're gonna see if 10% thrust capacity achieves lift.
And three,
Up two. All right, set that.
I've been buzzing you. Did you hear the intercom?
Yeah, everything's... What?
- Obadiah's upstairs. - Great!
- What would you like me to tell him? - Great. I'll be right up.
I thought you said you were done making weapons.
It is.
This is a flight stabilizer. It's completely harmless.
I didn't expect that.
2018 FGR Midalu 2500cc V6 Superbike - Details Super Monster 2500cc | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Futbolistas de izquierda - Los jugadores que hicieron historia defendiendo sus ideales políticos - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
Sapphire runs away (Now We're Only Falling Apart) - Steven Universe [SUB ENG/SUB ITA] - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
U.S. is "not going to provide a timeline" for North Korea's denuclearization: State Dept. - Duration: 2:56.How long would North Korea need to denuclearize?
One senior American official believes it could be done in a year.
However, with Washington's top diplomat set to head to North Korea, the U.S. State Department
once again clarified.... there's currently NO timeline set for the process.
Lee Ji-won gets us up to speed with the developments.
The U.S. continues to say it will not put a timeline on North Korea's denuclearization.
Speaking at a press briefing on Tuesday,...
State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert said she was aware of the timeline given by
"some individuals",... but simply said the U.S. government will not be providing one.
Those comments would appear to be in line with what Secretary Mike Pompeo told CNN last
week -- that there would be no timeline, but Washington would continue to monitor the North's
Those who *have said there's a timeline include National Security Advisor John Bolton, who
said in a TV interview last weekend that it would be possible for the U.S. to dismantle
the North's weapons programs within a year.
In terms of expectations for U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's third visit to Pyongyang
that's set to start later this week, Nauert said they will be continuing talks on following
up on the joint statement signed at the June 12th summit between U.S. President Donald
Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore.
She said former nuclear negotiator and the U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Sung Kim
had a good series of meetings with his North Korean counterpart in planning Pompeo's visit.
She added the U.S. has been very clear in terms of its expectations,... which remain
unchanged from the Singapore summit.
And compared to just last year, Nauert said significant progress has been made.
"We're in a good spot today.
The secretary's looking forward to having meetings with his North Korean counterparts
and we go into this eyes wide open, but nevertheless we've made a lot of progress in the past year."
While the exact calculations have not yet been done, Nauert said the U.S. delegation
will be spending a "good bit" of time in Pyongyang, with at least a day-and-a-half of meetings
Progress with Pyongyang was also reaffirmed by President Trump.
He tweeted on Tuesday that talks with North Korea were "going well",... adding that there
have been no rocket launches or nuclear tests for eight months.
While slamming the Democrats and what he calls the "fake news" media for their complaints,
Trump said that,... if it weren't for him, the U.S. would now be at war with the North.
The tweet caused a stir at the White House on Tuesday,... with Press Secretary Sarah
Huckabee Sanders being quizzed on whether America's goal had changed from denuclearizing
Pyongyang to avoiding war.
Sanders insisted the goal remains the same as it has always been, denuclearization,...
adding the U.S. will continue pushing for that... and working closely with North Korea.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
[뉴스] || 홍윤화·홍지민·심진화, 혹독한 다이어트로 '미모 전성기'…비결은? ? - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
Arcade Claw Machine Wins (GamerGreen Plush Off The Glass) Gamer Girl - Duration:'s in the thing let's see if I pull it off the glass
all right we're here Smith sisters Sophia Samantha and Sheridan we're gonna
go into Golden Corral for the restock and see if we can win some gamer green
let's go Sheridan's gonna go first looks like
someone already destroyed it they maybe didn't restock it today but there's a
there's a pinkie pie right on the edge and an ice cream cone shirt and Hurley
wants to go for one of the food friends yep okay that might be a little too fat
for this call if you can get it around it the right way maybe farther yeah
excessive spin the right way it might be too big but no how are you were in the
right spot before you're in a good spot over to the side a little bit not that
far right there that's why I got down farther but it's not gonna close because
it's so much stuff around it about we can get maybe the Pinkie Pie
she's been behind his neck that looks good the pose started to close
maybe I'm on Pinkie Pie there you got this oh it almost fell flat second by
this data so if you check it out we go Sophia's Pinkie Pie Sophia's favorite
now with the treasure shop claw I'm just gonna try it out it looks like it's been
pretty worked over already doesn't make anything really good spots you have to
get to the front of that thing more smooth it you still need to go far go
farther forward I have to leap those made I'll hold the loop let's see
guardians of the galaxy you got it we've got the guardians of galaxies okay yes
I'll spit it just second let's see your way in the back end that you want to be
in the middle of that one too I think you'll see the same spot if it gets it
lifted a little bit you know grabbing on maybe in the USA patriotic lights is
that like a necklace it's like a necklace cool right so yeah check it out
necklace it's like stuff I think
and Sheridan Samantha got the guardians of the galaxy blind bag for where's that
dog head Sophia wanted it last time we're here the other ones are good
Sophia look we've got hit it Sophia wanted this last time look Sophia would
you want that last time
I really want this red blazer you tired that's underneath it let's see gonna
fall it's really tough because it's it's like so long that it when he gets to the
top it just kind of falls slowly off
grandpa to see if that holds it that looks better the weights or
distributions get on it there you go you got it I don't know why it won't hit
that one it's that there there's a hole we know that better take it out guys
what is going on little bit I know that's why I was helping you try to
learn there you go you got the donut finally finally clamped it
whoa I get the clock and it's not gonna come off
okay watch it doesn't start going until you move it boards to move it straight
right it's gonna fall right off place yes
isn't restock be theirself okay what do you want this right in the car
got some quarters from the van the rainbow got in the way of the dog see
how there's anything we can get out of this one maybe the dog because it's a
I'll get onto that leg anything under that leg got stuck underneath his leg
it's not it's really stuck under his leg I can see you like that
good under his chin I didn't close fast enough maybe the new they can't write by
the shoot right their clothing around them or not did you find nope that's
right we going to be I think that clamp TLC I just didn't quite pull them they
did clamp on it though you done let me trivia because the things that the
counter is not working provide Sophie hold on a second hold on
nothing it's her quietly she never got one Sophia's on the corner see I don't
let me turn Z I left because the things not it doesn't say his pinky buy in the
back what
okay a second what happened we don't like one on the play this I don't have
anything we're here to see if we can get a napkin from
it's fun the wrong way though they know now it's right in the middle get her on
her neck and kind of did let's see if the clothes is good enough or not yeah
that looks good hold on to itself nope it fell off
see if you can drop right in that little hole better than that right there
stamp the other thing that's like maybe and this keeps on falling right off just
like the claws not big enough for that
there's all the turns I'll try one more
I'd be able to get something back hey sake birthday cake oh thank you bad see
my god babe oh I think it stopped yeah miss Twilight stuff in there too pinkie
kind of fella on the basketball is kind of giving you the wing off
what club your side in the back for me
tastes like tastes like Britney try for that Domo
she got behind his head it might again
oh shoot you hit that price unit positive separately
what's a part of that stuff that is so close to the side
then I got down city got underneath our eyes and see it picks up its kind of
don't think it's one clamps are good enough to get it know if it's gonna fall
guys get down don't hang on that you're gonna falling to hurt so if you already
did that one time here pick it up and drop it couple times now I'm gonna be
too far to the front we have too far in the front line one yes it's blue there's
a couple of tracks without me
what general a shit yes it definitely is home up you can see
they just fell too far forward
hold on hold on and see if you get the ball out of the way that's not gonna
fall out though it's in the clip of our hair right there there's no way it's
gonna come off it's gonna be stunning to get that on so it's like totally stuck
on that thing came out watch it's still stuck I might drop it when it gets right
here now still stuck
telephone now I bet went back in
there we go yeah but then I hit that other box how do I tried to do but at
that corner was like just out of
if he doesn't hit this box it should be perfect but okay there we go
see it's gonna fall off looks pretty good let's see it's gonna fall again
alright now it's in the middle though there we go looks good right in the
middle of it alright we finally got the Star Wars line did you get you got jabba
the hutt jabba the hutt jabba the hutt one
okay like it's in the are missing wait click let's see what happens
it's in the thing let's see if I pull it off to the glass
I got it awesome and one my dog off of the glass pull it right off the glass
Welcome to Earth (Now We're Only Falling Apart) - Steven Universe [SUB ENG/SUB ITA] - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Kinh Pháp Diệt Tận _ Nghe Đọc Kinh Phật - Duration: 10:48.-------------------------------------------
True Review What the Box? Xbox One Disaster Sale Buy Eng/FRA - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Koreas promote peace and prosperity at friendly basketball game - Duration: 2:20.Let's take a closer look at the inter-Korean basketball games held today.
It was neck and neck all the way, as today's teams were all comprised of players from both
sides of the border More than just about winning; it was a chance
to showcase unity between the two Koreas.
Won Jung-hwan reports.
The 25-member South Korean women's team began their training at 9:00 a.m. at Pyongyang's
( ) Ryugyong Chung Ju-yung Gymnasium... in an atmosphere of excitement and nervous anticipation.
And an hour later, the men's squad entered the same venue to warm up ahead of their game.
The women's game started at around 3:40 p.m. at Ryugyong Chung Ju-yung Gymnasium between
teams made up of a mixture of North and South Korean players, and the men's game started
two hours later.
The arena was packed with over 12-thousand spectators, including the VIPs from both countries.
As the players entered, South and North holding hands,... the crowd clapped and sang chants
representing the two teams' slogan,… "peace" and "prosperity."
In fact, the mixed teams were named "Peace" and "Prosperity",… team Peace wearing white
and Prosperity wearing green.
The first goal was scored by North Korea's Ro Suk-yong to huge applause.
It was all smiles, cheers and fans chatting to each other,... just like any other sporting
event in the world.
Of particular interest in the women's game, was the ability of the North Korean players...
since the two Koreas are planning to form a joint team at the upcoming Asian Games in
Standing out among the North Korean women was Park Jin Ah , only 15 years old.
Park is the tallest player in this tournament at 2-hundred-and-5-centimeters.
The results were close.
In the women's game, team Prosperity won 103-to-102, and for men's side, two teams ended in draw
at 102 points each.
But the day wasn't about the results; it was about harmony -- seeing North Korean players
pass the ball to South Koreans, and South Koreans passing to North Koreans.
It was unity on the basketball court for the first time in 15 years, and there are two
more games set for Thursday.
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.
| Chit Chat W Thỏ | Trị mụn 3 Bước Tối Giản - Duration: 12:45.-------------------------------------------
8 Ball Pool -Autowin Mod With Black Ball H*ck 100% Working - Always Win | 2018 - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
7 Common Signs of Gout - Duration: 13:30.Ten common symptoms of gout
Gout is a painful condition that is seeing a resurgence of sufferers
This uncomfortable affliction is a form of arthritis
often called gouty arthritis gout
Can affect anyone but it is most common with people over the age of 30. It is more common in men than women
The causes of God are mainly diet-related
The condition is caused by high levels of uric acids in the body which collects in the joints and can cause pain
People often ignore the warning signs of count until the problem becomes severe
It is important to be aware of these signs as addressing
the problem early can save you from future complications if
You have multiple signs and symptoms of gout ask your doctor to check your health levels and get the best treatment for gout
Here are the early warning signs of gout
Joint pain the most common symptom of gout is intense pain in the joint areas
In many cases the first attack occurs with sharp aches in the big toe the pain could also occur in the feet ankles
hands wrists or knees
The attack often occurs in the middle of the night with the pain lasting for anywhere between 4 to 12 hours
Once the pain subsides there is chance of recurrence, though
Ever before a few months with time if the condition intensifies these attacks become more frequent and the pain much harsher
In fact the aches may begin to occur simultaneously and more than one joint as well
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Your big toe joint is the area largely affected by gout and uric acid buildup your body may react with massive inflammation
It's not uncommon for the area around the joint to become very swollen
again, because gout pain can extend from the big toe to the foot and travel all the way up the calf and shin to the
Knee swelling may also extend past the affected area to the entire limb of the lower leg
if one or both of your big toes is affected by gout the entire foot and leg may become inflamed red and
Touching the swollen areas may be very painful as well
But you can relieve some of the discomfort by applying cold compresses directly to the inflamed areas
tophi formation in
Cases where that remains untreated over a long period of time tophi formation takes place in the joint area
Tophi are basically chalky formations of uric acid which develop in the soft tissue of a GAD prone joint
these tophi are found very close to the surface of the skin with the overlaying layer off and turning reddish as a consequence on
Remaining unchecked OFI formation can spread into fact cartilage and cause much damage
Advances in medicine have made this condition rather uncommon and incident mostly in cases of absolute neglect
It is nonetheless of utmost importance that long-term medication for gap prevention be sought by patients
stiffness of joints affected
Joints experience decreased mobility in the aftermath of a gout attack
For the most part this is because of the residual symptoms such as the lingering aches and swelling or tenderness
The discomfort makes it more taxing to move the affected area that's causing patients to willfully suspend movement
However, in cases where gut remains largely unchecked in progresses over time
Affected joint tend to be Steff
The range of the movement reduces gradually such that over time. It is possible that those joints may exhibit very little mobility
Six-night pain a
Common time for gout pain to strike is in the middle of the night
You may go to bed feeling great
But wake up in a start because your toe joints or feet are killing you because you suffered from a gout attack overnight
it's obviously very difficult to sleep soundly or stay sleeping when you're dealing with gout pain if
You are in the midst of a gout attack
Even pressure from crossing your legs or constricting them in a sleep position can exaggerate pain
If you sleep with a spouse or pet slight contact and even the weight of your sheets can become unbearable
You can be bedridden for a few days of walking and standing is painful
However often the pain of lying in bed can be severe
Gout may start affecting only one joint, but it may soon move to multiple areas throughout the body
When gout Sprint's to multiple areas of the body
Doctors refer to it as polyarticular gout due to the inflammatory nature of the condition
with the development of particular gout fever is a common symptom and
Patients will typically describe the onset of a fever that is typically low-grade which is common with massive gout inflammation
Other polyarticular gout symptoms in addition to a low-grade fever
include nausea fatigue and general flu-like malaise
Please note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended nor should it be construed as providing professional?
medical or nutritional advice
Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems
instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice
Signs of vitamin b12 deficiency
Vitamin b12 is vital for the formation of red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body
It is also needed for the proper functioning
And health of nerve tissue as it is involved in producing the protective myelin sheath that covers the nerves and conducts nerve impulses
It works together with folate in the metabolism of cells, especially affecting DNA synthesis and fatty acid and amino acid metabolism
people often ignore the warning signs of vitamin b12 deficiency
Until the problem becomes severe. It is important to be aware of these signs as addressing
The problem early can save you from future complications if you have multiple signs and symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency
Ask your doctor to check your health levels and get the best treatment for vitamin b12 deficiency
Here are the early warning signs of vitamin b12 deficiency
Fatigue and low energy. This vitamin plays a prominent role in energy metabolism
Hence, its deficiency has a direct impact on your energy and endurance levels
Vitamin b12 enhances your body's ability to make DNA for new cells to provide energy
It is also needed to form healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen to the whole body
Without proper oxygen levels, you feel tired and lethargic
Plus b12 is needed to turn the food you eat into energy to power your metabolism
low metabolism prevents you from feeling your best in performing at your highest energy level to
Numbness and tingling sensations
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Vitamin b12 plays a key role in keeping your nervous system healthy
Neurological signs like numbness or a tingling sensation in the hands and feet can indicate it's deficiency
Vitamin b12 helps in the manufacturing of nerves and moreover. It has a key role in helping oxygen reach different parts of the body
Pour oxygen supply is one of the main causes of numbness and tingling sensations
its deficiency can also cause balance problems a
1991 study published in medicine highlights the effect of cobalamin deficiency in the nervous system
Which causes loss of catania sensation muscle weakness diminished or hyperactive reflexes?
spasticity and urinary or fecal incontinence
to name a few
loss of muscle strength
Things happen everyday that can cause a person to lose the feeling of strength in the muscles
You can take on a more demanding schedule at work, or you can start a vigorous new workout program
However, if you are finding it hard to bring in the groceries after a trip to the store
Then there could be an underlying reason why your muscles are not performing in the way that they typically do
When a lack of vitamin b12 is constricting the amount of oxygen in your red blood cells
Then this can affect your muscle strength to varying degrees
low blood pressure
Deficiencies of vitamin b12 and folic acid can cause anemia which can lead to low blood pressure also known as hypotension
Vitamin b12 helps your body produce red blood cells. So that adequate oxygen reaches each and every part of your body including the heart a
2012 study published in a Texas Heart Institute Journal reports that vitamin b12 deficiencies
Well known among neurologists but is often overlooked by
Cardiologists when treating low blood pressure if you suffer from low blood pressure off for a b12 test
even moderate forms of low blood pressure can cause shortness of breath dizziness weakness
fainting and risk of injury from Falls
Everyone tends to be a little forgetful at times
Especially if a person is going through a particularly stressful time at home or work or if there is a big event coming up soon
However, when this becomes the norm it may be time to have your blood tested for a b12 deficiency as with most early
warning symptoms of a b12 deficiency
the lack of oxygen in the red blood cells
Specifically those gone to the brain are usually to blame for the sudden forgetfulness
however, some patients jump to worrying that this could be the early onset of much more severe conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer's
When it is simply the lack of enough vitamin b12 in the body
skin lesions
low vitamin b12 can also cause skin lesions and hair changes a
2008 study published in Canadian Family Physicians reports that vitamin b12 deficiencies linked to skin lesions
unexplained and non resolving skin lesions can signal vitamin b12 deficiency
Hence, you need to visit your doctor as soon as possible
Along with skin lesions its deficiency can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin
Which leads to uneven skin color and dark patches on the skin?
Changes in the tongue all healthy people have little bumps across the surface of their tongues often refer to as papillae
Approximately 50% of patients suffering from a vitamin b12 deficiency may seem to lose these bumps on their tongues
especially around the edges
Some patients also report that they experienced a soreness along the back side of the tongue and even occasionally a burning sensation
These papillae also contain taste buds. And this may also create problems in the way that some foods may taste as well
However, this is only temporary and everything should return to normal. Once there are enough vitamin b12 in the body
Depression this particular b-vitamin is also essential for mental health
Its role in forming red blood cells in turn helps support a healthy nervous system
plus it helps lower the level of homocysteine a byproduct of protein metabolism a
High level of homocysteine in the body can lead to depression
This is why it is important to consider the possibility of b12 deficiency, especially among the elderly suffering from depression
according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Clinical psychiatry emphasis upon in
Fact a 2013 study published in the open Neurology Journal shed light on the importance of vitamin b12
supplementation in the treatment of major depressive disorder
This study found that people with depression experienced significant improvement in symptoms when treated with vitamin b12
Supplementation as well as antidepressants
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