Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily Jul 4 2018

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Gaming, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

So, you saw the title.

Google is Making a Video Game Console.

Are you excited?


Are you maybe a little apprehensive?

That's probably healthy.

But prepare to be even more excited, and possibly more apprehensive, because I'm gonna tell

you everything we know about it so far.

If you enjoy this video, let us know by throwing us a thumbs up down below.

And if you want more, check out our video on Fortnite Season 5!

But before you do that, get ready, it's time to talk about the new Google Console!

According to the video game news website Kotaku, Google is currently working on a video game

console, but one that's rather different from others.

It was reported that Google was set up a console gaming division, using the code name Yeti.

This is a huge project, with hundreds of millions of dollars invested, hoping to take the console

Monopoly away from the usual suspects.

More specifically, Google is hoping to provide some stiff competition for the new Xbox and

PlayStation consoles, which are expected in the next couple of years.

We don't know anything specific as of now, but there has been a lot of talk about a supposed

three-pronged approach.

First and foremost, it's supposed to be some kind of streaming platform, where you

could stream various games right to your device, rather than owning them or even downloading


Apparently, this is codenamed Yeti.

Second, it would involve some sort of hardware, and like, duh.

Third, apparently Google is trying to bring a bunch of game developers under the Google

banner, using various tactics such as aggressive recruiting, and the direct acquisition of

game developers.

According to Uproxx, Google's goal would be, quote, "To infringe on the territory of the

traditional consoles and take down some of the barriers between console and PC Gaming."

It also wouldn't be the first time they've hopped into gaming, having incubated Niantic,

the company that brought us Pokemon Go.

Which, despite the huge drop-off in player base, was still undeniably quite the sensation.

It should be noted that this was based on the word of five people, who had either been

briefed directly on the plans or heard them secondhand.

That is to say, nothing is super confirmed, so don't take this all as gospel.

As of now, Google has yet to comment on these leaks, and it could well be that they'll

come out and say "Nah this is all bologna".

But it definitely seems like something they would do.

And this isn't even the first time we've heard rumors about Google starting a game streaming


Back in February, The Information claimed that the Yeti had been in progress for two

years, with rumors that gaming veteran Phil Harrison was at the helm.

I gotta say, this is pretty interesting because we've also heard from Microsoft that the

new Xbox project is planned to be largely based around streaming and multiple devices.

This could mean that we'll be seeing more and more consoles taking this route if Project

Yeti turns out to be successful.

However, the idea of streaming games has its pros and cons.

On the plus side, of course, you don't need to buy a physical disk, nor do you need to

buy a digital copy.

Assuming it's Netflix-style, or I guess since this is video games, Game Pass Style,

you'd just be paying a monthly fee to have access to a bunch of games.

This alone could well be, in my opinion, the future of video games, particularly for the

more casual gamers.

However, the problem with streaming these games is that you can get a lot of lag, which

could pose pretty huge problems in-game if your internet is slow.

When Netflix lags, you just get some blocky images for a bit.

Not a big deal.

But if you have a bad connection and try to play video games, it can go a whole lot worse.

This is even more unpredictable given the somewhat unsure status of net neutrality at

the moment.

But hey, maybe they will have sorted out the kinks by the time it comes out!

Only time will tell, but hopefully, we'll learn more about this soon!

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Gaming for more videos!

Let me know in the comments what you think of this idea of streaming your video games.

Does it sound convenient, or will it be too hamstrung by internet connections?

Also, check out our Top 10 Alternate Versions playlist for more videos!

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 Gaming.

Later gamers!

For more infomation >> Google Is Making A Video Game Console - Duration: 3:49.


100% Illegal Fireworks - Duration: 2:03.


- Hey, Fourth of July is fast approaching

and there's no better way to celebrate

America's Independence

than with Roger Hamm's 100% Illegal Fireworks.

Hi, I'm Roger Hamm.

Our forefathers rebelled against the British

because they didn't want to be told what to do.

In that same tradition,

Roger Hamm's 100% Illegal Fireworks

is doing our part to emancipate you

from the restrictive laws that govern dangerous explosives.

This Fourth of July, ATF stands for

all the fun you can possibly have

with things that go boom in the night.

Oh, ah, oh, ah.

A legal firework show is pretty colors and patriotism,

but we all know that the real thrill

of a Fourth of July spectacular

lies in the element of danger.

Walk the razor's edge with our American Military Candles.

The authorities say they're nothing more than

road flares dipped in kerosene,

but I say they're a county fair in a stick.


I think it's fun.

We replaced traditional boring old sparklers

with our unpatented Fire Starklers.

A baseball bat sized tube

of compressed iron shavings and low grade gun powder.

Like my grandfather Lyle Hamm used to say

nothing goes pow without gun powder.

Speaking of pow,

why not remember America's POWs

with this high explosive bust of Chuck Norris.

I love you, Texas Ranger.


if you got plenty of time on your hands,

you could take a five pound bag of flour,

soak it in gasoline,

Stick a stick of dynamite down it,

then randomly launch it into the air

on a homemade catapult

or you could save precious time

by ordering the Aerial Rampage Night Time Sun from us.

Roger Hamm's 100% Illegal Fireworks

will give you the most memorable

Fourth of July experience of your life.

(whispering) To order Roger Hamm's 100% Illegal Fireworks

go to the bunker room off Route 17,

wait underneath the stuffed squirrel,

and then wait for a guy with cowboy boots

to ask you if you're a cop.

For more infomation >> 100% Illegal Fireworks - Duration: 2:03.


Nightcore - Hurts Like Hell (Male Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:38.

This video contains lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Hurts Like Hell (Male Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:38.


Hungarian Bacon Bread ~ 4th Of July Special ~ Sutni Szalona ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 11:09.

Hi everybody

Welcome back to my kitchen today is the fourth of July and I have a special family memory to share with you today

We're gonna be making what I grew up calling bacon bread. This is a Hungarian traditional delicacy. I'll call it and

It really is built around building community building family sharing stories and standing around a wood fire

Roasting a big old piece of fat back. Let's go see how this all comes together

Today we're going to make Judas Kenya also known by some people as soot

Sutni Szalona, which basically means bacon barbecue in Hungarian. I don't speak Hungarian

I can't read Hungarian

I only know from my memories and

To have it confirmed by my stepdad and my mom that we used to call this

Judas Kenya, and I don't know how to spell that. I don't even know how to look it up

so I know that I have a couple of

People who watch me who are of Hungarian ancestry who probably do speak fluent Hungarian

Or at least enough to maybe help me out

But if you know what I'm talking about, you know that all you really need to call. This is delicious

This is a dish that I grew up calling bacon bread and it's really kind of what I'm gonna call

Hungarian bruschetta it starts with

Right it starts with bacon. Now. This is fatback bacon and it is cured and salted and

You probably are gonna have to call around and look for this in your area

This came as one piece. I cut it in half, but you can definitely see the striations, but this is back bacon

This is not pork belly. Bacon. This is something that is used as a seasoning meat

now you saw already that we built the fire and

We are going to put this on a sharpened wood stick

But before we do that, we have to score. This still has the skin on it

so we have to score the skin and we're just gonna do that crosshatch style make little diamonds as

This cooks on the stick over the open flame

It's going to curl and open up and all of the fats gonna be rendered

You need the fat because we're gonna use rye bread. So good use good european-style. Rye bread

I bought my rye bread today from the Publix bakery because it's really really good and

I ain't got no time to make homemade rye bread in the middle of the hot stinking summer

So it's just that simple get yourself a good loaf of rye bread

This takes place on the Rye bread and I'm gonna show you how to build it

We're gonna go outside and we're going to get this piece of fat back going on the stick once it starts dripping

You're gonna drip some of that delicious bacon nectar

Over the rye bread and then you're gonna build yourself a little salad

what I have here is what we always had when I was a kid now mind you I haven't had this since I was maybe

Maybe 10 years old maybe 11 years old before we moved to Arizona from New Jersey my grandparents my mama and my papa

My father's parents were Hungarian and check my pop up was check

my mom was Hungarian her mother lived with them growing up and

full-blooded Hungarian like gypsy people


like Romani people

and so this is what we had every 4th of July as long as I can remember a go from the last time I had

It was you build this little salad and you pick what you want, but we always had sweet onion bell pepper

tomato and cucumber now you may have other things and you may be

You know of Hungarian descent and you may know this

shoot knees Alana in another form some people slice the tomatoes and

onions and they put them on a plate and they drip the bacon and grease over and

Then they put it on the Rye bread. It just depends on where you're from how you were raised

There are pockets of Hungarian culture all over this country really prevalent in the east and Midwest

there are some in the south through my research, which is really

spotty because it's you know

you can't just look up Judas Kenya on the internet and or

Hungarian bacon bread you find things that are loosely related and you really find some touching stories

And I know I'm rambling and I'm sorry

But this is really more of a little bit about Who I am and I'm sharing with you a touchstone from my childhood

So whether you make this or not is irrelevant

It's just me sharing today something that I have not had in 40 years

And I'm gonna share it with my family today and hopefully it will become part of who they are

Because this always happened at the 4th of July. That's why we're doing it for you on the 4th. July you build your salad

I like to you know, I'm stepping it up a little bit from when I was a kid

We used to just pile it on the bread and then drip more bacon nectar over the top

But we're gonna like take what you want

build it in a bowl put it on the bread and then drip more bacon nectar over top of it because

It just seems to make sense to me

from a building perspective and in culinary perspective

We're gonna go outside and get this ball rolling and you've got to do this at the fire

Because you got to have the the bacon needs to be dripping

For you to enjoy and not everybody's gonna eat at the same time because the bacon depending on how fast it's gonna drip

That's how fast you're gonna have your bacon bread. We're gonna meet you

All right. So we're back on the deck in front of the barbecue Rick's built this amazing wood fire out of hard wood

This is oak out of our own yard

He he sharpened me his stick because this is how it goes you sharpen a wood stick and you put this

beautiful piece of fat back on it

and then

The person in charge of the meat is called the twirler. That would be me now, but really traditionally this is men's work

This is something you know

The women did a lot of the prep and if we're talking about something in a traditional fashion

The women did all the prep and the men did the twirling and the eatin this was really a way in

Hungarian community is for them to have community and camaraderie

now this does stem from

Peasant food that would be eaten in the field

During harvest time. So this is very very traditional. Very peasant II food

This is not something the bourgeoisie would be eating when it starts to drip. That's when the magic will start to happen

We are getting there. It takes some time before you get some good drips, but make sure you have your rye bread ready now

I look like don't you tell me that looks gross because it doesn't all right

You're gonna get some char off of the fat back and it's gonna end up on your bread

But I promise you this is going to be a most delicious treat

We went ahead and we brought our bacon bread Judis

Kenya should knee solana in the house because it's blazing hot outside and

Standing next to a raging wood fire is not my idea of a good time

Here it really is hot and humid, but I wanted to do this for you, and I wanted to share it with you

I literally haven't had this in 40 years and

I'm not gonna lie to you

it's just as good to me today as it was when I was a kid all the people that were standing around the

fire when I was a kid

Few of them are left

Most of them have passed away but we have these amazing memories and fourth of July has rolled around

And for the first time in a long time, I got to experience bacon bread again. I

Don't know the next time I'll have it but I can guarantee you that

When I do my mama, I might pop up and my father

And all those people who used to be there Lillian and Andy from next door and Jay from down the street

They're still gonna be there in my heart when I enjoy this

Do you want to taste this like I have to just to make it easy?

I'm just gonna cut a little piece because it is a very messy thing. There's a reason that you eat it in the yard

Just the way I remember it's bacon salad people

It is it is Hungarian bruschetta instead of using olive oil, you're using smoked bacon nectar speaking of which

This is the piece of meat we use to render the bacon nectar from now

Some people might pop up did not do this some people chop this up and eat it

They sprinkle it or add it on top of their bacon bread my pop up never did that

He just tossed it to the dogs. Very very it is a piece of salted pork

So keep that in mind, you don't need to add any additional seasoning to this at all

I'm gonna apologize for my emotional moment. But this is who I am

This is where I came from and those are the people who are in my heart

I hope you are having an amazing 4th of July because after we would have bacon bread we would always go down to the waterworks

And wait for the fireworks to start. So I hope wherever you are in the world

If you are an American, I hope you're celebrating Independence Day

And I hope you're giving thanks for what it truly means to be free

I hope that you like today's video and if you did

Please consider giving me a thumbs up. And if you're new to my kitchen welcome, I promise I'm not always this I know

It's always a pleasure to make new friends and invite people into the kitchen and if you like what you saw

Please consider hitting that subscribe button and joining me again in the future for another not so

Cry-baby ish video as always if you are tried-and-true remember than read?

Kitchen family and you know that from time to time I can get overwhelmed in the klimt. Be sure and hit that Bell

Notification button so you don't miss out on all the real food for real people

Real easy recipes that we may share all the time right here from our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen

I hope that whether you try this bacon bread or not. I hope you enjoyed the video

I hope you have an amazing Independence Day and I hope that you are

Truly thankful for the freedom that we have and I want to thank all of the servicemen and women all around the world

Who are currently on duty at their posts and retirees?

For your service because without you our freedom would definitely not be what it is today

go and have an amazing Independence Day and I love all of you and thank you for joining me today for

sharing this happy and

Nostalgic family memory from my heart until next time. I'll see ya

For more infomation >> Hungarian Bacon Bread ~ 4th Of July Special ~ Sutni Szalona ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 11:09.


Trump Just Released PERFECT New Policy For Illegal Immrigant With Children ! - Duration: 6:25.

Trump Just Released New Policy For Illegal Aliens With Children And Its PERFECT!


President Trump is not bowing to pressure from the left over illegal immigration.

He's their worst nightmare… a leader who keeps his promises and has a spine.

Following a court order to reunite more than 2,000 migrant children who were separated

from their parents in May and June (a move that Trump had already done by the way), the

Trump administration just released a new policy for illegal aliens with children.

It's perfect and they won't like it in the least.

He's giving them two choices… leave the country with your children or leave the country

without them.

Works for me.

The media and the left are in a meltdown over it.

The left is spinning this as Trump's instructions are not allowing parents who were separated

from their children under his "zero tolerance" policy to reunite with their children while

they await a decision on asylum, a protection sought by thousands of migrant families fleeing

violence in Central America.

That's not true as I understand it.

But say it is, he's given them a choice here.

They can be reunited as a family and leave since they entered illegally, or they can

choose to leave their children behind and still leave.

They broke the law and I see nothing wrong with this ultimatum in the least.

Advocates for illegal immigrants are also claiming that even illegal immigrants who

have already passed their initial asylum screenings are being presented with the form.

"We are seeing cases where people who have passed credible fear interviews and have pending

asylum claims are being given this form," said Lee Gelernt, a lawyer with the American

Civil Liberties Union who is leading a class action lawsuit for family reunification.

Most of these asylum seekers are not legitimate.

To be granted asylum in the U.S., you must be fleeing genocide or threat of such, not

gang violence or spousal abuse.

They are playing the system, the only difference here is that Trump is through letting them

play it.

The "zero tolerance" policy is not new.

It was imposed under both Obama and Bush by a different name.

It separates children from parents or guardians while illegal aliens are adjudicated and while

they are vetted as the actual parents of these children.

This stops human trafficking which is rampant on the border.

Of the 12,000 children who came over the border before all of this, 10,000 did so without


Trump reversed the "zero tolerance" policy on June 20 by executive order.

But the media isn't telling you that.

As far as I have heard, families are now kept together during the adjudication process,

but that doesn't mean they get to walk into America and stay as the left is demanding.

At question here is the definition of 'asylum' and whether it applies to most of these immigrants.

I contend it doesn't and so do many legal experts.

The left from the very beginning has weaponized these children, playing on emotion to open

the borders entirely.

"A child should never be held hostage to force a parent to relinquish their legal right

to seek asylum," said Wendy Young, president of Kids in Need of Defense (KIND).

That is a straw-man argument.

It is specious.

NBC News is howling over this:

"In a June 26 decision, U.S. Judge Dana Sabraw of the Southern District of California

ruled that the government must reunify the separated parents from their children, but

made no stipulation that parents must be allowed to remain in the U.S. with their children

while they wait for a judge to hear their asylum claim — a process that can take years.

"The form U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents are directed to read to detained

parents instructs them to sign next to one of two lines: "I am requesting to reunite

with my child(ren) for the purpose of repatriation to my country of citizenship," or "I am

affirmatively, knowingly, and voluntarily requesting to return to my country of citizenship

without my minor child(ren) who I understand will remain in the United States to pursue

available claims of relief."

"The agents are instructed to read the form in a language the immigrant understands, which

usually means Spanish, but it can be hard to find Americans who know the indigenous

languages spoken by many migrants."

Jennifer Elzea, who is a spokeswoman for ICE, points out that the form is designed to be

given to immigrants who have received a final order of removal.

It's the last step before they are to be deported.

That should make sense to even the most liberal-minded out there, but they refuse to understand it

and accept the reality of enforcing the rule of law at our border.

"An individual who has received a final order of removal has already been given the

opportunity to make a claim of fear about returning to his or her country of citizenship,"

Elzea said.

"Alien parents who are ordered removed can elect to be removed with or without their


Neither choice has any bearing on the alien's eligibility to apply for protections available

to them under the law," she continued.

Asylum is a specific legal action with a narrow definition.

Leftists are trying to manipulate it to fit all illegal aliens and their current status.

It's not going to work and it shouldn't.

NBC News is claiming that similar instructions were given to child welfare workers in U.S.

Health and Human Services shelters before Trump ended family separations.

The workers were instructed to reunite parents and children only if the parents agreed to

drop their own asylum claims as well as the claim of their child and be deported.

Families who arrived in the U.S. after President Trump ended parent-child separations are being

detained in family detention centers while awaiting a decision on asylum or deportation.

The Justice Department has petitioned in a separate court case that the government should

be allowed to hold children with their parents indefinitely.

First the left screamed that families were being separated.

Now, they are screaming that they are detained together.

None of that matters.

The end game here for the left is that they want the borders thrown wide open, all illegal

immigrants released and immigration decriminalized.

President Trump will never do this.

He has vowed to secure our borders, our sovereignty and the rule of law.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Released PERFECT New Policy For Illegal Immrigant With Children ! - Duration: 6:25.


حظك اليوم الخميس 05-07-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> حظك اليوم الخميس 05-07-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 7:27.


Twins Pregnancy Symptoms And Early Signs Of Multiples Babies - Duration: 3:16.

Twins Pregnancy Symptoms And Early Signs Of Multiples Babies

For more infomation >> Twins Pregnancy Symptoms And Early Signs Of Multiples Babies - Duration: 3:16.


Inside out tracking - Duration: 1:06.

With inside-out tracking, cameras and

sensors are built right into the body of the device.

Smartphones are the most obvious example of this type of tracking.

They have cameras for seeing and

processors for thinking in one wireless battery-powered portable device.

On the AR headset side Microsoft's HoloLens is

another device that uses inside-out tracking in AR.

The HoloLens frames include five cameras for analyzing the surrounding environment,

one camera for measuring depth,

one HD video camera,

one light sensor and four microphones.

But all that hardware takes up space,

power, and generates heat.

Three major technical constraints that we'll explain later in this module.

The true power of standalone AR devices will

emerge when they become as ubiquitous and as useful as smartphones.

In the meantime, smartphone-based AR will be

the primary method for most of the world to engage with AR content.

For more infomation >> Inside out tracking - Duration: 1:06.


🏁Cómo cambiar las filtro de habitáculo PEUGEOT 206 [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 2:01.

Open the bonnet.

Remove the cabin filter.

Install a new cabin filter according to the mark.

Close the hood.

For more infomation >> 🏁Cómo cambiar las filtro de habitáculo PEUGEOT 206 [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 2:01.


10 african names for baby girls - the best baby names - - Duration: 1:15.

10 african names for baby girls











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 10 african names for baby girls - the best baby names - - Duration: 1:15.


करीना कपूर ने गर्भावस्था के बाद इन 10 तरिकों से घटाया वजन | pregnancy ke baad pet kam karne ke upay - Duration: 4:37.

करीना कपूर ने गर्भावस्था के बाद इन 10 तरिकों से घटाया वजन | pregnancy ke baad pet kam karne ke upay

For more infomation >> करीना कपूर ने गर्भावस्था के बाद इन 10 तरिकों से घटाया वजन | pregnancy ke baad pet kam karne ke upay - Duration: 4:37.


10 nombres africanos para niñas - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 1:14.

10 african names for baby girls











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 10 nombres africanos para niñas - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 1:14.


✅ Niccolò Bettarini, il messaggio di solidarietà anche da lei - Duration: 1:52.

 MILANO – Anche Mara Venier ha lasciato sui social un messaggio per Niccolò Bettarini, il figlio di e Stefano Bettarini [blitz clicca qui – Oggi, App on Google Play] accoltellato davanti alla discoteca Old Fashion Café a Milano

 La conduttrice Rai, 67 anni, ha postato un messaggio in sostegno del giovane, 19 anni, ricoverato all'ospedale Niguarda: "Forza Niccolò… Ti abbraccio… Un abbraccio a mamma e papà…", ha scritto Mara Venier, mettendo a correndo  una foto del ragazzo insieme alla madre e al padre

 Mara Venier e oltre ad essere colleghe sono anche parenti: la Ventura è legata sentimentalmente al produttore cinematografico Gerò Carraro, figlio di Nicola Carraro, marito della Venier

 Il loro legame era finito spesso sulle pagine di gossip per presunte incomprensioni tra le due donne

Ma nel momento del bisogno Mara Venier ha fatto sentire la propria vicinanza alla propria nuora

 Intanto, le Quattro uomini, due italiani e due albanesi, sono stati fermati per l'aggressione di sabato notte

Secondo la Procura di Milano, Bettarini è stato violentemente aggredito per futili motivi

 La Questura ha deciso di chiudere la discoteca per un mese.

For more infomation >> ✅ Niccolò Bettarini, il messaggio di solidarietà anche da lei - Duration: 1:52.


✅ Dopo rimborsopoli M5S cambia: 3mila euro al mese a parlamentare, 2mila se vive a Roma - Duration: 2:04.

 ROMA – Un forfait da 3mila euro al mese che diventano 2mila per chi ha la residenza in provincia di Roma: è questa la cifra che i parlamentari M5S  avranno mensilmente da spendere  secondo il nuovo regolamento dei rimborsi dei portavoce del movimento alle Camere

[App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,- Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] Lo annuncia il blog delle stelle sottolineando che il taglio alle indennità e quello all'assegno di fine mandato sono altri due punti chiave del nuovo regolamento

 Il nuovo regolamento per i rimborsi "sarà la stella polare che tutti i nostri eletti dovranno seguire, ma non ci basta

Vogliamo che il nostro esempio virtuoso diventi presto obbligo di legge, estendendo la nuova disciplina economica a tutti gli eletti di tutti i partiti ed eliminando finalmente gli odiosi privilegi della politica

Con il M5S al Governo possiamo realizzare ciò che abbiamo sempre sognato", si legge sul blog

 "L'obiettivo è lo stesso di sempre, cioè garantire il corretto utilizzo dei soldi pubblici nel rispetto dei contribuenti, ma il nuovo Regolamento ci aiuterà a raggiungerlo con ancora maggiore efficienza", si legge nel blog che conclude: "I risparmi così ottenuti ci consentiranno di finanziare diverse iniziative di natura sia politica che economica

Anche nella XVIII legislatura il MoVimento 5 Stelle dimostrerà che una politica a costo zero è possibile e desiderabile"


For more infomation >> ✅ Dopo rimborsopoli M5S cambia: 3mila euro al mese a parlamentare, 2mila se vive a Roma - Duration: 2:04.


How To Make Bubble Machine At Home Using Dc Motor - Duration: 5:55.

Empty Plastic Lunch Box

Wood Strips

Hot Glue Gun

7V DC Motor

Soldering Iron

Old DVD (Digital Video Disc)

Empty Aluminum Can

Drawing Compass

9V DC Motor

On/Off Switch

Hot Glue Gun

9-Volt Battery

Jumper Wires With Alligator Clips

1.5V Battery



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