Rolling Sky World Cup w/ Dancing Line The Football's BGM No in/outro. Enjoy the music of the new level in Dancing Line
Volvo Trucks - Electrified transports crucial for sustainable city development in Gothenburg - Duration: 2:48.Today, the city of Gothenburg
has about half a million inhabitants
and will grow with 150,000 new people
in the years to come.
Of course that is a great challenge
to do that in a sustainable way.
Today we want to densify the city
so we want 150,000 people
to live in central parts of the city
instead of growing by sprawl.
The means that we need to use space more efficiently in the city center.
We also have problem with noise and pollution
that we need to take care of at the same time.
You might think that air pollution is not a big problem in Gothenburg.
Still, we estimate about
300 premature death due to particle matters.
So air quality is a big challenge.
Clean vehicles are an important solution to that challenge.
Traffic noise is also a big health issue
which is not much known.
Actually, we calculate that we have 1,200
healthy life years lost
only in the city of Gothenburg.
That is due to stress related diseases
like myocardial infarction, high blood pressure,
and also cognitive impairment among children.
Transport related challenged in the city cannot be solved by the City itself.
We need clean vehicles
We need silent vehicles.
We need freight operators who are willing
to operate in a different way than today.
So we need broad cooperations
in order to find good, sustainable solutions
for the future of the cities.
With silent and emission free vehicles
you can use space in a completely different way.
Which means that we can have
freight deliveries come closer to people
at times that are not possible today because of disturbances.
I would say that silent and emission free vehicles are crucial
for our ability to create sustainable cities.
ছোট বাচ্চার মস্তিস্কের ক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধি করার সহজ কিছু উপায় || Easy ways to increase Kids brain power - Duration: 4:52.Some easy ways to increase brain power for a kids
The children have grown up in nature's own rules. As well as getting better their brain and memory. There is nothing left to do in this case. But there are some procedures that can be followed by the children's ability to reach the optimum level. That is, if the growth rate of the brain is not controlled, it can reach the highest level, from which it can be seen from the outside. Do not think that you can increase your brain's capacity, you can make your child another Einstein. Each child is born with its own ability. By following these procedures, you can get your child's brain power to the very last point of his / her own power. That's less or less! If you follow the video then learn about the ways in which it is possible to increase brain power.
1. Environment -
In this environment, your child is getting bigger, an important issue in this regard. Because the environment of the house is so beautiful and laughing, the growth of the child's brain will be good. This is not the end, a safe environment is also needed to make the child beautiful.
2. Regular physical exercises -
3. Tell nice story -
4. To provide playing Building blocks or puzzle game -
5. Encourage to draw -
6. Take a trip with the baby -
7. Teach the child to be social -
8. Do not stress the child in any matter -
9. Repeat the various tasks -
Keep your child busy with many interesting topics . But keep in mind that one type of work can be done repeatedly . This will improve the brain's structure . As a result , brain performance will increase .
Benefits of Lemon And Garlic For Curing Diabetes | Homemade Tip For Diabetes - Duration: 9:53.garlic and lemon for diabetes a new study has found that consuming garlic
and lemon could help reduce levels of blood sugar in people suffering from
type 2 diabetes as well as offering other benefits in the treatment of the
metabolic condition it is extremely important for diabetics to be cautious
of their diet 18 garlic and lemon have been proved beneficial for diabetes
patients according to various researchers it was found as for a study
conducted that when patients 800 to 125 mg of garlic Dini their blood sugar
levels decreased and insulin levels in the body increased lemon contains an
acid that slows down the rate at which carbohydrates are processed which in
turn has a direct effect on their level of sugar in the blood lemon and diabetes
lemons are rich in the antioxidant vitamin C the vitamin is essential for
making collagen which helps keep the arteries smooth and pliable they also
contain the compound lime Moonen that lowers cholesterol levels potassium
present in lemons also helps regulate high blood pressure levels the soluble
fiber present a lemons could help reduce cholesterol and stabilize blood pressure
levels lemons also have a low glycemic index level and that means fewer
carbohydrates so your blood glucose levels will not be affected consult your
doctor before adding lemons to your diet in case you have unpredictable blood
sugar levels stomach aid or heartburn it is very easy to incorporate lemon into
your diet drinking a warm glass of water with a half a squeezed lemon early in
the morning is very good for your system you can also use lemons to season your
salads or simply increase the amount you use in your food
garlic and diabetes garlic is full of metal properties also known to help with
diabetes interest in the benefits of garlic has grown after research showed
that it helps in keeping cardiovascular diseases at bay a risk associated with
diabetic patients an acid Allisyn present in garlic helps lower the levels
of cholesterol garlic is also beneficial people who have hypertension or high
blood pressure garlic contains antioxidant properties that help
strengthen your immune system garlic also helps decrease plaque from
Froemming and arteries plaque formation again leads to blockage that could lead
to a heart condition the best way to get garlic is to peel the garlic clove chop
it into tiny pieces use a mortar to crush them open the cover and leave it
in the motor for 10 to 15 minutes and then add it to your food the reason for
following this method is that the compound Allisyn that contains medicinal
benefits is released garlic ginger lemon remedy for clogged arteries here is an
amazing drink to cure blocks in the arteries for this we need lemon ginger
garlic and some water numerous benefits come from the combination of the three
super healthy foods this drink can have so many positive effects on your body
take few lemon slices with peel take a blender jar
add lemon slices ginger pieces and few garlic cloves then start blending
after blending take this mixture into a bowl take a pan add 1 liter of water
add blended ginger mixture and boil it for 10 to 15 minutes after 10 minutes
filter this mixture into a bowl let the drink cool down before serving benefits
of this drink regulation of increased blood fat levels prevention and
treatment of congestion of the arteries immune system enhancement liver
cleansing drink this water 1 glass every day at least to us before taking food on
empty stomach the combination of lemon and water
neutralizes the smell of garlic by drinking this regularly you can cure
clogged arteries 8 garlic with honey daily this will happen to your body
garlic with honey is a powerful combination that can turn you into a
super hero of health and energy if you consume it regularly garlic is low in
calories but high in nutrients containing manganese vitamin b6 vitamin
C selenium and fiber it is a natural immune system booster that helps the
body fight infection the natural vitamins and minerals in raw honey help
lower cholesterol levels raw honey helps to fill the body and the mind while
making it easier to maintain your healthy white it's antibacterial and
antioxidant properties make it a great remedy for the immune system
this mixture cures your sore throat and gets relief from cough and cold and also
cures many stomach related issues a study has
proven that garlic cures diabetes by controlling blood pressure prevents
heart strokes and helps you live longer let us see the making of this amazing
mixture take 2 to 3 garlic cloves and peeled skin layer then crush claws into
small pieces as shown in video now add one tablespoon of honey to eat and mix
well take garlic with honey mixture into spoon and consume with empty stomach
follow this simple and amazing remedy regularly to keep overall health good
and live long garlic milk garlic milk cures asthma pneumonia tuberculosis
cardiac problems insomnia or capice cough and many other diseases here is a
recipe which works as medicine for overall health
for this we need garlic cloves milk and sugar take a pan with some milk and boil
for few minutes add few garlic cloves and 2 tablespoons of sugar
now take this milk into the glass garlic milk is ready to serve it queues astma
this drink effectively reduced cardiac diseases it reduces LDL level and
prevent the formation of blood clot garlic cures jaundice it is a great
detoxifier garlic is a great source of sulfur this milk is a real treasure for
liver it enhanced the production of bile juice if you take garlic milk
continuously for four to five days you can cute
jaundice it is a great medicine for our thirties too garlic milk is an excellent
cure for impotence e garlic fights infertility in both men and women
garlic under your pillow do miracle garlic is a very common food found in
many kitchens throughout the world and has been around for hundreds of years it
has also been placed in many home remedies for years it has many important
qualities and can benefit your health in many ways garlic provides a significant
amount of calories upto 100 per hundred grams garlic contains complex
carbohydrates and proteins that improve physical and mental performance it
provides plenty of B complex vitamins and essential minerals like sodium
potassium and magnesium however its main benefits are attributed to its a high
concentration of sulphuricum pounds like Allison why garlic under pillow this old
family secret has been used to improve sleep quality and depth for generations
especially in people who have a hard time falling asleep the sulfurous
compounds in garlic along with its aroma have a calming effect that helps improve
the quality of your sleep in ancient times it was thought that garlic was
able to offer protection against evil spirit
in reality this sense of security is due to its natural zinc content what's more
is that even has a positive effect on physical performance as garlic helps
recharge your energy for the next day thank you for watching this video like
and subscribe for more videos
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糖尿性黃斑水腫 (糖尿眼) 專題 - 葉佩珮 眼科專科醫生 - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
Видео для детей. Магия дружбы! Игрушки - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
పుష్యమి నక్షత్రం-రావి చెట్టు | Pushya Nakshatra Characteristics | Ravi Chettu | Ravi chettu Uses - Duration: 25:09.POOJA TV PRESENTS
Dios te habla | Contemplando la aparición de Dios en Su juicio y Su castigo - Duration: 40:53.-------------------------------------------
Nonstop Điều Anh Biết ft Đừng Quên Tên Anh Remix - LK Nhạc Trẻ Remix Hay Nhất Chọn Lọc Tháng 7 2018 - Duration: 1:08:19.-------------------------------------------
Olympus Has Fallen Official Trailer - Nhà Trắng Thất Thủ Trailer | HT FILM - Duration: 3:18.
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Khóa 4 HAGL thắng với tỉ số khó tin trong ngày đầu mang giày - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
★DERE EVIL EXE★ Meta Horror Pixel Platformer Android/iPhone/iPad Download Link Below - Duration: 11:02.-------------------------------------------
Видео для детей с игрушками. Парикмахер. Мультики для малышей - Duration: 4:54.-------------------------------------------
ចេន សាយចៃ ចម្រៀងបុណ្យភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ ជម្រើសពិសេស | Chen Saychai Pchum Ben Song New Collection 2018 - Duration: 48:18.Chen Saychai Pchum Ben Song New Collection 2018
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ARES Kudo - Online CAD for DWG Editing - Duration: 4:24.The ARES Trinity of CAD Software combines the best
of what each platform has to offer:
Desktop, Mobile and Cloud are combined into a unique user experience
generating high synergies across all your devices.
ARES Kudo is our cloud based solution.
It makes it easy for you to access your drawings on any device
as ARES Kudo runs in your internet browser.
It includes similar CAD features
but it is not specifically aiming at replacing
ARES Commander,
the goal is rather to bring the agility
of the cloud to ARES Commander and ARES Touch.
Through our usual browser,
we can access ARES Kudo.
we can connect more cloud storage services.
In this way ARES Kudo becomes a "hub"
that allows us to search, any file,
within the cloud storage services
that we have open.
If we want, we can even create
a new drawing.
We choose the corresponding template and enter a name,
and click CREATE.
Although in this case, we will cancel, to try another function.
While we can create a folder,
in this case we will upload an existing file.
In this way we are loading a DWG file, to our folder in the cloud.
In this example the file is uploaded to BOX,
Next, we can open it in ARES Kudo and edit it, directly online.
In ARES Kudo we find in the toolbar some basic editing or creation tools.
We may for example create rectangles, lines or arcs ...
You can also enter commands from the keyboard
or find more features from the "hamburger menu".
See for example how we can make a symmetry.
It works just the same as CAD users have always been used to.
It is worth remembering that if we make changes to the file
that we open in ARES Kudo,
it will automatically be updated when we are going to open
it in ARES Commander or ARES Touch.
Let's open the same drawing in ARES Commander.
This palette on the right is
powered by ARES Kudo.
Your files follow you on any computer
and you can make sure it is always the latest version
Unlike ARES Kudo
that is running in the Cloud,
ARES Commander is fully installed
on your computer
It is more comfortable for your main computers.
You can work offline on DWG drawings,
and have more features,
for example the 3D features
I have now done a few more modifications and save the project.
You see on the right that
the file is being synchronized with ARES Kudo
Now let's come back to ARES Kudo and we see it is live updated.
I take the opportunity to show you
that ARES Kudo offers also a great feature
to share the project with external people
in a very secure way.
Let's open this view-only URL in another session.
Nothing to install,
your contact will just see the project online
in his Internet Browser
And it will be live updated when we make modifications.
We keep also full control
and can cut access at anytime
Let's check it by going back to the incognito window
that we had open.
It can be seen that we no longer
have access to the project's visualization.
To know more about ARES Kudo,
and get a free trial of ARES Kudo,
do not forget to visit our website
Kinh Tương Ưng Bộ - Tập 4 THIÊN SÁU XỨ- Chương 1- Tương Ưng Sáu Xứ.11 Phẩm An Ổn Khỏi Các Khổ Ách - Duration: 13:40.-------------------------------------------
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