Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily Jul 4 2018

The thing you love best about Waze is coming to Google Maps — and it's about time.

Five years after the tech giant acquired the Israeli navigation app, it's finally adopting

some of Waze's most popular features, most notably incident reporting.

Users began spotting the new option on their Android apps a few days ago, and on Friday,

Google confirmed that the rumors are true.

If you're one of the lucky users who already have access to this tool within Google Maps,

you'll be notified as to road work, accident report times, and whether another Waze user

knows that a previously reported traffic jam is still affecting your route.

Incident reporting has long been one of the most popular aspects of Waze, and indeed,

is key to its crowd-sourced traffic information.

It allows its 100 million active monthly users to send in tips about road closures, accidents,

police cars, and other traffic snarls.

About two weeks ago, Android Police noticed that the feature appeared to be coming soon

in a Google Maps APK teardown, and now it's rolling out to users.

In fact, Google told The Verge that the feature has been available for "several months"

to some folks on Android.

Users will soon (if not already) be able to see what sort of incident is causing a slowdown,

and when the incident first took place.

You'll also have the option to add information yourself, keeping data as up to date and as

useful for your fellow drivers as possible.

After all, this whole system depends upon folks saying something when they see something,

so bringing the feature to Google Maps should make incident reporting more accurate than


The Waze feature comes hot on the heels of another neat update to Google Maps: personalized

restaurant recommendations, shown off at Google I/O 2018 in early May and rolled out earlier

this week.

That change could help make Google Maps a whole lot more useful than it already is.

The overall interface is relatively similar to the old Google Maps, but you'll now find

two new tabs at the bottom of the screen — "Explore," and "For You."

As it stands, reports are available only for road work and closed roads, though crashes,

speed cameras, and speed traps should be supported soon as well.

It's not entirely clear when the feature will roll out widely for all Android users,

nor do we know when iPhone owners will be able to reap the benefits of incident reporting.

But seeing as it could be a game changer for Google Maps, we're hoping the answer is


For more infomation >> Love Waze's incident reporting feature? Lucky you, it's coming to Google Maps - Duration: 3:05.


Roll Hunting Nickels - Happy July 4th! - Duration: 8:05.

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and we've got a nickel box to hunt


so after my last a couple of nickel hunts that really really had some good

finds we had two five Silver's in that one box and then we had another hunt

where I got my very first v nickel I'm so excited about that

it was the 1902 still a great hunt still a great v nickel and it was my first

check that off the list of finds and this bank is across the street from my

Wells Fargo inside the grocery store where I get my half dollars and I

decided since it's been about a month since I've ran in there and grabbed a

box I'd run in there and got a box this Bank used to be a hotspot for me back in

a few months ago when I was getting buffalo nickels pretty regularly out of

it every couple of boxes I'd get a couple of buffalo nickels a few Silver's

but that's about it and then it went cold and I stopped going there and like

I said it's been a few months so I figured I'd give it a shot again we got

the box and I already checked it as you can see and it circulated nickels so

that's a good sign I haven't checked the enders yet we'll be checking them along

the way and as always I'll loop you in if I find something worth showing yeah

fast start guys first roll of the box we got a 40s nickel

it's a 46 46 Philadelphia man it sure has kind of a silver tone to it doesn't

it but it's not it's still a 46 though we're on the board roll number nine and

I haven't flipped it yet but that's looking pretty old 1949 d you know what

I think 49 has a D over S error/variety or we just take a look there looks just

like a D to me I'll look at it under the loop in a little bit more time but yeah

good find roll 23 guys and we laid them out and we got a pretty green one here

it's a silver war nickels and that's a d mint mark can it be a 43 it's a 44

pretty toasty as well but you know what 35% silver on the board with a silver

war nickels same roll is that silver war nickel and we've got a 42 non silver

all right we'll take that all day as well and we'll check this for the speared

Buffalo which it's not let's look for some more roll 26 guys and look what I

just found

it's a buffalo nickel it was face-up I don't see a date yet

and I don't see a mint mark let me uh take another peek at it I might use

nic a date on it as well so we'll see what I do when I come back if I can get

a date I won't use nic a date if I have to than I will all right guys we had to

nic a date it it's definitely not a mint mark but if I get the right lighting

here there you go 1919 so we got a 1919 Philadelphia mint buffalo nickel had a

nic a date it it's not worth much I think it's two dollars and fifty cents if it

wasn't treated so didn't get any more value out of it but we know what it is

by the way that's a buffalo and a silver wartime nickel in the box and we're just

at halfway the same roll as that Buffalo and we've got a 41 here 41 Philadelphia

roll 29 guys and look at this another 42 another 42 Philadelphia and I think I

see another old one right here

yep 1941 Philadelphia so nice roll there a couple of 40s nickels

all right roll thirty is an interesting roll I wonder if I'm missing a nickel or

two I'll let you know if I am no finds in that roll - 38 nickels they shorted me

10 cents unbelievable Well I guess we're okay with it for now

roll 37 got a 40s nickel here 1940 Philadelphia we're on roll 40 guys and

I've got kind of an interesting find here I thought it was a blank planchet at

first but look at this and it doesn't appear to be like I mean I guess it

could have been scraped away but let me put it under the microscope you can see the

outline of Jefferson's head on the new design and it just fades away it's got a

little more uh definition down here looks like it's 2012 Denver what are you

guys thoughts on this coin has this been rubbed away or is this a mint error like a

very weak strike it's hard to tell the edges look good so if it was worn away

someone did it by hand it does have scratches as you can see right there I'm

thinking it was worn away but I'd like your thoughts I'm gonna pull it aside

anyway because it's a cool find it's almost a blank planchet all right

let's get back to the hunt roll 45 another 40s coin here 1941 yes

well take a 41 s roll 49 guys I bring you in because I have an odd colored one here

and the edge looked silvery and it is it's a Philadelphia Mint 1943

and it's not in bad shape whatsoever it's almost like it was kept in some

little manila packet or something it has kind of that toning to it but at the end

of the day that's a second silver and it's a much better shape than the last

one two silvers in that box let's find something else - okay we finished that box

of nickels and kind of a light Jefferson box we'll get to that still pulled out

this uh either weak strike or scratched off coin really hard to tell it's got

the scratches like it could have been but it's just so perfectly done I don't

know we'll keep it aside four 2009's we ended up with seven in the 50s two 55 two

57 s a two 58 and a 59 in the 40s we ended up with eight finds we've got a

forty, three forty ones two forty two non silvers which is just cool a forty six and a forty

nine and then we ended up with the finds of the box here

three good coins we got a forty four Denver a 43 Philadelphia and a 1919

Buffalo really fun hunt whenever you can get one or more of the key finds of a

box that makes it all worth it especially when two are silver hopefully

you enjoyed the hunt with me if you did please give the video a thumbs up and as

always guys happy hunting and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Roll Hunting Nickels - Happy July 4th! - Duration: 8:05.


MMD |Undertale/AU's| Why Dust hates Horror and Killer 【Part 2】 (Sub. Español) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> MMD |Undertale/AU's| Why Dust hates Horror and Killer 【Part 2】 (Sub. Español) - Duration: 1:01.


'Love & Hip Hop's DJ Self Has This To Say About Tiger Wood Losing His Black Card | 50 Central - Duration: 3:33.

It's your boy Vince Swann.

We out here in these streets of New York,

'bout to play a game called Black, White, or Both.

All right, I'm going to list some things off of this list

and you gotta tell me

if it's black thing, white thing, or both.

Are you ready? - Yes.

- Let's go.

- ♪

- Weed.

- I think that's a both.

- Both! That's so what--it brings people together.

I have made some of the best friends

in my entire life from the ganja.

- The weed is from the earth, man.

It's for everybody.

He put it here for all of us to enjoy.

- Yes, he did. High five on that one.

- BOTH: ♪ Queen's got the weed ♪

- ♪ Queen's got the weed ♪

♪ Ah! Good Lord now ♪

Do you smoke weed?

- I don't. No.

- All, right, he's just gonna sell it.


- White people thing.

- That's a white thing.

- Definitely more of a white thing

than a black thing. - Yeah.

- I don't know.

- Iggy Azalea.

- White.

- Why is that?

- [laughing] Come on, man.

- You don't to need say nothin' else.

- Iggy Azalea. - Both.

I love me some Iggy. I'm sorry.

Can't we all just rap together?

- We can. But she can't.

She's not really a rapper. She does rapp-ish.

- Rapp-ish things. - Things.

So we could say that.

Trever Noah? - Trevor Noah?

Who is Trevor Noah?

- I guess that means it's a white thing.

What about voting for Trump?

Let's act like the national anthem is going.

- ♪

- We got a special guest for you today

playing Black, White or Both.

My home boy, DJ Self! - Let's get to the game.

- Let's get to the game! - Yeah.

- Let me get to these questions real quick, man.

Tiger Woods.

- Tiger Woods was white...

then he cheated on the white woman.

- Right. - In public.

- And she [bleep] his car too.

- Yes.

And then he turned black. - Black.

- Because the black man loves his car.

He got upset about that car.

- That's right.

There's a lot of black shit going on that day.

'Cause that white woman did some black shit.

- He got kicked out of the golf club.

- He got kicked out of the golf club.

- And that's only a--a black thing.


- Tommy Hilfiger.

- Both.

- Both? - Yeah, I would say both.

Black people, we like the big flags and the big names

and the big syms on our shirts, you know, like that.

And then, white people like to sail, into stuff like that.

So, it mashes up together. You know what I'm saying?

- On the card it says white, but I'm gonna have to give it

to him too, 'cause I got some Tommy stuff in my closet.

- Yeah, you see.

And it got a big symbol on it, right?

- Exactly. - You're right.

- Black people we like to wear other people's names

on our shirts. - That's right. 100%.

Tommy Hilfiger.

- Oh, white people thing.

I heard through the grapevine that he was racist so, yeah,

that's a white people thing. - Okay.

I'm not gonna say much 'cause I might need a--[cough]--

endorsement. - [laughing]

- Ignorance.

Is it a black thing, white thing, or both?

- Both. Anybody can be ignorant.

- That's just part of being human.

We all got a little ignorance in us.

- There are ignorant people on both sides.

- Ignorance is both.

And I feel like a lot of times us, as humans,

we don't take the time to learn each other.

- That's a good educated answer.

But on this card it says white. - [buzzer bleeping]

- And I'm gonna have to agree with the card right there.

- Okay. Yes, let's do that. - --just a little bit.

- I'm gonna retract my statement,

disregard what I said. - Right.

- It's a white thing.

- Ignorance is a white thing.

- [laughing]

For more infomation >> 'Love & Hip Hop's DJ Self Has This To Say About Tiger Wood Losing His Black Card | 50 Central - Duration: 3:33.


24 Reasons The Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy & Ant-Man Are Different - Duration: 10:15.

Cornetto trilogy movies are written and directed by Edgar Wright.

Edgar Wright wrote Ant-Man, but got fired because Marvel thought the project was getting

weird, which doesn't make any sense because they let Shane Black get weird as hell with

Iron Man 3.Cornetto trilogy movies take place outside the U.S. so you rarely see some of

the stereotypes made famous by Hollywood when it comes to other races, but as soon as Marvel

gets their hands on one of his screenplays they cast black people in the worst roles

you could find.

Although the main characters aren't always the best role models, Cornetto trilogy movie

main characters have never been convicted of a felony.

Shaun's shirt may be dirty, but his record's clean, Nick puts other people behind bars

not himself, and Gary almost got arrested, but he left the scene of the crime and let

his best friend take the blame.

Ant-Man was sent to prison and he visits jail on a regular basis.

It makes sense because you are you hang out with.

All of Ant-Man's friends try their hardest to convince him to take shortcuts in life

and just steal from people.

In the other Edgar Wright movies, there's always at least one voice of reason in the


Liz is the moral compass in Shaun of the Dead, everyone, but Gary are the voice of reason

in the World's End, and Nicholas is the angel (pun intended) in Hot Fuzz.

Cornetto trilogy movies have a an ice cream reference, but the cornetto brand is an inside

joke to the audience and the Baskin & Robins is a joke nobody understands.

They just squeezed it in there for product placement.

Speaking of the cornetto ice cream, Cornetto trilogy movies are a stand alone film that's

part of a bigger cinematic universe.

All though the actors play different characters each time, all of these movies are part of

the cornetto trilogy universe, but you're not constantly reminded because the writing

and storyline are good enough to have the films stand on their own.

Ant-Man is part of the MCU franchise and since the story is sort of generic at times, they

keep reminding you that it's part of the Marvel cinematic universe to get you to like

it more.

Cornetto trilogy movies has a main character that DJs and has great taste in entertainment.

Shaun has great taste in music and we get a chance to check out his playlist in this


Gary has everyone in the car bobbing their heads when he puts on his mix and even though

it's DVDs and not music, Butterman picks the movies for movie night and all of his

films are critically acclaimed masterpieces.

Scott's taste in music sucks and he has to rely on the DJ to get the party hype.

Cornetto trilogy movies has a wooden gate scene.

The character is supposed to get from one side of the fence to the other in a way that

tells you all about his characteristics without saying a word.

Shaun is prideful and his fence scene represent pride comes before the fall.

Nick is makes it over not just one, but multiple fences because he's an overachiever and

Gary, the alcoholic, stumbles over his fences like he's stumbling through his life.

Scott makes it over the fence, but he gets caught by the police which is inconsistent

with the sly, intelligent cat burglar character he's supposed to be portraying.

The last names of these characters also tell you more about their characters.

Nick's last name is Angel because he thinks he can do no wrong.

Gary's last name is King and that's why he thinks he can boss his friends around and

from Shaun's DJ poster we learn his last name is Riley which makes perfect sense because

he doesn't worry about anything and has a carefree existence.

Ant-Man's last name is just Lang which doesn't mean anything.

Age ain't nothin' but a number in Cornetto trilogy movies.

The older you are the more dangerous you are.

All of the senior citizens in these films pose a threat to the main characters and are

a force to be reckoned with.

In the World's End, Gary is the oldest one in his clique and the group nominates him

as the leader because of his wisdom and courage.

In Ant-man we're taught that old people suck.

Pym got fired because he was too old to work their and when he punched Darren, it makes

it seem like the old man is no threat to anyone.

The people in Edgar Wright movies are supposed are harder workers and never get fired.

Gary never had a job, but all of his buddies do and they're good at what they do so they

never get fired.

Shaun hates his job, but he's temporarily promoted to temporary manager.

Nick singlehandedly lowers the crime rate in the cities he patrols, but in Ant-Man he

sucked at his job when he got fired from Vista Corp and he sucked at his job at Dairy Queen

and got fired there too.

You're supposed to feel sorry for the main character in Cornetto trilogy movies because

he's always having girl problems.

Shaun gets dumped for forgetting to set the reservation on his and his girlfriend's


Nick gets dumped by his girlfriend for being married to his job.

She leaves him for her coworker (audio).

Gary slept with Sam when she was younger, but when they're older she tells him she's

not interested and was always interested in Steven.

You don't feel sorry for Scott Lang because he actually gets the girl so you feel sorry

for Hope instead.

Ladies if I told you that I wanted to hook you up with my friend.

He's a really nice guy, but the only thing is he just got out of prison, is a couple

of years behind on child support payments, and he steals from old people for a living,

would you be interested in starting a relationship with the guy?


Cornetto trilogy movies have characters who show a great deal of respect to mothers.

Shaun is a momma's boy and gets his mother flowers.

All of the guys are ready to beatdown Gary when they find out he lied about his mother

dying and with Nick (audio) he's a gentleman and makes way for the mothers during the chase.

In Ant-man Scott doesn't pay child support because he doesn't care about this mom and

Pym didn't care about Hope's mom which is why he let her go on that suicide mission.

The father figures in these movies are misunderstood, but one thing's for sure, they respect and

love their children.

Pete's dad loves him so much they run a father and son business.

Shaun's step dad is hard at times but you could tell he loves his stepson.

Phillip, Shaun's step dad was always hard on him as a kid (audio of he touched me),

however, there was a method to his madness and him and Shaun share a heart to heart in

the car before he dies when he tells Shaun he just wanted him to the best he could be.

Butterman's father is a murderer, but he's not a deadbeat dad.

So much so, that when his son has the opportunity to kill him, he changes his mind because you're

not supposed to shoot strong father figures in the back.

Ant-man is a bad role model and doesn't take care of his children and the step father

is even worse and can't mind his own business.

He tries to replace Lang and won't let him see his daughter and when that doesn't work

he hates on Ant-Man and tries to put him behind bars.

Everyone always says that Marvel has a villain problem.

One reason is because they're villains are politer than Mr. Rogers.

Instead of being a man and standing up to Pym and his daughter, Darren works in secret.

That never happens in these Edgar Wright movies because the villains are about that life and

they want you to know they're bad and there's nothing you could do to stop them.

Shaun's mom gets bit and she wishes somebody would be stupid and stand up to her.

Guy Sheperd tells the good guys that he's evil early in the movie because he's confident

they're still not going to be able to escape and the bad guy in the Hot Fuzz snitches on

himself within the first 15 minutes (audio).

The villains in Edgar Wright movies are always tougher because it's an army and you're

not really sure if everyone is going to make it out alive.

The villain in Ant-Man sucked and got killed by science.

In Edgar Wright movies, people are way more polite.

When they hit you with a car, they stop to check if you're okay.

When they hit you with a vehicle in Ant-Man, it's on purpose and they're trying to

kill you.

T.I. and the crazy guy from The Dark Knight are bad actors in Ant-man and so is the villain.

There's bad acting in the other Edgar Wright movies, but it's part of the joke.

The girl from the play only got the job because she's sleeping with the director so it's

supposed to be funny and it is.

The guys are supposed to be acting natural, but they're acting is horrible because they're

scared and it's funny and the bad actress teaches everyone how to act like a zombie,

but they all suck because the teacher is a bad actress so it's funny.

In these Edgar Wright movies, the characters live on the wild side and no protective head

gear is ever used to protect them from danger.

Pym and Lang aren't about that life and Pym warns Lang to always wear a helmet (audio).

The authorities in Edgar Wrights movies are usually really lenient and let you get away

with a lot more stuff.

The soldiers shoot up the bar, but they let the rest of the zombies live and contribute

to society.

Other than Nick, the cops in Hot Fuzz let you get away with anything and with no brake

lights and no license, the cop in The World's End lefts the boys off the hook.

Cornetto trilogy movies have a foreshadowing scene the warns you of what's to come.

Ed tells Shaun plans for their day tomorrow and it's basically a play by play of everything

that will happen in the movie.

The detectives tell Nick that everybody and their mums is packing round here and that

turns out to be true by the end of the movie.

In the World's End, the opening narration dialogue foreshadows the rest of the events

in the movie since the film is a rehash of the opening narration and the names of the

pubs foreshadows the events that will take place in that pub.

In Ant-Man they foreshadow too, but it's lazier and the post Wasp outfit just foreshadows

that she'll be suited up in the sequel.

Woman always have a stronger roles and are more integral to saving the day in these Edgar

Wright movies.

Yvonne arrives with the soldiers to save Shaun and his girlfriend at the end.

In Hot Fuzz when Inspector Butterman makes a run for it a helicopter arrives and it's

Doris that's the one that puts him away for good and in The World's End, Sam is

the getaway driver that saves the rest of the guys at the end.

In Ant-Man Hope's dad doesn't even trust her enough to wear the costume.

The one time she has a chance to prove herself during the Mexican standoff, she takes her

gun off of Daren and lets him shoot her father.

The bad guy never dies in these Edgar Wright movies.

Instead, they always find a way to coexist.

The villains in Shaun of the dead become functioning members of society and Shaun's best friend

even becomes his pet technically.

The bad guys in Hot Fuzz are sent to prison and the although humans are extremely prejudice

against blanks, they still find a way to coexist.

(Can't we all just get along audio).

Not in this movie.

At the end of all the Edgar Wright movies, it shows a flash forward where you find out

what happens a year or so later.

You have to wait for the sequel to find out what happens in Ant-Man.

So truth or dare, like and share, leave a comment under there, if you don't that's

not fair, this thing took a week to prepare, but I'm not a rapper though.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons The Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy & Ant-Man Are Different - Duration: 10:15.


Top 10 Most Expensive Gemstones In The World - Duration: 4:47.

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Expensive Gemstones In The World - Duration: 4:47.


Giuliani says no decision on cooperation with Mueller - Duration: 1:56.

Giuliani says no decision on cooperation with Mueller.

Despite saying that he expected to have a decision on July 4 whether President Trump

would sit down for an interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team, Rudy Giuliani

said Wednesday he had "no decision" to announce according to CBS News' Paula Reid.

Giuliani, a former Mayor of New York City, is one of Mr. Trump's primary lawyers for

the Russia probe.

Last month, Giuliani appeared on CBS News' "Face the Nation" and was asked by host Margaret

Brennan about the July 4 deadline for a decision.

"You've said now July 4th is when you expect to have a decision on whether the president

will sit for an interview with the special counsel," Brennan asked.

"Why are you dragging it out?

Don't you know what you want to do now?"

Giuliani responded that while he did not think Mr. Trump should sit down with Mueller, but

was "leaving it open."

He also said he was involved in "sensitive negotiations" with Muller's team, and that

there might be a "narrow area" in which the two sides could agree.

"I think we've already agreed that it should be just audio recorded," Giuliani said, despite

the precedent of former President Bill Clinton's on-camera testimony during the Whitewater


"We would like to see it limited to some specific questions about the heart of the probe – the

Russian alleged collusion.

We think that those questions could be answered quickly.

We think two hours.

They probably think four.

So let's settle at three.

That's the way you do a negotiation in good faith in this area.

They have been in good faith."

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Giuliani says no decision on cooperation with Mueller - Duration: 1:56.


Bertha Bully Tells It Like It Is | Dress Code Policy | Prevent Sexual Harassment - Duration: 1:43.

all right since you're forcing me to talk about the victim here we go

have you seen the way she dresses do we need to go any further I mean talk about

begging for attention and asking for it by the way you dress come on let's just

be real I know I know I know I'm not being politically correct I'm gonna get

a whole lot of haters making comments about what I'm saying here but I'm just

being real okay I'm just calling it like I see it you want to dress like a whore

you're gonna get treated like a whore and a story all right so it's not like

we don't have a dress code policy that's the other thing I always think about

right I mean it talks about cleavage it talks about skirt lengths I mean it's

not like it's a big mystery as to what the organization requires and how you

should go this is not a nightclub you know we're not at a discotheque

all right I'm dating myself but whatever all right and the other thing let's not

leave out the men here what about the tight jeans please nobody wants to look

at that I promise you nobody so I think we're gonna solve this

whole sexual harassment problem here in this organization bye everybody

using their noggin and dressing appropriately

For more infomation >> Bertha Bully Tells It Like It Is | Dress Code Policy | Prevent Sexual Harassment - Duration: 1:43.


علاج أمراض القلوب ◆ أنت بحاجة لسماع هذا الكلام كل يوم ◆ الدكتور محمد راتب النابلسي - Duration: 17:31.

For more infomation >> علاج أمراض القلوب ◆ أنت بحاجة لسماع هذا الكلام كل يوم ◆ الدكتور محمد راتب النابلسي - Duration: 17:31.


El Show de Sans & Papyrus Capítulo 1: ¿Dónde está el pan? - Duration: 0:16.

* hey, papyrus. * have you seen my pearls?


* me neither. * probably. . .


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