Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily Jul 5 2018

it's not that easy to categorize jobs but here's a categorization scheme

that's kind of general but that's actually accurate okay so the first

dimension is complexity jobs range from simple to complex a simple job is one

that you can learn and then repeat okay you don't need high levels of cognitive

function for a simple job if you have high levels of cognitive function you'll

learn the job faster but once you learn it you won't necessarily do it better

okay but now a complex job is one where the requirements change on an ongoing

basis so most managerial jobs are like that and all executive jobs are like

that and that requires a high level of general cognitive ability that's the

best predictor of success in complex jobs okay so that's that's access number

one access number two is creative slash entrepreneurial versus managerial slash

administrative okay so for creative entrepreneurial jobs you need people who

are high in the trait personality trait openness to experience big five

personality trait that's associated with lateral and divergent thinking and those

are creative types and for managerial and administrative jobs and those are

jobs that are more algorithmic and so like imagine the guardrails you're a

train on a track and you want to go down the track fast you don't have to be

creative to go down a track that's already laid down fast you have to be

conscientious and so the best predictor personality predictor for managerial and

administrative jobs is trait conscientiousness okay so there's a

tension in organizations between lateral and divergent thinking and efficient

movement forward now if you know what you're doing what you want is

conscientious people because if you know what you're doing you should just do it

as efficiently as you can but the problem is is the world changes

around you unexpectedly and so if you don't have people who can think

divergently when the marketplace shifts on you which it most certainly will then

you don't have anybody who can figure out where to lay new tracks now it's

really really difficult for people for corporations to get the balance between

the on proneural creative types and the

managerial administrative types correct and what I think happens and I don't

know this for sure and the research on this isn't clear yet what seems to

happen is that when a company originates the creative entrepreneurial types

predominate and they have to be flexible and move laterally to to get the company

established to begin with and take risks and break rules and do all sorts of

things that conscientious people are much less likely to be able to tolerate

let alone think up but as the company establishes itself the managerial

administrative types pour in and take over but if they take over too much then

the company gets so rigid it can't it has no flexibility okay so so the first

thing you need to do to manage a large enterprise is to understand that these

are actually different people okay so first of all everyone is not creative

that's a lie there's so we we established this measurement instrument

called the creative achievement questionnaire which is very widely used

in creativity research now okay and what you see so what it does is it breaks

down creativity into 13 dimensions entrepreneurial architectural literary

dramatic inventions etc business you can imagine painting etc imagine the 13

potential dimensions of creativity and then it ranks order levels of creativity

from zero I have no training or talent in this area to ten I have an

international reputation in this area okay and then we plotted the scores okay

this is the distribution okay it's not a normal distribution sixty percent of the

people who take the creative achievement question questionnaire score zero right

a tiny minority have high scores and that's that's that's a Pareto

distribution it's a classic distribution of human

productivity so you always get a Pareto distribution not a normal distribution

when you're talking about productivity creative people are a distinct minority

they're a different kind of person and they're a pain they're a pain because

you can't evaluate them right it's like how the hell do you

evaluate a creative person because they keep changing the rules of evaluation so

they're there up there up there a handful to manage and they're always

trying to play a new game well that's a real pain if you want to get somewhere

fast so if there's this terrible tension in organizations and I think what

generally happens is all the creative people are there at the beginning they

get chased out until you have nothing but managers and administrators then the

environment shifts then the company dies and so the way that capitalism solves

the problem of the tension between the creative types and the managerial types

is it just lets companies die now you might think well I don't want my company

to die it's like okay then you would need to understand the difference

between these two kinds of people which you probably won't and you probably

won't admit to even if you knew and then you have to figure out how to get the

balance right and so that's extraordinarily complicated so


For more infomation >> Does your job match your personality Jordan Peterson - Duration: 5:34.


Earn ethereum by completing captch $ ethereum captcha app $ - Duration: 2:21.

Hello friends my name is vishal And i welcome you all

to my youtube channel Earndroid with vishal

Today i'm gonna explain you about an

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For more infomation >> Earn ethereum by completing captch $ ethereum captcha app $ - Duration: 2:21.


Niños atrapados en una cueva aprenden a bucear | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Niños atrapados en una cueva aprenden a bucear | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:16.


HYDRAULIC HANDBRAKE - SIMTAG SPRL - Review - Duration: 17:15.

Hi everyone, and welcome to the FLOEB channel

for a new review, with 1 product coming from belgium, the hydraulic handbrake from simtag, I show you immediately in detail

Let's go!

Here is the simtag handbrake in detail, the simtag handbrake is based on a real model

for fans of rally and drift

It mesures 37 cm long and 30 cm to 51 cm high.

with lever extension

it weighs

1855 g

the base of the handbrake is in metal, covered with a black paint, the lever has a thickness

of 8 mm

the knob has a diameter of 2.8 cm and a height of 9.8 cm

there are six rubber rings

the grip is very good! at the base level,

metal studs 2 mm thick

with the four holes on the bottom to fix the handbrake on the rig

the angle of the lever can be adjusted with the nut and the threaded rod

a spring has been added by simtag

to improve the feeling, a spring 3.7 cm in diameter

you can also change the position of the lever, in vertical or horizontal position

from 30 to 90 degrees

then we can change

the position of the lever, in the vertical position, like this one! or in a horizontal position!

for this you need the flat key of 13, at first,

I unscrew

maximum threaded rod

simply to remove it from the metal part, pull the rod out of the metal part

to change the position of the lever, it's here, you have to remove

the two clips, we have 1 on each side

small clips 1 mm thick,

we remove them,

Then, just remove the small metal part, the small axis

7 - 8 mm in diameter

after we release, in fact

The lever!

and we equip ourselves with an Allen key

To remove

The axis on the bottom of the lever, therefore, the Allen key on one side,

and the flat key of 13 of the other,

Many options on this handbrake, we can really adapt easily to its simrig

That's it, the lever is 8 mm thick! there is also

Two metal parts

which serve as spacer

and a long screw

BTR, black

then, for reassembly

you have to put the axis back down, at first

I put the screw with a spacer

Then I put the lever back

nothing complicated!

just take your time, here, reinstall properly

I put the metal washer back

With the nut

I'm tightening

And now, I'm replacing my little metal axis!


I put my two small clips, 1 on each side, in the grooves of the cylindrical axis

it's very fast, frankly it's very simple,

and I have my handbrake in a horizontal position !!

therefore, for the handbrake with the lever in horizontal position

I can



the angle of the lever

if I screw, the lever goes up and if I unscrew, it goes down

on the lever, we have a possible setting,

from 30 to 90 degrees, whether horizontal to vertical,

a large choice of settings

we have

a very good handbrake! with the spring

added by simtag, for the feeling, for a better feeling!

on the back, material, from the world of the automotive

with 1 wilwood master cylinder, 1 wilwood slave receiver, quality metal hoses!

DOT3 oil and a bosch pressure sensor! quality components for this handbrake !!

it is supplied with a black elastomer and 2 red elastomers

the black is soft and the red is hard, the handbrake was delivered with the black rubber

and the feeling is very good, we can adjust

the feeling with the nut on the back of the receiver, modifying the elastomers,

and tightening the nut more or less strongly

then, on the handbrake, on the wilwood receiver

we can also change the feeling in the lever,

with the flat key of 13, I take off

the nut on the back

there is a metal washer 2 mm thick

and discs

I think it's plastic, it's the same as on

the simtag pedals, if you saw the review !! 2 mm thick plastic discs

which serve to fill the empty space

it is installed originally 1 black rubber, black is a flexible rubber,

I have a very good feeling with the handbrake in vertical position,

without the extension, I specify!

we can, for example, put

1 red rubber for a harder feeling, or even

put two rubbers, if you want a really hard handbrake

after, as I tell you, I really had a very good feeling with black rubber

therefore, for the handbrake in vertical position and without the extension! I reinstalled as originally

now I replace the discs


The threaded shaft

And in fact, I can also

change the feeling in the lever

by tightening this nut more or less, the more I use it and the more I will have

a hard Feeling in the lever

after all is set to the millimeter, it's like the pedals, it's really good

Here! the more I tighten

the nut

the more I compress the rubber

which is why I have

a much harder feeling in the lever, I had really put it to a minimum,

I put back as originally and frankly, I really have a good feeling

in the lever

the handbrake comes with a bodnar cable, the same cable that is delivered for the simtag pedals

it records the data. a cosworth connector

anti moisture and anti dust, high quality connectors

I plug on the bosch sensor

That's it, it's clip and

The handbrake is delivered with a usb cable of a length of 1 m 40, we can easily connect to the pc

and there I just come

plug it in

The bodnar cable, simply

and I can connect my usb cable to the pc

the price for this handbrake is 590 euros + VAT + shipping costs

I install it on the rig and I give you my feeling in game

I am in the pit of lucas oil raceway, with the Ford fiesta, I test the hydraulic handbrake

from simtag and I make a small conclusion !! Let's go!!

we left for a few laps, test, the simtag hydraulic handbrake

Available on their website !!

I will put the link in the description of the video

The first turns, very good feeling with black rubber

Good feeling, after, if you add the extension, it may be necessary to put a red rubber

Yeah! very precise!! good grip

a knob with a small diameter, the rubber rings, it's perfect!

the handbrake is plug and play

but you can also adjust, for example, the dead zone, on the interface of Leo Bodnar

the same interface that I presented to you for the simtag pedals, if you want to see the review, the interface is very simple

personally, I settled directly in IRACING

it's perfect

we have a handbrake with quality components from the automotive industry

I finish the lap and I make a small conclusion but it's excellent

very precise, a good grip

That's it, the simtag handbrake test is over, the positive points I give

the components that equip this handbrake, we have components from the real world of the automotive

with a bosch pressure sensor, cosworth connectors

wilwood master cylinder and slave receiver

a very good feeling, it must be emphasized, in the game, it's really good, good work

and the negative point that I give to this handbrake, the price!

since it costs 600 euros for the handbrake, it's a big budget

here, I put you the link in the description of the video if you are interested by the simtag hydraulic handbrake

I thank them for the confidence they gave me to make this review! do not hesitate, to like my facebook page

subscribe to the youtube channel and I give you appointment for a next review !! BYE !!!

For more infomation >> HYDRAULIC HANDBRAKE - SIMTAG SPRL - Review - Duration: 17:15.


How To Know That You Are Emotionally Wise - Duration: 3:37.

Wisdom and intelligence don't always come through marks, grades, and books.

Sometimes, you can be emotionally intelligent too.

This means, that you have a good understanding of how emotions work, and you know how to

interact with people to bring out the best in them.

Emotional intelligence can be accrued even if you are an illiterate person, because this

comes from the heart.


You have this wish, this desire to get in touch with new people.

You like knowing strangers, learning about their lives, getting to understand them as

human beings, and partaking in the brotherhood of humanity.


Good leaders are plenty, but great leaders are few.

What differentiates a great leader from a good leader is not always their cognitive

reasoning and quick thinking.

It is also, at times, how good are they with understanding people around them, and inspiring

in them the zeal to do better.

This is emotional intelligence.


An emotionally attuned person knows his pros and cons.

He knows where he is strong, and where he comes off as weak.

What is necessary is the belief that if you are confident in your abilities, you will

always utilize that to your advantage.


You can't expect others to listen to you, if you don't listen to them.

Paying attention is tantamount to being emotionally intelligent.

You need to listen.

This will make you a good orator, and also would endear the person to you, hence serving

both points.

This will make you a social person and would upgrade your standing.


An emotional person is always in touch with their feelings.

They know exactly what they feel and when.

Almost reminiscent to an empath, they know what to tap, to feel something, and when to

tap that.

They can't be taken advantage of, for they know their feelings.


An emotionally intelligent person is friends with everyone around them.

They can deal with it, because their feelings and emotions are attuned to the world outside,

and hence, they can easily decipher or understand a human based on what they are feeling now.


You have a strong moral code.

You know what is right, and what is not.

You are scrupulous to the point, that your feelings make a wall when you want to do something

that goes beyond your ethics.


You are always free for people.

This is what makes you such a good person to them.

You know exactly how it feels when others aren't free for you, so you try to be free

for them, whenever you can.


You understand and can explain someone very easily.


You always rise, after you fall.

You know that failures are the stepping stones to success.

For more infomation >> How To Know That You Are Emotionally Wise - Duration: 3:37.


mukhtar nama episode 9 - Duration: 50:22.

Syed Ali Imam

like share & subscribe my channel

thnx 4 watching vedio.

For more infomation >> mukhtar nama episode 9 - Duration: 50:22.


దేవుడికి అభిషేకం చేసాక ఇలా చేయవచ్చా..? | Abhishekam Ela Cheyali | Abhishekam Niyamalu | Abhishekam - Duration: 0:38.


For more infomation >> దేవుడికి అభిషేకం చేసాక ఇలా చేయవచ్చా..? | Abhishekam Ela Cheyali | Abhishekam Niyamalu | Abhishekam - Duration: 0:38.


Popular Animated Kids Series | ROBOT (ರೋಬೋಟ್) – Big Block – Episode 23 | Shemaroo Kids Kannada - Duration: 2:18.

What a fascinating planet

I've never been here before

This is my first visit and I'd love a guided tour

Could you tell me all about it?

Could you help me understand?

I have so many questions

I'd love to know more about this land

Awe huh

Now I don't understand everything but I'm really trying

Like Dandy lions

They're dandy

But are they really a type of lion?


Butter flies are beautiful

But are they really made of butter

Not what I expected


I've seen a lot of worlds out there

This one's not like any other

Robot dance

Uh. Check it out

Check my moves planet earth

Well your dogs and cats they seem alright

But what about the pet that you call a kite

You put it on a leash

It floats in the sky

What does it eat? How does it fly

And way up high

That's called the son?

If that's the son

where's the mom

Are somersaults okay in spring

Or is that more of a summer thing

How about sweaters, before I forget

When you put them on, do they really sweat

I haven't asked all my questions yet

I could ask a million more I bet

I wish I could stick around and visit

I guess I'll have to plan another

I have so many questions

This world's not like any other

Awe huh

I've got to go! My people need me

For more infomation >> Popular Animated Kids Series | ROBOT (ರೋಬೋಟ್) – Big Block – Episode 23 | Shemaroo Kids Kannada - Duration: 2:18.


[뉴스] || '17세 차' 미나♥류필립, '미공개 화보' 공개…"결혼식 D-2, 너무 설레" ? - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> [뉴스] || '17세 차' 미나♥류필립, '미공개 화보' 공개…"결혼식 D-2, 너무 설레" ? - Duration: 2:35.


[뉴스] || 씨엔블루 이정신, 정용화에 이어 31일 육군 현역 입대…다른 멤버는? ? - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> [뉴스] || 씨엔블루 이정신, 정용화에 이어 31일 육군 현역 입대…다른 멤버는? ? - Duration: 2:43.


THAT FOR SWEETS #13 TALKING TOM and FRIENDS BEG FOR CANDY cartoon Video game for kids - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> THAT FOR SWEETS #13 TALKING TOM and FRIENDS BEG FOR CANDY cartoon Video game for kids - Duration: 11:21.


#About Youtube Content ID|How Content ID Works|Telugu Tutorials✔️ - Duration: 9:38.

Welcome to my channel

don't forget to like this video and subscribe for more

About Youtube Content ID|How Content ID Works

For more infomation >> #About Youtube Content ID|How Content ID Works|Telugu Tutorials✔️ - Duration: 9:38.


Super Arabian Wedding 2018 👍 Arabian Marriage Dance - Duration: 20:06.

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Lütfen ABONE Olun

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For more infomation >> Super Arabian Wedding 2018 👍 Arabian Marriage Dance - Duration: 20:06.


[뉴스] || 이영자, 김숙 '먹팁'에 '먹철학' 흔들린 사연은? ? - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> [뉴스] || 이영자, 김숙 '먹팁'에 '먹철학' 흔들린 사연은? ? - Duration: 3:36.


[뉴스] || '수미네 반찬' 김수미 "홍수 때 홈쇼핑 판매 취소하고 김치 전부 기부" ? - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> [뉴스] || '수미네 반찬' 김수미 "홍수 때 홈쇼핑 판매 취소하고 김치 전부 기부" ? - Duration: 3:11.


[엑셀 VBA] 네이버 구글 자동 로그인 폼 만들기 4편 (완성편) | 엑셀 VBA 강의 2-4 - Duration: 13:16.

For more infomation >> [엑셀 VBA] 네이버 구글 자동 로그인 폼 만들기 4편 (완성편) | 엑셀 VBA 강의 2-4 - Duration: 13:16.


VW、大人から子どもまで楽しめるアプリ「Play On! by Volkswagen」の提供開始 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> VW、大人から子どもまで楽しめるアプリ「Play On! by Volkswagen」の提供開始 - Duration: 3:50.


Schloss Hermsdorf. Schloss und Park Überblick / Hermsdorf Castle. Castle and Park Overview - Duration: 3:09.

Hermsdorf is a district of the community Ottendorf-Okrilla, which belongs to the district of Bautzen in Saxony.

The place at the mouth of the Lausenbach in the Great Röder was first mentioned in 1350 as "Hermansdorf".

In 1449 there was a Vorwerk (estate) in place, 1552 then a manor, from which developed the castle Hermsdorf.

Hermsdorf, which was eingepfarrt to Lausa, 1990 had about 1400 inhabitants. Since 1 January 1999 it belongs to Ottendorf-Okrilla.

The manor Hermsdorf was acquired in 1461 by Otto von Carlowitz.

From 1553 to 1575, Christoph von Carlowitz built the Hermsdorf Castle on it, a Renaissance-style building on a courtyard surrounded by walls with round corner towers and on three sides by a moat.

The main facade is divided by two lateral towers and a staircase tower in the middle. Carlowitz followed Hans Harrer; Owners were from 1586 Hans von Zschieren, from 1607 stable master Count Georg von Bindauf († 1617).

After a fire led the architect Ezekiel Eckhardt from 1654 through a renewal, which he continued even after Hermsdorf 1657 had passed from electoral possession of the Lord Mayor Hans Georg Freiherr von Rechenberg.

The rich early Baroque stucco in the entrance hall and in the castle chapel, which is located in one of the four round towers, were probably created by Italian hiking artists.

1699 Field Marshal Heino Heinrich von Flemming acquired the estate. His son Adam Friedrich (1687-1744) had after a fire in 1729 restore the building in the Baroque style, with George Bähr was involved in the planning; he emphasized the central wing with a triangular gable, in which oval windows are inserted, and crowned the stair tower with a stone curly hood reminiscent of the staircase coronations of the Dresden Frauenkirche.

In addition, Count Flemming created a baroque garden with a canal, which was later transformed into an English landscape garden.

From his estate, the estate was auctioned in 1756 to Countess Charlotte Sophie von Hoym.

From 1808 it possessed Henry Ludwig Burggraf to Dohna, a grandson of Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendorf, and from 1823 Ernst Gottlob von Heynitz.

From 1865 Prince Georg von Schönburg-Waldenburg was the owner. On 19 February 1871, Anna Luise von Schönburg-Waldenburg was born at Schloss Hermsdorf, the later Princess Anna Louise von Schwarzburg.

In the GDR period and then until 1998, the castle was used as a nursing home. Today it belongs to the community and is used for events, weddings etc.

In the castle park stands next to the pond an oak with a breast height of 6.70 m (2016).

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