Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily Jul 4 2018

Press the bell icon on the YouTube and never miss another UPDATE

Hello guys, this is kodi best build back with you again with another great video

so in this video

I'm gonna show you how to install another great bill working really great and safe and working on any device running

Kodi krypton 17 any version if you have kodi krypton any version 17 you can get this great bill

Working well save really fast and having a lot of kodi add-ons and the best working ones

so first

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and join join me in the Facebook group and Facebook page and follow me on Twitter and Instagram

So that way we're gonna keep in touch all together and don't wait

Don't forget also to visit my website for more informations about kodi

So to install the kodi world build go right here to settings from the luxury wizard

go to system settings and

Check if you allow the noun sources, press right here on add-ons and go to announce sources



I do all my father

Right here if you're Cody is new and you don't have anything install it to your Cody

You will get profile directory and answers. This is only my USB device

So your Cody is new you don't have anything you will get these two things

Profile directory and add source, if you use to install builds and stuff you will get a lot of great stuff right here

So double click on add source

press none and

Here copy and paste the address to not miss anything

Press on. Okay, you can leave it luxury or name it whatever you want press on OK and

hold back

Press back one more time you go to the home page

Right here, press on add-ons

Then press in this little box in the top as you can see right here and

Click on install from the file and

here press on luxury

Then press on plug-in program log 0 user

As you can see it's gonna be

Install it to your kodi crapped on any version

17 if you have cody crapped on

17.1 to cody crapped on

17.6 you can get this great build working well without any problem, so

Once you got the the add-on installer or the wizard install it to your kodi

Go to program add-ons

When it goes to the home page right here as you can see once you press on add-ons or you put the mouse on add-ons

You will get the wizard or press on add-ons and go to program add-ons as you can see right here

We got the luxury wizard

Open it

So right here we got built you got maintenance

You got YouTube help you got save data you got contact and sitting

so press-on builds

Right here we got Cody world as you can see you got the server 1 and the second server it's version 1


So it's having a lot of great Kodi add-ons as you can see you get the best add-ons and real different versions. So

pre-press on the build and Cody work

So right here we got the fresh install the fresh install

if you have a previous build already install it to your kodi crab town you get a lot of

problems you get a lot of buffering problems you get a lot of

Missing files and you can check the log for more informations

Message right here popping up press on fresh install to fix that

if your Kodi is new you just watch me and you want to install this bill and you have a

You have Kodi for a long time and you didn't use it. You didn't install anything on it

So press on standard install

As you can see right here press on yes install it

You will get the download process going so the most price right here in this empty space as

You can see or press on console if you do that. You have to restart from 0

Just be patient and hold on until everything is done right without any problem

Then you can run Cody and watch movies and TV shelves and a lot of great things for free

You can also watch the World Cup and follow your team

especially if you love

England and you watch the English team. I wish them a good luck

Hard luck for all the rest

So don't press right here or press in this empty space just wait until everything is done

Then first close Cody and run it again to enjoy this great build

And here as you can see dear friends

You got Cody done and you got the installation done and everything is done right without any problem

Press on first close if you have Amazon first SiC

Nvidia shield or any other device press on first close and

Restart code each enjoyed this great build and watch World Cup

Watch TV shows and watch movies and anything you are with your friends or family or anyone

so press on first close Cody and restart the game to enjoy this great build and

Here my dear friends after installing this gray curry build. We got this amazing home page right here

So here got movies in the menu as you can see down in the submenu

We got a lot of movies gal my tract movies you got search you can search for any movie you want

Here get oral movies. You got comedy. You got real debris movies

You got a movies and metallic and get 24/7 movies

Got top movies scrapper II got 4k movies. You got movie book set

I got a HD movies

So right here in the menu you got movies up. You got the widgets as you can see you get all

The popular movies right now

You can pick any one to watch it with your friends or family or anyone so

back to movies

Right here

We got a lot of great movies. You can pick any one to watch it. So

If you want to watch this movie Blackwater

Just press on it as you can see you got a loading

Got resistance cody. Addon

Extraction your links to watch this gray cable

And today is the four of July is the ad Independence Day of the USA

I wish you guys all doing

Doing great and having a great time enjoying the fireworks and everything

for this day, and if you watch me from the

United Kingdom, I wish you a good

qualification for

The England English team, so that's it. I wish they are the gonna win the World Cup

So here guys got the links you can pick any link to watch this great movie

So you got no stream available for this movie right now

So let's move to another


For resistance you got

You know, you didn't get any streaming link for that movie

You can't get a lot of links from placenta if you wanna watch this movie

From plus it I will got some links for sure

But here we got a fewer links tree because it's a new movie it's not available yet for

For a lot of streaming links

So it didn't get any streaming or any

Link for that because all the movies are new

released on

2018 if you want to watch the American made

You'll get a lot of streaming links because it's the older movie and it's available

We got a lot of links and stuff for that movie

So right here my dear friends as you can see you get a lot of great movies

You can pick any one if you got no stream from the resistance Kodi add-on

You can go to check a lot of Kodi add-ons right here. We can pick anyone to watch any movie you want here you got

Judah as you can see, you got a lot of great stuff you go to you that you will get movies and TV shows

So right here got the most popular

And it will got a lot of streaming links you can watch any movie you want

In this bill. Do you have a lot of great Kodi add-ons all the working ones?

And you can choose any movie to watch it with your friends or family or anyone?

so right here back to the home page and

Here we got TV shelves and this TV shelf section. You got a lot of great things

You can watch any TV show. You want to watch it with your friends or family or anyone?

So if you will you missed something on the TV you can watch it right here in the catch-up

So you got at the flicks catch up. We got star tech you got all Reynolds. You got a tree acts

As you can see right here. We got a lot of great things

If you missed anything on the TV you can watch it

So UK TV show or US TV shows or Australia or Ireland, New Zealand, Canada?

If you use to watch from HBO

Press on it

And you will get a lot of great things I really love this TV show with word it's really great

So if you miss this

section or this episode you can

Choose any episode you wanna watch it and you can get it as you can see

Right here. You will got your links

So right here pick any IP, so do you wanna watch it or you'll love to watch it and get it

So here guys got kids as you can see in this kids corner

you can enjoy and watch all your animations and enjoy your family time with your kids and

Have fun with them and watch all the great stories for kids

Here we got a lot of TV shows for kids you can enjoy watching

these great animations with your kids so

We got a lot of great stuff you got Carl's

Dragon - got Tarzan Batman a lot of great things

So right here you got sports in the sports section. You got a lot of great things you get replaced

Got the loop. Got versus you got rising tides

So you have see an MMA Chronos, so I got sport double

Got a lot lot of great things if you missed something in the TV so you can watch also the World Cup on this gray

Kodi add-on

So this poor section is really great working. Well without any problem

Right here. We got live TV as you can see you can try a lot of live TV stuff

Right here. And if it works that what we want

So we got live net right here

Let's try it

As you can see got entertainment new skits, let's try some news channels

See what is happening in the world you

Got a lot of channels right here

I'm looking for fresh 24 if it's let's go for CBC

So I wish it works

So yeah, it works

Here we got al Jazeera English

You can watch it also and have fun with this great live TV

So right here got programs you get all

programs Kure add-ons right here and

here we got settings if we want to change something on this bill or

Clean this bill or back to the normal skin of coding

So anything you want?

So right here you get apps as you can see got some applique installer and

here back to add-ons

So if you liked this video, don't forget to subscribe to my channel and join me in the Facebook group and Facebook page

Like the video leave me your feedback about this bill if you love it if you don't

What bill you want me to review for you guys next video? So thanks for watching me and see you tomorrow for another cody bill

For more infomation >> MOST INSANE KODI 17.6 BUILD JULY 2018 🔥 BEST KODI ADDONS 🔥 WORLD KODI BUILD 🔥 LUXURY WIZARD - Duration: 16:18.



What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video

so many of you are looking for a build with lot of different add-ons

and lot of different sources for content then you might want to check the NEFARIOUS LITE BUILD

I've also tested on my fire TV and two other fire sticks the build works great

You will enjoy this kodi build on your amazon fire stick or nvidia shield or android tv box

now I'm gonna give you guys an overview of what it has to offer

offer if you like it I can show you how you can get it installed on your device.

Now if you haven't already go ahead and hit the subscribe button

and make sure you click the little bell icon right next to subscribe so you don't miss any of my posts

so let's go ahead and jump into the overview of the build.

Now once you install it the first section you're gonna run into is the movies section

so you have the widget here at the top

you can scroll through find a movie and tv shows you like.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to stay informed.



Cartoons That Illustrate The Reality Of Life - Ep. #1 - Duration: 2:49.

Reality Of Life Series - Episode #1

For more infomation >> Cartoons That Illustrate The Reality Of Life - Ep. #1 - Duration: 2:49.


Con esta aplicación puedes encontrar eventos en la ciudad - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Con esta aplicación puedes encontrar eventos en la ciudad - Duration: 1:52.


Smart Real Estate Wholesaling - THE BOOK - CHAPTER 3 - Data Collection - Duration: 11:28.

CLOSED CAPTION BY YOUTUBE! smart real estate wholesaling chapter three data collection how to generate

real estate wholesale deals by marketing intelligently for free and for life

imagine sending one email and your $3,000 mortgage payment for the month

gets paid just like that compare that to waiting forever on your

next and first real estate wholesaling deal that may never even close

imagine knowing the exact segment or demographic that responds the best to

your messages in gender age group interests and etc equipped with this

type of information about your prospect how easy would it be to create solutions

that you know they want for a fact before this publication you are probably

exposed to five main marketing strategies all of which fall short of

the level of business intelligence you need to operate our smart real estate

wholesaling Empire for example direct mailing starts with

access to data about property owners in distressed situation such as foreclosure

divorce death bad tenant tax delinquency however that level of data is not enough

to compete in this modern age back in 2005 it was good enough because there

was no oversupply of real estate wholesaling investors as we have today

the competition is a lot higher now therefore you need a better competitive

advantage you need to collect a lot more information than just names property

addresses and status all you get with that is an ability to send letters

that's too much of a wide net to cast and it's just too expensive due to the

competition so even though there's a list involved in direct mailing mailing

that list is a code marketing strategy because the prospects don't know you

much less like him and trusting you the KLT factor is missing in essence you

have to sell them on doing business with you as opposed to being already sold

before their subscription to your list or network marketing without collecting

primary data aka contact information will make you

dry up your marketing budget very quickly your primary objective when

marketing to a brand new code prospect is to offer them some type of valuable

information in exchange for their contact information such as name and

address and phone number that simple concept creates a major difference in

your sustainability as a marketer as you collect this first level of data you are

building a list of highly interested and targeted audience that you can keep

marketing to for free that gives your real estate all sudden Empire strength

to carry through long term in marketing bandwidth as you are probably becoming

more aware now the real estate wholesaling business is basically a

survival of the fittest the person that can spend the most on marketing wins the

game but spending the most without a plan to sustain the limitations of your

budget it's a losing battle it's about knowing how to preserve your resources

using leverage and not necessarily by holding back on spending if you are

trying to win the game of lowest spending all you have to do is stop

spending I'm guessing you want more than just low marketing spending you want

profitability so you need to create multiple leverage points that creates a

funded perpetual marketing machine for your real estate wholesaling empire if

all you do is market to prospects without first level data collection

hacks like building a list of prospects contacts information

you create ultimatums in your marketing funds and time budget your marketing

won't last long enough to take it a step further first level data collection is

not enough in order to market and generate revenue cost-effectively in the

modern age you need to collect data about first level data for example it is

not enough to have the names property addresses and status of pre foreclosures

in your city you also need to know the age group

and gender that respond to your marketing messages the most it's even

better when you collect more data about the type of messages they respond to the

most what if you also have information about other interests coming to your

prospects not only are you able to customize your offers and services to

what they want you can also create other joint venture and partnership about

opportunities for the market at large on a larger scale that's when you know that

you're truly building a real estate wholesaling empire and not just chasing

after your first or next deal so in 2006 after closing about seven to ten real

estate wholesaling deals I quickly realized that the typical idea of

available cash buyers sold to us by the Guru's was complete BS first of all

there were too few of them have able to buy the properties I was getting on the

contract in addition to that the few cash buyers typically have 1,001 reasons

why it is not good enough deal for their criteria at first I believed them and

socked around claiming there were no deals I had by us ready to go or so I

thought but the properties I had under contract did not fit their criteria

according to them those were not deals after observing my mentor Anthony a

little bit I realized that he was attracting his end buyers who were not

necessarily cash buyers from the mainstream this buyers were willing to

pay a little more for this discounted properties than 75% off after repair

value I decided to take this idea a little further a built an online

platform that collected first level data aka contacts information from people

interested in properties with inbuilt equity a beauty list of 500 plus by a

process which turned out to be a community that expected my daily email

offers religiously from 2006 to 2008 getting qualified by us for the

properties I had under contract was the least of my issues I would simply send

an email to my list when a property becomes available and a few people would

either be interested in and qualified to buy the contract or

they will have someone in their network who is willing and able collecting data

I'm building my list and network to source buyers was the smallest thing I

did for my real estate wholesaling business back in 2006 the dumbest thing

I did that disposed my business more to the recession in 2008 was to stop

promoting and building that list your favorite gurus and the ones that get

result in the game do the same you can see it in the very same way that you've

consumed the information till now if you watch their video on YouTube they will

encourage you to subscribe like and share that's data collection if you

visited a website they would offer a free subscription to their newsletter

that's data collection if you've visited a website even if you don't subscribe

your data is still being collected that's the modern age after subscribing

through one of the Guru's content distribution channel you would receive

emails and other types of notifications about newest content releases they are

able to create a living connection with you the prospect because they lead with

value in exchange for your contact information basically they collected

your data in previous chapters you learned to lead with value however given

all your knowledge and wisdom away is not enough with any type of marketing

you establish connection with a prospect but in order for you to be able to

continue to serve you need ongoing connection with the prospect that's only

possible when you collect at least force level data from them their contact

information such as email addresses and/or

phone number therefore you are able to continue to send more valuable

information and special offers to them as you build that list your business

grows and as I mentioned before one email offer can pay a monthly mortgage

payment for the month and even more you can create a fully partnership and offer

other people's real estate related products to your subscribers it is also

worth noting that data collection allows you to learn more about your prospect in

proactive and passive ways an example of proactive ways is sending a survey to

your list to learn more about how you can best

serve them when you make data collection the primary objective when marketing its

a guaranteed strategy to better business intelligence and more importantly you

get to create perpetual opportunities to market to your best prospects for free

sales will happen and contracts will be signed without you having to sell it

will have direct and ongoing impact on your bottom line what if you just

download a vacant property leased from list sauce and send them letters could

you still find and close deals sure you can but the chances are a lot less you

can create dead connections but you will need luck and lots of hope to operate

your real estate wholesaling business a dead connection is created when you

don't use the first connection as an opportunity to collect data therefore

not having the ability to continue to connect without additional marketing

expenses so ultimately it depends on the call to action in those letters if your

letters offer the prospect a downloadable from your website in

exchange for their email addresses you will be creating the living connection

because you are collecting data if you are attempting to get a prostitue call

you without data collection you are creating a dead connection if life

happens and they are not able to call you immediately you lost money in

marketing to that prospect and you will have to spend money again in order to

have a chance to get their connection ever again

never spend a dime or a second in time again on marketing without the primary

goal being data collection in addition to collecting fourth level data such as

the contact information the tools nowadays will help you collect more

levels data about the prospect to help you make more intelligent business

decisions when it comes to marketing if you're not collecting data you're not

able to follow up effectively with your prospect both selling and buying

prospers need more than five exposures on an average before deciding to sign

contracts and/or do business with you I'm often tempted to create ads and

content designed to close without data collection

I come from that always be closing ABC sales mindset but things are changing

fast in the modern age ABC stands for always be creating or always be

collecting data ABCD getting contracts signed and closing sales in the modern

age requires business intelligence which is only acquired through data collection

go to my Empire for comm for more information

For more infomation >> Smart Real Estate Wholesaling - THE BOOK - CHAPTER 3 - Data Collection - Duration: 11:28.


Youtube Tips for Makers to Become Content Creators / Importance of SEO and Social Media Engagement - Duration: 17:42.


I run a YouTube channel you do it you see it's a that's my logo on my shirt so

on the content creator now have you heard the term content creator so what

that means is we can great content we publish content on various platforms it

doesn't have to be YouTube it can be twitch give me Twitter Facebook no point

in creating content is to create something that some viewer at least one

viewer the way if you can reach one viewer that's the important thing

I'm also a side company the senior that's the that's the point I'm a side

hustle what's his side mess with him side

hustle means you're employed but then you do things on the side you try to

bring in extra money so if somebody needs to write an at4 and I need to

bring that for myself they want a little application to manage this database I

could do that I can also coach them through the ways

that develop software because I'm a software engineer it's a little bit of

my background as to why I'm able to do that I graduated Drexel University which

is the University in Philadelphia and I went for a lecture one care but I've

always done software my entire life I started in 1981 with Atari 800 Excel

anybody remember Atari so the target 800 XL was my first computer that I own but

I was trained on the trs-80 I was trained on

the Commodore starting with a plea or something goes a little I forget the

name of the computer but I was learning to face it so basic was like my personal

but then I started to learn in assembly and I continued that that was my passion

go on the drexel for electrical engineering allowing me to excel in that

program because I understood that a program so then I specialized in

robotics and it's natural for me to see anything that's robotic elected I'm

immediately called man I need to do talking robotics

now I started working at Siemens ran out of drugs

I was employed there and they guarantee Department as a software engineer so my

skills in software engineering have improved over the years and now I'm

doing nothing I've got me an CNC machine about 11

years ago because then and robotics it's really the same thing now I wish I got

into 3d printing when three clanging those first little dudes

I really wish I did I started that a year ago so I ordered my

Creuset printer had that delivered in April and from that point on I just got

totally involved with the community so I am a maker they everyone here

understands for the matrix a as a maker that means I make things I create them

it's now making to me means that I will use any technology available to me to

create them so originally I was doing woodworking

painting of an artist

I don't do farthing but I do use C&C to do part of informants so I can draw a

fine on the computer I'm just not going with actual carving miscreants so I

would rather use the CNC machine where they beep it to do part of the formula

so in my weaknesses I instead direct towards my strengths to do what other

people can do and amazingly to their hands

so being a woodworker enables me to build many different things and that

table right there is one of the things that I created that I'm most proud of to

this day this is a coffee table that was commissioned for the company that's

local to us they're a film production company and they knew that I lead they

saw some signs that I made electronic signs and they were watching the teacher

and then the TV show they're gonna be futuristic marketing and that was going

to be a focal point of the entire segment where it's a kid show so you

have kids at the table if you remember the Microsoft service when it first was

can see they have a big tablet you would be able to interact with it as a coffee

table that was the concept and between Adobe After Effects they introduced some

special effects on it

and then I saw some of the previews in it and I'm tickled I can't say much more

than that I can't say what the name of the program is there anything it will be

released probably within this year or early next month but I haven't video

series that I'm going to release and building this on my channel and it's

probably going to be an eight-part the 10 part series because it took me about

160 hours over the course of my near Christmas grade

so what events have I partook in and the reason why events are important is

because it allows it engaged in the community so Nick angers here was one of

one of the people who graciously accepted me into the f.3d PCAs

which is right next to my in here which is the Friday night's 3d printing

community hangout and every other Friday we talk about 3d printing we live

streaming uh play and do this acceptance I was able to become the panelist and I

really hated missed the session yet since we met at that night of New York

Maker Faire in September I attended Murph and the reason why I attended mark

is because a special event for all of us who became friends to me so yeah I mean

it's great we talk about 3d printer but really it's an event for us to meet and

chat and talk about the next love of projects that were working on and hey

how's the family what's your next thing going on

now I also help out with them so I slightly the robotics program together

with my wife after the local elementary school where on Friday Friday afternoon

David instead of teaching science class they would work on robotics that was

actually pretty difficult so they would teach Monday through Thursday would be

the regular science and then they would dedicate one period two periods at a

time for a class we're learning robotics that was really beneficial to the kids

now I'm doing earth and everybody knows with her for this so we'll be here next

year also and here I got to meet a lot of people talk talk to everybody here so

I really appreciate you here talking to us

as a YouTube this enables me to take knowledge that I have and share it with

the community but the thing I really like this the knowledge that I have and

I share other community members get to China and they get to tune my ideas so

things that I come up with they're not the ultimate answer other people who

might consider them controls but I look at it a little differently they're

coming at it from a different angle where they have an ability to help you

so you have to be empathetic towards I and that's a that's the approach that I

take with everybody on the platform trying to work with people get the idea

out there that inspire somebody else and that's what the RepRap is if you

look at you sales rep right we look at Midwest rep around you look at the

Rembrandt itself it was all derived from somebody's idea then you have this

printer he's now a vintage source that other people can then build from he

freaked them and looking over here furniture now it's being 3d incredible

you have a needle over here where they're creating hands for those it's

just an amazing technology and I'm really happy to be part of their

cleaning beeps with Eagles legs for the guts in dogs in Boston see

as a youtuber I've learned a lot of things my first year was really slow

girl I was putting content out there maybe recent couple people are telling

the first 100 subscribers what's really told I was banging my mom please create

achievements now please I want you to subscribe and so they're gonna be good

to two subscribers just up from there now to the point where I have 6500

subscribers I mean seven million minutes watch time I appreciated everybody who

subscribed to the channel everybody who interacts with me daily it's really

great and it really motivates me to do more and what I'm trying to say to you

is that you can use anything do you have an idea you do something whether you

think it's special it can replace the oil filter in your cart if you print

this special thing on the front you may not think that special somebody else

might someone you'll find a video that leads into the next topic

then you release the video there's certain things you have to do to make

that video become discover you have to tight on the video properly

you have to put the correct description you have to make sure you do closed

caption you can do it from your voiceover you have to make sure you have

anybody familiar with SEO is the term so it's search engine optimization these

are all things that allow somebody on YouTube to discover your country so for

me one of my biggest videos that really helped me realize that was I need a

video of installing a movie and I left that about three inches from the top of

the ceiling and I placed LEDs around that crown molding

we had a thumbnail that my son helped me mean it was like this blue purple issue

and that was the fun one from that thumbnail

imagine you click on something for a moment and you see calamari but then you

see this room it has this blue light and the world perfectly purpley shoe and fix

it in there also what are you going to click on the white downloading are you

going to click on this blue shoe the room on that video and that's what be so

we've got the complaint where people were searching for family and they would

click on my video well that tells you - hey that's a plus one in the counter

they somebody watched this video and then the next person doesn't that's a

plus - and it keeps increasing and that's it signal and they're called

cygnets that's what we will in youtube calls it's a signal to YouTube that hey

this video might be important so we made news that and it becomes a suggestive

idiom so you want you to do who doesn't want you to write so everybody everybody

here watches YouTube when you bring up the YouTube list you research on

something you'll notice on the right side sometimes on the bottom the mobile

on your aspect you you will see a list of suggested videos well they're already

figuring out then if you like promote you probably will show you my video and

that's what you need to do discover just don't get me video up there and just

like say hi for the title yeah you have to be very descriptive than what the

title is everybody has this capability now I

learned all this Romney pichi pichi bumpers classes it's called weekends as

soon as you sign up and become a creator and you reach one have subscribers the

initial new classes for creative content greater become and each one of these you

take and you're learning from these astute people who understand you so I'm

going to read off some names and I want you may raise your hands if you

recognize okay

so roberto blake you may hear them anyway

tim schmoyer nickname and that one video is also a one-time sale

so these Derral Eve's is a moment these are youtubers being the very

content creator you'd want to try to find out how to become a better BTW i

was learning from these content creators and I'm traveling in August to Dallas to

summit called video marketing and video marketing Rob is where these content

creators 40 of them and the listen I gave you or people who will be in

attendance in addition to others they will be there

to help us understand how we become better content creators

I'm going to take that information and I'm gonna share it with you is what my

experience was all my videos and I say this is what you should probably do is

start consider this because I want to help others become discovered as well

because in the end it's going to help everybody else if your video is going to

be discovered on helvis the next gen cleaning

if via this break 3d printer and you put it up on YouTube and everybody will

mother but nobody can find it it's just going to sit there but you create this

great thing and you make it searchable search engine optimization you doing the

right description proper social media you tagging the Facebook you tag it on

the 3d printing groups in Facebook be tweeting out to your friends that's

what's important doesn't that look at that video discovered and I want you I

want you if you are willing to putting the time to take a video I want you to

get your video out there and I want you to be this one so these names that I

dropped are people who have various degrees of infamous roberto blake

festering their inflated thousand subscribers there are these ease has

five hundred fifty thousand subscribers O&M seth has 35,000 subscribers but the

point is is that he owns a company where he has these other people who we

interact with on a daily basis who are part of this team of influencers who

helps other people and the episode help you financially in such a way they help

you structure your videos to capture revenue now the type of revenue to

consider is affiliate ways even understanding anybody did not understand

what an affiliate like this so I'll explain it an affiliate link is a link

that you click on and a cell is me a partial commission is given to the

person who posted the ability so you can monetize even though they may not have

reached monetization on your YouTube channel as a certain criteria you can

reach monetization through posting links and feelings and they tried using all

that so in conclusion if you want to share something

but in a bit of effort to create a video on YouTube consider other social media

levels twitter facebook Instagram and consider consider the benefit of each of

those platforms for Instagram because the photo and the only have IG TV so IG

TV is the Instagram TV they have aspirations to compete with YouTube to

consider check them out off and lastly on the lead with one thing there's a

book written by Gary Vaynerchuk have you heard of Gary Vaynerchuk Gary Vaynerchuk

is a large influencer who converted his family's vineyard wine business from 5

million dollars to 60 million and he did it all through the boarding school and

finding the finding out that anything that's cool

instead just wanted to deal with making money

through social media we created campaigns - so his family's business

question anyway the second book Russian and those books you understand and then

you'll learn from other content creators of among those together with

rollerblades and such a highly respectable profession that may be thank

you everyone

For more infomation >> Youtube Tips for Makers to Become Content Creators / Importance of SEO and Social Media Engagement - Duration: 17:42.


\\\[INTRO TEMPLATE]:#11[BAD]/// - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> \\\[INTRO TEMPLATE]:#11[BAD]/// - Duration: 0:18.


✅ Roberto Fico: ''Io i porti non li chiuderei''. Salvini: ''Punto di vista personale''. Di Maio: ''N - Duration: 3:07.

 ROMA – Il presidente della Camera Roberto Fico si smarca dalla linea governativa sui migranti e, in visita all'hotspot di Pozzallo dice: ""Io i porti non li chiuderei"

Le parole [App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,- Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] scuotono la maggioranza giallo-verde

 "Dell'immigrazione si deve parlare con intelligenza e cuore", dice il presidente della Camera

Che aggiunge: "Quando si parla di Ong bisogna capire cosa si vuole intendere. Fanno un lavoro straordinario"

E ancora: "L'inchiesta di Palermo archiviata, l'inchiesta di Catania da un anno non cava un ragno dal buco

Quindi bisogna capire bene di chi si parla e chi le finanzia, se non si fa cattiva informazione

Le Ong nel Mediterraneo hanno salvato i migranti". Riguardo alla situazione nell'hotspot, Fico ha ribadito: "Le ong che hanno lavorato qui a Pozzallo hanno fatto lavoro straordinario, me lo hanno confermato il questore, il sindaco e la prefettura"

 Dopo poche ore arrivano però le repliche di Matteo Salvini e Luigi Di Maio.  Il leader del Carroccio chiarisce che quello di Fico è "un suo punto di vista personale"

Il vicepremier leghista allo stesso tempo cerca di smorzare l'impressione che l'esecutivo si possa spaccare sul tema: "Divergenze? Non siamo in una caserma, è giusto che ognuno esprima le proprie idee", risponde Salvini da Pontida, alla vigilia del raduno del partito

"Poi i ministri fanno i ministri. E quindi le scelte sono quelle che gli italiani stanno toccando con mano da quasi un mese"

 La replica di Di Maio. Il governo è compatto sulla linea in tema di immigrazione

Nessuno ha mai chiuso i porti, abbiamo chiuso alle ong che non rispettano le regole

Quelle di Fico sono dichiarazioni del presidente della Camera. Le rispettiamo, ma non è la linea del governo

Sarebbe questo, scrive l'Ansa, il ragionamento che il vicepremier e capo politico del M5s Luigi Di Maio fa in queste ore sul tema dell'immigrazione, di fronte alle dichiarazioni del presidente della Camera Roberto Fico

For more infomation >> ✅ Roberto Fico: ''Io i porti non li chiuderei''. Salvini: ''Punto di vista personale''. Di Maio: ''N - Duration: 3:07.


Kinh Tương Ưng Bộ - Tập 4 THIÊN SÁU XỨ- Chương 1- Tương Ưng Sáu Xứ.17 Phẩm Biển - Duration: 25:32.

For more infomation >> Kinh Tương Ưng Bộ - Tập 4 THIÊN SÁU XỨ- Chương 1- Tương Ưng Sáu Xứ.17 Phẩm Biển - Duration: 25:32.


스페인 측이 이강인 귀화 추진한다는 소식에 감스트 가 보인 반전 반응 - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> 스페인 측이 이강인 귀화 추진한다는 소식에 감스트 가 보인 반전 반응 - Duration: 3:20.


Dying in LA (Panic! At the Disco Cover) - Duration: 3:20.

The moment you arrived, they built you up The sun was in your eyes, you couldn't believe

it Riches all around, you're walking

Stars are on the ground, you start to believe it

Every face along the boulevard Is a dreamer just like you

You looked at death in a tarot card And you saw what you had to do

But nobody knows you now, when you're dying in LA

And nobody owes you now, when you're dying in LA

When you're dying in LA, when you're dying in LA

The power, the power, the power Oh, the power, the power, the power


Nights at the chateau, trapped in your sunset bungalow

You couldn't escape it, yeah Drink of paradise, they told you "Put your

blood on ice" You're not gonna make it

Every face along the boulevard Is a dreamer just like you

You looked at death in a tarot card And you saw what you had to do

But nobody knows you now, when you're dying in LA

And nobody owes you now, when you're dying in LA

When you're dying in LA, when you're dying in LA

The power, the power, the power Oh, the power, the power, the power


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