Online Expert
Орск - Красночабанский - Duration: 12:11.-------------------------------------------
Family says cat saved their lives - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Endnotes Spelling Bee: I Before E - Duration: 3:38.Welcome to the Endnotes Spelling Bee!
In this miniseries I'm following up on the question I asked in my video about Spelling:
what are your spelling pet peeves?
First up, I tackle the dreaded I before E rule.
Viewers RMoribyashi and Silkwesir brought this one up.
So, the main problem with the I before E except after C rule is that it isn't actually a
It's just a mnemonic invented in the 19th century.
It doesn't reflect any reality about the phonological histories or etymologies of the
words, it's just meant to work in many but not all circumstances.
And the common formulation of the mnemonic isn't complete anyway, as it should have
in its full form some sort of restriction as in "I before E except after C or when
sounded as A as in neighbour and weigh" or "I before E except after C when the sound
is E".
These fuller forms catch some of the exceptions, but not all, such as sufficient and plurals
of words that end in <cy> like frequencies (with a <c> followed by an <i>), and seize
(with an <ei> pronounced /i/ not /eɪ).
The underlying problem here is that a number of different vowel sounds are represented
by these two letter combinations, vowel sounds that changed in different ways over time and
came from a number of different source languages.
This is in part a function of the English language having contained, over its long history,
far more distinct vowel sounds than vowel letters to represent them, so that the same
couple of vowel combinations were introduced again and again in different contexts as the
sounds changed.
For instance the word eight comes from Old English eahte or æhta, which became ehte
in Early Middle English, diphthongized to eighte in later Middle English because it
was followed by a guttural sound, which was then dropped to leave us with Modern English
The commonly cited exceptions neighbour and weigh followed similar paths.
A number of words with the <ei> and <ie> spellings come from Old French ultimately from Latin
with a number of different vowel sounds: Latin vena with an <e> becomes Old French veine
and English vein with an /eɪ pronunciation, while Latin brevis becomes bref in Old French
and Middle English and brief in Modern English.
Latin decipere (a prefixed form of capere) becomes Old French decevoir and English deceive
with an /i/ pronunciation.
Latin licere becomes Old French and Middle English leisir and Modern English leisure.
Latin sufficiens with two distinct vowel sounds keeps the same <ie> as it goes from Old French
to Modern English sufficient.
And finally the Latin adverb foris produced the Medieval Latin adjective foraneus which
becomes Old French forain and has a number of Middle English forms such as ferren, foran,
foreyne before settling down as Modern English foreign.
And that still doesn't cover it all.
As viewer The Hard Problem2 quipped, "'I' before 'E', except after 'C', and when sounding
like 'A' as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh' and all throughout August and the month of May
and you'll always be wrong no matter what you say!"
I'll be continuing to respond to your comments and suggestions in more Spelling Bee videos
intermittently for the next while, in between other main videos.
Thanks for all the responses, you've given me lots to work with!
As always, you can hear even more etymology and history, as well as interviews with a
wide range of fascinating people, on the Endless Knot Podcast, available on all the major podcast
platforms as well as our other YouTube channel.
Thanks for watching!
TEMPURA at Hakata Tempura Takao - Fukuoka Vlog - Duration: 5:24.-------------------------------------------
3 Ways to Create a Gel Polish and Oil Design - Nail Hacks. - Duration: 23:06.-------------------------------------------
2018 Suzuki Net II added stamp of Suzuki GSX-R150 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
VI Lệnh FILLET không hoạt động trong AutoCAD - Duration: 0:41.Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about.
When using the FILLET command in AutoCAD, the results are incorrect or it does not work at all.
TRIMMODE variable is set to a value of 0 which results in selected objects or line segments not being trimmed before the fillet is added.
On the command line in AutoCAD, type TRIMMODE and set the value to 1.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video,
And visit, our website,
How an Existing Diabetes Drug Controls Pancreatic Cancer | Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Duration: 2:46.Existing diabetic drug controlled spiked Reata cancer tag - diabetes mellitus is
considered to play important roles in tumorigenesis and development of
pancreatic cancer insulin resistance and upregulated insulin-like growth factor
in type 2 diabetes mellitus are proposed to be the mechanisms underpinning the
disease onset new research suggests that targeting a particular cell signaling
pathway with the diabetes drug of metformin might offer a way to stop the
progression and spread of pancreatic cancer pancreatic cancer pancreatic
cancer is a cancer that starts in the cells of the pancreas which is an organ
behind the stomach that helps with the digestion and blood sugar control
because frankly healthy cancer is hard to detect in the early stages most cases
are not diagnosed until the disease has started to spread this makes it harder
to treat and often leaves people with much poorer prospects compared with the
other types of cancer this interest has led to clinical trials in that or
testing metformin not only as a cancer treatment but also as a way to prevent
cancer in people at higher risk such as those who have already had one cancer
and have a higher risk of developing another type metformin metformin is an
anti-diabetic drug commonly prescribed for patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus but recently increasing evidence has
indicated that metformin can decrease the risk of developing pancreatic cancer
in patients wait the concurrent type two diabetes mellitus however this effect
has not been observed with other antibiotic agents Miraval subsequent
experimental studies have also confirmed the anti-tumor effect of metformin
both in vitro and in vivo which provided a rationale for clinical use of
metformin in cancer treatment several meta-analysis have shown that metformin
decreases the risk of pancreatic cancer however some studies have suggested that
the effect of metformin delivery varied among a pancreatic cancer patients with
different tumor stage and therefore analysis of
groups by tumor stage was performed in addition all studies involved in the
meta-analysis where cohort studies and the results of to our cities have been
published recently consequently further meta-analysis is required thank you for
watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
శ్రీకృష్ణుడు చంద్రబింబం చూడడం వల్ల...|| Lakshmi Vaibhavam || Pooja TV Telugu - Duration: 11:05.
Woman facing OUI charges in crash that injured officer - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Những Ca Khúc trữ Tình Dân Ca Hay Nhất 2018 | Tím Ruột Bầm Gan - Duration: 1:06:14.-------------------------------------------
لن تصدقي كيف يبدعن في تزيين الكيك 🎂 وصنع الحلوي بطرق وتقنيات غريبة والنتيجة غير متوقعة 😲 - Duration: 12:04.-------------------------------------------
Using Google Analytics to Fix Business Problems | CXL Institute GA for Beginners Microlessson - Duration: 2:01.One of the things that excites me the most about Google
Analytics is that it can be used
to fix problems on your website.
What do I mean by "fix the problems?" It means
to identify those problems.
I'll give you an example.
Once I was looking
with a retailer at their goal
flow report,
and that report
showed people bouncing back
and forth between different stages
in the checkout. They said,
"Oh! We didn't realize that.
Why would people be bouncing back
and forth between stages of the checkout?"
Well when we investigated it further,
we found that the cart was dropping
products and people were like,
"Hey where'd my product go,
I'm trying to check out
with it?" So by fixing the
code problem on the website,
they were immediately able
to increase
their revenue because people weren't having problems.
Digital properties,
or websites are always
full of problems. People are fixing them all the time.
They're spending good money
on developers to build these applications
and to keep them
in order.
So using Google
Analytics, you can track JavaScript
errors, you can see "Are there problems
with cross-browser compatibility?"
There's all sorts of technical problems
that can arise that actually have a
business impact, that impact
user experience negatively,
and thereby impact the bottom
So through a smart
implementation of Google Analytics
and looking at the right places
within the reporting,
you'll be able to see where those areas
of friction are,
identify areas where users
are having trouble on the site where things
are indeed actually broken in
terms of that site experience,
and then you can go in
and fix them
and thereby really make a strong
business impact.
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