Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily Jul 4 2018

- What's up, everyone?

It's me, Asia O'Hara from season 10 of RuPaul's Drag Race.

I am so excited here to do my makeup tutorial.

I'm looking forward to sharing some of my tips and tricks.

This look, I call Tangerine Dream.

You might remember it from the good twin evil twin runway.

Watch me go from this to this.

(upbeat electronic music)

I like to wear a little wig cap.

I don't know, it makes me feel

like I'm holding all my hair back.

I like to prep my skin with just a little bit

of something for oil control

and it just helps balance out my skin all over my face

and just kinda helps with a smooth slate for everything

so I don't have oily bits and dry bits

and things of that nature,

and then I go on top of that with a pore filler

and some moisture in it

to kind of add the moisture back into my skin

and just get a nice, smooth palette.

Of course I'm going to block my brows

with just a regular glue stick.

I start, of course, in the center

and I do several layers so I do that

and I'm going to blow-dry.

It's important to do it on a cool setting

and not talk while you're blow-drying.

(blow dryer whirring)

So I'm just gonna do maybe two more layers of that

just depending on what you feel like you need.

I have covered my brows.

What I do is I just lightly dust over them

with just a tiny little bit of powder

just to make sure that it's set.

As you can tell, I already have my contacts in.

I like to put my contacts in before I start my makeup

to give my eyes time to rest.

I'm just going to hydrate my lips because my lips get dry

for some reason when I'm doing my face.

Now we are going to go ahead

and we'll go on to our foundation.

I just use a regular full coverage stick foundation.

What I do is I take my dark foundation and I go

on my jawline, most of my neck,

across my top lip and around the perimeter of my face.

I like this type of brush for foundation.

I do wash mine but I'm not gonna lie,

I like when it is just full of foundation

because it makes the blending

and smoothing process so much easier.

So now I'm gonna take my lighter foundation,

same type of foundation, just a different color,

first over my brows in the same direction

that I did my glue stick and then I do my forehead,

my nose, my cheeks, and basically everywhere

where I didn't put the dark foundation.

I now will take just a regular beauty blender.

My nose is the only place,

because I want to get in the crevices of my nose,

it's the only place I actually kind of rub.

Everywhere else, I just blot.

I start to bring it down and blend it

into my darker foundation

and then I'll do the same thing

going around the perimeter of my forehead.

I like to do my contour with the cream color

as opposed to a foundation because I feel like they blend

a little bit easier than foundations,

so I'm going to go here in the back and pull that down.

I don't like to put too much dark color too far in

because I don't like for my face to look chopped

and I want to be able to kind of blend it back

into the darkness, and I'm starting kind of in the center

of my ear and coming down

into the natural kind of hollow of my face.

And then after that, I'm just going to kind of blend that up

with circular motions just a little bit

and then I'm gonna take the tiniest little bit,

kinda what's left on my brush,

and I'm gonna break my face right here

and just blend that here, just a tiny little bit,

and I like to have a break here

because it makes my jaw not look so huge and manly.

Depth-wise, it makes my face look shallower.

'Kay, now I'm going to take my darker powder

and I use two completely different powder puffs,

one for dark and one for light, just so it stays clean,

and I'm gonna go all through the dark areas

where my contour is

and where just my regular foundation color is.

I like to use pigmented powders

because I just like to be able to look at the powder

and say, okay, that's close to the color

that I want that part of my face to be

instead of doing a foundation

and then putting a translucent powder on it

and then not knowing what that mixture's going to give me,

and then I'm also going to go around the perimeter

where I put the dark powder.

So I'm gonna take my lighter powder

and I'm now going to go over the other places

and I will save my chin for last.

So you're basically just going over everything

that does not already have powder,

and it's okay to pull the powder out onto the darker part

'cause that just kinda helps with the blending anyway.

'Kay, now I'm gonna do that part of my chin

that I left earlier, and I'll just let that sit there

and we'll blend it later.

That part of my face looks cooler than the rest of it

and it's because I put a light powder

onto a dark foundation.

I'm going to take, for me, kind of a peachy orange color

and it's going to go around every part of my face

where the light meets the dark,

and it just helps with the transitions later.

So I'm just going around all of that

with a nice orangey peach color.

Now that I'm done with that part of my cheek,

what I'm gonna do is what we call cutting our cheek.

I like to use my darker powder

because I find it's a little more natural

and I'm going to go from the center of my ear

and I'm going to carve

this out, I'm making my jaw not look so long.

We don't wanna look like John Cena,

we wanna look like Halle Berry, honey.

And then just take a little bit off of here as well

so your jaw doesn't look thick this way.

You want to contour your nose up close

to the bridge of your nose and not down here,

because down here is making your nose look wider.

So I'm going to start in the corner of my eye

and this is a soft brown color

and I'm gonna just pull that down

to here.

I blend it right into where my actual natural brow bone is.

I'm going to take a nude-colored pencil

and I'm going to go down the bridge of my nose

with a thin line and I'm gonna stop and I'm gonna do a dot.

A light-colored shimmery shadow

and I will go over the pencil.

So now the face is done for the most part

and we're going to move on to the eyes.

Basically just white cream and I'm going to go over my lid

a little bit higher than where I want my actual lid to be.

A lot of people use shimmery eyeshadows.

I personally like to stay a little matte,

and what I do is I pat it on first

to make sure everything's covered

and then I go back and kind of blend it out.

Because this is Tangerine Dream,

I'm going to take a bright orange blush that is actually is.

I'm just gonna start to go around the edge of this.

Even when I'm not doing this particular look,

I put a peachy or a lighter kind of orangey pink color here

in my crease area just to have something

to lay my other dark colors down on.

I like to go on my crease with a pencil

on the bottom edge of that to get a nice, defined line.

So I take just a regular black liquid liner.

I start from the corner of my actual eye

and I go upward, okay, and from here,

I start from here, filling that space in.

So keep your eye kind of squinted and closed

and you're gonna just fill all that in,

and as we get to the center of the eye

or the corner of the eye,

it comes to a very nice finished line.

See, a triangle, ta-da.

Okay, and I've got that pretty much done for now

and because I'm impatient

and I wanna make sure it's not going to fold,

I blow-dry this portion.

(blow dryer whirring)

So now we're going to do brows.

I use a pencil, a lip pencil.

So I start by just sketching out my brow

and I start from where I want my brow to begin

which is basically the corner of my eye.

Go upward and I'm basically drawing

the bottom part of my brow.

I like a nice high-quality pencil

because I find they're smoother.

So I'm basically sketching the bottom portion of my brow

and as you can see, they're not completely perfect or even.

Now I'm going to draw the top portion

and I keep them wide here

and then here I just kind of angle down into my tail.


Into my tail, gross.

And then I begin to fill this in

and I do leave it a little sparse right there

and I'm just going over this entire brow

with orange eyeshadow.

And this sets the pencil

and it also just gives you an opportunity

to get the color closer to what you want.

So you can always correct and fix and adjust your brows

with the negative space around them,

so I am going to take the same white cream

that I put on my lid and I'm going to carve

underneath my brow to give that a clean line

and to make sure the shape is right.

I'm going to set that with a white shadow

and I kinda pop that in there first

and then blend it out, and I'm gonna use the peach color

that I used at the very beginning on my cheeks,

our base color, and I'm just going to ever so slightly

kind of blend these corners here out.

We're gonna use that same pencil

to highlight the top of our brow

and this is another time where you can adjust the shape

of your brow and I'm gonna just kinda flick

into the beginnings of my brow.

This is where I do my actual highlight.

I'm going to buff right in the center of that

just a little bit and up and out,

and this is a pressed highlight powder,

just a pressed golden highlight powder that I like to use.

Set that onto my cheek area.

After I've done my eyes, I kinda wanna start

to see exactly how highlighted or contoured I need to be.

So I'm gonna take that peachy color again,

lightly go underneath my brow highlight.

I'm gonna take a white pencil

and do the inside corners of my eye

because I want my eye to look a little open.

So I'm gonna go just about here

to where the iris of my eye begins with a black pencil.

So I'm gonna actually start just before the white line stops

and do the bottom of my eye

and I'm doing my waterline and underneath my eye.

I'm gonna take our trusty liquid liner

and I'm just going to make sure

that this line is nice and slick

and I'm actually kinda going under my line.

We're gonna take our trusty fail-safe peach color

and we're gonna put just a tiny little bit in the corners.

You don't wanna go down here, you wanna go out here

where your crease naturally,

or your lid naturally would meet your brow

and you just wanna soften that just a little bit.

So onto lashes.

For me, I like this part of my eye

to be slick and not open as much,

so I don't wear bottom lashes a whole lot,

and with lashes, I stack a bunch.

Two pair of 301s, one pair of 199s,

a 101 and then some other kinda weird lash

that I don't actually know what it is on the top.

Yes, I am one of the girls

that uses weave-bonding glue for lashes.

I just find it works better.

It probably is not safe for your eyes,

so don't say Asia said to put this on your eye

when your eye fall apart.

I like for my lashes to defy gravity

so I put glue on the rim of the lash where you normally do,

and on the outside I start to angle the glue up

onto the top of the lash.

That way it can fold up that way.

Somewhat generous but somewhat thin line of glue.


And I make sure that's kind of tacky

and I place it there

and then I angle it up

and then once I get it where I think I want it,

we grab our blow dryer.

(blow dryer whirring)

A lot of people think that you have to put your lash

on your actual eye, honey, no, it's drag,

so it's nowhere near my eye

except for right here in the center.

And because I want this one to be lifted like this one is,

I'm going to take glue and I'm just gonna kinda put it

on the top and you can kinda wedge it down under the lash,

a little bit below the lash as well,

and we're gonna blow-dry it up.

(blow dryer whirring)


What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a little bit

of a dark burgundy and I'm gonna bridge that gap

and blend that between our black and our white,

just a little bit of a dark burgundy

and a little bit of orange.

I am just now doing my blush.

A lot of people do it earlier.

I like to do it kinda towards the end

because that's the last kinda piece

to bridge everything together

and I wanna make sure it's right.

Some of our trusty peach color

and I'm gonna go along my entire cheek area

as well as around my forehead.

Then I'm going to take a little bit of orange

and pop that right on

the apples of my cheek.

Now what we're gonna do is take

kind of a clean blending brush

and all of this powder that we let sit there,

we're gonna kinda buff that off just a little bit, 'kay?

And same thing with our chin.

Time for lips.

A orangey red liner.

I like to use my natural lip shape.

Now I'm gonna take an actual orange pencil

and fill some of my lip space in.

I like a matte lipstick regardless

of if I'm gonna put gloss on top of it or not.

I feel like the color pigmentation

and the pay-off is just a lot better.

If it's color that you want,

I definitely recommend sticking with matte.

If you want that glossy dreamy look, go ahead and pop gloss,

but you see, you will lose a little bit of the color pay-off

so that's that.

And there we are, gloss.

'Kay, last thing I do, I take a huge brush

and as you start to really develop your makeup,

you will find naturally you will end up with a brush

that is just like your blending brush,

that you don't really put color or powder on.

It just kinda has a little bit of your soul on it

and you take that and just kinda just smooth and blend

and buff wherever you feel like you might need it,

and to finish everything off I like to use a setting spray

or some kind of barrier spray or non-move spray

just to make sure things are gonna stay great,

so I stay far back and I just.

(aerosol hissing)

So now I've done my face.

I'm gonna put on a piece of hair and I'll be right back.

Boom, what do you think?

It's my final look, the Tangerine Dream.

Hope you guys like it.

This is from the good twin evil twin runway.

I have absolutely had the time of my life

sitting here with you guys.

If you wanna see more of me, more of my looks,

follow me on Instagram, Asia O'Hara.

I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one

of you and if you wanna see me do

some different looks or different things, let me know.

I'll be happy to do it.

I love you guys and thank you, bye!

For more infomation >> Asia O'Hara's 'Tangerine Dream Lewk' Makeup Tutorial 🍊 | RuPaul's Drag Race Season 10 - Duration: 19:47.


Asia O'Hara on the Red Carpet | RuPaul's Drag Race Season 10 - Duration: 2:16.

(upbeat music)

- Nico Tortorella here at the RuPaul's Drag Race

season 10 viewing party with the one and only Asia O'Hara.

- Hi Nico, how are you? - Hi babe, how are you?

- Good thank you.

- You have had such an incredible run this season.

How does it feel to be at the finish line

of RuPaul's Drag Race?

- You know, it's like I'm sure everyone has said,

it's great.

It's like finally after watching seasons

and being on the season, finally here.

So it's like a huge goal,

probably the biggest goal of my career,

so it's great, it's wonderful.

- [Nico] How has this whole journey been

from when you first found out when it was announced

that you were gonna be on the show to right now?

- It's been eyeopening.

It's like, I'm exposed to a whole new world,

a whole new group of people.

And I think all of us at some point in our lives

you're like, okay, I've kinda see

and kinda touched or felt everything,

and this is completely new.

It's like a completely different universe.

- [Nico] Do you feel like you met the expectations

that you set out for yourself starting out?

- No because I think everybody goes into it thinking

I need to win every single challenge the entire season

and obviously that didn't happen.

So I'm very happy with what I presented.

I don't think anybody ever leaves

fully meeting their expectations.

But I think all four of us are definitely

very happy with what we presented and very pleased.

- [Nico] I love that.

What's next for Asia?

- Hopefully a lot of magic.

I'm definitely, as a lot of people know,

I'm working on a nonprofit organization that aids people

in the entertainment industry financially

and spiritually and emotionally as well.

I am looking forward to getting back to knowing my dog

and my boyfriend and my friends in Dallas and in Texas,

and of course traveling the world and sharing my art

with as many people as I can.

- Mmm, you heard it here first.

Good seeing you girl,

you look beautiful tonight. - [Asia] Thank you, you too.

I love you. [Nico] Thank you.

(kissing) Love you, too.

For more infomation >> Asia O'Hara on the Red Carpet | RuPaul's Drag Race Season 10 - Duration: 2:16.


'Lost In New York: Central Park' (PART 1) Official Teaser | MTV Floribama Shore - Duration: 3:03.

- [Group] We're going to Central Park!

- Bitch.


- Do they have snakes in Central Park?

(upbeat music)

- No pictures, please.

No pictures, please.

- We're at Central Park in New York City

and we feel great.

- You can really smell these trees.

- I've always heard of Central Park

watching movies, TV shows, all that stuff.

But, I've never actually seen it,

so this place is beautiful, man.

- Yeah, I love Central Park.

It's the only grass and the only trees I've seen

in New York this whole time I've been here.

- Oh my God, so I've never seen

real life yoga in Central Park,

except for on the movies and I saw it in real life today.

- Inhale up, drop down.

- Oh, I like this, yeah.

- Go into a downward dog.

- Oh, I love downward dog.


So, the guy taught me downward dog,

but little does he know I already knew that one.


- [Codi] I never done yoga before,

but I can twerk pretty good.

- Oh, that is not yoga.

- I'm making a wish.

I wish to find a rich criminal husband like Scarface.


I hope it comes true.

- I feel great because I have ice cream and french fries,

so I kinda feel like I'm in the South,

because you get ice cream and french fries on every corner.

- Yo bro, what the...

- Yo, let's go canoeing in the Hudson River.

- We went on a boat tour and that was fun.

- I didn't like that.

- Oh, keep this girl steady.


- They got me in this boat

and I just, I can't, I can't do this.

Look at that water, y'all.

They look like they got alligators in there.

- Great job, Jeremiah, get us through the Hudson River.

Yeah, take your shirt off.

Oh, yes, oh, yeah.

- Jeremiah can, literally, find any excuse

to take his shirt off.

- I think if there's was an earthquake, volcano,

if God returned, he would take his shirt off

for the occasion.

Like, if Jesus came back, he would be like

oh, Jesus back, let me take my shirt off.

(upbeat music)

- Oh, wow, you're strong.

- Bitches.

- What's been your favorite part about New York.

- My favorite part about New York

is the other night I ordered really good Italian food

and I didn't even have to go pick it up

and here's my chee-chee.


- Is that Alice in Wonderland?

- Oh my gosh.

- Oh my God, it is Alice in Wonderland in Central Park.

- Aimee, I made it.

- [Male] One, two, three.

- [Group] We love New York.

- I wonder if you can walk around naked in Central Park.

- We can do whatever in there.

You wanna go back in?

- Wanna streak?

For more infomation >> 'Lost In New York: Central Park' (PART 1) Official Teaser | MTV Floribama Shore - Duration: 3:03.


Coconut Bread - Homemade Cocktail Bun - Duration: 6:53.

Written recipe in the link below

In a mixing bowl: flour, yeast, sugar, and salt. Stir.

Add egg and milk. Mix.

Soft butter. Continue mixing.

Dough on the counter with a little flour

At first, the dough is sticky. handle with light pressure.

Knead until smooth

Cover until double its size

Egg, sugar (adjust). stir.

Add the coconut and melted butter

Mix until well combined. Set aside.

Cake flour, powder sugar. Sifted.

Melted butter

Stir until smooth

Put in a piping bag. Set aside.

When the dough ready, divide into 6 pieces.

Flatten the dough into an oval.

Fill with 1/6 part of the filling

Wrap the filling with the dough. Shape into an oval bun.

Put individually or 3 adjacent pieces

Cover 30 minutes

Pipe the topping on the dough. make 2 strips.

We can do this before or after egg wash.

Egg wash before or after topping

Sesame seeds or coconut on top

Bake at 180°C (350°F) top-bottom heat preheated oven, or 160°C for 18 - 20 minutes

Brush with honey if you wish

Soft fluffy

For more infomation >> Coconut Bread - Homemade Cocktail Bun - Duration: 6:53.


🏁Como trocar filtro do habitáculo PEUGEOT 206 [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 2:01.

Open the bonnet.

Remove the cabin filter.

Install a new cabin filter according to the mark.

Close the hood.

For more infomation >> 🏁Como trocar filtro do habitáculo PEUGEOT 206 [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 2:01.


• Battlefield V's Biggest Problem | Over Expectation - Battlefield V - Duration: 4:40.

So being optimistic about something isn't necessarily the wrong thing to do, but with

optimism, a lot of the times people can set themselves up for disappointment, Battlefield

5 is in that situation.

If you go onto Google and type in Battlefield V, you'll see countless news outlets praising

the game for fixing upon issues players didn't like in Battlefield 1.

Now that's not necessarily a bad thing but when your fan base is so influential, it can

have a negative effect for a lot of them when they eventually experience the game for themselves.

Battlefield V's biggest problem is hype.

Now according to the online dictionary, hype stands for an exaggeration of the positives

things to promote a particular product or an idea.

A lot of those who often make you excited about a particular item are often the very

same people that are close to that particular organisation.

The problem with hype is that it often focuses on the good things, leaving out the bad in

order to get people excited.

That's where the Battlefield franchise often fails.

Every year we have people saying that this Battlefield game is going to be the best one

ever made, fixing multiple issues we saw a few years before.

What makes this even worse is that some of us still buy into it.

Instead of remaining optimistically critical, we give into the hype and get ourselves excited.

When we finally get to experience the game, many of us are left disappointed because this

wasn't what was promised.

Battlefield 4 had a bad release, Battlefield Hardline just wasn't what majority of the

player base wanted and finally Battlefield 1 was far too casual even though its premise

was fairly intriguing.

The main selling point for Battlefield V is how this game has improved upon Battlefield

1, removing random bullet deviation, adding predictable recoil and incentivising players

to play as a team.

Why is it that we are more excited to go back to how the franchise used to be, than looking

forward to innovation?

It's because the old system works and seeing that we haven't received that in so long,

it will make money.

We haven't seen everything Battlefield V has to offer, but the fact that people are

promoting it like it's going to be the best Battlefield game we have ever seen, is absolutely


How do they know you're going to enjoy it?

I'm sure even if you're a huge Battlefield fan, you'll still have your favorites.

I have mine and I've played every Battlefield game since the Bad Company series.

Over those years it's become clear that those who once played the Battlefield franchise

back then are now the minority, being overwhelmed by the countless new players we saw come in

with Battlefield 1.

We are no longer the target audience, the majority is.

So whether you want Battlefield V to be catered just for you, it won't, even if you jumped

into the franchise fairly late.

Moving from Battlefield 4 to Battlefield 1 made than abundantly clear, especially if

you enjoyed the previous titles.

I'm excited for what Battlefield V has to offer but I also haven't forgotten what

happened in the past.

I'm going to move forward knowing that every second year we are going to get the same thing,

players hype up the game, I play it and it might not be exactly what I expected.

Expectation bias can be an extremely fragile thing so before I start believing that Battlefield

V is going to be better than Battlefield 1, I'm going to play it in order to make my

own opinions.

Whether you do the same thing is completely up to you.

I understand I might come off slightly negative but I felt like I needed to get this off my

chest seeing that every game these days are fueled by hype.

Without that hype, players will be making more informed decisions which in my opinion

should be the way we decide whether something is worth buying, but for now, I hope you enjoyed

this video, smash that like button if you did and hopefully I'll see you in the next


For more infomation >> • Battlefield V's Biggest Problem | Over Expectation - Battlefield V - Duration: 4:40.


In Our Weaknesses, God's Power is Made Perfect (07.01.18 Teaser) * - Duration: 1:49.

what happens is sorry sarcasm is one of my personal favorite ways to teach and

one of reasons that is because a lot of people they get comfortable and they get

really comfortable with the Christianity and the truth is that God wants to tell

them something and with the with the Corinthians in

this particular case what they were the the we would call them the old name used

to be for somebody who back slid back sliders what's that means they actually

turned away from God and they turned away from from Paul and they turned away

from Christianity and Jesus and they went back to being moral now moral

sounds like a really good thing doesn't it most of us want to be moral but moral

compared to holiness is not the same and what God asks us to do is to be holy he

doesn't want us to be moral moral is for unbelievers what would be more

unbelievers - that's that's called the the principles of God but for

Christianity it is holiness that God requires and nothing less

For more infomation >> In Our Weaknesses, God's Power is Made Perfect (07.01.18 Teaser) * - Duration: 1:49.


In Our Weaknesses, God's Power is Made Perfect (07.01.18 PART 1) * - Duration: 30:46.

Dearest gracious Heavenly Father, Lord I pray for Your blessing upon this time

that we're together in your word help us to just this just for the time we're

with you in order to take everything and just set it aside all of our worries all

of our concerns it would just be with you and your holy spirit the true

teacher of the Word of God I pray Lord that you just help us to comfort

everything in us and just listen to your truth I ask this in Jesus Holy Name Amen

we're gonna be doing it on 2nd Corinthians 11 start 1116 and Paul

boasts about his suffering let me see by this is um the title of this is in our

weakness God's powers made perfect verse Shepherd 12 chapter 11 this half of it

he's kind of addressing the Judaizers who there and their effect on the

Corinthian and I think that that's exactly what Paul will show us in this

piece right here he says verse 16 I repeat that no one take me for a fool

but if you do then tolerant me just as you would have full so that I may do a

little boasting is what I'm gonna do this is sarcasm you know what happens is

sorry sarcasm is one of my personal favorite ways to teach and one of

reasons that is because a lot of people they get comfortable and they get really

comfortable with the Christianity and the truth is that God wants to tell them

something and with the with the Corinthians in

this particular case what they were the the we would call them the old name used

to be for somebody who back slid backsliders what's that means they

actually turned away from God and they turned away from from Paul and they

turned away from Christianity and Jesus and they went back to being moral now

moral sounds like a really good thing doesn't it most of us want to be moral

but moral compared to holiness is not the same and what God asks us to do is

to be whole he doesn't want us to be moral moral is

for unbelievers what would be more unbelievers - that's that's called the

the principles of God but for Christianity it is holiness that God

requires and nothing less okay so the the if here which says I repeat that no

one take me for a fool this is this is what we would call teachers preachers

and stuff we call this sanctified sarcasm which means that in reality God

the Holy Spirit is is requiring Paul to be sarcastic see a lot of people think

that sarcasm there's no sarcasm in church if they

believe that they have never read the Bible because Jesus is sarcastic and

Paul is really sarcastic and like I said sometimes what happens is your

preference is to teach people just the principles of God and to say this is

what God wants from you and this is how you should do it I want you to all do

that but the problem is that people don't do that people don't obey just

principles and you give them to them so what happens is you kind of have to slap

them first you know get their attention and then when they go would you do that

for then you tell them the truth and they listen to it okay

that's what sarcasm is car calves is like a slap if you remember the probably

one of my favorite pieces of sarcasm is when Peter refused to have the Lord do

his feet remember and what did Jesus say to him get behind me Satan here's one of

his apostles both in the church and in Israel and he says that do that's

sarcasm okay because surely he wasn't calling Peter Satan so this thing right

here is the M what it is it's a piece that it's a what they call a presumption

of stupidity he says that no one take me for a fool and a fool is somebody who

doesn't think the word here is up an L and what it means is that it means to

think and up and that means not to think so he's saying don't take me for a

person who doesn't think okay and that's an important point because it means that

you're stupid okay that's in other words a cinnamon for that word is stupid

that's one of my favorite words too because

people who come to church to listen to foolishness

but as soon as you call them stupid they get upset okay to get a little high

percentage sensitive that's why I like to use it because it jars people I would

rather jar somebody and that's the part of Paul's doing here

than to let them go on believing something's not true about God and

that's what Paul's that here he uses this sarcasm and he's really saying if

you guys put up with these morons these Judaizers and you did this is the

first-class conditions he was says but if you do it's not bits n did you do it

says you listen to these idiots the Judaizers so sure you can listen to me

while I act like an idiot that's what Paul saying here he says not

only that but I suspect if you treat me like you treat these idiots you'll open

you'll you'll welcome me with open arms okay more sarcasm okay so he's this

thing he wants to boast a little bit so he can do it just like the the Judaizers

who's this um in this self confident boasting I'm talking as the Lord I am

NOT talking as the Lord would but as a fool so what he's saying here was this

piece v he it's interesting I I'm pretty good at sarcastic teaching but I'm

horrible at boasting to teaching it takes real genius to use boasting as a

way of teaching the Lord's principles it really is difficult you know but Paul

does an excellent job of that and let me tell you in advance one of the reasons

he does such a great job is because he's not arrogant he's absolutely humble he's

not boasting he does not want to boast at all but he will do it because this is

the same thing that Judaizers do and it's the only way to help the

corinthians get it so he says what he says here says i'm not talking as the

lord would what he's saying there is that sarcasm and boasting is not one of

the ways that the lord ever taught the Bible okay he did not teach that way but

in realities which since you see this boasting and you see this sarcasm in the

Word of God it's

written by the Holy Spirit it is a piece of the Word of God it tells you by its

very nature of being in this book that if this is authorized by God himself and

it's the Holy Spirit speaking that makes sense so that hopefully what that does

is that will keep you away from saying stupid things like sarcasm does not

belong in teaching because you'd have to throw out at least four or five chapters

of this book and tear a mountain throw them away

okay so sarcasm when it's required is a way of confronting somebody in a abrupt

way it's in Paul's doing this because what's happened is the corinthians have

become cosmic okay we call that worldly they have become worldly believers and

we have that's hard for us to understand because there are so many worldly

believers in the church today that it's difficult for us to discern one from the

other okay is it is so acceptable to be worldly as a Christian that we can't

tell one from the other at all okay this is very similar to first and

what I'm gonna do is I want to give you some references that I'm not going to

show you but I'll give you the reference if you want to see them write them down

I got lots of them but I'm gonna give them to you we're not gonna go over

because we don't have time but I will put the ones I actually do want to look

at up here one of the references is the similarity of this to first Corinthians

3:1 and what that verse says is that Paul

says I really want to give you meat and potatoes I wonder I want to give you

real doctrine I want to give you something really going to put your teeth

into but you know something I can't do that I have to give you a milk because

you're a baby that's what he says that's sarcasm too so that's what he's saying

here very very similar

missed 18 hmm okay so I'm gonna give you 18 you take my word for it which is a

really great guy that's what verse 18 says okay so I'll get 18 says since many

are boasting in the way the world does I will boast too so he's kind of making

he's continuing your sarcasm says when people in the word here is what it means

is that the the wording is according to the flesh many people boast okay and the

flesh means like like I'm handsome I'm beautiful

I've got money I'm smart that's fleshly boasting okay so you know what it is and

that's what he's saying here he says I'm gonna boast in the same way the world

does I'm gonna show you all my accomplishments about how what a great

guy I am that's Paul's doing here and why is he doing that he's not doing

it because he wants you to know her or because he's trying to boast the reality

is that many of the things you were here in this piece right we're doing you will

not hear anywhere else in the Bible why is that true because Paul does not boast

he does not boast he does not talk about what a great guy is you know he's the

Hebrew of Hebrews he's got all these great qualifications that he talks about

in Philippians but he does he only mentions them one time and the reasons

he only mentioned it in one time is that in reality he could sit there and say

you know something in our age I am the greatest Hebrew in the world and that

would be true he could also go I am the most I know more about Bible doctrine

and principles of God than any Christian in the world and that would be true but

he doesn't do that you would think that he were boasting he'd be bringing up all

the time to show you his qualifications okay but he does not do that okay so he

does not do that so his use of sarcasm is to jar the

Corinthians into a sense of shame about their behavior with the Judaizers okay

the boasting of the Judaizers impress the fullest believers and boasting

always impresses foolish people it does if I tell you if I if I told you you

know I have a degree from here and I did this and I studied over here you know

he's so smart would you should be saying he's an idiot that's what you should be

saying because rule D boasting does not belong in this church doesn't long in a

church it counts for zero whether you've gone to seminary whether you have a PhD

means nothing it is whether you teach the Word of God that's it

none of the Apostles to Israel were preachers they didn't take any studies

zero except what Jesus gave him for this three years and the only exception for

the Apostles to the church was Paul Paul the murderer Paul the guy who put people

in jail the prosecutor of the church the chief of sinners he was the guy who went

to seminary that's sarcasm by the way dissonance yeah he would say the same

thing what he's doing he's holding up he's holding up he's he's criticizing

the Corinthians okay and he's doing that by saying you held up the evil Judaizers

as like they were special okay and the true men of God Timothy Apollo Paul you

mocked them you rejected them one of the things that happens when Christians

become worldly is they recheck they reject the truth of God and they accept

the wisdom of the world that's what they do the wisdom of the world is always

creeping up on you and everything that you do every part of your life it's

trying to make a headway whether you're watching it on television whether you're

listening in the music whether you're in the workplace its job is to pull you

from God's side to its side because that's where Satan wants you Satan does

not want to do you in he wants to neutralize you that's his greatest goal

and he wants you to be happy that you're neutralized okay 19 more starters

there's me sarcasm because those whole things that so 19 you gladly put up with

fools since you're so wise the fools that refers to the Judaizers and the

wise is the stark sarcasm he's using about the Corinthians it has here this

this word here says you patiently endure you permit and what it says the the

grammar of it tells you that you keep on permitting you keep on allowing this you

just allow one time there's a tense called present active indicative means

that you keep on doing it if they don't attend at once they would use the

different tents called a nearest and it's actually spelled differently but in

reality says you keep on doing it and you do it over and over again one of my

jokes in my classroom just be my sons it says it's okay to be stupid don't stay

stupid okay when you make a mistake fix it

orient yourself to the Word of God that's what God knows we're all idiots

he knows that he said remember remember what Abraham says he says when he's

pleading to God what does he say he says Lord you know that I am just dust that's

who we are that's who we are that's how we're designed we don't have to stay

that way but that's the original design that's

not the reason abide actually that's the that's the desecrated design when Adam

sinned okay so he's saying you patiently adorn and uses this word the word fool

here's the word for stupid okay it's a front

it actually means in Christianity what happens is when a person turns from God

they become a couple things they become I'll usually they become psychotic they

and what I mean by psychotic is that the reason that you notice it is not because

they're different than the world I mean they're but what happens is that when

you learn the Word of God and you live by the Word of God you're stable you're

a stable person because God is stable his word is table his principles are

table stable and those who take them they are stable well it says in the Word

of God you shall be self-controlled that's what it's talking about okay but

what happens when people give it up they start wobbling they start becoming

emotional if you look at the world today if you watch television what you see is

all these psychotic emotional people there's a lot of crazy people out there

saying crazy crazy things and they do that because the psychosis the psyche

the quacking part is a is a result of rejecting God and this too bill

okay he also uses the word here says you gladly that word is not gladly is that

you do it with pleasure the word is hidden he didn't hidden a familiar with

the word hedonist that's an English word it means to do something for pleasure so

he says you not only do it you do it with pleasure

okay that's a serious sarcasm and then on the other side he says since you were

so wise okay the wise part is pushing them to their sarcasm

he has sarcasm but he's talking about their arrogance he says you can't tell

the truth of God if you fell over it okay that's what he's telling him there

you think you're wise but you're fools okay now what's happening here is that

if you remember we talked Savile someone's back what happens that the

Judaizers actually in Judea I mean the Corinthians actually kind of turned back

they turned back - to - to Paul remember that was about five six weeks ago they

turn back to Paul so the question you should be asking yourself is that why is

Paul doing what he's doing now right I'd say who's kind of like rubbing their

nose in it okay because what's happened here this is what happens to Christians

I mean you see it you'll understand it what happens as Christians become stable

when they walk with God when they attend church when they study their Bible when

they pray when they do the things they're supposed to do to have God's

presence in their lives okay they do that when they get away from the

church they start becoming unstable okay and their brain doesn't work right

anymore they start saying some of the things

they would have never said before they say it okay and what's happening now is

that right now whether it's for the Corinthians are at their brains are

unstable and what Paul is trying to do is he's bringing him that even though

they know they did something wrong he is bringing them back through doctor and

say I have to make you stable again so this is why I'm this is why I'm chewing

you out it's because you need to know these principles you need to know what

you did wrong so you don't do it again that makes sense so that's what he's

doing he's trying to make them back to being stabilized first plane

in fact you even put up with anyone Judaizers here who enslaves you or

exploits you or takes advantage of you or puts airs on or slaps you in the face

hmm let me read you how that makes a little more sense I'm going to kind of

give a different translation says for you love it.if and you do if it's the

first-class condition means if and you do when we see if it's like oh maybe it

is maybe it isn't but that's not how the the New Testament is New Testament has

four F Senate this is if and you do when the example of visit when Satan was

asking Jesus Jesus and the judge he says if you are the son of God turn these

rocks into bread well you know who Satan is right Satan was an angel who knew

Jesus in heaven so you know he knows where this that is not if maybe you are

maybe you aren't that's a if it's a first-class condition if an you are the

son of God okay that's what that means so this is he's telling them right here

it says you do put up this it's not if you put up with it you do put up with

this where they put up with there's four ifs no five comes at 5:55 you there's

five s he says he says here he says you love it if anyone enslaves you if any

one devours your soul parentheses there if anyone continually takes you from

Maya if anyone continued takes from you sorry

somebody continued it takes from you if anyone constantly exalts himself okay

bro bragging if anyone constantly slaps you in the face okay

there's actually five ifs there and each of these are divided okay so what he's

saying says if somebody subjects you to slavery because when you admire somebody

for who they are in reality in the church when you raise them up you are

essentially a slave to them now if you don't believe that

look at the word Doulos that we are all familiar with when we exalt Jesus Christ

we are his servants and his slaves that's what the word means okay and

that's what it's saying here so the difference between being a slave to

the world is horrible being a slave and a servant of Christ is wonderful okay

the other part is that they plunder their soul the Judaizers plunder their

soul they continually take things from the Corinthians but they never give back

they constantly talk about how great they are but they never talk about how

good the Corinthians are and they are constantly slapping you in the face

over and over and over again this right here is the price of being a worldly

believer when you are in a wrong relationship with somebody that's what

it looks like that makes sense this is true for human beings all human

beings when you are in a relationship with the wrong person it looks like that

that is the price of slavery okay the tragedy is that the reason they are in

this part is because they have rejected their right pastor and teacher and

they've accepted an evil one this is what happens when people are not in a

right relationship with God when they decide they don't know what church

they're supposed to be in they feel these things when they're wrong

relationship with a person they feel these same ways okay

there's 21 he says to my shame I admit that we are too weak for that notice the

exclamation point that's sarcasm okay one of the reasons it comes up this way

is because they were the Judah the the Corinthians

accused Paul of being weak that's what they accused him one of the things they

accused him up so he's saying oh you know we're way too weak it sounds bad

when I say it huh

but that's what he's saying he says you know I am speaking like a fool he's

making a joke again I also dare to boast about it so he's

kind of he's kind of poking them over and over again is what he's doing here

if if it were when I would translate in size that I speak according to the

standards my my spot yeah oh the standards of dishonor because we

ourselves I've been weak so he's kind of saying

you you think we have been but in reality we have not but I'm speaking

this way to you so I confirm what you think but in

reality I'm poking fun at you because that makes sense those of us who have

had parents who do that we get that immediately if you if you've had a

really sweet parent too long maybe you don't get that my kids get it

immediately wonder what that means so some well what

whatever means whatever means anyone to be courage and he's not with the

Judaizers he's doesn't parentheses I speak foolishly I am courageous what are

you saying it says he's really saying here that the that that Paul has true

courage and I'll tell you what true courage is true courage is when you

speak the truth to somebody no matter how uncomfortable it is that's courage

people don't like it but that's courage and what the Judaizers would do is that

they would kind of they would kind of get the the corinthians to sympathize

with them and they would be brassy you know brass the brass is one you have no

reason to get into somebody's face but you do to anyway to make make believe it

you have some kind of power that you have some kind of strength but in

reality it's just audacity it's just rudeness and that's what they

have so when you look at the two of them you have somebody with true strength

like Paul who the Corinthians have been saying has no strength but is weak and

on the other hand you have them idolizing these brassy rude people the

Judaizers instead of the one they should be listening to that makes sense

then he's gonna go through a list what we're gonna go through they're gonna

have a list of things he says um he says are they Hebrews so am i are they

Israelites saw mine are they Abraham's seed so am I so what does this really

mean what this means is that if you look at what happens on the Judaizers side

the corinthians were admiring them as hebrews because of the hebrew culture

it's kind of foundation of Christianity okay they were divided

they were admiring them because they're Jews they're just like Jesus they're

just like Abraham okay and he says and and their actual true Jews they're

they're not just nationally Israelites but they're they're actually racial

Druze oh he's mocking them now look at all these categories these categories

are culture nationality and race they count for nothing with God zero today we

have people who somehow they could call and I'll just I'm not poking my meat and

poke a little fun Messianic Jews you have a lot of Christians were going or

gonna lie go to the Seder and they go to the Passover and I do all these things

notice that Paul never did that one of the reasons he did that is because

there's only one person to be worshipped in Christianity and that's Jesus Christ

okay it doesn't matter another thing he said it doesn't matter

that we have Filipinos here we have Hispanic here we have Caucasian here we

have it doesn't matter race means nothing in Christianity zero okay and so

this is how you know how messed up they are okay you know that they are holding

something there oh yeah that's why that's why spoking fun at him what

they've gone for him to the hysterical part is it what they have gone from the

horrible part is they have gone from being Greeks if you everything about

Greeks are absolutely immoral not Greeks today but Greeks back on this time this

is called the Hellenistic Empire they had they used to get upset because they

had to have sex with their wife so they could have kids

because they had all these girlfriends okay that was their morale so it gives

you some idea of their morale homosexuality bestiality all common this

is comedy you can walk out your back what was even better than their churches

they actually had it in their church okay

they're absolutely immoral so what happens is that they go from these

immoral Greeks Hellenistic Greeks they go to Christianity which is wholly good

and proper and holiness is God's goal grace is God's goal and now we have them

moved over to the Judaizers where it's not about grace anymore it's about works

it's about what you do it's about what you bring to the party they become

morals normal people I like moral people get their

unbelievers I like holy people if they're Christians okay

verse 23 are they servants of Christ and then he said put the president I'm out

of my mind to talk like this I am more he's boasting again he's bringing up

this list they brought up the list I'm gonna embarrass you with my lessons what

he said he's saying he says I have worked much harder been in prison more

frequently that's not something we Christians are brag about huh yeah I've

been a Christian I've been in jail lots of times have been flawed more severely

and had been exposed to death again and again I'm interesting this word right

here's the that I bring this up for fun would they say they are servants of

Christ the word is diakonos it's where we get the word Deacon Deacon

is also used many times in the Bible for a minister okay a pastor the difference

between a diaconis a deacon and a pastor is position okay

we know that Stephen was a fantastic teacher and he was a deacon but he was

on a pastor okay and we had people who were pastors that is a position they

hold it's not because they teach that's just one they have the authority of the

church that they're in that's the difference so he's saying he says are

they a preacher teacher of the word of God is

a preacher of Christ what he's saying there he says so am I like his pup he's

probably Paul is probably the greatest teacher who has ever lived in all of

time nobody has doctrine like him in the

scriptures his epistles are absolutely the soundest doctrine Peter even says

that in second Peter recess he says yeah Paul stuff is really hard but it's great

and anybody who criticism criticizes his doctrine are fools and should stay away

from them so that tells you that's another possible talking about one there

so what he says here the part where he says I must be out of my mind he

actually uses the word he says I keep on chattering like a monkey

okay just use the room monkey but we get that he says I'm sounding like a crazy

person and you know everyone's why you nowadays you get to go down the street

and you see people just talking to themselves arguing that's what he's

talking about those are the people he's talking about that's what he says I'm

not like I'm out of my mind but but note that that even though he makes this joke

about him being crazy he's talking like these other people and

he's doing it for with the power and the approval of the Holy Spirit okay that's

an important thing to understand he says here that he Labor's the word for labor

here he says I do more than they do in fact I work to absolute exhaustion

that's the word that's here he's wearisome labor and I do it more

and I do it abundantly the people get things confused about a lot of times the

pastor spends the most amount of time studying for one hour

For more infomation >> In Our Weaknesses, God's Power is Made Perfect (07.01.18 PART 1) * - Duration: 30:46.


Quay Về Kết Nối Với Thực Tại_Sư Minh Niệm - Duration: 1:00:00.

For more infomation >> Quay Về Kết Nối Với Thực Tại_Sư Minh Niệm - Duration: 1:00:00.


Google Translate - Technologic [Turkish & English - Türkçe & İngilizce] - Duration: 3:25.

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✅ Silvia Toffanin, le foto che scatenano il gossip - Duration: 1:30.

 PARAGGI – Silvia Toffanin al mare in Liguria con il compagno, Pier Silvio Berlusconi, e i figli

E un pancino sospetto.  [blitz clicca qui – Oggi, App on Google Play] Almeno secondo il settimanale di gossip Diva e donna, che confonde una lievissima rotondità con le tracce di una gravidanza

 La conduttrice set è partita con il compagno, i figli Lorenzo Mattia e Sofia Valentina per il "buen retiro" di Paraggi, in Liguria, a due passi da Portofino

 La famiglia è stata fotografata da Diva e donna e secondo la rivista la avrebbe un pancino che farebbe pensare all'attesa di un terzo figlio

 A questo punto fra di lei e Pier Silvio Berlusconi mancherebbero solo le nozze, di cui qualche tempo fa si era parlato ma che erano poi state rimandate a data ancora non fissata

For more infomation >> ✅ Silvia Toffanin, le foto che scatenano il gossip - Duration: 1:30.


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